
Chapter 759 Extortion

Chapter 759 Extortion
At night, Qin Hui's big sedan chair finally appeared in front of the mansion. The imperial court had a lot of affairs these days, and Qin Hui had to be busy until evening to go home.

There were dozens of steps away from the gate of the mansion, Qin Hui found a figure standing in front of his mansion gate through the sedan chair curtain, he ordered his followers: "Go and see, who is standing in front of my mansion gate?"

The entourage ran over, and after a while, someone from the future came forward and said, "This is the emissary of Zhang Xuanfu!"

It turned out that it was Zhang Jun who came. For so many years, Zhang Jun has been burning Qin Hui's incense, not to mention his filial piety during the festivals. The key is that Qin Hui's influence in the army depends on Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun stepped forward and begged, "Master, you have to help me this time no matter what!"

Qin Hui nodded, "Let's talk in the mansion!"

The housekeeper invited Zhang Jun to sit in the guest room for a while, and after a short while, Qin Hui came back with a change of clothes, and Zhang Jun got up quickly to salute.

Qin Hui smiled and waved his hands, "Sit down!"

Zhang Jun sat down and said anxiously: "I just heard that Yushitai is going to impeach the humble officials, please Qin Xianggong to help a bunch of humble officials this time no matter what!"

In this defeat, the commander-in-chief Zhang Jun was dismissed, and even Wu Jie, who had made great military exploits, was dismissed from his post; but Zhang Jun, who directly led to the defeat, was fine, which is a bit unreasonable.

Qin Hui took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "The impeachment of Xuanfu envoy is actually the intention of the officials."

"Ah! Is it the meaning of the official?"

Qin Hui waved his hand, "Don't worry, listen to me."

"Mr. Qin, please tell me!"

"Before I advised you not to hold Wu Jie accountable. If you didn't listen, you insisted on shifting the responsibility to Wu Jie in the report. Wu Jie was just a sub-general. The sub-general was dismissed, but the main general was fine. Many courtiers were dissatisfied. Lu Qingshan took the lead and contacted Li Gang, Zhe Yanzhi, and nearly a hundred officials to collectively petition, demanding the dismissal of Zhang Xuan Fushi, and the officials were also under pressure, which was not his intention."

"It means that I will be dismissed from office!"

"It must be expressed, but if it is handled well, the board will be raised high and lowered gently. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Humble job understands the meaning of Xianggong, but what should humble job do?"

Qin Hui lowered his voice and said: "The key is that you must be able to shift the responsibility to Zhang Jun, you must have sufficient reasons and evidence, and then Zhao Xianggong and I will be able to stand up when defending you."

"What reasons and proofs do I need?"

"There are actually two key points. Why did you lose? Second, why the money and food were lost, and third, the supervisor Lu Zhi was killed. These three points also made the officials furious."

Since Zhang Jun came to Qin Hui, he must have been prepared. He hurriedly said: "Actually, the defeat was buried from the very beginning. Wu Jie was controlled by Yue Fei before, and at the same time, he was under the jurisdiction of the humble position. It is reasonable to cancel the restraint by Yue Fei before he can accept the humble position." Jurisdiction, Zhang Xianggong missed this step for some reason, which made Wu Jie’s position unclear. He ran to fight with Yue Fei as before, resulting in Li Qiong’s betrayal. Jie dereliction of duty, in fact, Zhang Xianggong's position was unclear at the beginning, and I felt that he did it deliberately because of his personal grievances with Yue Fei."

"This detail is good, you can bring it up, what else?"

"There is also the loss of Qianliang, which must be his responsibility. Qianliang was originally placed in Jiangxia, but he transferred the money and grain general warehouse to Hefei. Although he did not keep Hefei, the arrangement itself was wrong. Hefei belonged to the Central Route Army. The logistics area is not the general logistics area. If you put all the money and food in Hefei, how will the money and food of the West Route Army be arranged? This is unreasonable."

Qin Hui nodded, "It's unreasonable in the first place, so this should be considered a reason! Lu Zhi was killed by Li Qiong, can you free yourself?"

Li Qiong was the right wing of the Central Route Army. He led dozens of generals and more than [-] troops to surrender to the puppet Qi. Unfortunately, when the supervisor Lu Zhi stopped him, he was killed by Li Qiong.

In fact, Li Qiong's rebellion was really Zhang Jun's responsibility. He embezzled and embezzled military pay, leaving Li Qiong's soldiers and their families with no way out, so they followed Li Qiong to surrender collectively. Otherwise, it would be Li Qiong's personal surrender at most. There was such a shame and humiliation that hundreds of thousands of people surrendered to the puppet Qi State together.

But at this time, of course, Zhang Jun would not put the responsibility on himself. He hurriedly said: "Li Qiong's morale was unstable from the beginning, and he was full of complaints. He refused to accept Wang De as the top one. People with unstable morale cannot be placed in front of the enemy, but Zhang Xianggong does not listen, of course he has a heavy responsibility, but if he listens to me, Li Qiong will never have a chance to surrender, and Lu Zhi will not go to Li Qiong's army to stabilize the morale of the army, nor will he won't be killed."

Qin Hui said slowly: "I see, write what you said today into a self-defense, I will hand it over to the officials, and I will intercede for you, but you must also be prepared, the emperor will give it to all officials. An explanation."

"As long as the lowly military power is not lost, the other vain jobs can be dismissed! I don't care too much. Salaries can be lowered or fined."

"I see, you go! Leave everything you said to me tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mr. Xianggong, for helping me in times of crisis. I will keep it in my heart. Tomorrow, I will send someone to give you some local products from my hometown."

Qin Hui squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "The envoy Xuanfu is too polite. Local products are fine, they don't need to be too expensive."

The two looked at each other tacitly, and Zhang Jun left immediately. Qin Hui took out the impeachment letter from Yushitai. , he thought he could pass the level without any hint?

If Zhang Jun doesn't show enough sincerity this time, Qin Hui will make him unable to eat.

Of course, if Zhang Jun was sincere enough, he would be punished with three glasses of wine, and a symbolic punishment of one or two would be enough.

In the morning of the next day, Qin Hui, Zhao Ding and Li Guang all rushed to the imperial study, and the emperor Zhao Gou summoned them urgently.

Xu Xiantu, the Privy Council member, was the only one in the imperial study. Zhao Gou said angrily to the crowd: "I just got the news that Yue Fei's army refused to retreat westward, and still guarded the middle line of the Huaihe River. , what should I do?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. This news made people a little embarrassed. They withdrew from the center line, not because they couldn't hold it, but because the court's financial resources couldn't support it, but it must not be said to the outside world. up.

They always said to the outside world that the army was defeated, and they had to withdraw their troops because they couldn't defend the Jianghuai central line militarily. But now Yue Fei's army has actually defended it. Doesn't this embarrass them?
Li Guang bowed and said: "Your Majesty, since Jianghuai has not been lost militarily, it is better to hold on, at least we have a strategic buffer, and the Jin soldiers cannot rush to the south of the Yangtze River all at once. "

Zhao Gou thought about the strategic buffer, which was related to his own safety. His expression softened a little, and he said to everyone: "Since Yue Fei can keep the Jianghuai line, it is of course a good thing. I won't blame him, but how to raise money and food, everyone should think of a way." Let's go! I heard that Jianghuai is full of hungry people, I can't sit still!"

Zhao Ding bowed and said: "Your Majesty, there is not enough money and food, how about asking Chen Qing to help the court? He should have a good harvest after destroying Xixia! Anyway, we also support [-] guan, Chen Qing should be rewarded!" "

Qin Hui shook his head, "He only asks the court for money, and asking him to pay for food and money is probably unrealistic."

Zhao Ding said with a smile: "There is no way, as long as His Majesty promotes another person to be Prime Minister, Chen Qing will definitely support the court with money and food."

Zhao Ding seemed to be thinking about the imperial court, but in fact he had selfish intentions. He wanted to block the seat of the fifth prime minister and not give Zhang Jun the chance to be a prime minister again. So he took this opportunity to propose that Lu Qingshan be the deputy prime minister, and Zhang Jun completely rejected it. It's over.

Everyone understood Zhao Ding's intentions, promoting Lu Qingshan to the position of chancellor, because of this face, Chen Qing would definitely support Jianghuai with money and food.

Zhao Gou did not object to Lu Qingshan being the prime minister. This was originally the condition of the negotiation, and it depends on whether this condition can be used again. He nodded, "I will talk to Lu Aiqing later, and hope that he will solve the court's worries and problems."

At this time, Xu Xiantu said again: "Menisters, I have also received news that Chen Qing is leading a large army to fight against Wanyan Nianhan in northern Shaanxi. Site."

Qin Hui sneered, "Wanyan Nianhan's cavalry is the most powerful in the world. They are the elite of the Jurchen army, not Wanyanchang's peripheral army. I'm afraid Chen Qing will encounter big trouble this time."

(End of this chapter)

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