
Chapter 744 Scale

Chapter 744 Scale
"You are Xu Ning?" Chen Qing recognized the old man in front of him.

Just as the old man was about to bow and salute, Chen Qing quickly supported him, "I'm just an ordinary rich man now."

It was only then that Xu Ning realized that Chen Qing was visiting privately on Weibo, and he quickly smiled and said, "Then I won't bother you!"

"It's okay, Coach Xu, please sit down!"

Before Chen Qing could speak, Yu Ying immediately sat next to her husband knowingly and gave up her seat.

Xu Ning seemed to have returned to the old days with the sound of Coach Xu. He nodded and smiled and said, "Then I will be disrespectful!"

Xu Ning sat down and ordered one of his subordinates to retreat outside the town so as not to disturb the people.

Chen Qing smiled and introduced Yu Ying to Xu Ning, "This is my concubine!"

Xu Ning had also heard that Chen Qing's concubine was a pair of twin sisters, and probably this was one of them, so he hurriedly bowed to say hello.

At this time, two bartenders brought food and wine, and Chen Qing added a few more dishes. He filled a glass of wine for Xu Ning and said with a smile, "Thank you, Coach Xu, for giving us arrows back then. We made this glass!"

It was also thanks to Xu Ning that Chen Qing was able to get a glimpse of the best archery skills. Chen Qing has always been sincerely grateful to him. He invited Xu Ning to be an official in Jingzhao several times. Because Xu Ning was disabled, he politely declined. This time to clean up Fengxiang's officialdom However, Xu Ning was the only county magistrate who refused to join forces with Luo Wenqing. Regardless of whether he wanted to or not, Chen Qing forcibly appointed him as the general judge of Fengxiang Mansion.

Xu Ning hastily raised his glass with one hand and said, "It's been seven years, and I never thought that the general would be able to make it this far. Let's go further for the general. Cheers!"

The two drank it all in one gulp, and Yu Ying wanted to pour wine for them, Xu Ning waved her hand in fright, "I dare not, the general and I each have a jug of wine, and drink by ourselves, madam, leave me alone!"

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "Then pour yourself a drink, it's better to be casual."

Yu Ying filled a glass of wine for her husband, Xu Ning poured wine for herself, and he asked with a smile, "Is the general going to visit Linyou County this time?"

Chen Qing sighed slightly and said, "In Linyou County, five hundred sons followed me to fight, but now there are less than thirty people left. I am ashamed of the elders of Linyou County, and dare not go to see them!"

"There will always be sacrifices in war. As long as the Tartars can be expelled from Shaanxi Road, all this is worth it. The fathers and villagers hope that you will go back and have a look. You have promised."

Chen Qing nodded, "I'll take a look."

The two drank another glass of wine, and Chen Qingxiao asked, "Where is Coach Xu going?"

"Go to Mei County to handle a case."

"What case?"

"Someone reported that the former county magistrate embezzled [-] shi of official grain. The magistrate cried to me in prison. He admitted that he took up [-] acres of land, but he absolutely did not embezzle official grain. "

"Do you know this magistrate?"

Xu Ning nodded, "He was originally a county magistrate of Linyou County. He followed me for several years, and was later promoted to magistrate of Mei County by the Jinren. This person said that it might be possible for him to be greedy for a little bit of cheap food, but he was greedy for eight thousand shi of grain. But I don’t have the guts.”

"But you can't quite believe it either, can you?"

"General, the incident happened during the period of Jin Kingdom's control. Now the law can no longer convict him, but I just don't want him to bear this reputation, so I'm going to Mei County to see. It's not easy to embezzle eight thousand shi of grain. You need a warehouse , transportation, distribution, and many links, if the reported situation is also found to be unsubstantiated, then we cannot insist that he embezzled official food."

It turned out that it happened during the reign of the Kingdom of Jin, and Chen Qing was not very interested. He smiled slightly and said, "During the period of the Kingdom of Jin, it would be even more difficult to embezzle official food!"

"That's the problem. The Jurchens themselves have a record of embezzling eight thousand shi of grain. How could they hide it from the Jurchens? At most, they rely on loss to make a little leftovers. He has only been the magistrate of Mei County under the Jurchens for one year. , can earn eight thousand shi of grain by loss? It is obviously unrealistic!" "

"Is the Supervision Department also investigating this case?

"It's also under investigation. Wang Danian, deputy director of the Third Supervision Office, personally led the team to Mei County."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Since Wang Danian has gone to Mei County, then you don't have to go again. Wang Danian has always been fair and strict in dealing with things, so you don't have to worry!"

"I understand, then I won't interfere with the case."

Xu Ning returned to Fengxiang County with his men, Chen Qing bought a lot of food and wine, and asked his soldiers to bring them aboard, then he took Yu Ying out of the restaurant, walked around the town again, and returned to the big ship.

The fleet continued westward and rested overnight after arriving in Guo County. Early the next morning, they dug a canal along Jinbing to the north. This canal connected Fengxiang County and Weishui River. rise up and then widen to form.

Outside Fengxiang County, Zhang Miao led the officials to welcome Chen Qing. Chen Qing also saw Xu Ning. He returned to Fengxiang yesterday. Yu Ying did not disembark. add to the trouble.

Fengxiang County is the second largest city in Guanzhong. For a long time, it was the base of Wanyan Wushu to attack Sichuan and Shaanxi. It was basically not damaged by the war. It looked very prosperous and lively, and the clothes and looks of the people on the street were also good.

A group of people came to the government office, which is now the temporary official office of the Supervision Department. In the inner hall, Zhang Miao reported the latest progress of the investigation to Chen Qing.

"The land liquidation has ended, and all the land encroachment involved by them or their families has been confiscated. However, during the investigation process, we found that many Luo Wenqing gangs have committed serious corruption, which makes it difficult for us to control the scale of the case. Please The king of the county shows."

Chen Qing glanced at everyone, and said slowly: "I have considered this issue on the way. I think that if the scale is too strict, many puppet Qi officials will not dare to work for us in the future, and the gain will not be worth the loss. So I suggest dividing it into three stage to handle the case.

In the first stage, during the Jinbing occupation period, the corruption and bribery gains during this period should not be investigated, but the tolerance I am talking about is limited to the use of positions for bribery, and involves evil deeds, such as stealing and usurping, occupying their fields, houses and shops, etc. , This kind of evil behavior involving the common people must be strictly investigated and cannot be tolerated.

The second stage refers to the blank period. Jin Bing escaped, but we have not taken over yet. I guess many officials will use this period of time to reap benefits. In fact, once Jin Bing escapes, all the property in the official warehouse should be ours. Therefore, all the property embezzled at this stage must be recovered. Officials may not be held responsible, but they must be dismissed.

The third stage refers to after we took over. During this period, corruption and bribery will be dealt with according to the laws of the Song Dynasty. Both property and property must be confiscated, and criminal responsibility must also be investigated. The whole family will be exiled to Jishi County.

Zhang Miao said with a smile: "Thanks to the king of the county for giving us a measure, especially the punishment method, exile to Jishi County is good."

After a pause, Zhang Miao said again: "But in the actual handling of the case, there will be a problem, that is the second stage, the crime during the blank period, the corrupt officials will definitely not admit that it is a crime during the blank period, and it must be during the Jinbing occupation. period, especially in the case of widespread burning of account books, it is still difficult to convict based on witnesses alone. The humble position means whether to set a quota, I don’t care if you are in the blank period or the golden soldier occupation period, I will not exceed this quota. To confiscate."

Chen Qing nodded, "Then use one thousand guan as the limit. If you can explain the source of property, let it go. If you can't explain the source of property, let it go below [-] guan, and confiscate it if it is more than [-] guan."

Jiang Kuangyuan, the new prefect of Fengxiang, said: "Actually, there are still problems here! For example, he took the embezzled money to Chengdu and bought a store under his wife's and children's names, but we couldn't find out."

Chen Qing said indifferently: "This is why all dynasties have valued virtue so much. The rulers all know that using the system to restrain corrupt officials will not be effective. The key is to cultivate one's own virtue. We set a quota of one thousand It is more a kind of forgiveness, so that the petty corrupt officials can let go of their worries. In fact, under the severe oppression of the golden soldiers, even if they want to be greedy for money, they will have no financial resources. I also feel at ease.

In a word, in this Fengxiang incident, everyone is not here to investigate the corrupt criminals. Although I want to crack down on Luo Wenqing's gang, I definitely don't want to put everyone in danger. Everyone understands! "

Zhang Miao nodded, "I understand, this property investigation is only limited to Feng Xiang, and only to Luo Wenqing's gang."

Chen Qing secretly praised Zhang Miao for understanding his intentions thoroughly. Officials from all over the world were willing to surrender to him and attach themselves to him because he could protect their vital interests. If he wanted to investigate corruption all day long, who would support him?
"Director Zhang is right. That's what he means. The investigation is limited to Luo Wenqing's gang. The investigation of corruption is not the purpose, but a deterrent. If you dare to collude with the enemy and fight against Jingzhao, you will be ruined."

(End of this chapter)

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