
Chapter 760 Bloody Battle

Chapter 760 Bloody Battle

Chen Qing's siege of Wanyan Nianhan has entered the tenth day, and the Jin soldiers are about to run out of food, and they have begun to kill horses for food. This afternoon, Wanyan Nianhan, who has been sluggish, sent someone to find Ba Lisu secretly.

"I guess Song Jun thinks that our military morale has collapsed, so he will take it lightly. Tonight, I will send out surprise soldiers to seize the exit, and then fight fiercely with Song Jun."

Ba Lisu immediately understood that Marshal Du wanted to let him go into battle, so he quickly bowed and said, "I would like to relieve Marshal Du's worries!"

"You led [-] black armored troops to attack the Song Army's mountain pass at night, so you can't ride horses. After you succeed, I will personally lead [-] cavalry to meet you."

Wanyan Nianhan told Ba Lisu his strategy in a low voice, and Ba Lisu was under a lot of pressure. He felt that the Marshal was going to put all his eggs in one basket tonight.

It is not for nothing that Wanyan Nianhan put the sneak attack time tonight. The night sky was clear and the moon was bright and clear in the past few days, and the vision at night was also very good.

But there was a light rain this morning, and it was overcast at night, covering all the stars and the moon. Especially in the second half of the night, I couldn't see my fingers, and I couldn't see the other party a few steps away. It was a godsend opportunity for a sneak attack.

At one watch, the two thousand Jurchen black-armored cavalry gave up their horses. They bent over the cliff and galloped. When they were still a mile away from the mountain pass, they all got down and crawled forward cautiously.

But what Wanyan Nianhan didn't know was that Chen Qing's military headquarters had a special staff decision-making battalion, which was specially designed to provide early warning for various situations. This time, thirteen soldiers who joined the army also followed in the army.

Climate, terrain, and hydrology are all the research objects of the army officers, especially this time, the strategy of trapping the beast is to use the terrain to attack the enemy, and the various details are basically planned by the army officers.

So when the weather became gloomy and cloudy, the soldiers who joined the army immediately noticed it. They immediately realized that this was an opportunity for the enemy to attack. At noon that day, a report was submitted to Chen Qing.

Starting in the afternoon, the Song army began to deploy in a targeted manner, and the two sharp weapons of kerosene and bed crossbows were already in place.

Chen Qing stood on the observation deck, staring at the official road in the canyon several miles away. An enlarged version of the gunpowder stick, which looks very much like a long flashlight.

This kind of powder keg will not explode and is generally used to start a fire, but it is also used for lighting in special cases, such as this night.

The gunpowder tube fell on the official road and burned with white smoke, emitting a blazing flame, illuminating the surrounding area for a foot, and before the soldiers of the Song Army could see it clearly, it suddenly went out.

Chen Qing immediately became vigilant and shouted: "There is an enemy situation!"

Instructing the flag bearer to raise the three torches, in fact, Liu Cui also saw the abnormality. The normal extinguishment is that the fire light gradually becomes smaller and then extinguished. This time it extinguished suddenly. It must be that someone stepped on the powder cartridge.

"Commander, there are orders on the observation deck!" A soldier pointed at the observation deck inside the city and shouted.

Liu Cui nodded. This must be the order of the county king. He immediately shouted: "Fire arrows on the mountain!"

Thousands of arrows shot down the official road from the top of the mountain like rain.
Ba Lisu gave a centurion two big slaps, and the gunpowder tube fell right next to the centurion. He instinctively stomped it out, and Ba Lisu was furious. Isn't this just telling Song Jun, is there anyone on the official road?You can explain it by kicking down the valley, but this bastard stomped it out.

"Next time, just jump off the cliff!"

The centurion was so frightened that he lowered his head and didn't dare to say anything, but there would be no next chance. Suddenly there were screams all around him. Before he could react, a helmet that was rubbed against him fell and stuck on the ground.

On the other side, he was shot in the neck by an arrow, and he screamed, clutching his neck and taking a few steps back, stepped on the air and fell off the cliff, letting out a long scream.

"Close to the wall!" Ba Lisu yelled, and he didn't care to alarm Song Jun, and ordered loudly.

When the arrows were a little thinner, he pulled out quickly and yelled, "Follow me!"

He also knew that the danger ahead was extremely dangerous. The cavalrymen were all dead before, but he had to charge. The arrow had already been strung and he couldn't help it. Besides, the distance to the mountain pass was only about [-] steps. It was so dark that they might rush over, but he still hesitated. Yu can only be wiped out by the whole army.

Holding the shield and sword in his hand, he ran forward at high speed, and the soldiers behind him ran wildly. Once he started to run, no matter how dark the night was, he could feel the figure shaking. When he ran four hundred steps, he entered the range of the bed crossbow. Five hundred bed crossbows were fired from the side at the same time, and [-] jackdaw arrows swept towards them, even the shields couldn't resist them. There was a lot of screams, and five or six hundred people fell down.

Pulling out the speed and running extremely fast, he escaped the sweep of the bed crossbow, but there was almost no one behind him. He didn't wait, and continued to move forward. His feet felt cold, and he felt that he was stepping into a sticky mud.

"It's fierce oil!"

A thought flashed through his mind, frightening him out of his wits, he ran wildly, and ran two hundred steps in one breath. The thousand soldiers behind him did not have such good luck. Dozens of torches were thrown down, and a sea of ​​flames immediately killed more than a thousand soldiers. swallowed up.

Before the fire engulfed him completely, Ba Lisu miraculously rushed through the kerosene array. There were five mudbag walls in front of him. He jumped up and jumped onto the mudbag wall. The shield blocked two sticks that were poking at him Spear, 'Crack! The sword chopped off a spear. Just as he jumped off the mudbag wall, he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and he staggered and fell to the ground. At the moment he was unconscious, he heard someone shouting, "It's a general, catch him alive!" !"

Ba Lisu's eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.

The battle was extremely fierce, the entire army of [-] black armored soldiers was wiped out, but Wanyan Nianhan did not give up, and forced [-] cavalry to continue to charge. In this battle, there were explosions one after another, flames soared into the sky, flames soared, arrows rained, and drums The sound continued, and the shouts of killing shook the sky. The extremely brave Jurchen cavalry broke through five mudbag walls in a row, and fought bloody battles with five thousand Song army spears on the official road. Both sides risked their lives and fought desperately on the official road.

The battle lasted until noon the next day, when all [-] black-armored soldiers were killed, more than [-] cavalrymen were killed by the [-] cavalry who followed up, and nearly [-] were killed by the Song army. Had to order the troops to retreat.

Chen Qing walked quickly to the big tent, and saw a tall Jurchen general sitting in a big tent, with his hands and feet tied behind his back, his head bowed silently, and eight soldiers of the Song Army guarded him nervously.

He was so powerful that he broke free several times and almost snatched the soldier's knife. If he hadn't worn the golden belt of Wan Fuchang around his waist, the soldiers of the Song army would have hacked him to death.

Chen Qing picked up a gold medal next to it, on which was written Pucha Balisu in Chinese characters, "Are you the leader of the Black Armored Army, Balisu?" Chen Qing asked coldly.

Ba Lisu raised his head in surprise, looked at Chen Qing, and asked, "Who are you?"

"You robbed me of [-] barrels of oil, and you don't know who the sufferer is?"

"You are Chen Qing?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Exactly!"

Ba Lisu sighed and said, "I don't know how many Song soldiers died in my hands. If you want to kill them, kill them! I don't have any information for you."

"I don't need any information from you, and I won't kill you. On the contrary, I will let you go to see Yan Nianhan and pass a few words to him for me."

"Don't dream, my Marshal will not surrender."

Chen Qing ignored him, and said slowly: "Tell him, I have sent fifty thousand troops across the Yellow River to capture Pingyang Mansion, maybe his family will also be captured."

"and then?"

"Then I don't need him to surrender. The word surrender hinders his identity. He can lay down his weapons, capture him without a fight, and become my prisoner of war. I will use him to negotiate with Jin Guo and exchange some important people."

"Hmph! The emperor won't agree, he wishes we all died on Shaanxi Road."

Chen Qing said lightly: "If he himself wants to die, I can fulfill him. If he doesn't want to die, then he has the hope of returning to Shangjing. Even if you pull out General Lisu, as long as Jin Guo has enough sincerity to buy it, I can let him go." You go back."

(End of this chapter)

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