
Chapter 741 Dig Deep

Chapter 741 Dig Deep
In the evening, brother Tang Scar really came, a scoundrel like him could even sell his wife for a hundred taels of silver, let alone just an accomplice.

"He is hiding in the mountain temple in the back mountain. I go to give him some food every few days."

"Why is he hiding?"

"I'm afraid! He heard that this blood stele in Jingzhao affected the reputation of the county king, so he knew he had caused trouble, and he was afraid that the group of men in black would kill him, so he hid it."

Han Zhengfu immediately made a decision, asked Brother Tang Scar to lead the way to Zhang Baoer, and gave him fifty taels of silver as an advance payment. If Zhang Baoer was caught, he would give it to the other half. After receiving the heavy fifty taels of silver, Brother Tang Scar was immediately full of energy. He set off with three hundred inner guard soldiers.

At one o'clock, they came to a dilapidated mountain temple, and the inner guards laid a net around it, and Brother Tang Scar went up to find someone.

"Gugu Miao! Gu Gu Miao!"

Brother Tang Scar yelled twice outside, and saw a black shadow rushing out of the mountain temple, snatched the cloth bag from Brother Tang Scar, grabbed a piece of bread and chewed it, vaguely "You should have delivered it yesterday."

"Baby, I'm sorry."

Brother Tang Scar took a few steps back, and the black shadow was taken aback, "What?"

Two fists were pressed coldly on Heiying's neck, "If you dare to move, your head will fall to the ground!"

The black shadow is Zhang Baoer. He was involved in the blood stele incident and hid in the mountain temple in fright, but was betrayed by his friends in the end.

"Tang Scar, you betrayed me!" Zhang Baoer didn't dare to move, and stared at Brother Tang Scar angrily.

"Bao'er, one hundred taels of silver! You will betray me too."

Han Zhengfu threw fifty taels of silver to Brother Tang Scar, "Go back and shut up, no one is allowed to tell, get out!"

Brother Tang Scar hugged the fifty taels of silver and crawled away.

Han Zhengfu looked Zhang Baoer up and down, and said coldly: "We are internal guards, and we have been ordered by the county king to investigate the blood stele. You should be honest and let you live."

Zhang Bao'er rolled her eyes and said, "Give me a hundred taels of silver too, and I'll explain everything to ensure that you catch those men in black."

There is a Taoist temple in Liquan County called Tianshi Palace. This Taoist temple is quite famous in the whole Guanzhong. Every time there is a Dafa meeting, believers from all over the Guanzhong will come to participate.

This morning, Chao Qing walked into the Tianshi Palace wearing a square hat and a satin scholar shirt. He was elegant and well-dressed. The petty officials are coming to the lower palace."

Chao Qing scratched his head and said, "My family wants to do a ritual ceremony, praying for success in the imperial examination next year. Is there such a ritual ceremony?"

"Yes! Of course there is. This is the ritual of praying for blessings from Wenqu Xingguan, which is the basic ritual of this palace."

"I don't know how much it will cost?"

Master Yingbin chuckled, "There is no fixed number for this, and the higher the level of the heavenly official, the better the effect. Of course, the blessing money collected will be a little bit more. It depends on yourself. As long as the benefactor is sincere, this palace will not give you money." Reluctantly, do you know any mages you are familiar with?"

"A senior of mine recommended Master Zhang Chitong to me. I wonder if he has time these days?"

"The benefactor has good eyesight. Master Zhang Chitong is one of the three best mages in our Tianshi Palace. He is very busy at the moment, and there are many people inviting him. Let me ask if he has time?"

Chao Qing immediately took out a tael of silver and handed it to Master Yingbin, "This is a little sesame oil money I donated to Sanqing."

Master Yingbin smiled immediately. Most people only give a few hundred cash, at most a penny. This young benefactor actually gave a tael of silver, five pennies. Which temple doesn't welcome such pilgrims?
Even if Zhang Chitong has something to do, he has to reject it. Don't let this God of Wealth get away.

"Okay! I will pay respects to Sanqing on behalf of the benefactor, please wait a moment, I will make arrangements."

Chao Qing gave him his address again, and Master Yingbin hurried in.

Not long after, Master Yingbin came out with a smile, "Master Zhang Chitong has already made arrangements for this month, but for the sake of the benefactor's sincerity, he will come to your mansion early the morning after tomorrow to perform a ritual, please prepare some incense sticks For paper wax and lunch, prepare some good wine."

"It's Master Zhang Chitong, you can't be wrong!"

"Don't worry! You can never go wrong."

In the early morning, a carriage slowly stopped in front of a mansion in the county seat, and out of the carriage came out the celestial master Zhang Chitong and three apprentices. Zhang Chitong was about forty years old. A Taoist priest has gained a little fame, and many people invite him to do things. He is quite arrogant, and he has to be picked up by a horse-drawn carriage before he is willing to come to the door.

Zhang Chitong remembered that no one had lived in this mansion for several years, but it didn't matter, maybe it was rented out or resold.

At this time, the door opened, and a middle-aged butler came out, "Master Zhang is indeed a believer, please follow me to the backyard, my master is waiting in the backyard, and has prepared some thoughts!"

Now that the master has prepared his mind, it is naturally inconvenient for the disciples to follow in. Zhang Chitong said to the three disciples: "You rest and wait in the outer house, I will call you!"

"Yes! Master."

The three apprentices respectfully agreed, and the butler led Zhang Chitong all the way to the backyard.

"Excuse me, who is your master?"

"My master's surname is Han, and he works in officialdom. I believe my master's intentions will not disappoint Zhang Tianshi."

Not long after, they came to the main hall of the back house, and the housekeeper waved his hands and said with a smile: "Please come in!"

Zhang Chitong walked up to the lobby, and saw a general standing in the middle of the lobby. There were many things on the ground beside them, but they were covered with a large cloth. I don't know what they were?
Zhang Chitong was a little apprehensive, he didn't expect to be a general, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "Is General Han looking for his own way and doing things?"

The general smiled and nodded, "That's right! This officer is Han Zhengfu, the commander of the internal guards."

The opponent turned out to be an inner guard, Zhang Chitong's face changed drastically, knowing that he had been fooled, he turned around and ran, the soldiers ambushing on both sides rushed up and pushed him down, Zhang Chitong shouted: "Help!"

Han Zhengfu smiled slightly, "Three of your subordinates are also calling for help!"

"What are you going to do?"

"Of course I want to show you my heart. I said I won't let you down."

With a wave of Han Zhengfu's hand, the soldiers pulled away the big cloth on the ground, and suddenly there was the blood stele, and Zhang Chitong's face suddenly became pale and colorless.

"Your nephew Zhang Baoer has already confessed to you. You should confess honestly! Who are your accomplices? If you confess well, I will spare your life. Maybe you can come back and continue to be a mage. If you refuse to confess, or If you make a fool of yourself, then wait for others to do things for you!"

Zhang Chitong shouted guiltily: "This stele has nothing to do with me. I am Zhang Tianshi, a master of Taoism. You will offend the heavens."

Han Zhengfu said viciously: "It seems that you don't cry when you see the coffin, let you taste the feeling of inner guards cramping and skinning."

Han Zhengfu waved his hand, "Take off one of his hamstrings first!"

When Zhang Chitong heard his hamstring cramps, he was so frightened that he howled.

An hour later, Chong Huan and Chao Qing rode out of the city on horseback and rushed to Jingzhao City, followed by more than a dozen inner guard cavalry. They had already obtained a copy of the list, and some important officials were involved, and they needed the approval of the county king Chen Qing to dispatch them. Soldiers arrested.

In the afternoon, the two finally arrived at Jingzhao City.

Chen Qing immediately received the two with senior officials from the Internal Affairs Hall, and at the same time, Wang Hao also rushed over.

Chao Qing clasped his fists and said, "Report to the king of the county, fellow cabinet members, the internal guards have caught a key witness in Liquan County, Zhang Chitong, a Taoist priest from the Tianshi Palace, and he is the specific implementer of the blood stele incident.

According to his confession, the inner guard captured three more Taoist priests in the Tianshi Palace. They were all officials of the puppet Qi, and one of them was Ma Changxing, the former magistrate of Fengyi County, whom we wanted to reward.

These people confessed that they had an organization, basically fugitive officials and incumbent officials of the puppet state of Qi, and their leader was Fengxiang Tong and Luo Wenqing, who was responsible for the parade of Fengxiang people in Beijing and the blood monument incident in Zhaoling plan. "

At this time, Wang Hao said, "Let me add one more point. The person who first spread the news about the blood stele in Jingzhao should be an intelligence agent from the Kingdom of Jin. That is to say, this organization is closely related to the intelligence station of the Kingdom of Jin."

(End of this chapter)

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