
Chapter 739

Chapter 739
In the official room, Zhang Miao put two pieces of information on Chen Qing's desk, "Jun Wang, these are the two pieces of news that I just received. Wanyan Nianhan led an army of [-] troops into Hedong Road. At present, the army has entered Taiyuan and took over the The military power on the East Road."

"Then who sits in Hebei?"

"It's Wanyan Nianhan's son, Wanyan Xiebao. I heard that Hezhameng'an Army is stationed in Hebei."

Chen Qing took two steps with his hands behind his back and said, "Hedong Road is Wanyanchang's power site, and it was forcibly taken over by Wanyan Nianhan. It is estimated that this is a deal between the Emperor of Jin and Wanyan Nianhan. He used Wanyanchang's Hedong Road in exchange for Wanyan sticky Hezha Meng'an army."

"Emperor Jin wants to use Wanyan Nianhan to keep the East Road?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Wanyan Yinkeshu's ability is not as good as Wanyan Nianhan's. In addition, he is already disabled and can't keep the east road, so the emperor of Jin transferred Wanyan Nianhan, who is good at fighting, to the east road. Using Wanyan Nianhan to protect the Hedong Road, taking away the Hezha Meng'an army, and weakening Wanyanchang, it can be said to kill three birds with one stone, this new emperor is powerful, at least he has capable people around him."

"What about Wanyan Wushu?"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "If I were the emperor of Jin Kingdom, then I would definitely do everything possible to adjust the relationship between Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Nianhan, and then stabilize Wanyan Wushu."

Chen Qing already realized in his heart that in history, shortly after the new emperor of the Kingdom of Jin ascended the throne, Wanyan Nianhan was deprived of his military power, and soon died of depression. It may be because of his own existence, history has changed, and Wanyan Nianhan's fate has been determined. change.

"Any other news?" Chen Qing asked again.

"There is also news about the Song Dynasty. First of all, the emperor appointed the county king as the general of the country. This is a second-rank military official. This should be the emperor's favor to the county king."

Chen Qing sneered, "He's implying to me that he wants me to quit Jinghu South Road. Don't worry about him, just follow our original plan."

Chen Qing's original plan was to train the militia, and then the navy would control the Jinghu section of the Yangtze River, and then use resources to buy people's hearts. With a strong foundation of public opinion, it would be easy for him to take down Jinghu South Road in the future.

However, in Chen Qingyuan's plan, he wanted to withdraw troops from Jingnan South Road. With the base of the militia and the control of the Yangtze River, there was no need to garrison troops on Jingnan South Road. However, a large number of troops must be stationed in Xiazhou to support the militia troops on Jingnan South Road.

Chen Qing smiled, and said to Guan Shigu who was on the side: "It seems that the imperial court is not at ease. The Secretary of the Military Department sent a withdrawal plan to the Privy Council to let the imperial court understand our withdrawal plan. Don't think about it."

"Humble job understands, let's deal with it!"

Guan Shigu saluted and left, Chen Qing asked Zhang Miao again, "Is there any other important news?"

"Another important news is that the emperor appointed Zhang Jun as the marshal of the defensive center, and Wu Jie became Zhang Jun's subordinate."

Chen Qing was startled, "Is it already decided?"

Zhang Miao nodded, "The decree has been promulgated."

Chen Qing was really speechless. Originally, there were three famous anti-gold generals, Yue Fei, Wu Jie, and Han Shizhong, defending the front line of the Huaihe River. point.

Zhang Miao said again: "The imperial court's arrangement is probably to weaken Yue Fei's military power in a disguised form!"

Chen Qing nodded, he also realized that originally Wu Jie was keeping Yue Fei's restraint, which meant that both the central and western defense lines were under the unified command of Yue Fei.

However, Chen Qing was no longer interested in these messy matters of the imperial court, and he continued to make intensive preparations for his battle on the East Road.

Zhang Miao went down, Chen Qing walked a few steps inside the official room with his hands behind his back, and said to the outside: "Chao Qing come in!"

Chao Qing came in and saluted, "Please order from the county king!"

Chen Qing took a letter and handed it to him, "You are on a business trip, go to Liquan County and give this letter to Wang Hao, stay there for two days, and read it for them. I guess the Fengxiang people's parade incident and the blood monument There is some connection between the incidents, let them check the two incidents together."


Chao Qing took the letter and left quickly.

In fact, Chen Qing also understands that this is the result of the land inspection. Some hidden opposition forces are firing at him. This is not a bad thing. civil strife.

It is also because the land investigation touched their vital interests that they jumped out. If they do not take the opportunity to catch them all, it will be difficult to find them in the future.

This time, Chen Qing also made up his mind to wipe out all the hostile forces lurking inside before the war in Hedong.

Liquan County is located in the northwest of Jingzhao City, about a hundred miles away from Jingzhao City, and belongs to Qianzhou. To the north, backed by mountains and facing water, is a place with excellent geomantic omen.

Zhaoling Mausoleum is the mausoleum of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty. There are dozens of tombs of imperial concubines and dignitaries buried around him. Because there are too many imperial mausoleums in Guanzhong, Zhaoling Mausoleum has been unknown in recent years.

But no one could have imagined that a blood stele incident would make Zhaoling once again attract attention.

The place where the blood stele was found was located outside Ganbei Town. It was originally a piece of wasteland. Because of the implementation of the reclamation order, as long as the wasteland is reclaimed and cultivated for more than five years, then this wasteland belongs to the reclaimer, and all harvests for five years are tax-free.

So many farmers reclaimed wasteland near Ganbei Town. As a result, a farmer surnamed Wang dug out this blood tablet from a piece of wasteland.

But the farmer who dug up the wasteland has been frightened away, and his whereabouts are still unknown, and his family does not know his whereabouts.

At present, the internal guards are taking over the investigation of Fengxiang people's parade incident and the blood monument incident. The internal guard general responsible for investigating the blood monument incident is Han Zhengfu, who has just been promoted to the commander. He also brought Zhong Huan to Liquan County.

At this time, Wang Hao also rushed from Fengxiang Mansion to Liquan County to learn about the progress of the investigation.

"Control, how is the investigation progress at Fengxiang Mansion?" Han Zhengfu asked with a smile.

Wang Hao waved his hand, and said annoyedly: "Don't mention it, the twenty or so organizers knew they were about to be retaliated, and they ran away long ago. When they asked those farmers, they all didn't know what to do. Most of them were arrested. Tricked to go to Jingzhao parade."

"How to cheat?" Zhong Huan next to him asked curiously.

Wang Hao snorted, "Those organizers told the farmers that the government will confiscate all the land in Guanzhong as military land, and the farmers in Jingzhao Prefecture and other prefectures are being liquidated and confiscated. The next step is Fengxiang. Incited to go to Jingzhao City to protest against land liquidation.”

"We should track down those who pretend to be farmers in northern Shaanxi and occupy the land! I feel that the instigator is among them."

Wang Hao sighed, "A total of more than [-] households invaded the land, but they all honestly withdrew the land, or paid for it at the market price, and no one resisted. How do you investigate the two thousand households?"

After the organizer ran away, it was indeed difficult to find out, and Han Zhengfu also knew about this problem.

Wang Hao waved his hand, "Let's not talk about Fengxiang, let's talk about your investigation here, how is the progress of the blood monument?"

Han Zhengfu also smiled wryly and said, "I've already confirmed that the blood stele was buried artificially, but it wasn't buried recently. It's been a while, at least two or three years ago. The key is that Zhang Baoer, who dug up the stele, must have been encouraged by someone. It was dug, Zhang Baoer disappeared on the night when the stele was dug out, and his family didn’t know anything about it, so I guess he’s already in danger and was silenced.”

"So you haven't made any progress here either?"

Han Zhengfu shook his head, "Xiaozhi is also looking for new clues!"

At this time, the soldiers outside the door reported, "The king of the county has sent someone to deliver the letter."

(End of this chapter)

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