
Chapter 728

Chapter 728
In Henan Province, a puppet army of [-] people left Luoyang and marched in the direction of Shan County.

The leading general is a bargain, and the official post is the Shangshu of the puppet Qi military department, the military envoy of Henan West Road, and the stay-at-home of the Henan government. Together with Li Cheng, he became the real power in charge of the puppet Qi state.

Zhe Keqiu is also a member of Fuzhou Zhe family, Zhe Yanzhi's uncle, and was once a frontier general in the Song Dynasty.

Zhe Keqiu received a military order from Wanyan Wushu, ordering him to rush to Shanzhou to support Kong Yanzhou.

If it was Emperor Liu Yu's imperial edict, he would definitely push it back, but he didn't dare to disobey Wanyan Wushu's military order, and he didn't even dare to delay it. On the day he received the military order, he led [-] troops to Shanzhou.

The official road to the west was full of dust, and [-] infantry were running in line, mighty and magnificent, and the people on the official road were so frightened that they dodged and hid in the fields on both sides. Each soldier brought weapons and dry food. The situation was urgent, and they had no time to prepare Supplies carts.

Zhe Keqiu waved his whip and shouted: "In three days, we must arrive at Shan County!"

In Shan County, Yang's mansion has been extremely busy these days, with lanterns and festoons, pigs and sheep slaughtered, and a huge Chinese character "Shou" pasted on the vermilion lacquered gate, which means that the Yang family is celebrating its birthday.

Today is the [-]th birthday of Yang Gongran, the owner of the Yang Mansion, and the Yang Mansion sends out invitations everywhere, inviting the gentry, celebrities and generals of the garrison in the city.

In particular, the Yang Mansion has let out the news that this birthday banquet will bring out Jiannan Shaochun, which has been cellared for [-] years. It is known as the best shochu in the world. The guards were salivating, and they all looked for connections to attend the birthday banquet.

Of course, the Yang family has always been committed to improving the relationship with the garrison, so the puppet generals of the Qi army above the head of the capital all received invitations, and they were considerate of their meager income, so they did not need birthday gifts.

This is also the step that the Yang family has found for themselves. When will these generals present their birthday gifts?
In the back house, Tang Qian took a sip from the wine bowl and nodded, "It really is strong wine!"

The name of Jiannan Shaochun liquor has a character of burning, which means that it is distilled liquor, and it is highly distilled liquor, which is flammable when ignited, so Jiannan Shaochun is also known as the best spirits in the world.

Yang Chu said in a low voice: "There are only twenty altars of this kind of wine, even if they are given to the generals to drink all of them, they still won't be able to get drunk. Several of them drink very well. I mean, do you want to mix something up?"

"If it is mixed with medicine, it will be easy to drink out!"

"No, if you add a little less, the taste will not change at all, and the medicinal powder is colorless and tasteless."

Tang Qian thought for a while and said, "In this way, give them good wine first, a few bowls for each person, and then drink Jiannan Shaochun. Even if you get drunk, you will think it is because of drinking mixed wine."

"That's a good idea!"

Yang Jin praised: "Drinking wine and soju is really easy to get drunk, why don't you need to mix it with medicine!"

"We still need to mix a little medicine, it will be more sure, and then when arranging the seats, arrange all the generals together, and the twenty altars of wine are also exclusively for them."

At this time, Yang Gongran walked up to the lobby quickly and asked Tang Qian, "Is there any news about the reinforcements outside?"

Tang Qian nodded, "We have already contacted, and we have made an appointment to act at Haishi tonight!"

"Is there going to be a big fight?"

"It is estimated that there will be a fierce battle, so the family members of the Yang family must retreat to a safe place before Hai hour at night."

Yang Gongran nodded and said: "There is no problem with this. It has been arranged. There are still three hours before Haishi. I hope there will be no complications."

Tang Qian was also a little uneasy, and he was most worried about accidents.

Liu Qiong's army arrived in Shan County at dawn and hid in a mountain depression near Shan County. According to the agreement, he sent someone to find Tang Qian's men in a foot shop outside the city. point in time.

In fact, Liu Qiong has no choice. Today is Yang Gongran's [-]th birthday, and the main force of the Song army has already begun to attack the Weihan Ancient Road. He must take Shan County tonight, otherwise, Luoyang's reinforcements will come. up.

Three thousand soldiers hid in a mountain depression about five miles away from Shanxian County. This place is relatively hidden, and usually only the shepherds who graze will come, but now the cold spring is cold, and it is not time to graze.

Soldiers sit on the ground to rest, and drink a sip of wine from time to time to warm their bodies. This is the tradition of the Western Army. Each soldier has two gourds, one big and one small. The big gourd holds water, and the small gourd holds wine. The winter here is really cold. , Soldiers marching in the field must drink to keep out the cold.

In a marching account, Liu Qiong and several generals discussed the attack strategy.

Almost all the county towns on the Weihan Ancient Road have no moats, which is related to their environment. There are very few flat lands on the Weihan Road, so there is no choice for building county towns. In the end, we can only build dry cities and rely on wells to draw water.

Wei Ping said to the crowd: "Shaan County only has the south gate and the north gate. The main gate is the south gate, and there are the most guards. The north gate is close to the Yellow River. There are almost no pedestrians. It is not usually opened very often. The garrison also Not much, when Li Yanxian raided Shan County, he also cooperated with the inside and outside, and succeeded through the North Gate."

Liu Qiong shook his head, "There is no need to explain. We have already made an appointment with Commander Tang. When we attack Beicheng at Haishi, they will throw three torches from the top of the city and open the city gate. The key is that after entering the city, we must control the barracks as quickly as possible. , we can’t let the enemy army spread out from the barracks, otherwise it will be a brutal street battle, and our troops are not as strong as the opponent’s, so we may not be able to win.”

"Excuse me, Commander, how many enemy troops are there in the city?" Commander Xia Ying asked.

"Currently there are five thousand people."

"That's not much!"

Liu Qiong glanced at the crowd and said solemnly: "There are not many troops, so this is our chance. Everyone must remember that after entering the city, you must be decisive, fast, and fierce. Use killing to frighten the opponent first, and then consider accepting surrender. The problem."

In the afternoon, guests came to celebrate his birthday in an endless stream. In fact, today is not Yang Gongran's birthday. His birthday should be next month, and it is not sixty years old, but fifty-eight years old.

But these are not important. During the war years, everyone was precarious, so it is completely understandable to celebrate their birthdays early.

Yang Gongran and his two sons greeted the guests at the door. Although it was stated on the invitation that no gift was required, everyone was embarrassed and gave some gifts. Otherwise, next time they celebrated their birthday, they would be ashamed to reciprocate.

No need to give gifts is written for the officers and generals. Sure enough, at dusk, a large group of generals came, there were seventy or eighty people, all wearing military uniforms, shoulders and backs. Without exception, they came empty-handed. It's a dream come true.

The Yang family sent a total of [-] invitations to the barracks. All the generals above the head have been invited, and there is no need to worry if he will not come. They will definitely arrive in the end, and there will be many more people. These generals are free at night. It's okay to come, Yang's mansion has food and drink, not to mention the world's number one wine today, how could he not come?

The only one who is not sure is the chief general Mo Huaixian, he can't drink enough, so he doesn't take part in banquets very much.

"Mr. Yang, congratulations on your birthday!"

A large group of generals stepped forward, congratulating with each other, but many of them stared at the guests and female relatives next to them, and the female relatives rushed into the mansion in fright.

Yang Gongran laughed and said: "Everyone is willing to come to drink to give me face. I have prepared for you today. In the West Courtyard, the meatiest and best wine, first drink the best wine, and then drink Jiannan Shaochun in the evening. If you don’t get drunk at night, you won’t return.”

This man can talk a lot, obviously this group of soldiers don't pay any money, and they also said that coming to drink is to give him face, which makes all the generals feel very comfortable, right, coming to drink is already giving enough face, treat others I may not come yet!
"Thank you, Mr. Yang, we will not be disrespectful."

Everyone followed Yang Chu to the mansion, and Yang Gongran added with a smile: "Go to the west courtyard, there will be Jiannan Shaochun in the west courtyard tonight, but there will be no more in the east courtyard."

At this time, a general whispered something to Yang Gongran, and Yang Gongran's face changed, "Can't he make an exception?"

The general shook his head, "General Mo's temper is also known to members of Yang, so there is no way to force it!"

"Okay! If General Mo doesn't come, maybe everyone can drink more happily."

"Yang Yuanwai is right. If he doesn't come, everyone will be happier."

The generals had all entered the mansion, and Yang Gong came to the backyard in a hurry, and said to Tang Qian, "I just got the news, Mo Huaixian may not be able to come."

Mo Huaixian is the chief general of Shan County and Kong Yanzhou's deputy general. He has followed Kong Yanzhou for many years and is considered an experienced general. Tang Qian is most concerned about him.

Tang Qian was startled, and indeed something unexpected happened.

He hurriedly asked, "Why can't he come?"

"There shouldn't be anything special. He just has this habit. He doesn't like to go to banquets. I heard that he has severe gout in his legs. Every time he goes to a banquet, he will be in pain, so he doesn't like talking."

Tang Qian nodded and said, "What about the other generals?"

"Most of them have come, there are still a few, and they will come soon. These bastards are like wolves. When they hear that there is wine and meat, they will come in groups like wolves. There will be no one less .”

"What time is it now?"

The subordinate next to him said: "It's still an hour before Haishi."

Tang Qian then told Yang Gongran, "Open it up for them to drink now, and go to Jiannan to burn spring in half an hour!"

(End of this chapter)

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