
Chapter 735 Mianchi

Chapter 735 Mianchi
Mianchi County is no longer the boundary of Shanzhou, but the boundary of Henan Prefecture. The reason why Chen Qing wanted to win Mianchi County was related to its important geographical location. In a sense, Mianchi County is the real entrance of the Weihan Ancient Road. Only after entering Mianchi County can the Xiaohan Ancient Road be truly opened.

Otherwise, if the people want to go to Sichuan and Shaanxi to make a living, the Puppet Qi State only needs to send a thousand people to guard Mianchi County, and no one can enter the Weihan Ancient Road. It is for this reason that Mianchi County became Chen Qing's battle between Shaanxi and Guo. One last goal.

In fact, when Chen Qing launched this campaign, one of his very important goals was to open up the ancient Xiaohan Road so that the people of the Central Plains could come to Sichuan and Shaanxi to make a living. If a large number of people came to Sichuan and Shaanxi, he could slowly restore the vitality of northern and central Shaanxi.

An army of [-] and [-] supply camels marched towards Mianchi County in a mighty manner, and they were still [-] miles away from Mianchi County, and the news could be obtained.

This news surprised Zhe Keqiu. He had just received an order from Wanyan Wushu, ordering him to immediately send [-] troops to support Hangu Pass. Before he was ready to set off, Chen Qing led the main force to Mianchi County to kill coming.

There are [-] to [-] troops, how can the little Mianchi County bear it?

More importantly, has the Song army captured Hangu Pass in just two or three days?There is no news about Kong Yanzhou at all, and it is estimated that the disaster is already in danger.

Zhe Keqiu went up to the county seat and looked towards the west. From a distance, he vaguely saw a big banner unfurling, and it really was a large army coming towards this side.

Several generals persuaded: "Commander, Mianchi County is too small to stop the Song army's thunderous blow. I'm afraid our entire army will be wiped out. Let's retreat back to Luoyang!"

The generals were right. The city wall of Mianchi County was only two feet high, and it was in disrepair for a long time, and the city gate was also dilapidated. If a battering ram was hit hard, the city wall would collapse, and they couldn't defend it at all.

But retreating from Mianchi, how could he explain to Wanyan Wushu?
Deputy General Zhou Xingwu asked in half: "Shaanzhou fell, the responsibility is not on the commander in chief, it is entirely Kong Yanzhou's responsibility, Shan County fell in his hands, and Hangu Pass could not be held after only two days, the commander argued hard, It's never the Marshal's turn to take the responsibility, and the fourth prince's board can't hit the Marshal!"

"I'm afraid of abandoning Mianchi, what if Chen Qing's army continues to march eastward?"

"That's no way, Mianchi can't be defended, our army is completely destroyed, and Luoyang is even more dangerous. Why don't we withdraw our troops and go back to defend Luoyang, at least the strength is still there! If the entire army is destroyed, the fourth prince will really not forgive Too handsome."

One sentence wakes me up and I can ask for it. I am really confused. If you lose a broken city like Mianchi, you will lose it. If you lose [-] troops and lose Luoyang, Wanyan Wushu will not forgive yourself.

He immediately said: "The order is for the whole army to abandon Mianchi and retreat immediately, and return to Luoyang."

The main force of the Song Army still had a few miles to go to Mianchi County, but it was a good idea to lead an army of [-] to quickly evacuate Mianchi County and run towards Luoyang. Keep the army, keep your own strength.

Chen Qing also didn't expect that Zhe Keqiu would run away in a panic without fighting. This is not in line with the Zhe family's style of never retreating and never giving up. It seems that Zhe Keqiu not only betrayed the Song Dynasty, but also betrayed the Zhe family. tradition of.

Chen Qing immediately ordered the army to enter Mianchi County. A mighty [-] army marched into the county seat. Martial law was imposed and the people were not allowed to go to the streets. It was necessary to eliminate hidden dangers before returning to normal.

Surrounded by all the generals, Chen Qing went to the top of the city to check the situation of the city defense.

On the top of the city, a commander said puzzledly: "Your Majesty, Mianchi County didn't cut off the Weihan Road. In fact, people can pass through the Weihan Road at night, so they shouldn't be discovered!"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "It doesn't have to be the county town to cut off the passage, as long as a post and a checkpoint are built on the necessary road, then no one will even think about passing it."

Everyone burst into laughter, and the commander scratched his head, and he laughed out of embarrassment.

At this time, Liu Qiong was also embarrassed and said: "The king of the county, I also have some ideas about humble positions. If we rebuild Mianchi County and build it into a tall and strong city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, wouldn't it be more convenient to become our bridgehead?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "When the enemy comes, we just need to retreat to Shan County. When the enemy retreats, we will take it back. If we really need a strong city and let the enemy build it, we don't have to bother."

Liu Qiong said again, and Chen Qing waved his hand and said, "Mianchi County is not a strategically important place. If the enemy cannot take Shan County, they will not garrison in Mianchi County. They are more likely to rebuild Xin'an County or consolidate Luoyang City. Don’t keep staring at a small city, let me say it again, the strategic city is Shan County, not Mianchi County, Lingbao County, Hucheng County, etc. As long as we keep Shan County, we will keep Shanzhou.”

Liu Qiong was ashamed and said: "The humble official understands!"

Chen Qing turned around and said to the generals: "If you want to be on your own, the key is to have a strategic vision and know how to grasp the big and let go of the small. The fundamental reason why Kong Yanzhou failed so quickly is that he has no strategic vision. He obviously has [-] troops. , he should gather to guard Shan County, instead of spreading salt, stationing a little in each small town, and finally being defeated one by one."

Everyone bowed and said: "Humble duty, remember the teaching of the county king!"

Chen Qing immediately left [-] troops to guard Mianchi County, and ordered Niu Gao to lead [-] troops to guard Shan County, and ordered him to build [-] beacon towers on the Weihan Ancient Road all the way to Tongguan.

Before leaving Shanzhou, Chen Qing issued a series of appointments, appointing Fu Lin as the magistrate of Shanzhou, appointing Yang Gongran as the magistrate of Guozhou, recommending Yang Chu as the magistrate of Shanxian County, recommending Wang Changyi as the magistrate of Mianchi County, and officials of other prefectures and counties. It will be handed over to the Ministry of Officials for appointment.

This is also the division of responsibilities between Chen Qinghe's Internal Affairs Hall and the Department of Officials. He can directly appoint the Zhizhou, but the appointment of officials below the Zhizhou is the responsibility of the Internal Affairs Hall and the Department of Officials. Chen Qing can at most recommend individual officials, and it can only be a recommendation. He cannot overstep his authority.

Similarly, for military appointments, Chen Qing can only appoint the top two levels. Currently, the top two levels are all control and control.

The military positions of generals below the command are appointed by Dutong and Tongzhi. For example, the Dutong can appoint generals below the commander, and the commander can appoint generals below the commander, but the commander has no appointment power.

In addition, in addition to military positions, generals also have military rank officials. Military rank officials are mainly related to the general's salary and welfare treatment, and they are also very concerned by the generals.

After the Battle of Xixia, Chen Qing abolished the third-class and fifty-two-level generals system formulated in the Song Huizong era. The scattered official system and the honored official system.

Therefore, in the Western Army, they are no longer called Wu-rank officials, but Wu-san officials. Wu-san officials are evaluated by the Ministry of Officials according to the qualifications and merits of the generals, especially the seniority is very important.

At present, Chen Qing's military position is the Marshal of the Western Army Capital, and his military official has not been appointed yet. He only has the rank of official title bestowed by the emperor, Taiwei, and the title of King of Lingwu County.

The honorary officer system is mainly aimed at veterans and soldiers, giving them a social status.

When the [-]-strong army arrived at Tongguan, Chen Qing issued another military order, promoting Liu Qiong and Niu Gao to be the commanders of the deputy capitals, Tang Qian to be the commander of the capital, and Wang Duo to be the commander of the upper army. Generally speaking, military officers above the deputy commander can be appointed as General.

The [-] troops continued to be stationed at Pujin Pass, while Chen Qing returned to Jingzhao Mansion by boat.

(End of this chapter)

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