
Chapter 747 Money

Chapter 747 Money
The residence of Liu Er, the old boatman who was stabbed to death, was located in the south of the city. It was a dilapidated thatched cottage with mud walls. Broken bed boards and a pile of tattered quilts, with straw under the bed boards, and a table with one leg missing, supported by stones, and more than a dozen broken bowls and pots piled up in the corner, and another one that came from nowhere. Picked up soil stove.

This is all of Liu Er's belongings, only one more shabby house than a beggar.

Li Jinyang, the county magistrate, sighed and said, "You don't need to search, you can tell there is nothing at a glance."

Wang Hao ignored him, he turned his head and said to the commander Yang Ye: "Search!"

Yang Ye is the commander of the third battalion of internal guards, who is responsible for the investigation of major and important cases. There are more than [-] people under him, all of whom are experienced investigators selected from various states and counties.

With a wave of Yang Ye's hand, more than [-] men began to search inside and outside the house, even the beams were not spared.

After a while, a soldier shouted: "Found it!"

The scene that stunned the county magistrate Li Jinyang appeared, but the soldiers found a very hidden hole in the wall at the head of the bed, which was sealed with mud and could not be seen from the outside, and took out a small cloth bag from the hole.

"Wang Tongzhi, how did he know there was a hole in the wall?" Li Jinyang asked puzzled.

Wang Hao said lightly: "This is the thickest part of the wall in the whole house. If there is a hole, it must be here!"

Li Jinyang scratched his head, "So, we really didn't expect that."

The soldier handed the cloth bag to Wang Hao, and Wang Hao opened the cloth bag, and inside was a stack of brand new silver coins, newly minted last year, about [-] coins.

"It's actually silver money!"

Li Jinyang was surprised: "He is a lonely old man, how can he have money?"

"Is there any silver in the Yanzhou market?"

Li Jinyang shook his head, "It is impossible to have it, and the market does not recognize it, because most of them have never seen it. Silver coins are only issued by officials and the army. When you want to use them, you can take them to money shops and exchange them for copper coins."

"If I'm not wrong, this is the reward that should be given to Liu Er. Liu Er went to the money shop and asked that the silver money can be exchanged, so he hid it in the wall. If it is exchanged for copper coins, it will cost more than a hundred guan, and he has no place. Tibetan."

"Then the internal response is from the army or an official."

Chong Huan said a few words to Wang Hao, Wang Hao nodded, and said to Li Jinyang: "I want to see Liu Er's body, is it still there?"

"It has been buried, but it should be dug out. The weather is not too hot now."

Wang Hao immediately said to Yang Ye: "Go and check the body and check his injuries!"

An hour later, Liu Er's injury was detected. He was killed by a sword piercing through his heart. The opponent's strike was ruthless and accurate, very professional, and it must have been done by a general.

Why not knights of the rivers and lakes, because knights of the rivers and lakes generally use broken silver, but no money, only the army and officials have money, and they are usually saved.

At this time, Zhong Huan suggested to Wang Hao: "General, you might as well check the charter situation. Renting a ship usually requires [-] to [-] pennies as collateral. Liu Er must not have so much money. It should be paid by the internal government." The money comes out, but the shipping company will definitely not accept cash.”

"Good idea!" Before Zhong Huan finished speaking, Yang Ye praised: "If there is only silver money in that person, he will definitely go to the money shop to exchange it for copper coins. We only need to find out who has exchanged silver coins for copper coins in the past ten days, and we should And a little eyebrow."

The owner's name was engraved on the boat, Yongdu Boat Company. The shopkeeper told Wang Hao that the boat was rented by two people seven days ago, an old man and a man in his thirties. The old man was in charge of picking the boat, and the young man gave money and mortgage The fifty pennies from him are still with him, and they didn't come over.

Wang Hao was refreshed, and quickly asked, "Have you seen this man in his thirties?"

The treasurer of the ship shop shook his head, "He is tall and strong, he should be a general. He gave me silver money at first, but I refused to accept it. Then he immediately went to exchange the money into copper coins."

This information is too important, Wang Hao immediately asked: "Which money shop!"

The shopkeeper pointed diagonally, "It's the Yanzhou money shop opposite!"

Yanzhou Money Shop is a government-run money shop. Almost every state has a money shop, which is affiliated with the Finance and Taxation Branch. Its functions are similar to those of a bank. It deposits, withdraws, remits, and exchanges money. Officials' salaries are all silver coins, and one silver coin is almost equal to money, and then it is not distributed to individuals, but to money shops. Soldiers and officials receive military cards and official cards, and everyone has a password.

The shopkeeper of the money shop quickly found the records. Seven days ago, someone had indeed exchanged fifty silver coins for fifty pennies, and then continued to trace the records of the withdrawal of silver coins. There were many cases where soldiers withdrew a few silver coins, but more than seventy coins were withdrawn at once. Money is by no means commonplace.

There is no need to check, one of the staff said: "It is General Zhou, the commander. He took out one hundred silver coins ten days ago, and the person who took out more than ten silver coins. He is the only one in these few months. I remember very clearly."

"What's Zhou called?"

"It's called Zhou Jin!"

Li Jinyang, the county magistrate who followed them to investigate the case, was dumbfounded. He didn't expect to find nowhere to find it. They did not waste their efforts. They searched for a few days and found nothing. The internal guards found the suspect after only half a day of investigation People, commander Zhou Jin.

Wang Hao led his men to the barracks at lightning speed, and the chief general Wang Zhen told them that this Zhou Jin had already asked for leave to return to his hometown for his father's funeral because of his father's death.

It is good news, but it is also disappointing. The good news is that they found the insider, but the insider escaped.

"Wang Tongzhi, are you sure he did it?" Wang Zhen was really surprised, he never thought that Nei Ying would be his subordinate.

"We won't find this Zhou Jin for no reason. The general can check. Where was Zhou Jin the night the kerosene was robbed?"

Wang Zhen immediately called for the Military Affairs Sima and asked, "Go and find out the commander, General Zhou Jin, was he in the barracks on the night of March [-]?"

The Military Affairs Sima flew away and came back in a short while and said: "General Zhou asked for leave on March [-] to return to his hometown for a funeral, and left the city on the same day."

Wang Zhen was stunned for a while and said: "It seems that it is really him. This guy is usually a boring gourd, but he is very serious in his work. I didn't expect to be a spy of the Jinren."

Wang Hao was about to arrive at Zhou Jin's hometown address, Gaoling County, Jingzhao Prefecture. He said to Wang Zhen solemnly: "I hope the general is mentally prepared, because I don't know if he has any accomplices in the army, so the county king may transfer the garrison away from Yanzhou." Zhou, I hope that the general will do a good job of defending the city before the army is transferred, especially not to let Zhou Jin's men be in charge of patrolling the city wall, so as to prevent the Jin soldiers from joining forces to seize the city."

Wang Zhen looked sad and nodded, "I will definitely defend myself!"

Wang Hao said again: "I will rush back to Jingzhao immediately to report to the county king. In addition, I will hand over [-] subordinates to the general. You will insert them into Zhou Jin's army. My subordinates will pay attention to observe."

"I understand!"

Wang Hao then handed over [-] elite inner guard soldiers to Wang Zhen, and ordered Yang Ye and Zhong Huan to continue searching for clues in Fushi City. Zhou Jin may not return to his hometown this time. It is very likely that they are still hiding in the county seat.

Wang Hao immediately led a hundred of his men to leave Fushi County and rushed towards Guanzhong.

Inside the big tent, Yang Ye worriedly said to Zhong Huan, "My brother thinks that Zhou Jin is still in Fushi County?"

Zhong Huan smiled slightly, "I'm not sure he's in Fushi County, but I'm sure he's still in Yanzhou."


"It was so hard for Jin Bing to bribe a general. How could he let him run away so easily? He must use various means to keep him. He is just asking for leave because of the robbery of Huoyou. It's not really something at home. In case Jin Are the soldiers still looking for him?"

"My brother is right. If Jin Bing looks for him again, but he runs away, it will definitely not work."

"So he can't run away, and he can't stay in Fushi County to be encountered by his colleagues. I guess he is hiding in other places in Yanzhou."

"Then how can we find him?"

"In Fushi County, there will definitely be accomplices who will deliver news for him. It is inconvenient for soldiers to leave the barracks, and businessmen are most likely. That's why the imperial court sent people to investigate. Zhou Jin must also be very concerned. , there may be unexpected gains."

[There are only two updates today, and three updates tomorrow]

(End of this chapter)

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