
Chapter 723

Chapter 723
Early in the morning, Wang Hao hurried to the Xuanfu envoy to report to Chen Qing the results of last night's battle.

"Reporting to the king of the county, the inner guards took the Nanlin winery and the secret place, and they acted at the same time. They arrested [-] black warriors and killed [-] of them. The leader of the warriors, Li Tieqing, committed suicide by taking poison. And [-] other intelligence personnel, but unfortunately the whereabouts of the intelligence leader Jinhuhu are unknown, and Li Tieqing, the only one who knows his hiding place, committed suicide."

"Are there any other dens?"

"I've been interrogated by the humble officer. They only have Nanlin Winery in Jingzhao. The money they earn every year supports their expenses. There is also a Nanlin Winery in Chengdu. The inferior officer has already sent a letter to the inner guards of Chengdu to eradicate it."

"How is Yang Qi?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Reporting to the king of the county, Yang Qi was poisoned by the golden fox. The golden fox put the poison in the wine. It was intended to be poisoned together with Chao Qing. For some reason, Chao Qing didn't drink the glass of wine and poured the wine on the ground. ,Escaped."

"Where's Yang Qi's family?"

Wang Hao sighed, "His wife and mother were killed, and the youngest son also died. The eldest son was studying in Taixue and lived in Taixue, so he escaped. In addition, we found this behind his bookcase."

Wang Hao put a folded paper book on the table and pushed it to Chen Qing.

"what is this?"

"This is the list of information Yang Qi provided to the other party, and he recorded it in detail.

Chen Qing looked at the brochure and sighed, "We are also responsible for Yang Qi's depravity. We paid his eldest son [-] coins from the seized property so that he can properly bury his family."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Chen Qing asked Zhang Xuan again, "Is Chao Qing here?"

"Report to the county king, he is here."

"Let him come in and see me!"

Zhang Xuan went out, and after a while, he walked in quickly with Chao Qing.

Chao Qing stayed up almost all night, his eyes were red from the heat, he bowed and said: "See the county king for the humble job!"

"Where did you spend the night last night?" Chen Qing asked.

"Reporting to the king of the county, I spent the night in the inner guard."

"Is there anything missing at home?"

Chao Qing shook his head, "Although the house has been turned into a mess, there is no loss."

Chen Qing looked at him for a moment and asked, "Why did you go to the secret realm with Yang Qi?"

"Humble job doesn't want to go at all, he invites again and again, it really can't get in the way of sympathy, and humble job will never go again next time."

Chen Qing nodded and asked again: "Yang Qi drank a glass of wine, but you didn't drink it. Did you find something?"

Chao Qing was taken aback, "The humble job just dislikes Yang Qi, and I don't want to drink his wine or eat his food. Is there something wrong with that wine?"

Chen Qing laughed dumbly and said, "It's your fate!"

Chao Qing suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, if he drank the imperial jade liquid wine last night.
"Go! Pack up and leave early tomorrow morning."

"Follow your orders!"

Chao Qing's legs were weak, and he walked away with deep kicks and shallow kicks.

Chen Qing immediately said to Wang Hao: "Reorganize again, comb carefully, don't let go of a single detail, there should be gains!"

In the three caves of the cunning rabbit, the golden fox changed his residence overnight.

At dawn, Golden Fox also got the news that all fifty of his warriors were wiped out, Li Tieqing was also dead, and eighteen spies were arrested. It's all over.

This news made Golden Fox feel heartbroken. A small mistake led to such serious consequences that almost the entire intelligence network was destroyed.

Li Wenzhu persuaded him: "The manager is still alive, so he is very lucky. If there are no more subordinates, we can add more. As long as we learn from this lesson, we will be more cautious next time, let alone make mistakes!"

The golden fox sighed and said: "In the end, I underestimated the enemy. I underestimated the opponent's inner guard. When I found out that Chao Qing had escaped, I should have evacuated everyone. It was a step too late!"

When the golden fox got the news that Chao Qing hadn't returned home, he realized something was wrong, and immediately ordered everyone to evacuate, but it was still a step too late. Before they could escape, the inner guard soldiers surrounded Nanlin Winery.

He changed his residence in time, but none of his men escaped.

Of course, there was an element of luck on both sides. If Chao Qing didn't have a good friend who served as the judge in the inner guard, he would have died last night, and Nanlin Winery would not have been discovered.

If Li Jianqing hadn't committed suicide by taking poison, Golden Fox would have been arrested even if he changed his residence. Li Jianqing knew all of his residences.

Li Wenzhu comforted, "We have operated Nanlin Winery for many years, and of course the manager will not give up easily. The situation last night was special, and it's not because the manager didn't think carefully."

Golden Fox shook his head and said, "You don't need to comfort me anymore. I will take responsibility for it. Jingzhao's Nanlin Winery has been wiped out. Now I am worried about Chengdu's Nanlin Winery. Have you notified them of the transfer?"

"The pigeon letter has been sent!"

Golden Fox nodded, "From now on, all actions must be stopped, and we must survive the test of life and death before we can consider making a comeback!"

In the afternoon of that day, Jin Hu and others quietly left Jingzhao City, went to live in the surrounding small counties, and completely hibernated, and there was no news of them in Jingzhao City.

Before dawn the next day, Chen Qing boarded a three-thousand-stone ship heading east at Jingzhao Wharf, and under the escort of six thousand cavalry on both sides of the strait, he headed for Tongzhou in a mighty manner.

Tongzhou is located in the easternmost part of Guanzhong. At the end of last year, a group of elderly people petitioned and pushed Tongzhou to the forefront. The land issue in Guanzhong, which had been covered up for a long time, was also uncovered because of the Tongzhou incident.

Although it has been found out that Jin Fox, the intelligence leader of Jin State, is the driving force behind the incident in Tongzhou. He spent money to subsidize more than [-] old people to come to Jingzhao to file a complaint.

His intention in doing so was also very simple, to let Chen Qing leave the heavily guarded Jingzhao Mansion and create opportunities for assassination in other places.

It's a pity that on the eve of Chen Qing's departure, the golden fox failed in a small adventure, which brought disaster to the Jin Kingdom's intelligence network.

Although the assassination is no longer possible, the Tongzhou land incident uncovered by Golden Fox has become the focus of attention of the entire Guanzhong officialdom. The Tongzhou land incident is by no means an isolated case, and similar incidents have occurred in all counties in Guanzhong.

The root cause of the Tongzhou land incident was the invasion of Jin soldiers, which caused a large number of people in Guanzhong to flee south to Bashu, causing a large number of unowned farmlands to appear in various parts of Guanzhong. This immeasurable land wealth made countless people envious.

At this time, in order to supply food for the Jinbing soldiers, the puppet state of Qi issued a farm-raising order, forcibly relocating nearly a million farmers from the states in northern Shaanxi to enter Guanzhong, and demanded that the unowned land in Guanzhong be distributed to them.

This farm-raising decree became a good opportunity for big landlords to reap land, and it also became a good opportunity for Puppet Qi officials to make a fortune. The main cultivated land has changed owners again.

It is full of irony that the real farmers in northern Shaanxi only received a few acres of Susukida symbolically because they could not afford bribes, and then became tenant farmers.

The Land Feast ended a few years ago. When the Western Army reoccupied Shaanxi Road, in order to stabilize order, it was not touched.

But the matter did not end. When Guanzhong began to become prosperous again, a large number of Guanzhong people who fled to Bashu returned to their hometowns, only to find that their ancestral lands had become the property of others. Of course they quit, and the conflicts gradually intensified.

The wasteland reclamation order issued by Chen Qing last year was actually launched against this background, allowing these Guanzhong people who returned to Bashu to reclaim wasteland and cultivate land, and the government recognized their land rights.

The effect of the land reclamation order is still good, adding millions of acres of new farmland, but it has little effect on solving the remaining land problems.

There are two reasons. One is that the returned Guanzhong peasants demanded to take back their ancestral land and refused to accept wasteland.

Second, wasteland is mainly concentrated in Binzhou, Jingzhou, Ningzhou, and Fangzhou in the middle of Shaanxi Road, while there is not much wasteland in Guanzhong area, and these people are unwilling to leave Guanzhong.

The contradictions are getting more and more acute. More than [-] elderly people coming to Jingzhao to file a collective complaint are just a wake-up call. If the land issue is still not resolved, tens of thousands of people will flood into Jingzhao. The number one issue had to be resolved.

Chen Qing's trip to the same state will naturally attract the attention of the people and officials in Guanzhong.

(End of this chapter)

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