
Chapter 743 Small Town

Chapter 743 Small Town
When Wang Hao heard that he had caught the golden fox, he jumped up for joy. This opponent who had tortured him for nearly two years unexpectedly got his whereabouts from a Taoist priest.

At the beginning of the year, the county king promoted him to rule, and he was ashamed to accept it. Now that the golden fox was caught, he finally felt proud.

Wang Hao immediately interrogated the captured spies overnight, and continued to expand the scope of the search. At four o'clock, the inner guard captured the intelligence strategist Li Wenzhu and seven spies in an inn.

Thirty-five spies were all arrested. Before dawn, Wang Hao personally led the army and escorted the golden fox and other spies back to Jingzhao.

At the same time when Neiwei finally cracked the Jin Kingdom's intelligence network, the Supervision Department led by Zhang Miao launched a stormy rectification operation in Fengxiang Mansion. While the house was surrounded by soldiers, he committed suicide by taking poison.

Immediately, twenty-three officials from eight counties in the Fuya, Fengxiang, Fufeng, Baoji, Guoxian, Meixian, Qishan, Purun, Linyou and other prefectures and counties under Fengxiang Mansion were dismissed and interrogated, including [-] officials. There were nine civil servants, and their property was also seized.

Not only were the officials dismissed for questioning, but the supervisory department started a second land inspection based on the previous land inspection, confiscating all the land occupied by these officials and their relatives.

According to Chen Qing's order, the prefect Wang Zi was dismissed for negligence, Jiang Kuangyuan was appointed as the prefect of Fengxiang by the First Office of the Supervision Department, Xu Ning, the magistrate of Linyou County, was promoted to the general judge of Fengxiang prefecture, and the magistrates of other counties were appointed as the prefect of Fengxiang. The counties on Xihe Road were transferred.

On the seventh day after the storm of bureaucracy, Chen Qing also came to Fengxiang mansion by boat under the escort of three thousand cavalry. The Wanyan Wushu army that entered Hanzhong was forced to withdraw.

This time Chen Qing inspected Fengxiang mansion, and also came to inspect the situation of Fengxiang's officialdom after the rectification.

It was already March in Yangchun, warblers were flying and grasses were growing on both sides of the Weihe River, green everywhere, full of vitality everywhere, and the air was full of warmth.

Pieces of wheat fields grow lush and green, and there are villages in the distance. At noon, the villages are full of smoke from cooking.

This time he was accompanied by Yu Ying on the inspection tour. Yu Ying was gentle and gentle, and could take care of Chen Qing's life along the way.

Now that Chen Qing is on tour, he will try to take a boat as much as possible, not because he wants to enjoy it, but because it is very convenient for him to handle official business on the road.

At this moment, Yu Ying brought a cup of tea and put it on the table, and sat quietly at the side again. Chen Qing glanced at her, and asked with a smile, "Are you tired of sitting on the boat and want to go for a walk?"

Yu Ying was a little embarrassed and said: "Just now I heard that there is a town ahead that is famous for producing a kind of wine, so I want to buy a pot for the officials and buy some side dishes to go with the wine."

Chen Qing glanced out the window and asked with a smile, "Where is this?"

"It was Mei County just now. It seems that after crossing the inclined water, it entered the territory of Guo County."

Chen Qing thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "I know where the famous town you mentioned is, Yangping Town, right?"

"That's the name!"

"The Bizhu pulp sake from Chensi Restaurant in Yangping Town is good. Of course, it's only a little bit better than Zhuojiu, but you can go shopping."

When Yu Ying heard that her husband was willing to accompany her to go shopping in the town, her heart was filled with joy, and she hurriedly said, "I'll get the veil!"

The fleet docked slowly outside Yangping Town. Not far away was the bustling wharf of Yangping Town. The soldiers all went to rest in the nearby woods. Chen Qing, escorted by more than a dozen personal soldiers, took Yu Ying on board shore.

Of course, inspections must go to the field to understand the sufferings of the people, not just sit in the government office and listen to the reports of officials. Sometimes you can go to small towns and villages to get a better understanding of the real situation.

Yu Ying was wearing a green shirt, a long white silk skirt, and a bamboo hat with a light gauze covering her face. She was tall and slender, quite charming. Long Jian, he is tall, and Yu Ying, who is next to the guardian, is a tall woman with an extraordinary masculinity, walking in the small town is very eye-catching.

Yesterday there was a big market in Yangping Town, and people from all over the world came to the market. Today, there were a little fewer people, but it was still very lively. They just took a mat and spread it on the ground, and it was filled with various agricultural products, among which fish and shrimp were the most. There was a fishy smell in the air.

Yu Ying walked to a small stall selling copper jewelry, and excitedly selected all kinds of jewelry, which made Chen Qing a little dumbfounded. Among the four women, which one of them had several sets of gold jewelry, especially the treasures she brought back from the Xixia Palace, Each piece is priceless, and Yu Ying has twelve pieces!

What should he say about being interested in these cheap copper jewelry?

The old lady who sold the jewelry wanted to say hello, but when she saw the emerald gold hairpin on Yu Ying's hair and the white jade bracelet on her wrist, she didn't dare to make a sound. The fineness of the white jade bracelet made her amazed When she bought the goods, the shopkeeper's wife boasted that her jade bracelet was worth dozens of pennies, but compared with the white jade bracelet of the little lady in front of her, it was like seeing a phoenix.

"Officer, I want to buy some, okay?" Yu Ying turned around and asked Chen Qing happily.

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "If you want to buy it, buy it!"

"Okay! I'll pick a few more and give them some at home."

Yu Ying went to pick out the jewelry, Chen Qing asked the aunt who sold the jewelry, "How much can I earn a month for setting up a stall!"

"My things are cheap, and I can't earn a few dollars. It would be good if I can earn a few dozen pennies a day."

"Business should be better during the festival!"

"Just count on too much."

"How much is the price of rice here?" Chen Qing asked again.

"I'm not sure! Our family grows our own food and doesn't buy it outside."

Next to it was a stall selling all kinds of agricultural tools. The owner of the stall was about forty or fifty years old. He sat on a small stool, hugged his knees, and said with a smile: "The official is from Jingzhao! Let me tell you, we are a small farmer here. Locally, wheat is [-] cents a bucket, and you can go directly to the farmers’ homes to buy it. Salt is the same, for [-] cents a catty. Cloth is also bought from the farmers for the coarse cloth they wove themselves. , we have to ask for money, but we are short of money!"

"How much does the elder brother earn from setting up a stall in a month?"

"It's not enough to just sell farm tools. We also need to repair farm tools for others. We can earn about three pennies a month, which is enough to support our family. As long as we don't fight wars, we are very satisfied."

At this moment, a few farmers came over with farm tools for repairs, and Chen Qing didn't bother. Yu Ying also picked out ten pieces of copper jewelry, and gave the aunt a silver ingot, which was worth five taels. She waved her hand, "No need to look for it!"

The aunt was so happy that she came out and kowtowed to thank, this is a living Bodhisattva descending to earth!

Chen Qing smiled without saying a word, knowing that there must be a reason for Yu Ying, he turned the corner, and Yu Ying gave the copper jewelry to a group of young ladies.

Yu Ying was a little embarrassed and said to Chen Qing in a low voice: "That jewelry sales lady looks a lot like my grandma, so I just want to help her."

"It's okay, you can go have a drink with me, the most famous Chensi Restaurant is right in front."

Yu Ying took her husband's arm and happily walked to the big restaurant ahead
The guards had already booked a table by the window one step ahead, Chen Qing and Yu Ying sat down, Chen Qing smiled to the dozen of guards around him: "You don't have to be so close to the enemy, you go find a place to sit down and eat. "

The guards had no choice but to find a long table by the wall and sit down, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly.

The bartender ran forward and said with a smile: "The officials are lucky today. The shop received a lot of game and mountain delicacies yesterday, including all the dishes on the list."

Knowing that the Yu sisters like to eat venison, Chen Qing said, "Here are three catties of charcoal-grilled venison, a steamed Weihe perch, a pot of stewed pheasant, and a plate of several mountain delicacies. Your most famous green bamboo paste Two jugs of sake."

"Okay! Three catties of charcoal-grilled venison, one steamed perch, one pot of stewed pheasant, one plate of each of the five delicacies, and two jugs of wine!"

Seeing that the dishes her husband ordered were all her favorites, Yu Ying felt very sweet in her heart, so she wished she could sit side by side with her husband.

At this moment, several personal soldiers rushed up like a gust of wind, stopped an old man who was walking towards Chen Qing, and angrily shouted: "Stay away!"

The tall old man smiled and said: "It seems that I have not misunderstood the person, General Chen, do you still know me?"

Chen Qing saw that he was full of white hair and mighty appearance, vaguely familiar, and suddenly found that he only had one hand, and immediately remembered, "You are."

(End of this chapter)

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