
Chapter 742 Confession

Chapter 742 Confession
In the official room, Jiang Yanxian said to Chen Qing: "Using puppet Qi officials is indeed a double-edged sword. If you use it well, you will be loyal to the county king. If you use it poorly, it is a big hidden danger. We must strengthen inspections before appointing them. "

Zhou Kuan also said: "Jiang Changshi is right. Luo Wenqing has worked in Fengxiang Mansion for many years. From the county magistrate to the magistrate, he has been an official in Fengxiang Mansion for [-] years. He has a deep network in Fengxiang Mansion. The Jurchen is also like this. For this reason, he continued to serve as the magistrate of Fengxiang, and the county king also used him for this reason, which made him arrogant. Great danger."

Seeing that Zhang Miao was silent, Chen Qing asked, "What is Supervisor Zhang's opinion?"

Zhang Miao said slowly: "On the surface, it seems that this time the land investigation violated their interests, but I feel that the matter is not that simple, and there are deeper and bigger problems."

Chen Qing nodded, "Tell me in detail!"

"At the beginning, I thought they were the leaders of the Fengxiang Party, because Fengxiang has always been the home of the Jurchens. In order to maintain stability, we basically did not touch the officials of the Fengxiang Mansion. In order to protect themselves, these officials formed the Fengxiang Party with Luo Wenqing as the center. Damn, it's like officials from states on South Jingnan Road have formed a local faction headed by Zhang Shun, the prefect of Jiangling. It's understandable, and then our land investigation must have violated their vital interests and triggered their backlash. It's normal here .

But Tianshi Palace is a big variable. There are actually three former puppet Qi corrupt officials hidden in Tianshi Palace, and they are all officials from Tongzhou and Jingzhao Mansion. First of all, why don’t they leave Jingzhao to go to the Central Plains, but are in danger .

Secondly, how could they collude with the officials of Fengxiang Mansion?Humble job really didn't understand, until King Neiwei said that they found that the person who spread the rumors in Jingzhao was most likely an intelligence agent of the Kingdom of Jin, and Humble Officer suddenly realized that it should be the intelligence officials of the Kingdom of Jin who pinched them together, and it was the Kingdom of Jin who let them stay. In Guanzhong, once Jin Guo's counterattack succeeds, these hidden puppet Qi officials will show up and take office quickly. "

Zhang Miao is worthy of being the head of the Supervision Department. His thinking is very clear, he sees problems very thoroughly, and is very persuasive, which everyone agrees with.

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said: "Jin Guo has been secretly integrating the puppet Qi local officials who surrendered through the intelligence point. We didn't realize it until this land investigation exposed them prematurely. The country colluded, let alone appeasement. I suggested that one should be divided into two. The Supervision Department led the army to Fengxiang Mansion to arrest people according to the list. Feng Xiangtong ordered Luo Wenqing to be arrested directly. The magistrate of Fengxiang, Xu Ning, the magistrate of Linyou County, was promoted to the general judge of Fengxiang Prefecture. He wanted to thoroughly investigate the Fengxiang government, and he had to investigate to the end.

The inner guard continues to be responsible for arresting the intelligence spies of the Kingdom of Jin, and wants to use this opportunity to completely destroy the intelligence points of the Kingdom of Jin in Guanzhong. "

Zhang Miao personally led the team, and more than [-] officials of the Supervision Department were dispatched to follow Zhang Miao to Fengxiang. Chen Qing also issued an order to dispatch troops, ordering [-] troops stationed in Xianyang to follow Zhang Miao to Fengxiang. The army fully cooperated with the Supervision Department. action.

On the official road from Jingzhao to Liquan County, Wang Hao and Zhong Huan also rushed along with thousands of inner guard cavalry.

Chen Qing reminded Wang Hao that the Taoist priest Zhang Chitong played a key role in the middle, but his current explanation obviously did not reflect the word "key".

Wang Hao entered Liquan County and came to the temporary camp of the inner guards. Han Zhengfu came out to welcome the arrival of the ruler.

Wang Hao got off his horse and asked, "Is that Taoist Zhang Chitong still there?"

"It's still there, I dare not let him go."

"Bring it to court, I want to interrogate myself!"

Wang Hao sat down in the lobby. Not long after, two internal guard soldiers brought Zhang Chitong up. He confessed in time and did not suffer, but he still put on shackles to prevent him from escaping.

Wang Hao scolded angrily: "Zhang Chitong, who the hell are you? Tell me honestly, so that I won't be punished!"

Zhong Huan explained to Han Zhengfu in a low voice: "This Zhang Chitong is not an official of the puppet Qi, but he is responsible for contacting the officials of Fengxiang and the officials of the puppet Qi in other places in Guanzhong. He is an intelligence agent from the Kingdom of Jin."

Han Zhengfu gritted his teeth with hatred, "No wonder he confessed so happily. It turned out that he concealed the most important thing. This bastard was actually tricked by him."

"Wuliang Shoufu, I am a senior Taoist priest of Tianshi Palace. It is only because of Dao destiny that I met a few officials from the former Puppet Qi. I really shouldn't hide them."

"But the puppet Qi officials hiding in Tianshi Palace did not participate in the blood stele incident. Those who participated in the blood monument incident were officials from Fengxiang Mansion. Why did you get involved with them?"

"The relationship between Pindao and Fengxiang Mansion is also very deep, it's normal to know them."

Wang Hao sneered, "On one side are officials from Fengxiang, on the other side are officials hiding in Tianshi Palace, and on the other side is the intelligence point of the Kingdom of Jin. The intersection of these three is you. Do you think others are fools?"

"Immeasurable longevity, I don't understand what Wang Tongzhi is talking about?"

Wang Hao smiled coldly, "Interesting, I never signed up, how do you know who I am?"

Zhang Chitong knew he had made a slip of the tongue, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he still quibbled: "This General Han treats you respectfully, I knew you were ruled by the king of the inner guard. Although Pindao is an outsider, he is not alone. I don't know."

"It's nonsense, no matter what, I won't talk to you anymore, I'll just ask you, where is the golden fox?"

"Pindao doesn't know what golden foxes and silver foxes are!"

Wang Hao gritted his teeth and said: "Drag it for me, use eight punishments to deal with him!"

Several ferocious soldiers rushed up and dragged Zhang Chitong down.For a moment, there was a shrill scream from the hall, and after a while, a soldier came to report, "He confessed to the authority!"

At nightfall, an army of [-] soldiers arrived in Lintong County. They had special access gold medals, the gates of the city were opened, and the army ran into the county seat. Not long after, [-] soldiers surrounded the Lin family mansion in the southwest of the county seat.

In the end, Zhang Chitong couldn't bear the heavy punishment and confessed everything. He was indeed an important leader of the Jin State Intelligence Station, and was responsible for contacting the former puppet Qi officials.

According to Zhang Chitong, Golden Fox has residences in three suburban counties, one in Xianyang County, one in Gaoling County, and one in Lintong County.

The internal guards were in vain in Xianyang County, Wang Hao immediately divided his troops into two groups, and ordered two commanders Yang Ye and Liu Hekun to lead [-] soldiers and [-] internal guards to Gaoling County. He and Han Zhengfu led [-] soldiers and [-] Hundreds of internal guards rushed to Lintong County.

The Lin family mansion is a large house rented by the golden fox. During this period, more than [-] spies have been withdrawn from Chengdu and have been intensively training. Spreading rumors of the blood tablet in Jingzhao City is their small test. Facts have proved that they are very successful.

Since this land inspection touched the vital interests of the Fengxiang faction, the group of officials headed by Luo Wenqing had the heart to fight against Jingzhao, which gave Golden Fox an opportunity. He began to consider training an army of more than a thousand people in Fengxiang. At the critical moment, we should cooperate with the outside world to seize Guanzhong.

"There are enemies!"

Suddenly a loud cry in the yard awakened the golden fox from his sleep. Then he heard the sound of fighting in the yard. The golden fox panicked and struggled to get up. He was too fat to get up.

As soon as he sat up, several sharp war knives were placed around his neck.

"If you move, I'll kill you!"

The golden fox suddenly lowered his head to bite the ring on his hand, but someone grabbed his hand and forcibly wiped away his poison ring.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers rushed forward, knocked him down to the ground and tied his hands behind his back, only to hear the soldiers of the Song Army yell, "The golden fox has been caught! The golden fox has been caught!"

The golden fox suddenly lost all thoughts, Zhang Chitong must have been arrested and confessed himself.

Zhang Chitong is a well-known Taoist priest and has quite connections with the officials, so making him as his liaison with Luo Wenqing very concealed is the most suitable candidate.

But he didn't expect this hidden candidate to be caught by Song Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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