
Chapter 724 Cases

Chapter 724 Cases
This morning, the fleet entered Luoshui, and soon arrived at Fengyi County, the prefecture of Tongzhou. Go to the pier to meet Chen Qing.

Chen Qing and the others saluted one by one, then got into the carriage and drove towards the city under the strict guard of hundreds of cavalry.

In the state office, Chen Qing listened to the report from Jiang Kuangyuan, the order of the first department of the Supervision Department, who was responsible for verifying the land case in the same state.

"There are two land cases in Tongzhou. One happened in Heyang County. The current magistrate Wang Xingmi used to be the magistrate of Heyang County, and the county captain was Han Sangnong.

Wang Xingmi later became the governor of Tongzhou, and in Fengyi County, he used the method of making false accounts to buy [-] mu of official land from the government in the name of his wife and brother. Qianguan money, this money was allocated to Jin Bing shortly after it entered the account. In fact, it was falsely recorded. He didn't pay a penny. "

These Chen Qing had already read the report, and Chen Qing asked again: "How many families pretend to be ordinary people in northern Shaanxi to apply for land, and how much land is involved?"

"Before the humble job, I investigated Han Sangnong and Wang Xingmi. The investigation has been completed. I just started to investigate the fraudulent territory. The county official who made false accounts in order to make meritorious service and atone for his crimes. He took out a record. He secretly copied it back then, in Fengyi County at that time. Thirty-three families took their land, involving [-] mu."

"Have you verified it?" Chen Qing asked.

"Haven't had time to verify it yet."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Take the list, let's go and have a look."

Leading them was Li Kuan, the magistrate of Fengyi County. He knew all the big households on the list. The first household was Wang Yuanwai's family from Xiaoqiu Village in the east of the city. Ueda.

Wang Yuanwai is called Wang Qiang. He is about fifty years old. He is very shrewd and good at drilling camps. When the Jin soldiers came to kill him, he actively donated food. He also reaped benefits from the [-] acres of unused land in the same village, and he took [-] acres of them. Twenty-one farmers from northern Shaanxi who migrated from northern Shaanxi divided the other [-] acres, and all of them were reduced to him in the end. sharecroppers.

As people from the same village came back one after another, Wang Qiang had a hard time in the past two years. Whenever she went out, she was blocked and abused by the villagers. Wang Qiang also continued to spend money to manage the county, hoping that the county could support her. It's not bad, at least he still occupies [-] acres of land.

But today his good days finally came to an end. More than a dozen senior officials and thousands of soldiers appeared on his property, scaring him and brought his two sons to visit him.

Today is the [-]st day of the first lunar month, the biting chill is no longer in the air, and the snow in the fields has begun to melt. In half a month, the winter wheat seeds planted in late autumn last year will thrive.
Chen Qing looked around, and there were endless wheat fields all around. The shadow of the village could be seen on the edge of the wheat field, and there were thick trees growing beside the ditches.

At this time, Li Kuan, the county magistrate, brought up three people, who were Wang Qiang and his son.

Wang Qiang finally met the county magistrate, who was never easy to please. Unexpectedly, the magistrate turned out to be the smallest official here, and the tall general in the middle turned out to be the famous Chen Qing, the lord of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and even the magistrate nodded and bowed beside him.

Wang Qiang and her two sons came forward and knelt down to kowtow, Wang Qiang said in a trembling voice, "Xiaomin Wang Qiang kowtows to the county king!"

Chen Qing pointed to the large piece of land around him and asked, "Is this piece of land yours?"


"Is there a title deed?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Wang Qiang quickly took out a thick stack of land deeds, and handed it to Li Kuan, the county magistrate, who then presented it to Chen Qing.

Chen Qing flipped through it and asked, "How much of this is your ancestral land?"

"Reporting to the county king, there are a total of [-] mu of Shangtian, [-] mu of Xiaoren's ancestral land, and the other [-] mu were purchased a few years ago."

"Basically, they were purchased in Shaoxing in the second year?"


"How much did you pay for it?"

"One hundred and fifty pennies." Wang Qiang did not dare to tell lies, and confessed honestly.

"The one hundred and fifty guan is not a purchase, is it? You bribed the magistrate at the time, right?" Chen Qing's tone became colder.

Wang Qiang wiped the sweat off her forehead, and said in a low voice, "From Xiaomin's point of view, they are all the same thing!"

Chen Qing snorted coldly, "At that time, the Northern Shaanxi Farmers' Order stipulated that farmers from northern Shaanxi moved south to Guanzhong, and each household was granted [-] to [-] acres of land. Are you a farmer from northern Shaanxi?"

Wang Qiang knew that a catastrophe was imminent, so he bit the bullet and said, "Xiaomin also knew that it was not in compliance with the regulations, but at that time it was done like this everywhere. At that time, the county magistrate even came to my house and hinted that if I give money, he can give me more. As for the land, my family only has twenty taels of silver and fifty pennies, and I gave them all, so he gave me five hundred and fifty acres of land, and begged the county king to check it out!"

All the officials nearby looked at each other in blank dismay. This old boy was indeed very shrewd. He shifted all the responsibility to the former magistrate, as if he was forced to grant the land. Anyway, the former magistrate had already left, so there was no way to prove it.

Chen Qing said coldly: "Everyone says they were forced, in fact! They got the most benefits, so I don't think you were forced, it was you who took the initiative to bribe to occupy the land illegally."

Wang Qiang's lower body became hot, and urine flowed down the trousers. Illegally occupying hundreds of acres of land would be decapitated!He was so frightened that he was completely paralyzed, and the two sons hurriedly supported him, one on the left and one on the right. They were also terrified, for fear that the soldiers would drag their father down and behead him if the county king gave an order.

Chen Qing glanced at the officials behind him again. He handled the case himself today, and he wanted to set up a case for all the officials in Guanzhong. All similar lands should be dealt with according to today's case, otherwise the officials would break the law.

The three clerks recorded very quickly, and basically wrote down every sentence Chen Qing said.

Especially the last sentence just now, 'I don't think you were forced, it was you who took the initiative to bribe to occupy the land illegally. '

This sentence is qualitative, it is illegal occupation of land.

"Jun Wang, spare your life! Spare me!" Wang Qiang pleaded with snot and tears.

"You don't have to be afraid. I didn't say that you forcibly occupied the land. The nature is different. You just took advantage of the loophole. You don't deserve death."

When Wang Qiang heard that he was not going to be killed, he was relieved for a long time. Once his fear of death was gone, he became nervous again. What about his own land?
Chen Qing turned around and asked the county magistrate, "How much is the land here?"

Li Kuan quickly asked the county magistrate behind him, bowed and said: "Qijun Wang, according to the price of last month's transaction, the price of Shangtian is six guanqian per mu."

Chen Qing frowned, "Is it so cheap?"

Jiang Kuangyuan, the commander of the Supervision Department, also whispered: "Jingzhao Mansion Shangtian is ten guan yuan per mu. Because Tongzhou is close to Shanzhou and Guozhou, the price cannot go up. It is true that Shangtian only costs six guan yuan per mu. The humble official has just investigated Pass."

"Okay! Let's count at six guans per mu!"

Chen Qing said in a stern tone: "You illegally occupied [-] mu of land, of which [-] mu of land must be taken back by the government, and the title deed shall be revoked. The remaining [-] mu of land cannot be used because you are not a farmer in northern Shaanxi. The right to grant land, but I can give you a choice, either you return the land to the government, or you buy it at six guan dollars per mu, deducting the [-] guan money you paid before, you need to pay [-] guan Money, you choose."

Wang Qiang sat down on the ground, "Four hundred and fifty pennies!" He was so sad that he couldn't say a word, and Chen Qing said to Li Kuan, the magistrate, "He said he gave the former magistrate [-] guan, and he must be asked to produce evidence. The records from that year are also acceptable. What is the name of the former magistrate?"

"It's called Ma Changxing!"

"Want me this Ma Changxing, use Grade A wanted arrest, and offer a reward of [-] guan!"

Level A wanted people are wanted all over the world. Although they can't reach the Central Plains, there are many bounty hunters in Jianghu who specialize in getting rewards for the government's arrest of criminals. Five hundred guan is enough to tempt many bounty hunters.

More importantly, the Class A arrest warrant will be upgraded. If you do not voluntarily surrender within one year, you will be sentenced to death in absentia, and the arrest warrant will be upgraded to a reward for the head.

So once wanted, unless you have the ability and power to protect yourself, you will take the initiative to surrender to avoid being beheaded by bounty hunters for rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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