
Chapter 733

Chapter 733
Before dawn the next day, everyone got up and set off again. There were various forks and dead end roads along the way, but Song Qilang could always find a new road from the dead end road. Although it was very complicated, the journey was smooth. At noon , They walked out of a pine forest and came to a huge cliff.

Song Qilang pointed at the cliff and said loudly: "This is Hangu, if the whole mountain is split into two, it will be impossible to pass from here."

Some daring ones wanted to look down, Song Qilang hurriedly shouted: "Everyone squat down, the wind is strong, you will fall!"

Everyone squatted down one after another, leaning on the boulder to look down. The depth below was tens of feet, and the gates and tents became very small.

"Niu Tongzhi, do you want to do something?" Everyone looked at Niu Gao one after another.

Niu Gao nodded, "Assemble the trebuchet first, when to do it, wait for the signal from the county king!"

Everyone started to assemble the trebuchet together, looking for a good place to place the trebuchet. Niu Gao looked to the west. Although he couldn't see the camp here, he should be able to see the signal from the camp here.

At dusk, the ten heavy-duty catapults of the Song Army had been installed, and [-] troops marched out. Thousands of soldiers struggled to push the catapults, and the catapults rumbled forward, with a huge baffle in front.

'when!Dang! Dang! Dang!' Sirens blared from the top of the city.

Eight thousand soldiers of the Puppet Qi Army lined up and ran towards the pass. Three thousand people were deployed on the first pass city, one thousand people were deployed on each side of the pass city, and one thousand people were deployed on the second pass city. There are two thousand crossbowmen lined up in the urn city, ready to use the crossbow array to attack the enemy army that is besieging the city.

Kong Yanzhou stared at Song Jun's ten heavy trebuchets, and now he understood what Song Jun was doing these two days?Must be assembling the trebuchet.

"The bed crossbow is ready! Wengcheng crossbow army retreats into Houguan city." Kong Yanzhou yelled sharply.

He knew that the Song army's first round must be a heavy trebuchet attack, and the soldiers in the urn city would bear the brunt of it.

The two thousand crossbow troops quickly retreated to the inner city, and three hundred bed crossbows were spread out on the outer city wall, aiming at the heavy trebuchets one after another.

The heavy trebuchet moved slowly, and when it was [-] steps away, the bed crossbow on the top of the city was fired, and the roaring jackdaw arrows shot all over the sky.

A general shouted, and three thousand soldiers hid behind the trebuchet one after another. Some jackdaw arrows crackled and hit the front baffle, but some jackdaw arrows crossed the baffle and shot towards the catapult.

The Song Army’s trebuchets are not the simple trebuchets of the Xixia and Jin Kingdoms. They are tied with belts. The Song Army’s heavy trebuchets are weighted trebuchets with copper rods as the shaft. They are not afraid of jackdaw arrows at all. He shot the arrow, but still walked slowly without hindrance.

The puppet Qi army fired three gurney crossbows in a row, but the heavy trebuchets of the Song army still did not lose a single bit. The important thing for the Song army was not the trebuchet itself, but the soldiers under the trebuchet. Out of action.

The heavy trebuchet stopped when it reached [-] steps, and the soldiers began to adjust quickly. After a while, ten heavy trebuchets were ready.

A cavalryman rushed to Chen Qing and reported loudly, "Qijun Wang, the trebuchet is ready, please order!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Launch with fire oil balls!"

The fire oil ball, also known as fierce fire ball, is a siege weapon invented in the Northern Song Dynasty. The outside is woven with dry grass soaked in kerosene, and the inside is a fire oil tank. Causes a large area to burn.

Seven years ago, Lou Shi of Wanyan captured Shan County with fierce fireballs.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Following a series of firing sounds, ten huge fireballs flew towards the top of the city. Chen Qing also looked towards the top of the mountain. These ten fireballs were the signal. I wonder if Niu Gao and the others are ready?
On the top of the mountain, fifty trebuchets are lined up, in the valley are military camps and warehouses, and there is a Guancheng at the far east of the valley.

Only the launching soldiers were waiting, and the remaining seven hundred soldiers were cutting down the pine trees. Hundreds of felled pine trees had been piled up, ready to be thrown down the valley at any time,

"Look, general!" a soldier shouted, pointing to the west.

Niu Gao stood up and saw ten fireballs soaring into the air, hitting the head of Guancheng, the signal to attack came.

Niu Gao immediately ordered: "Fire oil ball projection!"

Soldiers lit fire oil balls with torches, and fifty small trebuchets threw burning fireballs into the valley one by one.

There were only more than a hundred defenders in the valley, and fireballs fell from the sky one after another, and they exploded with a bang when they landed. Burning oil splashed everywhere, and fire broke out everywhere in the valley.

The soldiers also took the opportunity to push the pine trees down the valley. After a while, the pine trees were also set on fire, and the flames in the valley were blazing and thick smoke billowed.

At this time, a raging fire was also ignited on the outer city wall, and the soldiers had to retreat to both sides.

A soldier stumbled and ran to report to Kong Yanzhou, "Du Tong, there is a fire in the valley!"

Kong Yanzhou was taken aback, and hurriedly looked back, just in time to see dozens of fireballs falling from the top of the mountain.

Kong Yanzhou's eyes widened in fear, what is this?
"The Song army is attacking from the top of the mountain!" The soldiers shouted one after another.

The Song army actually attacked from the top of the mountain. Kong Yanzhou was in a state of confusion. He didn't know what to do. Should he withdraw or not?If the troops are withdrawn, the Song army has not yet started to attack!Isn't this just collapsing without a fight?Wanyan Wushu couldn't spare him.

But if the troops are not withdrawn and everything is burned, what will the soldiers eat?
At this moment, the throwing weapon on the top of the mountain has been replaced with a poisonous gas bomb. This is also a poisonous firearm invented during the Northern Song Dynasty. The highly poisonous rhizome is dried and ground into powder, which is mixed with gunpowder. After the bamboo basket is burned, poisonous smoke billows out, which is very lethal.

Niu Gao carried the most poisonous gas bombs up the mountain. After a while, the entire valley was filled with thick smoke and poisonous gas.

Niu Gao's eyes were bright, he could see that the enemy army could not last long.

He immediately changed his tactics and no longer needed trebuchets. In order to prevent the enemy from withdrawing, they had to throw a large number of poisonous smoke balls and fire oil balls into the valley. The soldiers lit the poison smoke balls and fire oil balls and threw them directly into the valley. , A thousand soldiers started at the same time, and soon threw thousands of kerosene balls and poisonous smoke balls down. The kerosene and pine trees burned in the valley, and the poisonous smoke filled the air. The valley more than ten miles long was completely covered by thick smoke.

At the same time, ten heavy-duty trebuchets threw a large amount of kerosene, and [-] chariots approached the city wall. The fuel tanks on the chariots also continued to spray kerosene towards the top of the city, turning the top of the city into a sea of ​​flames. All the buildings were on fire, and the billowing smoke choked the soldiers until they couldn't breathe, and soldiers kept falling down.

The thick smoke and flames made Kong Yanzhou finally sober. He could either open the city gate and fight to the death with the Song army, or retreat immediately. There was no third way.

But there are [-] troops outside the city!
Kong Yanzhou had a glimmer of hope for the retreat, so he immediately issued an order, "The whole army retreats!"

Baqian of Hangu Pass retreated eastward with his mouth and nose covered, but the valley was more than ten miles long, and the entire valley was filled with poisonous smoke. The poisonous smoke, the thick smoke in the valley alone is enough to make soldiers choked to death.

Kong Yanzhou had already realized that something was wrong, he beat his horse and ran wildly, followed by thousands of soldiers who were also running wildly, and soldiers kept falling down while running.

Kong Yanzhou finally rushed out of the valley, and looking behind him, there were less than a thousand soldiers fleeing with him. Kong Yanzhou sighed, and retreated to the east with the remnants of the soldiers. Not long after, Kong Yanzhou led his army into Lingbao County, where they looted food and property.

(End of this chapter)

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