
Chapter 736

Chapter 736
It took Chen Qing half a month to seize the two prefectures of Shaanxi and Guo, opened up the Weihan Road, and at the same time added a solid body armor for Guanzhong to protect the safety of Guanzhong.

However, this military operation was very low-key in Guanzhong, the Central Plains, and even the Song Dynasty, and was not taken seriously by everyone. The people in Guanzhong are all concerned about land investigation, which involves the vital interests of countless people.

Wanyan Wushu didn't even bother to reprimand and retreat without success. The two prefectures of Shaanxi and Guo originally belonged to Shaanxi Road, and if they were lost, they would be lost. When Wanyan Wushu saw that Chen Qing's strategic intention was not a conspiracy Central Plains, but just to increase the defense of Guanzhong, he no longer takes this matter to heart.

Wanyan Wushu's whole mind was in the court of the Kingdom of Jin. He and Nianhan wrote to the emperor at the same time, impeaching Wanyan Talan for accepting bribes from the Song Dynasty, signing an armistice agreement with the Song Dynasty without authorization, and betraying Jianghuai.

The two of them want to work together to overthrow Prime Minister Tarlan, and Nianhan even rushes to Beijing for this matter.

Fan Gong, his confidant and aide, saw that Wanyan Wushu had been restless these days, so he persuaded him: "The key is that the prince should not think too much about the result, after all Wanyan Tarlan has the support of Zong Pan and Zong Jun, the leaders of the three provinces in the court. The Song Dynasty released Wanyan Licha and Wanyan Qi back. It is entirely fair to say that he signed an armistice agreement with the Song Dynasty against his will to save them. The gold given by the Song Dynasty was dedicated to the emperor, even if the emperor wanted to touch him, it would be difficult, and it must be a compromise solution in the end."

Wanyan Wushu smiled wryly and said: "Sir, you are right, maybe Nianhan and I are too eager for success, and we don't have enough influence in the court."

Fan Gong persuaded again: "The key is that the time for the Son of Heaven to ascend the throne is still short, and his wings have not yet matured. Although he has taken over the old wolf lord's Hezha Meng'an, he has gained martial arts, but his literary skills are not enough. In a year or two, he will be firmly seated on the throne. , he must be tidy up and lazy, the prince might as well bear with it a little longer."

What Fan Gong said made a lot of sense, but it was not entirely correct. The Kingdom of Jin was established by force, and the power of the emperor came from the army. The new emperor Wanyan Quan valued military power the most. The reason is that he has not fully grasped the military power, not the civilian power of the prime minister.

Wanyan Wushu was well aware of this, he sighed and said worriedly: "I'm just worried that the Son of Heaven will solve the martial arts first, and then consider the literary strategy. If he solves the martial arts first, he will attack Zonggan and Nianhan. As far as I know, Zonggan's Hezhameng'an has already pledged his allegiance to the emperor, and now only Nianhan's [-] Hezhameng'an army is left. Last time I hinted at Nianhan and asked him to deal with Chen Qing. Keep the military power of Meng'an."

The most elite army in the Kingdom of Jin is the Hezha Meng'an Army, which consists of [-] elite soldiers selected from the various armies. It is also called the Emperor's Guard Army. Commanded by three people, even the [-] troops in Wanyan Wushu's hands belonged to the peripheral army.

Once the emperor Wanyan Quan fully controlled the [-] Hezhameng'an army, his throne would be completely secure, and he could kill whoever he wanted.

At this moment, the soldiers from outside rushed to report, "Report to the lord, the special envoy from Shangjing is here!"

Wanyan Wushu asked urgently: "Who is the special envoy?"

"My lord, it's Shangshu Youcheng Han Qixian."

Wanyan Wushu was stunned for a moment, Shangshu Youcheng Han Qi was a lazy prime minister, he has always disliked this person.

Wanyan Wushu suddenly said angrily: "What do you mean, why did you send Han Qi here first?"

Fan Gong hurriedly persuaded: "Han Qixian may have brought the intention of being lazy. The prince should meet and listen to what he means. At most, he will not express his opinion."

Wanyan Wushu nodded, "Please wait in the VIP room!"

Wanyan Wushu pondered for a moment, then quickly came to the VIP hall.

There is a thin old man sitting in the guest hall. He is Jin Guo Shangshu Youcheng Han Qixian. After Jin Guo emperor Wanyan Quan came to the throne, he carried out a major reform. He adopted the Han official system and abolished Jin Guo The system, of course, was also supported by the first emperor, and it can be regarded as the consensus within the Kingdom of Jin.

Han Qixian was originally a Han minister in the Liao Kingdom. He also deeply participated in the reform of the official system. He was appreciated by the emperor Wanyan Quan and was named Shangshu Youcheng.

Because Han Qi first entered the court to participate in the reform of the official system after being recommended by Talan, everyone naturally regarded him as a Talan.

Heavy footsteps came from outside, Han Qi first turned his head and saw Wanyan Wushu coming in, he quickly put down the teacup, got up and saluted, "See the Fourth Prince for humble duties!"

"Han Youcheng has worked hard all the way, please sit down!"

Wan Yanwu's terminology was rather cold, so he sat down and said straightforwardly: "I don't like to go around around the corner, what's the point of being lazy? Han Youcheng might as well just say it."

Han Qi first tilted his head to look at Wanyan Wushu, and said with a faint smile: "Why would the Fourth Prince think that I was sent by Tanlan?"

Wanyan Wushu was stunned for a moment, Han Qixian actually called Tarlan by his name, he was a little confused, and asked for a while, "Isn't Han Youcheng sent by Tarlan?"

"Of course not, I came to see the fourth prince according to the secret decree of the emperor."

"Wait a minute!"

Wanyan Wushu clasped his fists and said, "Perhaps I misunderstood, but before Han Youcheng negotiated with the envoys of the Song Dynasty, wasn't it laziness?"

Han Qi shook his head first, "It seems that the Fourth Prince misunderstood deeply. It was actually the emperor's intention to negotiate a truce with the Song Dynasty. otherwise."

Wanyan Wushu's heart sank, if this was the case, then he and Nianhan would definitely fail in impeachment and tart.

There was a big problem with Nianhan's information, he didn't even know that Song Jin Yihe was ordered by the emperor.

Han Qixian continued: "Although I was recommended by Talan to participate in the reform, it does not mean that I am a person of Talan. I am highly valued by the emperor. Naturally, I am a loyal minister of the emperor. How can I work for a minister of power?"

Wanyan Wushu understood that this Han Qixian was a lazy person before, but he has been won over by the emperor and has become the emperor's confidant.

Wanyan Wushu had a realization in his heart, and it is estimated that this Han Qi is the emperor's future literary strategy, which will be used as a substitute for tart laziness.

Wanyan Wushu hurriedly clasped his fists again and said, "Wushu misunderstood Han Youcheng, I was rude just now."

Han Qixian then took out a secret decree from his bosom and handed it to Wanyan Wushu.

Wanyan Wushu quickly put the secret decree on the table, knelt down and respectfully kowtowed three times, and then took the secret decree for a closer look.

Sure enough, as I expected, the emperor wanted to deprive Nianhan of his military power, and hoped that he could help him. At the end of the secret decree, the emperor mentioned that in return, he would control the real power of the Central Plains by himself, that is, to abolish the state of Qi, establish Shangshu Xingtai, and let himself be the leader. Henan Xingtai Shangshu.

Wanyan Wushu didn't express his position for the time being, but asked again: "Where is Nianhan now?"

"He has returned to Hebei and is actively preparing for war. The emperor has agreed with him to support Hedong and wipe out Chen Qing, the Sichuan-Shanxi warlord."

"I don't understand. Since the emperor wanted to deprive Nianhan of his military power, why did he let him go back to Hebei, and let him continue to lead the army to attack Chen Qing? Once a war broke out, it would be unrealistic to seize his military power."

"The emperor also knows this reason, because the military power is in the hands of Wanyan Xiebao, the emperor was afraid of stirring up a mutiny, so he did not detain him in Beijing, but let him go back to Hebei, but the emperor has already made an appointment with him, and fifty thousand troops will join the fierce An army You are not allowed to take it to Hedong, you must stay in Hebei to sit in town."

Wanyan Wushu immediately understood, "Is the emperor asking me to take over the [-] Hezhameng'an army?"

Han Qi nodded first, "After the fourth prince took over the [-] Hezha Meng'an Army, he returned it to the emperor. The emperor said that in the future, Dajin's society will depend on the fourth prince."

Wanyan Wushu's lips moved, he wanted to ask Nianhan what to do?But he didn't ask. Obviously, the emperor asked Nianhan and Chen Qinghuo to join forces. It would be best if Nianhan could kill Chen Qing. Jin Guo took back Sichuan and Shanxi, but if Nianhan was killed by Chen Qing, the emperor would be happy to see him. to make.

But what about Hedong?Didn't the emperor take Hedong to heart?

Wanyan Wushu pondered for a moment and said: "I need to think about this matter a little bit."

Han Qi smiled slightly, "I completely understand the fourth prince's mood, and I have to go to Lin'an."

"Is it related to the Song-Jin armistice?"

Han Qixian sneered and said: "The Song Dynasty was really stupid. Talan signed the armistice agreement, but the emperor didn't sign and stamp it! They thought it was the same as before, as long as Talan agreed, the armistice agreement would take effect?

That was the power given to Talan by the first emperor. The emperor had already passed away, and the emperor did not continue to grant this power to Talan, so the Song Dynasty sent back both Drink Lisa and Wanyan Qi, but the emperor disagreed with the above demarcation clause and asked I went south to Lin'an to continue negotiating with the Song Dynasty. The boundary cannot be bounded by the Huai River, but the Yangtze River. "

Wanyan Wushu smiled triumphantly: "Han Youcheng goes to negotiate with Song Dynasty, I will help Han Youcheng!"

Han Qi laughed first, but he did not forget his real mission. He said again: "I hope that when I come back from the Song Dynasty, the fourth prince has already written a reply to the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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