
Chapter 734

Chapter 734
The Song army in Shan County paid close attention to every move of Hangu Pass and Mianchi County. Liu Qiong sent two scouts to monitor. When the remnants of Hangu Pass were looting Lingbao County, they were immediately spotted by the Song Army scouts and rushed back to Shan County. Notified Liu Qiong.

Tang Qian said to Liu Qiong in a low voice: "Controlling, the cheap army is still in Mianchi, and it will take a day at the earliest to use cavalry. We can ambush and intercept near Shan County, it's not a big problem."

Liu Qiong looked to the east, but there was no movement in the east. They set up ten guard posts along the way to Mianchi County. Artificial beacons, very useful in short distances and short periods of time.

Liu Qiong nodded and said: "Since the opponent only has more than a thousand people, then we will play three against one. General Tang will lead two thousand people to ambush the opponent at the valley entrance, and I will lead one thousand people to intercept from the front."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Tang Qian went down to the city. Not long after, he led two thousand soldiers out of the south gate and ran towards the official road.

Liu Qiong then led a thousand troops out of the city.

In the afternoon, Kong Yanzhou led more than [-] defeated soldiers and fled in a panic. They said they were in a panic, but they also led thousands of mules and donkeys, all of which were loaded with belongings, and even more than a hundred young women were tied up. Hands lined up in a long string, weeping and following behind, dozens of soldiers escorted them, touching and pinching them along the way, taking advantage of them, all soldiers were looking forward to the dark.

Kong Yanzhou walked in the front on horseback, looking at the outline of the city in the distance with a complicated expression. That was Shan County, which had been captured by the Song army.

He knew in his heart that once the Song army occupied Shan County, Shanzhou and Guozhou would basically be over, and it would be difficult to regain them. Back then, Li Yanxian defended alone for two years, and the Jin soldiers did not capture the city of Shan County, let alone the Song army now There is also Sichuan and Shaanxi as the backing.

Kong Yanzhou turned around and shouted: "Everyone, be careful, don't make any noise, don't be discovered by the Song army guarding the city, let's go straight there!"

At this moment, there was a sound of clappers on the top of the head, and arrows were fired from the nearby slope, and the dense arrows shot out. Hundreds of soldiers walking in front were hit by arrows one after another. Kong Yanzhou was caught off guard. sacked.

With a roar, Tang Qian led [-] soldiers to rush out from the nearby ravine and slope. The remaining hundreds of Puppet Qi soldiers panicked. Before he could run far, he was surrounded by Liu Qiong's army. The puppet Qi army had no way to escape, and they knelt down and surrendered one after another.

The quick end of the battle was beyond Liu Qiong's expectations. This army seemed to have completely lost its fighting spirit.

At this time, Tang Qian held Kong Yanzhou's bloody head and said: "The whole family is not finished yet. One hundred and twenty people were shot and two hundred and fifty were injured, and the rest surrendered."

"Are those women injured?" Liu Qiong asked looking at a group of women squatting in the distance.

Tang Qian shook his head, "The brothers avoided them with their arrows and didn't shoot at them. They were just slightly frightened and not injured."

Liu Qiong said again: "These prisoners of war have committed a heinous crime of looting Lingbao County. Together with the wounded, they were tied up and taken back to Lingbao County, and handed over to the people of Lingbao County. I will return these property to the county king."

"Humble job understands!"

Tang Qian found more than a hundred donkeys and gave them to the women to ride them home, and gave them some money. Tang Qian then led a thousand soldiers and escorted the prisoners back to Lingbao County.

At dusk, Tang Qian escorted the prisoners of war to Lingbao County, only to see a crowd of people outside the city gate, gathering [-] to [-] people from Lingbao County. , The kitchen knife is already waiting outside the county.

When they saw the prisoners of war who had been escorted back, their hatred finally burst out, and they yelled, "Kill them! Cut them into pieces!" Tens of thousands of people rushed towards them like a tide. Tang Qian saw that the situation was not good, Immediately lead the soldiers to retreat and throw the prisoners of war to them.

The prisoners of war were tied up in several bunches like grasshoppers, unable to escape, crying and begging, and collapsed on the ground in fright, and the crowd swallowed them up like a tide
The anger was finally vented, and the people began to return to the city one after another, offering sacrifices to their murdered relatives with the severed heads.

Only then did Tang Qian lead the army up. The prisoners of war were all in shape, and their heads were gone. Limbs and internal organs were all over the ground.

Tang Qian ordered the soldiers to collect the corpses and burn them on fire, then dig a pit and bury them deeply.

At this time, a group of cavalry came rushing forward, and someone shouted, "Is it General Tang?"

Tang Qian recognized the man as Zhang Hua, his subordinate. Tang Qian stepped forward and said with a smile, "So it's General Zhang. Has the army come here?"

"The army is clearing Hangu Pass, and the county king is also here. General Tang, come with me!"

Tang Qian nodded and ordered Yang Quan, the commander, to lead a thousand troops to station in Lingbao County to maintain order. He followed Zhang Hua to Hangu Pass with a few of his men.

The thick smoke and poisonous gas in Hangu Pass had dissipated, and the Song army accidentally captured more than [-] soldiers. After Kong Yanzhou retreated, they opened the city gate and surrendered. There were about [-] soldiers.

The other part of the army has [-] people. They are the army guarding the inner city. They are led by the commander Li Ming. The widest part of the side was one mile, and the poisonous and black smoke was much thinner. They did not escape with Kong Yanzhou. After the Song army entered the valley, Li Ming led the army to surrender.

It was his confidant army who really followed Kong Yanzhou to escape, more than half of them suffocated to death in the valley. Although less than a thousand people followed Kong Yanzhou to escape Hangu Pass by chance, none of them survived in the end.

Tang Qian reported to Chen Qing their battle situation in the past few days, and Chen Qing was relieved that Liu Qiong really lived up to his great trust and seized Shan County before it was too late. This step is crucial.

Chen Qing smiled and praised: "You did a good job. You actually killed Kong Yanzhou. I said before that you let this demon escape. I will credit you with a great contribution."

Tang Qian was overjoyed. Just now he was worried that the county king would blame them for handing over the prisoners of war to the common people. Now it seems that the county king didn't even mention this matter, which made him secretly relieved.

He quickly bowed and said: "The order in Shan County has been stabilized, please move the county king to Shan County!"

Chen Qing nodded, and immediately ordered Yang Zaixing to lead an army of [-] to continue clearing Hangu Pass, while he led an army of [-] to Shan County.

Shan County is not far from Hangu Pass. At one o'clock, the team arrived in Shan County, and Liu Qiong went out of the city to welcome the lord.

It was already very late, Chen Qing asked Liu Qiong to arrange for the army to rest, and everything will be discussed tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Chen Qing paid homage to the famous general Li Yanxian and his soldiers who died in the anti-golden battle by the Yellow River, and asked Liu Qiong to hand over the property captured by Kong Yanzhou to Yang Chu, the magistrate, and asked Yang Chu to collect the remains of the fallen soldiers and bury them again , built tombstones for them, and built a tomb for Li Yanxian alone as a memorial.

Chen Qing then walked up to the top of the city and looked eastward. Liu Qiong pointed to a hill in the distance and said, "The humble officer has deployed three scouts on that hill. Once the army that can be obtained appears twenty miles away, They will immediately fire powder arrows to inform the city."

Chen Qing nodded and said, "I heard that you deployed ten security points along the way to monitor the movements of the defenders in Mianchi County?"

"The situation is true. I am worried that the other party will come to meet Kong Yanzhou's army. Now it seems that they don't know that Hangu Pass has fallen."

"How much food is there in the city?" Chen Qing asked.

"Originally there were [-] shi of grain in the city, [-] shi of which have been used to help the common people, and there are also a large amount of armor and materials, and [-] of which were seized with spears alone."

"Do you have siege weapons?"

"There are more than a hundred siege ladders, and nothing else."

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "It's better to work harder. You and I will go to Mianchi County and take Mianchi County down."

(End of this chapter)

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