
Chapter 748

Chapter 748
At two o'clock, Fushi County is completely silent, and there is darkness everywhere, except for one or two dim lanterns occasionally flickering in front of the gate of the inn.

Near the south city gate, Liu Er's thatched hut belongs to a poor area, and it is even darker here, with no moonlight, and thick dark clouds shroud the sky.

At this time, a black figure crept up to Liu Er's house, looked around the door for a moment, pushed open the dilapidated wooden door, and entered the house in a flash.

It is very dark in the house during the day, and it is even more impossible to see anything in the house at night.

Heiying scolded in a low voice: "Look for a fart! There are piles of tatters, who knows where he will hide?"

"Are you looking for this?"

A voice came from behind, and the lights suddenly turned on, and there was a tall young man standing behind the door, holding a stack of money in his hand.

The young man weighed the silver coins and said with a smile: "Are you looking for these silver coins, a total of twenty-five pieces, that's right!"

The man in the room was short and thin. He was scared out of his wits, turned around and ran for the door, but a tall and fat man walked in from the outside. The man bumped into the big man and was grabbed by the big man.

The big man nodded to Zhong Huan, "He is the only one, there is no one else."

"Leave two brothers to continue to monitor, and the others will collect the net."

"A lot of black shadows appeared from behind the surrounding houses and on the roof, and they quickly disappeared into the night."

"The thin man was taken into a large vehicle and taken back to a large mansion."

Yang Ye came out laughing, and gave Zhonghuan a thumbs up, "The judge is worthy of being the military advisor of our internal guards, and his judgment is accurate. How did he know that someone would come to Liu Er's broken house?"

"All of Zhou Jin's flaws are on Liu Er. How can he rest assured that when we come to Yanzhou, he will definitely find someone to come over secretly to take a look, for fear of missing any leaks, such as money."

"Brother Zhong is right, come and bring him here."

The thin man was brought up, and he was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed like garlic, "Forgive me, I'm not a spy of the Kingdom of Jin!"

"What are you doing at Liu Er's house?"

"I'll go and find out if there's any benefit!"

Yang Ye shook his head, "You idiot, you think that other people will be as stupid as you, believe your stupid words, and dare to talk nonsense when you are about to die, drag on, and cut off his head!"

Several big men grabbed him and walked outside. The man was so frightened that he lost control of his urine and screamed: "Don't kill me, I will say anything! I will explain!"

Yang Ye winked, and several big men threw him on the ground. Yang Ye stepped forward, stepped on his hand, and said coldly: "You only have one chance, if there is a word that is not true, I will crush one of your words." finger!"

"The villain is a shopkeeper named Wang Jiulang. He lives in Dongfenglai Lane of the city and sells goods everywhere for a living. When the villain was selling goods in Lepan Town yesterday, someone asked me for help and said that he would give me ten taels of silver. Two, give me another eight taels after it's done."

"What kind of person?"

"I'm about the same age as me, in my thirties, tall and thin."

"What are the features on the face?"

"Looks like there's a scar on his forehead."

Sure enough, it was Zhou Jin, Yang Ye asked again: "What did he tell you to look for?"

"He drew me a map and asked me to come to that room at night to find some silver money, where it might be hidden, and let me dig on the wall or on the ground."

"Then, how do you give it to him after you find it?"

"He asked me to look for him at the Eight Immortals Restaurant in Lepan Town at noon tomorrow, and asked me to come alone, and no one else was allowed."

"Can you swear that every word you say is true?"

"The villain has parents, wife and children in his family, and they all rely on me to support the family. How dare the villain talk nonsense."


Yang Ye said coldly: "I'll give you one last chance. If you help us catch this general surnamed Zhou, I will reward you ten taels of silver and let you go home. But if you dare to hide anything Cause him to run away, and you will surely die."

"I promise I won't say a word of lies, what if he doesn't believe me?" The thin man cried in fright.

Zhong Huan gave Yang Ye a wink, which means he can be trusted.

"As long as you cooperate with us honestly, we don't need to kill you!"

Lepan Town is located about [-] miles south of Fushi County. It is the only way to go to Luoshui Road. It is mainly a resting place for merchants. Many merchants estimate that they will stay in Lepan if they can’t reach Fushi County before dark. town.

There are also many businessmen who found that dry food and water belts were running low after leaving the skin treatment, and they would replenish them in Lepan Town, so there are more inns and taverns in Lepan Town, and there are several shops that specialize in dry food supplies.

At noon, the streets of Lepan Town were bustling with people, and many farmers around came to buy daily necessities, making the town extremely lively.

In the center of the town is a restaurant called the Eight Immortals Restaurant, which is also the largest restaurant in the town. At noon, half of the seats are full.

On the second floor by the window, sat a tall and thin man, about thirty years old, with dark skin, strong muscles and bones, and very powerful.

This person is Zhou Jin, the commander of the Song Army stationed in Yanzhou. His army is responsible for the security patrol of the fire oil warehouse, so he is very clear about the outbound and transportation of fire oil. Brother-in-law, with three thousand taels of silver, bought a piece of information that can be done with little effort.

Many people know this information, so Zhou Jin believes that he cannot be found out. The only failure is that he hired an old boatman Liu Er and rented a boat. Although he killed the old boatman Liu Er that night. Two, but he left a lot of clues.

For example, he paid Liu Er with silver money, because Liu Er knew that silver money was valuable and was easier to hide, so he specifically asked him for silver money.

He didn't feel that it was a risk at the time. The state and county checked and found nothing wrong, but he didn't find any money on Liu Er, so he realized that he had made a mistake.

Today is still cloudy, windy, mixed with rain, and the weather is a bit cold. Pedestrians on the street are in a hurry. At this time, a grocery seller led a donkey into the town, shaking a rattle in one hand, soliciting business.

Wang Jiulang is here!Zhou Jin drank the wine in his glass, then looked around Wang Jiulang, but saw no suspicious person.

He let go of his heart a little bit. Yesterday evening, the inner guard cavalry had returned to the capital. They came in the morning and left in the afternoon. What can they find?
Seeing Wang Jiulang's relaxed expression, he guessed that Wang Jiulang's visit to Liu Er's house last night must have yielded something.

At this time, Wang Jiulang came to the restaurant, looked up and saw Zhou Jin in front of the window on the second floor, he temporarily left the goods at the shopkeeper of the restaurant, and went up to the second floor by himself.

Going directly to sit opposite Zhou Jin, Zhou Jin asked in a low voice, "Did you find it?"

Wang Jiulang took out a cloth bag from his pocket, put it on the table and pushed it to Zhou Jin.

Zhou Jin picked up the cloth bag and opened it. Inside was the twenty-five silver coins he gave Liu Er. Zhou Jin was overjoyed and asked quickly, "Where did you find it?"

"According to your instructions, I dug it from the wall."

"Not bad! Not bad! I will reward you."

At this time, two waiters came over with wine and vegetables. When they passed by Zhou Jin, the two staff threw away the wine and vegetables and threw Zhou Jin to the ground. To draw the knife.

The diners around jumped up one after another, rushed forward, pushed Zhou Jin to the ground, tied his hands behind his back, and snatched away the dagger and knife in his arms.

Zhou Jin was pushed to the ground, but he didn't struggle. He stared fiercely at Wang Jiulang, which made Wang Jiulang tremble with fear.

A soldier blocked Zhou Jin's mouth with a rag, covered his head with a black mask, and escorted him out.

A few guys hid at the stairs and shivered. Yang Ye smiled and patted Wang Jiulang on the shoulder, and put a ten taels of silver on the table.

"We keep our word, you can go home."

"General, will he come to take revenge on me!"

"No! He colluded with Jin Bing and committed a serious crime. He is doomed."

Only then did Wang Jiulang accept the money, and walked away tremblingly.

Song Jun immediately found an inn's room card from Zhou Jin. A dozen soldiers rushed to the inn, found Zhou Jin's room, and found two thousand taels of silver and other items.

All the items were packed and taken away by the soldiers of the Song Army. In the carriage, several soldiers escorted Zhou Jin, and the others followed on horseback. They drove towards the county like a gust of wind.

(End of this chapter)

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