
Chapter 746 Timing

Chapter 746 Timing
Back in his official room, Chen Qing spread out a map of the northern part of Shaanxi Road, and on the map found the place where the fleet was hijacked, where the Xiaoqing River poured into Yanshui.

"What else was found at the scene?"

"A small boat and an old boatman who was stabbed to death were also found."

Chen Qing pointed at the mouth of the Yanshui River again with his pen and said, "There should be a sentry tower here to monitor the other side of the Yellow River."

Guan Shigu sighed, "The sentry tower has been attacked, and all twenty sentries have been killed."

"What news do the surviving soldiers have? About this sneak attack army."

"About [-] cavalry, all wearing black armor, are very fierce, and the humble officials think they are the elite black armored cavalry of Wan Yan's personal soldiers."

"About this black armored cavalry, what else can General Guan tell me?" Chen Qing asked again.

"I just heard that there are about [-] black-armored cavalrymen, and they were selected by Wanyan Nianhan from the [-] Hezhameng'an army. The chief general is called Ba Lisu."

"and many more!"

Chen Qing interrupted Guan Shigu, "Isn't Ba Lisu the younger brother of Yin Keshu? He should be in Taiyuan now, right! How did he become Wanyan Nianhan's confidant general?"

"Back to the king of the county, Ba Lisu means strong man in Donghu dialect. Many people call him Ba Lisu. Yin Keshu's younger brother is called Wanyan Balisu. Nianhan's confidant general Ba Lisu's surname is Pucha. His name is Pucha Balisu, or Pucha Batu, and he is generally called Batu inside."

"Is this person very powerful?"

Guan Shigu nodded, "It is definitely not an ordinary person to become the captain of the black armored cavalry. A few years ago, he led [-] cavalry across the Yangtze River, from Wuhu to Lin'an, and successively defeated Tian Shizhong and Tian Shizhong in Huzhou. Liu Kai's [-] troops forced the Son of Heaven to go to sea, and [-] of them looted and returned, and it is said that not a single soldier was injured."


Chen Qing snorted coldly, "In a fierce battle with [-] Song troops, how could it be possible that not a single soldier was injured? Especially Liu Kai's army is not a weak force."

"The lowly position also feels a little strange. It should be Wanyan Nianhan's propaganda to the outside world that no one was hurt. However, the county king should not underestimate the enemy no matter what."

Chen Qing said coldly, ""I didn't underestimate the enemy, but I just dared to snatch my [-] barrels of kerosene from Yanzhou. I really want to meet this person. "

At this time, Engage reported at the door, "The King of Neiwei is here!"

"Let him in!"

Not long after, Wang Hao hurried in, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See the king!"

"Wang Tongzhi, I have a task for you. You can go by yourself or hand it over to your subordinates. Our [-] barrels of fire oil were robbed by the Jurchen along with the boats in Yanzhou. There must be internal responses. I am very worried about the skin. There are Jurchen internal agents ambushing in Shi County, and the internal and external forces will seize Fushi County, and your internal guards must dig out this spy who betrayed the news of the fleet in the shortest possible time."

"Understood, let's go to Yanzhou today."

"No rush, make arrangements at home and leave early tomorrow morning."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

At this time, Jiang Yanxian, who had been silent all this time, said: "Due to the current situation in Hedong, I suggest that the county king adjust the strategy of Hedong."

Chen Qing's Hedong strategy was formulated after returning from Xixia last year. The coach was still Wanyan Yinkeshu. He was planning to send [-] troops to attack Hedong Road from north to south. Now the situation has changed. Not only Wanyan Nianhan led an army of [-] Entering Hedong, forcibly seized the command, and Chen Qing also captured Shanzhou. It is entirely possible to send troops to Hedong from Zhongtiaoshan. In this way, the original plan is not suitable for the situation.

Chen Qing nodded, "I understand Chang Shi's meaning, [-] troops is indeed not enough, at least [-] troops are needed, but I still plan to attack on the third front, and now I am waiting for news from Datong Mansion."

"The king of the county just needs to understand what I mean, especially this time Wanyan Nianhan took away [-] barrels of kerosene, which is obviously a key defense against our attack, and the king of the county must have corresponding countermeasures."

Chen Qing sighed slightly, "That's right, the robbery of Yanzhou Huoyou has had a far-reaching impact. We have indeed underestimated the enemy recently, knowing that the shipping risks are high, and wisely, the enemy army has changed their coaches, but they still refuse to accept it." It is my responsibility to change to camels for transportation.”

"If the county king decides to prepare for a third-line attack, he should start preparing."

Zhou Kuan added: "At present, we have enough money and food, which is enough to support us in the Battle of Hedong for a long time."

Chen Qing said to everyone: "Actually, I have already arranged it, and I am still waiting for a suitable time."

Everyone looked at each other, Jiang Yanxian asked: "I don't know what the timing of the county king is?"

Chen Qing smiled lightly, "Hedong is Wanyanchang's territory, and it was forcibly occupied by Wanyan Nianhan. How can Wanyanchang let it go? I'll see if the [-] Hezhameng'an army in Hebei goes north. If Hezhameng'an If the army goes north, then Wanyanchang will lose completely, and Wanyan Yinkeshu and Wanyan Balisu will also be transferred away, but if Wanyan Nianhan refuses to give up Hezha Meng'an Army, then the infighting in Hedong will be It will explode, and it is very likely that Wan Yanchang will go to Hedong, and at this time, the time is ripe for me to send troops."

"But what if Wanyan Nianhan gives up Hezha Meng'an Army?" Guan Shigu asked.

"Then I'll wait another year or two. If Wanyan Nianhan is cornered by the Emperor of Jin, he will definitely take the initiative to attack Shaanxi Road and use war to resolve his own crisis."

Speaking of this, Chen Qing concluded to everyone: "In a word, our Eastern Expedition must be in line with the internal struggle of the Jin Dynasty, so as to obtain the greatest benefits from their internal struggle, so what we have to do now is to strengthen intelligence , intelligence, intelligence!"

Five days later, Wang Hao personally led [-] elite inner guard soldiers to Yanzhou.

The commander of Yanzhou, Wang Zhen, was a general of Niu Gao's department. He was a [-]-year-old young general. His father was Wang Yan, the commander of the famous Eight-Character Army. Following Chen Qing from Jiangling Mansion, he was assigned to Niu Gao's command, and was promoted step by step from the head of the capital to the commander.

In the Yamen of Yanzhou Prefecture, Wang Zhen, Zhizhou Liu Yi, and Fushi County Zhixian Li Jinyang discussed with Wang Hao the tasks assigned by the county king.
Wang Zhen took the lead and said: "Actually, we are also looking for various possible leaks, but judging from the situation we have so far, it should not be the work of the boatman."

"Why wasn't the boatman doing it?"

Liu Yi sighed and said, "Thirty-four boatmen are all dead. They were all killed with their hands tied behind their backs. None of them survived."

Wang Hao nodded. In this case, it really has nothing to do with the boatman.

"So how many people know the time of departure and the details of the cargo? Have you checked them?"

Wang Zhendao: "The launch of the ship is a matter for the military. The plan was drawn up a month ago. Strictly speaking, there are only seven people who know about it. But in fact, this is not the case. There should be many people who know about it."

"Why do you say that?" Wang Hao asked.

Liu Yi smiled wryly and said: "Because there is only one material transported from Yanzhou, that is kerosene. There are many people who know the time of departure. The state government and county government know it, and the stewards on the wharf also know it. It means that this is not a secret, this is actually something that everyone knows."

"So you don't have a clue yet?"

All three were silent, they really couldn't find any clues.

Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "I heard that there is still a boat with an old boatman who was stabbed to death. Who is this old boatman? Have you found his family?"

"The old boatman's name is Liu Er. He lives in Fushi County. He has no wife and no children. He is single. The boat was rented by Liu Er."

Wang Hao thought about it, and the only clue was this Liu Er. He got up and said, "Take me to this Liu Er's house to see!"

Li Jinyang, the county magistrate, got up and said, "Of course, I'll take Wang Tongzhi there, but I want to say one more thing. In fact, our county government has checked everything, and there is nothing to gain."

Judge Zhong Huan, who had remained silent all this time, said calmly, "Our inner guard's investigation is not the same as the county government's investigation."

(End of this chapter)

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