
Chapter 726 The Yang Family

Chapter 726 The Yang Family
Yang Gongran is about sixty years old, and he is well maintained. He looks like he is in his forties, and there is no wrinkle on his face.

Although he seldom goes out, he is very concerned about the changes in the general situation of the world, which is related to the vital interests of his Yang family.

In the study, Yang Gong was a little dissatisfied and said: "Erlang, what's the matter with you, aren't you working as an aide for Guan Shigu in Jingzhao?"

When Guan Shigu was idle, Yang Gongran wrote several times asking his son to come back, but Yang Jin would not come back, and he would not listen to his father's advice at all.

Now that Guan Shigu has been reused as one of the Five Pavilions, but his son has returned, how can Yang Gongran be happy?

Yang Jin smiled and said, "Can't I come back and visit my father and mother?"

"You really just came back to visit relatives?" Yang Gongran really didn't believe it.

"Actually, the king of the county sent the child back."

"Chen Qing?"

Yang Jin nodded, "The boy shoulders the important task entrusted by the county king."

Yang Gongran changed his mind, and immediately realized, "Could it be that King Jin wants to attack Shanzhou?"

"Not only Shanzhou, but also Guozhou."

"Of course, Shanzhou and Guozhou are one. He asked you to come back. Could it be that he wants our Yang family to contribute?"

"Father, this is an opportunity for our Yang family. The county king clearly told me that if the Yang family can help win Shanzhou, father can be appointed as the governor of Guozhou, and the elder brother will be the magistrate of Shanxian county."

Yang Gongran shook his head, "First, he thinks too highly of my Yang family, and the Yang family doesn't have the ability; second, Liu Yu promised me to know the affairs of Shanzhou, but he was still the emperor of Qi, so he talked like farting .”

Yang Jin secretly sighed in his heart, his father is good in every aspect, but he is too philistine, there is no real benefit, don't want him to contribute.

Yang Jin took out a letter from his bosom and handed it to his father, "This is a letter written by the king of the county, father, please read it!"

There was Chen Qing's handwritten letter, Yang Gongran was overjoyed, he quickly took the letter, and complained to his son: "There is a letter written by the county king, why didn't you show it earlier?"

"Didn't I just say that? The county king made a clear promise"

"Don't say such useless words, hurry up and find your eldest brother, and then close the courtyard door, and no one is allowed to enter the courtyard to eavesdrop."

Yang Gong really didn't believe in verbal promises, but he believed in written promises, especially in Chen Qing's position, being able to use written promises was basically a promise.

Yang Jin hurriedly got up to look for his brother, Yang Gongran opened the letter and began to read it carefully.

Not long after, Yang Jin and his elder brother Yang Chu returned to the study together. Yang Chu was only one year older than Yang Jin. The two had studied together in Tokyo Taixue and had a very deep relationship.

Yang Chu was the eldest son, and his family found a relationship to find him an official position in Guozhou. He worked as the chief secretary of Lushi County for two years. After the war broke out, he resigned and stayed at home.

The second child, Yang Jin, also found a relationship and recommended him to Guan Shigu as an aide. Yang Jin's handwriting is very beautiful, and Guan Shigu likes it very much.

"Da Lang, your brother told you!"

Yang Chu nodded, "Father, I also think this is an opportunity for the Yang family."

"You read the letter before you talk."

Yang Gongran handed the letter to the eldest son, Yang Chu read the letter, hesitantly said: "The inside and outside should cooperate to seize Shan County, I'm afraid we have too few manpower to accomplish anything!"

"No! No! No!"

Yang Jin hurriedly said: "We don't need to send anyone out, there are already [-] elites lurking in the city, led by Tang Qian, the chief scout of the Western Army, but they will trip over the defenders at critical moments!"

Yang Gongran said slowly: "Actually, I have an idea!"

Outside Tongguan, the camp where the [-] troops were stationed could not be seen at a glance. The large tent of the Chinese army was brightly lit, and all the generals stood in front of a sand table, meditating silently. They had just received the latest information. Thousands of people, so that the strength of Hangu Pass reached [-], and an additional [-] troops were sent to Yanxiang County. The intention of defending the pass is very strong.

Yang Zaixing pondered for a moment and said: "Kong Yanzhou probably didn't know our intention to attack Shanzhou, he was only nervous because the king of the county appeared in Tongzhou. After all, Kong Yanzhou was defeated by the king of the county, and all the confidants died in the hands of the king of the county. , It's normal for him to react strongly to the county king."

"That is to say, there are Kong Yanzhou's spies in Tongzhou?" Chen Qing asked slowly.

"This should be!"

"Then we're gathering troops outside Tongguan, doesn't he know about it?"

Yang Zaixing thought for a while and said, "Maybe he knows, but maybe he doesn't know."

Everyone realized that this problem was serious. If Kong Yanzhou found out about the Song army's plan and reported it to the puppet Qi court, Generalissimo Zhe Keqiu of the Henan Prefecture would definitely lead an army to rescue them, and their plan to attack Shanzhou would fail.

Intelligence chief Hu Yanlei said: "As far as I know, Zhe Keqiu has a bad relationship with Liu Yu, and also has conflicts with Kong Yanzhou. Liu Yu may not be able to persuade him to go to support Shanzhou."

Chen Qing shook his head, "Liu Yu has been abolished, Wanyan Wushu is the one who really decides, Kong Yanzhou also reported to him, he will definitely order Zhe Keshi to support Shanzhou, Zhe Keshi dare not not come, I am most worried that even if we attack Going down to Hangu Pass, the reinforcements will also arrive in Shan County, that is not the result I want."

Everyone was silent, everyone understood the meaning of the king of the county, although the capture of Hangu Pass already had a double defense, but if Shan County was captured again, it would switch to both offense and defense, defending the pass in the west, and exploring Luoyang in the east, the strategic intention changed greatly.

But now who doesn't know the details of the enemy army, whether Kong Yanzhou found out their intentions, Kong Yanzhou's spies must have found out, the key is whether they passed the news of their garrison in Tongguan to Kong Yanzhou by flying pigeons?

At this time, Liu Qiong, who had been silent all this time, raised his hand and said, "Young King, I have a plan for this humble official!"

Chen Qing was refreshed, he knew that Liu Qiong would never lie, so he quickly said, "Please tell Liu Tongzhi!"

Liu Qiong picked up the wooden pole and pointed to Guozhou on the sand table and said: "Beizhi has a deputy commander named Wei Ping. He was originally a hunter in Guozhou. Yesterday he told Beizhi that there is a way to get to Hangu Pass. Back, straight to Lingbao County, this is it!"

Liu Qiong’s wooden pole pointed to a river in the east of Guolue County: “This river is called Zhushui. Without the baggage, the infantry can go east to Shan County."

This news is very exciting, and it really is a road that never ends.

Yang Zaixing studied for a while and said, "Now there is a problem. Kong Yanzhou has [-] troops each stationed in Yanxiang County and Hucheng County. To go to Guozhou, he must go south from Hucheng. These two counties are not easy to attack, and it will take time."

Liu Qiong said with a smile: "Yanxiang County and Hucheng County just cut off the official road of the baggage and cavalry, but we are infantry, light soldiers and easy to walk, we can go around Yanxiang County and Hucheng County, and we can choose to march at night, So that the head of the city can't find us."

"Is it feasible?" Chen Qing asked the scout commander Zhang Hua. He is from Hucheng County and is very familiar with the Weihan Ancient Road. He will serve as the guide this time.

Zhang Hua thought for a while and said, "It's okay not to ride a horse or bring luggage, but you must have a guide who is familiar with the terrain, otherwise it's easy to get lost and enter the ravine."

Liu Qiong quickly said: "My Commander Wei is from Orion, he is very familiar with the road."

Chen Qing took a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said decisively to Liu Qiong: "Time is running out, you will set off tonight with [-] elite infantry, and rush to Shan County according to your plan. Take Shan County first, and you must hold on to Shan County."

Yang Zaixing asked anxiously, "Your Majesty, isn't [-] troops too small?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "There can't be more troops. If there are more troops, they will be discovered. Kong Yanzhou is very cunning, and he will see through our intentions."

Liu Qiong clasped his fists and said: "Soldiers are good but not many. Three thousand troops are enough, but I want each soldier to carry a bag of ten catties of kerosene."

"Ten catties of kerosene, what about marching? What if you attack the city?"

"There is no problem in marching. I will select tall and strong soldiers. After arriving in Shan County, I will temporarily store the fire oil outside the city. After capturing the city, I will transport the fire oil into the city."

"That's okay, do you know how to contact Tang Qian?"

"The humble official knows, please don't worry, the king of the county, he must seize Shan County and keep Shan County."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "If you can keep your promise, I will promote you to be the governor of the capital afterwards!"

Liu Qiong was overjoyed, and quickly knelt down on one knee and said, "The humble staff will never miss this opportunity!"

(End of this chapter)

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