
Chapter 740 Clues

Chapter 740 Clues
Not long after, Chao Qing walked in, and Zhong Huan said pleasantly, "Why are you here?"

Chao Qing said with a smile: "The king of the county asked me to deliver a letter, and let me see if there is anything I can do to help you."

After finishing speaking, Chao Qing handed the letter to Wang Hao. Wang Hao quickly took the letter and read it carefully. After reading the letter, Wang Hao slapped his head and said angrily, "Why didn't I think of it?"

Han Zhengfu hurriedly asked, "What did the prince say?"

"The king of the county asked us to investigate in two directions. The first direction is that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward. The second direction is how the blood stele incident spread in Jingzhao, and investigate the original spreader."

Han Zhengfu nodded, "The king is right, there must be someone who knows the clues, but they think it is risky and dare not say it. If the reward is high, they are willing to take the risk."

Zhong Huan also said: "The dissemination is really strange. The blood stele was discovered on the same day, and it began to spread in Jingzhao City that day. It is obvious that someone is responsible for disseminating the news. Both directions are worth investigating."

Han Zhengfu made a decisive decision and ordered the soldiers to gather all the people in Ganbei Town. He placed a big table in the square in the middle of the town, surrounded by more than two thousand people on three floors and three floors outside.

Han Zhengfu put four piles of silver on the table, one pile of five hundred taels, one pile of two hundred taels, one pile of fifty taels, and one pile of ten taels.

"Fathers and folks, we are here to investigate the blood stele incident, but there are no clues, so I am going to offer a huge reward for clues. Everyone has seen it. This is a lot of money. The lowest reward is ten taels of silver. Everyone Think about it, only the clues are useful, that is, the fifty pennies! How long will it take to earn the fifty pennies, and we will keep it absolutely confidential, and will never disclose who provided the clues."

Suddenly there was a murmur of discussion around, and many people stared at the silver on the table, their eyes were a little red.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Han Zhengfu led his people back to the station.

In the afternoon, Wang Hao returned to Jingzhao to investigate the dissemination, and Zhong Huan took Chao Qing to the place where the blood stele was found.

Chao Qing walked around the blood stele and said with a smile, "This place is still three miles away from Gangu River! How did you get it here?"

"Put down a row of logs below, pull them with ropes, and they can be transported here, but I don't understand, what's the point of putting them here? Since I'm looking for a random place, wouldn't it be more convenient to put it by the river?"

"There must be some purpose, and I found that the so-called blood monument was painted on with a brush."

Chao Qing pointed to the side and said: "The side is especially obvious. They are all painted vertical stripes. The color is much lighter. It should be in a hurry. Maybe there will be no blood behind."

Chong Huan gave a thumbs up and praised: "Sure enough, it is very smart. There is no blood on the back. Let's turn it over and see."

At this time, they heard someone hiss not far away, and they looked around, only to see a thin man hiding by the woods and waving to them.

They were followed by three soldiers. They were not afraid. They stepped forward and walked into the woods. A thin man came out with a long scar on his face. He looked fierce. He looked around and said in a low voice: "Does your reward count?"

Chong Huan and Chao Qing looked at each other, and the reward really worked. Zhong Huan nodded, "Of course it counts, but it depends on whether the information you provide is valuable?"

"It must be valuable, I know where Zhang Baoer is?"

Chong Huan was overjoyed, "Is Zhang Baoer not dead?"

"How could he die! Tell me first, how much is my information worth?"

Zhong Huan said: "If we find Zhang Baoer, your information is worth a hundred taels of silver."

"Only one hundred taels of silver? That's too little!"

"If you lead us to find the person who buried the stele, it's worth three hundred taels of silver, and if you find the mastermind, it's worth five hundred taels of silver, understand?"

"You're right, how can I get the money?"

"You go to the barracks, take us to find Zhang Baoer, and give the money on the spot."

The thin man looked at Zhong Huan for a while, then turned around and ran away. He heard him shouting from a distance: "I'll come at night!"

Chong Huan and Chao Qing returned to the barracks, and Han Zhengfu greeted him with a smile: "The first reward is given, ten taels of silver, let me know the origin of this stele, this stele was transported to Zhaoling thirty years ago One of the ten steles was stolen one after another, and this stele was also hidden by the river, ready to be transported away, but for some reason it was not transported away in the end.”

Chao Qing said from the side: "If there is no risk, why didn't anyone talk about it before? It is unreasonable to be so fast, and it obviously has a certain impact on the reputation of the county king, so the matter is not that simple, and the person who took away the ten taels of silver did not tell the truth, at least concealed something."

Han Zhengfu's face changed, and he ordered the soldiers behind him, "Go and capture the person who received the reward just now!"

Several soldiers rushed away immediately.

Zhong Huan also said: "In fact, this person just explained the source of the stele. He didn't find someone to chisel it, but transported it from Zhaoling. As for why these people hid the stele three miles away from the river, it is estimated and found the stele. Zhang Baoer is related, the key is this Zhang Baoer."

Han Zhengfu frowned, "But where can Zhang Baoer find him?"

"General, we met a man just now. He said that there is news about Zhang Bao'er and that he will come to receive the reward tonight. I don't know if it is true, but he just said it casually."

Han Zhengfu sighed, "The higher the expectation now, the greater the disappointment. I don't dare to have too much hope."

At this time, several soldiers brought back the old man who had just received the reward, and the old man said angrily, "Did the general keep his word?"

The soldier handed the ten taels of silver to Han Zhengfu. Han Zhengfu took the ten taels of silver and asked the soldier to find a pair of large scissors and cut the ten taels of silver into two. He handed the other five taels of silver, "You only said half of it. So I can only give you half."

"But I told you everything I know!"

Han Zhengfu shook his head, "You know it well, just leave if you don't want it!"

The old man stared at the half ingot of silver in Han Zhengfu's hand. After a long while, he stamped his foot, "Okay! I'll risk my life to tell you that about five days ago, Zhang Baoer brought a group of men in black out of Zhaoling. Stele, I have a very strong ox cart, they hired my ox cart to pull the stele, and gave me two pennies afterwards, telling me not to go out and talk nonsense, otherwise I will die, and then Zhang Baoer will be killed the next day When he dug the ground and found the stele, he publicized it everywhere, causing people from all over the world to come to see the stele.”

"What kind of man in black?" Han Zhengfu asked.

"I don't know. They all cover their faces, but their accents are not from the locals. It's a bit like the accent from Fengxiang Mansion."

Chao Qing's heart skipped a beat, and it really had something to do with Fengxiang Mansion.

"Where did Zhang Baoer go?" Han Zhengfu asked impatiently.

The old man shook his head, "I don't know about that, Brother Tang Scar may know, he spread the word for Zhang Bao'er, both of them are well-known rascals in the town."

Chao Qing immediately asked, "Is Brother Tang Scar you're talking about a thin man in his thirties with a long scar on the left side of his face?"

"Yes! That's him."

Chao Qing winked at Han Zhengfu, and Han Zhengfu threw half of the silver to him, "Go!"

(End of this chapter)

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