
Chapter 755 Trapped Beast

Chapter 755 Trapped Beast

"General Zhou, how many troops do you have?" Jiang Ying stepped forward and asked sharply.

"[-] people, you know, what's wrong?" Zhou Jin asked pretending to be puzzled.

"You let a thousand soldiers go back to rest, so where did these soldiers come from?"

"Of course they were transferred from the other three city walls, plus my three hundred and fifty people."


Jiang Ying put her hand on the hilt of her sword and glared at Zhou Jin viciously, "I just came from Beicheng, and there are only a thousand people there, not one soldier is missing, tell me! What's going on?"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Ying felt a sharp pain in his chest. When he lowered his head, a bloody sword appeared on his chest. He turned his head slowly, and saw a tall and burly man standing behind him, vaguely familiar.

"Don't you know each other? We met last night. I am Sun Daming, who mines kerosene."

Jiang Ying suddenly understood, he roared, plasma shot out from his chest, Tang Qian drew out his sword, Jiang Ying's body limply fell to the ground, and died.

The rest of the dozen or so subordinates were all killed, and none of them escaped.

Tang Qian said coldly: "This is the time, what nonsense is there?"

Tang Qian strode to the edge of the city wall, only to see countless soldiers appearing outside, and he couldn't see the edge in the dark.

He turned around and shouted: "Open the city gate!"

The suspension bridge has long been lowered, the city gate creaked open, and tens of thousands of soldiers from the Song Army rushed into the city outside the city. A fire was set in the barracks. The large tents were too dense, and they were burned all at once. The raging fire swept through the entire barracks in just a moment, and they fell into a deep sleep The soldiers in the middle school were awakened. They didn't have time to put on their shoes. They were barefoot and wearing underwear, crying and running away.

On the street outside the barracks, [-] Song troops had surrounded the barracks. The escaped soldiers either died or surrendered on their knees. Suddenly, someone shouted. Killed out of the camp gate.

"Fire the arrow!" Liu Qiong shouted.

Thousands of crossbow arrows shot at the Jurchen cavalry, Wanyan Yilubu and dozens of cavalry were shot like hedgehogs, and they fell to the ground and died.

"Don't shoot arrows, we surrender! We surrender!"

Countless soldiers behind shouted, and Liu Qiong shouted loudly: "Put down your weapons, raise your hands and surrender!"

Groups of soldiers raised their hands and ran out of the gate of the camp. The Jurchen Lord was about to be killed, and no one could restrain them. These Allied soldiers surrendered one after another.

At this time, the other three city gates were also blocked, and the three thousand soldiers on the top of the city were disarmed by Zhou Jin and chose to surrender.

Ten thousand cavalry were also deployed outside the city to block the escape routes and prevent the soldiers from escaping back to Hedong.

Chen Qing led [-] cavalrymen to wait outside the city. Groups of captured soldiers came out of the city with their hands raised. These soldiers were basically barefoot and wearing underwear. They were sitting in a wilderness surrounded by Song soldiers. cavalry.

At five o'clock, the fire in the barracks was extinguished, and the last group of about [-] people were escorted out. They hid in the southwest corner, where it was relatively open, so they escaped unharmed.

Liu Qiong got the final confirmation result, and rode out of the city to report to Chen Qing, "I report to the king of the county, all the cleanup in the city has been completed, more than [-] enemy soldiers have been captured, nearly [-] people have been burned to death, and the rest have been killed." Killed, no one escaped, and the Jurchens shot all of them, none survived, and our brothers suffered less than a hundred casualties."

"Where are the people in the city?" Chen Qing asked.

"The people in the city have not been affected."

Chen Qing nodded, "I will leave [-] people for you, continue to clean up Fushi County, and strengthen monitoring and blockade on both sides of the Yellow River, so no one can escape back to Hedong, even businessmen!"

Liu Qiong bowed and said, "I obey the order!"

After the sky was bright, Chen Qing led [-] troops to Qingquan County south. At the same time, a Song army was also escorting more than [-] captive Xie Congjun troops from Heifeng Valley to Fushi County. Liu Cui's army was doing the same Rush to Qingquan County.

From Qingquan County in Yanzhou to Zhongbu County in Fangzhou, this section of road is about [-] miles long. It basically runs along the Luoshui River Valley. There are no forests, let alone human habitation, all are boundless loess.

About one hundred and thirty miles away, there is a Luojiao County. Next to Luojiao County, there is an official road leading to Luochuan County and Danzhou.

As early as half a month ago, Chen Qing made careful arrangements to completely destroy the official road leading to Luochuan and Danzhou, as well as several surrounding small roads, making the road between Qingquan County and the central part of the country completely destroyed. Turned into a bottle, or a cloth bag, as long as the two ends are tied together, Wanyan Nianhan's [-] troops will be trapped to death on this Luoshui Road.

This trapped beast plan was originally used to deal with Wanyan Yinshuke, but it fell short in the end, allowing Wanyan Yinshuke's army to escape from the path. Unexpectedly, Wanyan Nianhan made the same mistake again, giving Chen Qing another chance to implement his trapped beast Strategy, this time Chen Qing has learned his lesson and will not give Wanyan Nianhan any more chances.

The [-] Jurchen army marched rapidly on the vast and boundless loess plateau, and they were all monotonous and boring khaki. Even Luoshui was also muddy and yellow. After a long time, everyone couldn't bear it.

At this time, Wanyan Nianhan found a large forest that had been felled by the roadside, so he sent someone to find the guide Orion.

He pointed at the felled woods with a whip and asked, "What's going on with these woods?"

The slightly older Orion said: "My lord, there are very few trees on the Luoshui Road, and the government does not allow them to be cut down, but last year another golden soldier passed through the border, and basically cut down all the trees, so the government didn't care about it. Since last year, people from surrounding counties have flocked to cut down trees, and these trees should be cut down by people from all counties, and the wood in Yanzhou and Yanzhou is very expensive, and a trunk can be sold for several dollars."

Orion's words are true and false. Wanyan Yinshuke's army did cut down a lot of trees, but not all of them were cut down. It was the Song army's hard work to clear all the trees.

Wanyan Nianhan secretly cursed Wanyan Yinshuke, then pointed to the river and asked, "Why is the river so shallow?"

The leader Orion smiled wryly and said: "Ten years ago, the river was deep and clean. In recent years, the river has become smaller and smaller. Silt, but there is no movement every year."

Wanyan Nianhan just asked casually, and didn't take it seriously, he asked again: "How far is Luojiao County?"

"It's just twenty miles ahead, but don't your lord count on that county town?"

Wanyan Nianhan frowned, "What do you mean?"

"The county seat has been abandoned. It was slaughtered by the golden soldiers last year. Almost all the young and strong were killed. The remaining old, weak, women and children moved away one after another. The useful materials in the county seat were taken away by the people of several nearby counties."


Wanyan Nianhan suddenly realized that he was not prepared enough, or that he knew nothing about the actual situation. He only relied on the map to make plans. He also planned to go to Luojiao County to rest for one night and replenish some military rations. Jiao County was actually abolished.

He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Speed ​​up and go to Luojiao County!"

Wanyan Nianhan still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, maybe the situation is not as bad as he imagined.

In the evening, Jin Bing arrived in Luojiao County, and Wanyan Nianhan was really disappointed. There was no one in the city, and all the houses were only ruined walls. They were all rammed loess walls, and all the useful things were taken away. , Not even a stick was left.

At this moment, General Ba Lisu hurriedly found Wanyan Nianhan, "Marshal Du, the situation is not right!"

Wanyan Nianhan frowned, "What's wrong?"

"If it was ruined because the city was massacred last year, then there should be no wheat in the surrounding farmland, but Beizhi found traces of wheat being planted."

There are wheat fields along both sides of the river around the county seat. When Wanyan Nianhan came to the wheat field, he saw that the wheat in the wheat field had been cut off, and there were still green stubbles of wheat stalks, which were indeed planted and temporarily cut off. of.

Reminiscent of the trees that had been cut down all the way, a word immediately popped up in Wanyan Nianhan's mind, "Strengthen the wall and clear the wilderness!"

He yelled angrily, and ordered: "Bring me the Orion guide!"

Not long after, a soldier came to report: "Marshal Du, the three guides are missing!"


Wanyan Nianhan was dizzy for a while, and he finally realized that he had been tricked.

[Sorry, two updates today]

(End of this chapter)

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