
Chapter 754 Mistakes

Chapter 754 Mistakes
Just two hours after the Jurchen cavalry went south to Luoshui Road, Liu Cui led an army of [-] to Qingquan County. Zhang Tao, the county magistrate, came out to welcome him. When he saw Liu Cui, he sighed again and again: "It's really a shame to kneel in front of the Jurchen Tartars." Shame!"

Liu Cui quickly comforted him and said: "The county king also said that the county monarch is bearing the burden of humiliation, which is even more admirable. Don't blame yourself."

"Of course I don't blame myself. Although my knees are kneeling, my heart is not kneeling. I report back to the general, and I handed over the three 'hunters' to them."

The three hunters who acted as guides were naturally Song and Jin scouts pretending to be. Chen Qing's layout was intertwined, and he even thought of the details of the guide. No matter whether Wanyan Nianhan wanted a guide in Fushi County or Qingquan County, he The guides obtained will all be Song Jun scouts pretending to be.

Liu Cui nodded, and said to the county magistrate: "The war is about to break out, so hurry up and take the people to Fuzheng County! There is a big camp over there to accommodate you. If you need food, we can also provide it!"

Hearing that war was about to break out, more than [-] people in the county began to evacuate towards Fuzheng County. Liu Cui gave each person a bucket of noodles as dry food for the road. Fuzheng County inside and outside was evacuated, and the Song Army set up three supply points halfway to provide steamed buns and gruel to the people.

After resettling the people of Qingquan County, the [-] Song army began to go all out to build fortifications, completely cutting off the return route of the Jurchen army.

As time gradually approached at night, the Ten Thousand Union Congjun Army arrived at Lepan Town under the leadership of Wan Fuchang Wu Yesu. At this time, Lepan Town was empty, and all the people were scared away. There was no food or food in the town. Property, the soldiers cursed angrily, set fire to Lepan Town, and continued to march forward.

About thirty miles to the south of the town, there is a hilly hill of tens of miles across, blocking the way. This hill is called Heifeng Ridge, and there is a three-mile-long canyon in it, called Heifeng Valley.

At this time, it was almost Haishi, and the soldiers were still hungry, so Wu Yesu ordered the whole army to rest in the valley for the night, and get up and set off again tomorrow morning.

This time, Wuye dispatched [-] troops to station in Qingquan County. In addition to [-] infantry, [-] carts followed far behind. The carts were full of grain and grass. , lagging behind the ranks for a few miles, a thousand soldiers were dedicated to escort the cart.

Just when the soldiers started to eat dry food, there was a faint shout from outside the valley in the north. Wu Yesu was taken aback, and hurriedly ordered the soldiers to find out what happened. Long, there are Song troops, thousands of Song troops intercepted the convoy."

"Not good!" Wu Ye stood up quickly. The Song army from the coal field must have come back. They are now in the valley, which is very dangerous. He shouted: "Order the whole army to rush out of the valley, there is an ambush in the valley!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a crisp sound of clappers, "Bang!Bang!Bang! '

Immediately afterwards, thousands of arrows were fired from the woods on both sides of the valley, and the powerful arrows shot at the soldiers of the Confederate Army in the valley like raindrops. The point of the ambush was that as soon as he got on his horse, he and his horse were shot through his body by hundreds of crossbow arrows, and he fell down dead like a porcupine.

The [-] Song Army continued to shoot arrows from the woods, and the Congjun Army suffered countless casualties. The soldiers scrambled to run out of the valley, but what was waiting for them outside the valley was [-] Song Army cavalry. The tip shone coldly in the moonlight.

When Xie Congjun rushed out of the valley, Gao Ding shouted, "Kill—"

"Kill!" The cavalry roared in unison, tens of thousands of horses galloped, brandishing swords and short spears, and killed the terrified soldiers of the Union Army.

Under the moonlight, Fushi County looked very deserted, and a night snack was implemented in the city, making the streets deserted.

But tonight, it was Zhou Jin who took the initiative to be on duty at night for three consecutive days to appease the people in the city. He said that each of the other four Jurchen leaders gave him a thousand soldiers. This made the other leaders very reluctant, so that when Zhou Jin offered to watch the night, everyone guessed his intentions. The night watch came to ask for the army.

Wanfu Wanyan Yilubu also saw Zhou Jin's intentions, but he didn't dislike it. On the contrary, he also thought that this method was good. He used the night watch method to get his own army, and Wanyan Yilubu was the main general. Of course, he must carry out the orders of Marshal Du Wanyan Nianhan to the letter.

Since Marshal Du granted Zhou Jin the title of commander, he had to allocate a part of the army to Zhou Jin. He agreed to Zhou Jin's application for night duty, and ordered them to give Zhou Jin [-] troops each to use, regardless of whether the other commanders were willing or not. Patrol at night.

At dusk, Zhou Jin finally got [-] troops, and he deployed them immediately, letting each [-]-man team be in charge of a city wall, while he himself led [-] personal guards to patrol the city.

Three hundred and fifty soldiers followed him and surrendered to the Golden Soldiers. In fact, all of them were internal guard soldiers.

In addition to the [-] soldiers, there were also [-] soldiers of the Song Army, all of whom were from northern Shaanxi. They changed their names and surnames, and were assigned to various households in the city, led by the commander Tang Qian.

At two o'clock, a thousand soldiers began to rush to assemble in the Earth Temple. The reason why they arranged to assemble in the Earth Temple was that the Bingjia Warehouse was next door.

At this time, Zhou Jin also rushed to the Earth Temple, and bowed to Tang Qian with his hands clasped, "See General Tang!"

"When will we do it?" Tang Qian asked anxiously.

"Attack the west city at four o'clock!"

There were still two hours left, and Tang Qian breathed a sigh of relief, and he asked again: "We need weapons and armor for the next step."

"The warehouse has been controlled by our people. If General Tang has all his men, they can act at any time."

"Where is Bingjia?" Tang Qian asked.

"General, please follow me!"

Zhou Jin led the crowd to a wall, and suddenly a big hole was dug in the wall, and the inner guard soldiers on the other side brought bundles of armor, boxes of war knives and spears, as well as bows and arrows, and sent them over continuously. .

A thousand soldiers began to put on their armor, took up their swords and spears, and after a short while, a thousand-man assisted army appeared in the Earth Temple.

"Tonight's password is safe and secure, everyone come with me!"

Zhou Jin left [-] men to continue guarding the warehouse, and he led [-] soldiers to the west city.

The guard general of the Xicheng Association is a commander named Liu Fang. He is in his forties and is from Fenzhou.

Liu Fang was sitting on the top of the wall and dozing off, when he suddenly heard that Tong Zhi was coming, he was so frightened that he stood up quickly.

Zhou Jin walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "Take your brothers back to the barracks to sleep! There are other tasks for you tomorrow, so you won't be on duty in your barracks tonight."

"Follow your orders!"

Zhou Jin lowered his voice again and said: "There is no one in our barracks. The brothers' personal property is unguarded. If things are taken away by others, it will be hard to say. There must be an army in the barracks. Understand me mean?"


"Go! Take the brothers back to sleep, and I will reschedule the patrols in the west city."

Liu Fang yelled a few times and took a thousand soldiers back to the barracks to sleep.

As soon as the thousand soldiers left, Tang Qian led a thousand soldiers to the west city from the other side, and began to patrol the top of the city in a decent manner.

When the time gradually reached the fourth watch, Zhou Jin lit a few torches and threw them down.

At this moment, Jiang Ying, who was the internal military discipline inspector, rushed to Xicheng with a dozen of his men.

Jiang Ying actually has another secret mission, which is to monitor Zhou Jin.

Although Wanyan Nianhan granted Zhou Jin the command, the Song army was able to evacuate Fushi County without harming a single soldier, which still made Wanyan Nianhan suspicious.

He also kept Jiang Ying in Fushi County, supervising military discipline in name, but actually let him spy on Zhou Jin secretly.

Just now, Jiang Ying discovered something strange. One thousand of Zhou Jin's men went back to the camp to sleep, and there seemed to be no fewer defenders at the top of the city. In other words, Zhou Jin's men somehow had one thousand more men.

How is this going?

Zhou Jin was really a little nervous, so he greeted him with a smile.

"It's so late, why didn't brother Jiang go to bed?"

(End of this chapter)

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