
Chapter 756 Trapped Beast

Chapter 756 Trapped Beast

At night, [-] Jurchen soldiers were resting in the wilderness outside the city. The horses were still nibbling on the leftover stubble. The generals and the Heijia army were resting in the city, but the city was too small to accommodate too many people and horses.

Wanyan Nianhan didn't dare to go any further, so he sent a team of spies to Zhongbu County to find out the news.

Wanyan Nianhan came to the city alone, his heart was very heavy, when he realized that he had been tricked, he felt like a big stone was pressed in his heart, of course he knew what the consequences would be, Chen Qing must have blocked himself in Luoyang back and forth. on the waterway.

If this is the case, it means that Chen Qing knew that he was going to enter Shaanxi Road, so he specially used Fushi County as a bait to let himself swallow the bait and take the Luoshui Road. He had already arranged everything, but he didn't know anything , ignorantly slipped into his trap.

No wonder the Fourth Prince and Tarlan were repeatedly defeated by him, no wonder Wanyan Yinshu was almost killed and fled back in embarrassment, no wonder he was able to seize the opportunity to destroy Xixia.

This person was too scary, but I didn't take him seriously, thinking that he was the same as other Song generals.

Only after suffering a big loss did Wanyan Nianhan let go of his arrogance and began to seriously examine his opponent, but it was often too late by this time.

Wanyan Nianhan was filled with remorse, anxiety and uneasiness weighed on his heart like two huge rocks, preventing him from falling asleep.

It was almost midnight, Wanyan Nianhan suddenly heard a strange noise, like the sound of thunder in the distance, but the night sky was cloudless, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, how could there be the sound of thunder?

Wanyan Nianhan stood on the top of the city and looked towards the north. Suddenly, he saw a silver line appearing on the river in the distance. The silver line was flying towards this side very quickly. Behind the silver line was the roaring river.

"not good!"

Wanyan Nianhan yelled, turned around and ordered: "Run the alarm bell and let the soldiers go back to the city! Go!"

Luoshui has spring floods every year, and the low-lying places in the valley are often flooded. Luojiao County itself is located in the high valley and will not be flooded, but [-] troops are stationed on both sides of the low-lying riverbed, stretching for several miles. .

The Song army repeated the same trick, building a dam upstream and waiting for the water to be released in the middle of the night.

In fact, Wanyan Nianhan had already discovered that the water level was too shallow, but he was fooled by the fake Orion, so he didn't take it to heart.

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!" The alarm sounded from the top of the city, but it was a bit late.

The roaring roar of the rushing river rushed in, and the Jurchen soldiers were all awakened. They panicked and panicked. swallowed up.

Wanyan Nianhan watched the soldiers screaming and being swallowed by the flood, he closed his eyes in pain.
Although there are spring floods every year, such a violent flood will not occur. This is because the water is deliberately stored in the upper reaches and released all at once, forming a torrential flood.

This is also the tactic that is most likely to be adopted by the enemy in the valley area. One fire attack and one water attack. Wanyan Nianhan specially inspected the city and prevented the fire attack, but not the water attack.

In a flood, nearly [-] Jurchen soldiers were drowned, and more than [-] war horses were drowned. This was the heaviest casualty since Wanyan Nianhan led the army, but the other party did not even see a shadow.

It was finally dawn, and the banks of the valley were in a mess. Thick sand covered the original wheat fields on both banks, and there were scattered armor, shoes and weapons everywhere. The soldiers kept digging out corpses from the sand, human corpses and The corpses of the war horses were piled up separately, like a dozen hills.

It was the first ten days of May at this time, and it would be the middle ten days of June when converted to the Gregorian calendar. Although it would still be a little cool at night, the daytime would be very sweltering. The corpse must be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise it would stink in two days.

There was no wood in the valley, so Jin Bing could only pour kerosene on the corpse and set it on fire. Suddenly, thick smoke billowed and flames billowed into the sky.

Wanyan Nianhan couldn't bear to look any further, so he let out a long sigh and went back to the city.

At noon, the spies finally sent the news, and the result was not surprising at all. The Song army gathered tens of thousands of heavy troops a hundred miles to the south, cutting off the official road going south, and even destroyed a section of the official road.

"Hegu should be able to go!" Wanyan Nianhan asked again.

The centurion of the spy shook his head, "Reporting to Marshal Du, the terrain going south is different from here. If you go south for about [-] miles, you will not be able to walk in the valley. There are cliffs on both sides. You have to take the official road halfway up the mountain. After more than a hundred miles, when we reached Zhongbu County, the terrain on both sides opened up."

"You just said that the official path was destroyed?"

"Reporting to Marshal Du, a bridge was actually destroyed. The cliff was about five or six feet wide, and it was more than a dozen miles away from Zhongbu County. We couldn't make it through, so we had to turn around, but we could see the Song Army in front of us."

Wanyan Nianhan never understood why the Song army cut down all the trees and took away all the beams in the county. Now he understands that it was to prevent them from building bridges.

Ba Ye said quickly, "Since we can't go south, let's go back to Fushi County and think of another way?"

Wanyan Nianhan sighed and said: "Does the general think we can go back? If I guessed correctly, the [-] army has been wiped out, and Fushi County must be lost."

In the big tent, all the generals were silent, and Wanyan Nianhan said again: "Now we need to do three things, first, count how many days our dry food can last; second, send people to find the trail; People go to look for trees; those who find paths and trees will be promoted to three ranks and rewarded with [-] guan!"

Although Wanyan Nianhan offered a huge reward, no one could receive the reward, no trees were seen, and the official road leading to Luochuan had been completely destroyed, and it would take at least a month to repair it, but even After the restoration is completed, they may not be able to go out. The key is that they have no time.

The dry rations they carried could last for five days. Where there was time to toss them slowly, many people began to regret that the horses that drowned last night should not be burned, but should be kept as military rations.

But some sensible people pointed out that horse meat cannot be preserved in such a hot day, and it will stink after two days, so it is better to burn it.

When the time came to dusk, all the generals above the commander-in-chief gathered in the big tent, Wanyan Nianhan said loudly to the crowd: "The way to survive is to fight, worrying is useless, we must risk our lives to fight, rather die in battle I can’t starve to death, so I think the troops are divided into two groups. I led [-] troops to attack the north road, and Yelu Mawu and Wolu led [-] troops to break out from the south using rafts. Our Jurchen army spread across the world. How can we be trapped in the loess gully, everyone, we will definitely be able to get out!"

Everyone raised their arms and shouted, "Get out!"

The [-] troops set off overnight in two groups. Yelu Mawu, the chief of the Wanfu, and Wolu, the chief of the Wanfu, led [-] soldiers to the southern line. They had to abandon their horses and take three More than a thousand rafts headed south.

All the horses were handed over to Wanyan Nianhan, and Wanyan Nianhan led [-] people to head north, preparing to return to Qingquan County.

This time they were light soldiers, and they didn't carry many supplies. The most useful thing was kerosene. They carried [-] bags of kerosene, and they might be able to use the kerosene to break out of the encirclement.

In fact, ever since Wanyan Nianhan found out that he had fallen into Chen Qing's trap, his confidence dropped sharply after a series of water attacks. He no longer had the confidence to defeat Chen Qing and break out of the siege.

(End of this chapter)

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