
Chapter 729

Chapter 729
As the time gradually approached Haishi, the generals in the West Courtyard were all drunk on the ground, each of them was as drunk as mud, and the generals who had the most alcohol were still holding the wine jar and drinking, but they were no longer able to die.

Dozens of soldiers waiting outside were also invited to the inner courtyard for dinner, and the remaining ones had their throats cut by Song army scouts.

Tang Qian rushed to the North City Gate with more than forty elite Song Army scouts. The North City Gate was unpopular, and it was not opened during the day, let alone at night. Only a hundred soldiers were responsible for patrolling the North City at night.

But even so, a hundred soldiers would not stand guard on the top of the city honestly. In a courtyard closest to the north city gate, seventy or eighty soldiers gathered to gamble.

The room was steaming and brightly lit. Several soldiers were sitting at the table to gamble, all with red eyes, surrounded by soldiers who were betting and watching, and kept shouting, "Big! Big! Big!"

Tang Qian's army did not disturb them, but went directly to the city along the corridor. They were wearing the armor of the puppet Qi army, but they had a white cloth wrapped around their left arms, which was the mark of the military discipline.

More than forty people swaggered up to the top of the city, the top of the city was deserted, there were only a dozen people, there were a few people on each side of the top of the city, and five soldiers stood on the top of the city tower.

Tang Qian immediately divided his troops into action, and two small teams went to kill the soldiers on both sides of the city, while he led his men straight to the tower.

"Where's your leader!" Tang Qian stepped forward and asked sharply.

It stands to reason that the password should be reported first, but a group of military discipline soldiers stepped forward aggressively, frightening the five soldiers.

"The commander is going to go to Yang's mansion for a drink." A soldier stammered.

Five soldiers of the Song army came up from behind the cat waist, with sharp daggers in their hands, they jumped forward, covered the mouths of the five soldiers, and cut their throats with one knife. At the same time, the soldiers on the two sides of the city also succeeded.

Song Jun immediately pulled out the big iron bolt that locked the door on the top of the city, and then opened the door bolt, and the city gate creaked open.

Three torches were thrown down the top of the city, and the three thousand Song soldiers who were ambushing not far away jumped up and rushed towards the north gate.
At the same moment when Tang Qian led his army to the north city, a messenger cavalry entered the city from the south gate and rushed into the barracks.

"Where is Modu Tong?" the messenger cavalry asked loudly.

There are only two soldiers on duty in the commander's tent, and they will notify Mo Huaixian if there is an emergency.

The leading soldier on duty replied: "Mo Du is in the mansion, not in the barracks!"

"Please Mo Dutong come to the barracks immediately. Kong Dutong has an urgent military situation and needs his signature. I will go back overnight to report."

The guard on duty saw that the messenger cavalry was holding a red envelope with three goose feathers stuck on it, which was an urgent military message sent by the commander Kong Yanzhou, so he didn't dare to delay, and immediately led the messenger to Mo Huaixian's mansion.

Mo Huaixian's mansion is about [-] steps away from the barracks, and it is also on the central axis. It is an official residence covering an area of ​​five acres. His wife and children live in his hometown, and his two concubines live here.

The soldiers on duty called to open the door of the mansion, and went in with the messenger soldiers to report.

At this time, on the roof dozens of steps away from the gate, there were three Song Army scouts lurking. They were ambushers among the scouts, equivalent to snipers of later generations.

The three scouts had put three highly poisonous crossbow bolts into the slots, waiting patiently for the opportunity.

Not long after, a general in mountain-patterned armor came out surrounded by more than a dozen soldiers, and a soldier led his horse. This forty-year-old general got on his horse, and shot three poisonous crossbow arrows at the same time, 'Puff! 'Three poison crossbow arrows shot at the neck at the same time.

Mo Huaixian never dreamed that he was plotted against in front of his house, he let out a muffled cry, and fell from his horse on his back. The guards turned pale with fright, and hurriedly rescued him back to the house. General Wang!"

General Wang is the deputy general Wang Lin, and he is also drinking in the Yang Mansion!

The two soldiers rushed towards Yang's mansion. At this time, the birthday banquet in Yang's mansion had ended, and the guests had already gone home. The door was closed tightly. into the mansion.

When they found the west courtyard, they saw that the generals were all lying on the ground, and the deputy general Wang Lin was lying on the table, as if he had passed out drunk.

"General Wang!"

The two patted Wang Lin, and saw that his body was tilted, and he fell on his back on the chair, facing the sky, his neck was bloody and his throat had been cut.

The two soldiers froze in fright, and looked at the ground again, only to find that the ground was covered with blood, and all the generals had their throats cut.
Three thousand soldiers of the Song Dynasty had already entered the city. Some soldiers kicked open the gate of the courtyard and fired arrows. The soldiers who were gambling screamed and were hit by arrows. Dozens of soldiers rushed in and stabbed all the surviving soldiers to death with short spears. .

Three thousand soldiers rushed to the gate of the barracks. There were more than a dozen soldiers on duty inside the gate. Suddenly they saw the Song army coming. The dozen or so soldiers shouted in fright, turned around and fled. A dozen people all fell to the ground, and none of them escaped.

Three thousand soldiers rushed into the barracks and started killing.
An hour later, the battle in the barracks ended, more than a thousand soldiers who resisted were killed, and about [-] surrendered. The other sporadic cleanups were also declared over at the same time, and none of Mo Huaixian's personal soldiers escaped. .

Liu Qiong immediately ordered his men to take five hundred mules and donkeys to the hiding place to transport three thousand bags of kerosene back to the county seat.

When the county was fully controlled, it was already the third watch. Liu Qiong selected more than [-] strong soldiers from the surrendered soldiers and incorporated them into the Song Army team, which quickly expanded the Song Army team to [-] people.

At this moment, a soldier rushed to report, and three gunpowder arrows rose from the east. Liu Qiong was taken aback, and immediately ordered: "Close the city gate, and soldiers go up to the city to defend!"

Tang Qian stepped forward and suggested: "These soldiers staying in the city may be hidden dangers, it is better to drive them all out of the city!"

Liu Qiong thought for a while, and sent someone to find Wei Ping, "You take fifty brothers and take the remaining [-] soldiers to hide in the valley before. If they make trouble, you just take the soldiers to evacuate. !"

Wei Ping and fifty men left with more than a thousand soldiers.

Liu Qiong gathered more than [-] newly recruited soldiers and said loudly to them: "Today, you have become official members of the Western Army and under the command of King Lingwu. Our King will never treat him badly. Soldiers, you will have income to support your family, and you will get land. If you take your family to Sichuan and Shaanxi, you will immediately get a hundred acres of land, and you will increase the land every year, and you will be tax-free for life.

These are all visible and generous benefits. More importantly, you also participated in the war to expel the Jurchen Tartars and restore our Han people. Your heroic name is worthy of the ancestors in the ancestral hall. "

Liu Qiong took a deep breath, and said loudly: "A hundred years later, your grandchildren will pat their chests and tell everyone that my grandfather is an anti-golden hero, and his name is in the anti-golden ancestral hall. He is by no means a traitor." Thieves, your children and grandchildren will be proud of you."

Many soldiers shed tears, and Liu Qiong raised his arms and shouted: "Expel the Tartars and restore the Han family!"

The soldiers raised their arms and shouted together: "Expel the Tartars and restore the Han family!"

Liu Qiong nodded in satisfaction, and said sharply: "Everyone go back to the team, let's hit the invading enemy hard!"

In the dark night, [-] puppet Qi troops rushed towards Shanxian County under the command of Zhe Keqiu. There were still [-] miles away from Shanxian County. Three gunpowder arrows suddenly shot out from the mountain forest to the south, and the bright red flames rushed straight Sky.

Zhe Keqiu reined in his horse and looked at the three gunpowder arrows in surprise, which were obviously signal arrows, which were fired towards Shan County.

But why did you send signal arrows to Shanxin? The army coming from the east cannot be the enemy army. Could it be that Shan County has...
Thinking of this greatest possibility, Zhe Keqiu felt a little uneasy. Once Shan County was occupied by the Song army, he would definitely be responsible for the ineffective rescue, and Wanyan Wushu would not spare him lightly.

Zhe Keqiu immediately ordered a team of spies to go to Shan County to check the situation.

[I'm sorry, there are still two updates today. 】

(End of this chapter)

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