
Chapter 745 Sneak Attack

Chapter 745 Sneak Attack
Chen Qing only stayed in Fengxiang County for two days, and then went north to Linyou County for inspection. He was warmly welcomed by the people in Linyou County, which made Chen Qing feel like returning to his hometown.

Chen Qing also met with the families of the fallen soldiers, and announced at the same time that each of the [-] families of Linyou County soldiers would be rewarded with [-] mu of land and exempted from tax for life, and that Liu's fifth son, Liu Chengzhi, was also very promising now. , he inherited his father's behest, studied for a few years, abandoned literature and started martial arts, and practiced martial arts with Xu Ning.

Liu Chengzhi told Chen Qing that he didn't want to stay in his hometown, but wanted to soar in a wider world. Chen Qing praised his ambition, and then wrote him a letter of recommendation, asking him to lead fifty soldiers from the village to Jingzhaoba The barracks approached Lu Gui and made them a member of the Huben army.

At dusk, it began to rain lightly, Chen Qing took an umbrella and took Yu Ying for a walk in the small streets in the county.

Clean stone roads, mottled ancient walls, and small shops in small streets made Chen Qing seem to have returned to the winter seven years ago, and reminded him of his previous life. Scenes of dusty pictures flowed through his mind again. The feeling of hometown is so strong, and Chen Qing doesn't know why he feels this way in Linyou County. Is this the place where he was born in his previous life?
Before he knew it, there was a trace of tears in the corner of Chen Qing's eyes.

Yu Ying snuggled close to her husband's arms, feeling the tranquility of this moment, her tenderness was like water, and she subtly felt a trace of affection in her husband's heart, a kind of nostalgia and remembrance of the past.

"Husband, shall we buy a house here?" Yu Ying's voice was very low, and it was the first time she called out the title of husband.

"The house?"

Chen Qing nodded, this little lady is very smart, she even understood her own heart, but her appearance is still a bit small.

"Do you know what Linyou County was most famous in the Sui and Tang Dynasties?"

"I do not know!"

"During the Sui Dynasty, there was a famous palace here called Renshou Palace. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty escaped the summer heat here, but he also died here later."

"Where is the palace?"

Chen Qing pointed to the misty foothills of Fenghuang Mountain in the north, and said with a smile: "On the mountain, it has become a pile of rocks now."

"But the officials are here in the cultivation palace, others will say that your husband is rebellious!" Yu Ying only lasted two minutes with the courage to call her husband.

Chen Qing smiled lightly: "It's just a name, just call it the Villa."

Chen Qing hugged her waist and asked with a smile, "Why don't you call me Husband?"

Yu Ying sighed softly, "I'm afraid Madam will be unhappy if I get used to it."

Chen Qing also knows that his wife attaches great importance to titles, her husband is her title, the other three sisters can only be called officials, and Zhao Qiaoyun is no exception, once Zhao Qiaoyun slipped in front of Lu Xiu and called her husband, which provoked Lu Xiu for several days Unhappy, the relationship between the two was not restored until Zhao Qiaoyun changed his name.

Addressing her is the minimum respect for a wife, so Chen Qing doesn't force it.

Chen Qing smiled and whispered in her ear: "You like to call me Husband, so you can call me as much as you like at night!"

Yu Ying's pretty face blushed, and she nodded joyfully.

Chen Qing stayed in Linyou County for three days before leaving for Jingzhao.

In Yanzhou, a cavalry team composed of two thousand Jurchens ran quickly in the night. All of these cavalrymen were wearing black armor and were tall and burly. They were the famous black armored cavalry army. Pulling out speed is Wanyan Nianhan's right-hand man.

A few years ago, it was the same captain who led three thousand black armored cavalry troops to attack the hinterland of the south of the Yangtze River at a high speed, defeated twenty thousand Song troops in Huzhou, and forced the emperor Zhao Gou to board the ship again and flee for his life.

This time, Ba Lisu once again carried out the secret mission assigned to him by Wanyan Nianhan, the target has been locked, and the time is tonight.

At this time, a small river appeared in front of him. The river was very shallow. For the cavalry, they could directly wade across the river. Pulling out the speed, he raised his hand and said, "Stop!"

As expected of being well-trained, the black-armored iron cavalry reined in their horses one after another. At this time, a small boat came from the upper reaches of the river. On board was a boatman and a man in black. They pulled out their horses and shouted: "Password!"

"The moon is dark and the wind is high!"

The man in black said the command, took out a command arrow from his arms, and held it high.

Ba Lisu nodded and asked, "Where is the fleet?"

"It has already departed from Fushi County and will arrive soon."

Pulling out the speed, he immediately turned back and said: "Take the iron chain and go to the other side!"

The Jurchen cavalry immediately blew up dozens of sheepskin rafts, paddled to the opposite bank, tied the iron chain to a big tree, and pulled up an iron chain to block the river. Dozens of leather rafts were hidden on both sides of the bank.

About an hour later, a flotilla of flat-bottomed cargo ships sailed forward, there were nearly a hundred ships, and the rafts lying in ambush on both sides came out and boarded the big ship. Hundreds of Jurchen soldiers jumped on the flotilla to guard the The soldiers of the Song Army were woken up and got up one after another to fight the Jurchen soldiers, but they were no match for the Jurchen cavalry. In just a moment, more than a hundred soldiers of the Song Army were killed, and the remaining dozen jumped into the water to escape.

The Jurchen soldiers didn't chase after them, but forced the boatman to land with a knife. There were iron chains in front of them, and there were demonic Jurchen soldiers on board. The boatman had no choice but to pull the boat to the shore.

The Jurchen soldiers ambushing on the shore boarded the boat one after another to check. Not long after, a commander reported to Ba Lisu: "I report to Commander Wan, the information is true. It is full of kerosene, and each ship has hundreds of Barrel of kerosene."

Ba Lisu nodded in satisfaction, at this moment, another commander stepped forward and said, "Commander Wan, since you're here, why don't you go into the city to loot."

Ba Lisu glared at him, "You think this is Jiangnan, you can grab it casually? Fushi County has [-] soldiers, but the city can't be taken, and the fire oil is lost. It's no wonder the commander didn't peel your skin!"

The commander-in-chief was too frightened to make a sound, and Ba Lisu shouted: "Take the fleet and set off!"

The iron chains were put away, and the fleet continued to set off under the escort of the Jurchen soldiers, and the cavalry followed on the shore.

At this time, several cavalrymen threw a bag of silver to the man in black, "This is two thousand taels of silver. We Jurchens always keep our word."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

When the fleet was far away, the man in black stabbed the boatman to death with a sword, pulled out a horse from the woods, and rode away with the silver.

It wasn't until dawn the next day that Fushi County got the news that the fleet was intercepted by the Jurchen cavalry, and the guard Wang Zhen led his troops to the scene of the accident, only to find more than a hundred corpses of soldiers from the Song Army, and the fleet and kerosene were gone. trace.

Five days later, Chen Qing's fleet arrived at Jingzhao Mansion. Jiang Yanxian and Guan Shigu went outside the city to welcome Chen Qing back.

Chen Qing asked his own soldiers to escort Yu Ying back to the mansion, and he got into the large carriage. The two of them were in a hurry to find him, so something big must have happened.

Guan Shigu sighed and said, "Just the night before yesterday, news came from Yanzhou that a Jurchen cavalry raided Yanzhou and took away [-] barrels of kerosene that were going to Jingzhao."

Chen Qing's face darkened, the news came too suddenly.

"What about Fushi County?"

"The other party did not go to Fushi County, and it was more than a hundred miles away from the county seat. According to the surviving soldiers, the other party stopped the fleet with iron chains and captured the entire fleet."

"There are traitors in the fleet?"

"There must be a traitor, but it doesn't have to be the fleet. It might also be a spy in Fushi County. The king of the county has a very clear purpose, which is to rob fire oil."

Chen Qing was really annoyed, this was a big loophole, and he was caught by the other party.

"Go back to the official office first!"

(End of this chapter)

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