
Chapter 725 Shan County

Chapter 725 Shan County
At this time, Wang Qiang's eldest son, Wang Fei, kowtowed and said, "Report to the county king, the villain still has something to report!"

"What else?"

"Last year, we reached a contract with three families and purchased their ancestral land of [-] mu at the price of three pennies per mu. May I ask the king of the county, is this contract legal?"

"They all signed it?"

"They all signed and signed, and there was an intermediary. We also paid taxes to the government."

Chen Qing nodded, "Since this contract is between you and me, although the price is a little lower, it is still legal. The [-] mu of land can be removed from the [-] mu of land. You only need to pay the remaining [-] mu of land [-] guan The money is enough, but the other [-] mu of land is illegal and must be taken back.”

Jiang Kuangyuan, the First Department of the Supervision Department, nodded secretly, adhering to principles without losing tolerance. This is a classic judgment case and must be promoted throughout Guanzhong.

Two days later, Chen Qing tried another major land case in Heyang and created another case. The county captain Han Sangnong turned all his relatives into farmers in northern Shaanxi, and each family was granted two to three hundred acres of land. acquired [-] acres of land.

The nature of this case is different from that of Wang Yuanwai. It is an official who used his power to occupy the land privately. Therefore, all the land of Han Sangnong’s relatives was confiscated and owned by the government. There was no choice, and Han Sangnong was dismissed on the spot.

This is the second typical case involving officials' land.

And the third case is the big case of Zhizhou Wang Xingmi, involving nearly [-] mu of land. This case is even worse. He didn't bother to pretend to be a farmer in northern Shaanxi to take advantage of policy loopholes. Instead, he bought [-] mu of land with empty gloves. The idle land involves Fengyi County, Heyang County and Hancheng County.

In the name of his brother-in-law, Wang Xingmi successively purchased [-] mu of land from the government at a price of [-] yuan per mu. All done.

If it weren't for Han Sangnong and the county officials to expose him in order to exonerate him, this matter would really not have been discovered.

Wang Xingmi was confiscated of all his land and removed from all official posts. Both he and his brother-in-law were sentenced to exile in Yantian as coolies for five years.

This is the third typical major case, ten times worse than the case of Han Sang Nonggeng. He was an official who personally seized the land, and the crime was aggravated.

The judgments of three typical cases were printed, and Chen Qing ordered them to be distributed to all parts of Guanzhong, and ordered to be implemented by reference.

After the land case was over, Chen Qing came to Pujin Pass, where an army of [-] was assembled, led by Yang Zaixing and Liu Cui.

But Chen Qing's real goal is not Hedong, but Shanzhou and Guozhou.

Shanzhou is a narrow and long state, including the narrow and long states on both sides of the Yellow River. The south bank of the Yellow River is the old road of Weihan, and the north bank of the Yellow River is also a long and narrow area, located between the Zhongtiao Mountains and the Yellow River.

The north bank of the Yellow River is not difficult to attack. From Fenglingdu to cross the Yellow River and attack all the way, the enemy's garrison is not many, only a few thousand people. The difficulty is the south bank of the Yellow River, including Weihan Old Road, Hangu Pass and Shanxian County. They are all extremely hard to crack.

However, what Chen Qing considered was hard attack and outsmart.

On the second night after arriving at the Pujinguan camp, Chen Qing led an army of [-] troops to the south and headed for Tongguan.

Chen Qing divided his troops into three groups, one with Liu Cui as the commander, crossed the Yellow River from Fenglingdu, and captured the northern part of the Yellow River in Shanzhou, and the other with Liu Qiong as the commander, leading an army of [-] to capture Guozhou.

And Chen Qing personally led an army of [-], with Yang Zaixing as the deputy general, and Niu Gao as the vanguard, to attack Weihan's old way.

Since it is called outsmarting, Chen Qing's chess pieces have already been laid quietly
Shan County is located in the east extension of the Qinling Mountains and the intersection of Funiu Mountain, Xionger Mountain and Xiao Mountain. The terrain is complex and dangerous. The county seat is located on the terrace on the south bank of the Yellow River. "The strategic position is extremely important.

Because of its important strategic position, Shan County's military status is also very prominent. The circumference of the city is about [-] miles, and the city wall is as high as three feet. It is strong and generous, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Ten years ago, Song general Li Yanxian and Wanyan Loushi fought a bloody battle with [-] Jin soldiers, and they defended Shanzhou for two years. Finally, the food ran out. Shan County was attacked by Jin soldiers with giant catapults. Died in a bloody battle.

Although seven years have passed, the traces of the smoke and fire of that year can still be seen on the city wall, and the impact crater on the city wall is still shocking.

However, the order in the city was gradually restored, with a population of more than [-]. Since the Puppet Qi did not prohibit commercial exchanges with Shaanxi Road, Shan County became an important transit point for east-west trade, and the business was very prosperous.

Every day, there is an endless stream of merchants entering and leaving the city. This morning, a caravan of more than [-] people came from the west, carrying hundreds of camels and fully loaded with goods. This is a relatively large-scale caravan. , the leader of the caravan is Qiao Lin, a native of Luoyang, who is well-known on the Weihan Ancient Road, and is known to both the generals and soldiers defending the city.

After Qiao Lin paid a few cups of tea money to the generals defending the city according to the rules, he led the camel team into the city. The first step in entering the city was to pay taxes. This caused complaints from merchants. On the contrary, Sichuan and Shaanxi exempted commercial taxes. The consequence of this was that a large amount of copper money flowed into the Central Plains and a large amount of materials flowed into Guanzhong.

As far as the puppet Qi is concerned, the harm of this one-way flow of materials is not yet visible. On the contrary, a large amount of copper coins entered the Central Plains, which made the official copper coins abundant and the army also had money to pay salaries.

Therefore, there are not many caravans like Qiao Lin bringing goods into the city. In the past, Qiao Lin would have a big fight with the tax collectors, thinking that their valuation was too high, but today he was very silent and paid the tax happily. The tax collectors felt strange and made fun of him.

"Old Qiao, did you get squeezed out by a woman last night, so you don't have the energy to quarrel today?"

The tax collectors laughed, but Qiao Lin didn't bother them, and went to the inn after paying the tax.

The inn is right next to the city gate. It is called the Three Bridges Inn. This bridge means Qiao Lin. He owns [-]% of the inn. The third is Du Sanlang, his brother-in-law, who is also a big businessman. home inn.

Seeing no one around, Qiao Lin said to a tall, black and thin man behind him: "Tangtou, there is no problem with the inn. My nephew is in charge of it. You can ask other brothers in the city to move here."

This Tang head is Tang Qian, the scout leader of the Song Army. He made great contributions in the later period of the Xixia War and has resumed his original position. County lurks.

Tang Qian nodded, "I see, let's stay here first!"

The key person Guan Shigu introduced to Chen Qing was not Qiao Lin. Qiao Lin was just a businessman.

Next to Tang Qian was a scribe in his thirties. His name was Yang Jin, and he was Guan Shigu's aide. Guan Shigu recommended him to Chen Qing.

The biggest tycoon in Shanzhou is called Yang Gongran. The Yang family is a branch of the Hongnong Yang family. It moved to Shanzhou at the end of the Tang Dynasty. He also served as the magistrate of Shanxian County and Sima of Henan Prefecture.

And Yang Jin is Yang Gongran's second son, so Guan Shigu dared to pat his chest to Chen Qing and promise to win Shan County.

After everyone stayed in the inn, Tang Qian went to the city to find the twenty or so brothers who had infiltrated earlier, while Yang Jin went back to the Yang Mansion to meet his father.

(End of this chapter)

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