
Chapter 737 Defense

Chapter 737 Defense
Although the emperor of the Jin Kingdom had decided to abolish the puppet state of Qi, Liu Yu did not realize this. He still actively assembled an army of [-] troops, ordered the crown prince Liu Lin to be the Grand Marshal of Zhengnan, and appointed Li Cheng and Liu Ni to be the left and right lieutenants , Cooperate with the Jin soldiers to crusade against the Song Dynasty, and at the same time increase taxes by [-]% on the people of the Puppet Qi State to raise military expenses.

Just ten days after Han Qixian went south, Wanyan Wushu's [-] Jurchen army and Liu Lin's [-] army began to march southward to crusade against the Jianghuai Song army.

At this time, fierce disputes also occurred within the Song Dynasty. Han Qi arrived in Lin'an first, and clearly requested that the armistice agreement be bounded by the Yangtze River, otherwise the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin would not recognize the armistice agreement.

Han Qixian's request immediately caused an uproar in the court of the Song Dynasty. The gold was sent over and the important prisoners of war were returned. In the end, the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin refused to recognize the armistice agreement, and the court realized that he had been played by the Kingdom of Jin.

The emperor Zhao Gou was so angry that he slapped the table and cursed: "Are all the people I raise are wine bags and rice bags? This kind of thing will be fooled by the other party. What's the use of this Zhang Shao? What kind of etiquette minister? If I were him, I would have cleaned it up long ago." Things are gone, what are you still doing in the court?"

Qin Hui quickly persuaded: "Your Majesty calm down, the matter is not that simple."

"Then what do you say, give me an explanation?"

"Your Majesty, before Wan Yanchang signed the armistice agreement, the two sides immediately implemented it. There was no problem, so why not this time? Weichen estimates that this has something to do with the power struggle within the Kingdom of Jin. After finding trouble with Yan Chang and forcing Yan Chang to give up his position as prime minister, the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin decided not to sign the armistice agreement in order to reconcile the struggle between the two factions, and used the truce boundary to find trouble."

Zhao Gou walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said, "I don't care about their internal struggles. I just care about the present. What should I do now? Whether to sign the armistice agreement or not, I don't want to withdraw from Jianghuai?"

Zhang Jun next to him said: "Your Majesty, it is impossible to negotiate any results. Neither side can make concessions. The only way to see the outcome is on the battlefield. Your Majesty, the third line of defense is only weak in the middle line, which will become the enemy's breakthrough point. My minister suggested, With Zhang Jun as the Marshal of the Central Route, command Wu Jie, Wang De, and Li Qiong to control the three routes, and build a defense line in the central part of the Huaihe River."

Zhao Gou asked Qin Hui again, "What does Mr. Qin think?"

Qin Hui knew that Zhang Jun was giving Yue Fei some eye drops. The court had already compromised and let Yue Fei continue to control Wu Jie in the middle army. Now that Zhang Jun was put in command of the middle, it would be tantamount to abolishing part of Yue Fei's military power. .

The Son of Heaven obviously didn't realize this, Qin Hui was also happy to see the result, he nodded, "I agree with Mr. Zhang's plan!"

"What about the supervisor?"

Zhang Jun continued: "My minister recommends Lu Zhi, the minister of the Ministry of War, as the supervisor of the army."

"I'm ready."

Zhao Gou said anxiously, "What do Zhang Xiangguo think the chances of winning this time are?"

"Your Majesty, this time the Kingdom of Jin and the Puppet Qi joined hands to go south. I think it is not a big problem to deal with the Puppet Qi. It is rare to face a [-] Jurchen army. But fortunately, we only defend and not attack. As long as we stick to the Huaihe River, we will win. Now, it doesn’t matter if you stop and fight.”

The three monarchs and ministers discussed for a while, Qin Hui resigned, and Zhao Gou left Zhang Jun behind.

Zhao Gou pondered for a moment and asked, "How's the situation on Jingnan South Road?"

The South Jing South Road was also a headache for Zhao Gou. Chen Qing actually sent troops to suppress the bandits without the approval of the imperial court, which made Zhao Gou annoyed and helpless. ?
Zhang Jun hurriedly said: "The humble official is also about to report to His Majesty. Orihiko has sent news from Jiangling that the largest group of rebellious bandits has been wiped out, and the sporadic bandits are almost gone. Chen Qing's army is training the local militia. Let the people suppress the bandits spontaneously. Now part of Chen Qing's army has retreated, and the rest of the army is helping the people to plow in the spring. They brought a large amount of rice seeds and cattle, and also brought [-] shi of grain to the victims, so that they can persevere. To the summer harvest."

"This is Orihiko who is speaking well for Chen Qing's army!" Zhao Gou said dissatisfied.

"Your Majesty, in fact, the magistrates of the prefectures on South Jingnan Road also said the same thing. I feel that Chen Qing may have encountered certain internal pressure before sending troops, but if it is said that he wants to occupy Jingnan South Road, I think it is unlikely. .”

"What internal pressure?"

"Your Majesty, he has stayed in Jingzhou, and part of his army is from Jingnan Road. These soldiers and generals from Jingnan Road must have put pressure on him and asked him to send troops. In addition, this is also a good opportunity for him to gain fame."

Zhao Gou only cared about whether Chen Qing would be occupying Jingnan South Road. As long as Chen Qing withdrew his troops in the end, then Chen Qing would gain some fame and so on, and he could tolerate it.

"You have to let Orihiko figure out what Chen Qing's real intentions are? Should we withdraw the troops in the end? If he refuses to withdraw, what should we do? We must first prepare the countermeasures."

"Wei Chen understands!"

Zhao Gou walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said, "We are fighting against Jin soldiers during this time, we must keep Chen Qing steady, and we cannot let him take advantage of the fire to rob and occupy Jingnan South Road. What is his loose official?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, his literary official is Doctor Jin Ziguanglu, and there is no military official for the time being, and the rank official has reached Taiwei."

"Didn't he write a memorial saying that he didn't want to accept the Taiwei, and asked me to make him a military official? I will make him a general of the town and ask him to withdraw as much as possible from Jinghu South Road!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

That night, Emperor Zhao Gou issued a decree to change Zhang Jun to Huaixi Xuanfu envoy, and to serve as Marshal of the Central Route Army. Together with Yue Fei on the west front, Han Shizhong on the east front, and Liu Qi from the rear army, they jointly defended against the Jin soldiers and the puppet Qi army's massive southward attack.

At the same time, Zhao Gou appointed Lu Zhi, Minister of the Ministry of War, as the supervisor of the army, and Zhang Jun, the prime minister, as the governor of the Ma Da of the various routes, and the governor deployed an army of [-] troops to defend the front line of the Huaihe River.

The boats on the Yangtze River were like fish, and tens of thousands of small boats transported food, copper coins, and military supplies and soldiers to the north. Because the money and food were escorted to Lin'an on Guangnan Road and Fujian Road, the financial pressure on the imperial court was greatly relieved, and the imperial court had the financial resources to fight against this area. A Jianghuai defense battle.

On the Yangtze River, a large ship of [-] shi was moving slowly. The wind on the river was very strong, and the flag on the ship was flapping. There was a huge Chinese character Zhang written on the flag.

This big ship was exactly Zhang Jun's. He had been ordered and was on his way from Lin'an to Shouzhou. His Marshal's Mansion of the Central Route Army was located in Xiacai County, Shouzhou, and the main force was also stationed there.

Zhang Jun stood on the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, looking very gloomy. Frankly speaking, he was very dissatisfied with the appointment arrangement of the emperor this time. Zhang Jun didn't treat him very well, and he was only used because of the joint recommendation of Yue Fei and Han Shizhong. He had [-] troops under his command.

As for Wang De and Li Qiong, they were originally Liu Guangshi's generals, but because they surrendered to Zhang Jun, they were reused by the governor Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun recognized Wang De as being down-to-earth and steady. Zhang Jun only gave him [-] troops. There are no complaints either. Leaders like this kind of hard-working old scalper subordinates, and Zhang Jun is no exception.

But Zhang Jun really didn't like Li Qiong. Like a debt collector, he surrounded himself all day long, asked himself for money, and was picky about where his troops were stationed. For a while, he thought Lu'an County was a mountainous area, and for a while, Dingyuan County was not prosperous enough. It is said that the conditions are too low, and you should not surrender yourself.

In order to appease him, Zhang Jun gave him [-] troops, which was more than Wang De's. He was still dissatisfied, because Wang De was the governor of the capital, and he was only the deputy commander of the capital, so he was full of resentment towards everyone.

Among the three, Zhang Jun is only satisfied with Wang De, he doesn't like the other two, he wants to replace them with his confidants.

"Brother, it's windy outside, let's sit in the cabin!" Brother Zhang Bao shouted from the cabin.

Zhang Jun also felt a little cold, he nodded and turned back to the cabin.

Going back to the cabin and sitting down, Zhang Bao pointed to Yang Chui'an next to him and said, "Mr. Yang has an idea, I think it's good, brother might as well listen to it."

Yang Chui'an was originally Liu Guangshi's counselor. After Liu Guangshi was dispatched to Lingnan, Yang Chui'an turned to Zhang Jun. Yang Chui'an was good at intrigue, which Zhang Jun liked more. trust.

Zhang Jun nodded, "What good idea does Mr. Yang have?"

【Two updates today】

(End of this chapter)

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