
Chapter 761 Pingyang

Chapter 761 Pingyang
Chen Qing then ordered the release of Ba Lisu, and gave him a horse back. Ba Lisu got on the horse and urged the horse to run south of the official road.

Liu Cui smacked his lips and said regretfully, "This man is the number one under Wanyan Nianhan. It's not easy to catch him, so it's a pity to let him go like this."

Chen Qing shook his head and said: "Yelu Mawu is also a mighty under Wanyan Nianhan, but he was so useless that he fell into the water and drowned. For me, catching him and letting him go back to Luoshui Road are the same. thing."

Guan Shigu also smiled and said: "The king is right, as long as Ba Lisu is still in the trap, he will either die or be caught, there is no third way."

After a pause, Guan Shigu asked again: "Does the Duke think that Wanyan Nianhan will be captured without a fight?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "It doesn't really matter to me whether he surrenders or not. If he surrenders, I will exchange him for an important person. If he does not surrender, I will use his head to announce it to the world. In exchange for my reputation in the world. "

"I don't know what the county king wants to trade him for?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "With Wanyan Nianhan's identity, it shouldn't be a big problem for one of the two emperors to come back!"

Guan Shigu felt terrified in his heart, and said in a low voice: "I'm afraid that the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin will not agree!"

"The old emperor of the Jin Kingdom may not do it, but the new emperor will definitely change!"

Chen Qing said confidently: "General Guan, do you still remember the allusion of exchanging thousands of pieces of gold for horse bones? If the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin wants to secure the throne, he must show his attitude of cherishing heroes, not to mention that Wanyan Nianhan has become a bunch of useless people. Horse bones, his gestures will be more sincere."

Guan Shigu sighed, "The county king's move, I'm afraid the court. I really don't know what to say about the humble job."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "As long as we consider the interests of our descendants, General Guan won't be hesitant."

Guan Shigu nodded silently, if it wasn't for the benefit of his descendants, he would not have worked for Chen Qing.

In the big tent, Wanyan Nianhan was drinking alone. The fierce battle from last night to noon ended in a disastrous defeat. Not only did his troops drop to [-], but he also lost all hope of breaking through. , Wanyan Nianhan was indeed a little desperate.

He didn't know what to do, so he could only drink to numb himself.

At this time, there was a commotion outside the tent, and a soldier rushed to the door of the tent to report, "Marshal Qi Du, Mr. Ba Lisu Wan is back."


Wanyan Nianhan suddenly stood up, Ba Lisu was not dead, he was surprised and happy at once, and walked out of the big tent quickly.

I saw Ba Lisu leading a horse coming, with wounds on his face, and many soldiers surrounded him to inquire about the situation.

"Everyone go back!"

Wanyan Nianhan yelled sharply, and the surrounding soldiers retreated one after another, and Ba Lisu stepped forward and knelt down on one knee, "The lowly official is here to make an apology!"

Wanyan Nianhan looked at him for a while and said, "Let's talk about it!"

Wanyan Nianhan entered the tent and sat down, continued to drink, while Ba Lisu knelt aside and told about his injury and capture last night.

After a while, Wanyan Nianhan said coldly: "Three thousand black armored cavalry were all killed, but you are the only one alive, how do you face them?"

Ba Lisu said with shame on his face: "It is not a pity to die in a lowly position, but it is the sinner who missed the important matter of Marshal Du!"

"What's the big deal?"

Ba Lisu hesitated for a moment and said, "The humble official met Chen Qing."

Wanyan Nianhan nodded, with pain in his eyes, "I knew he was here, and I fell into his trap."

After a pause, Wanyan Nianhan said again: "Speak up! What did Chen Qingfang tell you when you came back?"

"He said that there is no need to fight anymore. He wants to use Marshal Du to exchange important people with the emperor. Anyway, he wants to let Marshal Du go back."

"Any letters from him?"

Only then did Ba Lisu remember that before he left, Song Jun had given him a letter, he hurriedly fumbled for the letter, and handed it to Wanyan Nianhan.

Wanyan Nianhan read the letter, it was indeed written by Chen Qing.

He quickly looked at it, and there was anger in his eyes. Chen Qing actually sent troops to Pingyang Mansion?

He then sighed again, it is normal to attack his old lair, there is nothing strange, he would do the same, I don't know if the Jin soldiers in Taiyuan will fight back?
Ba Lisu tentatively said: "Marshal Du, Chen Qing also said a word, the humble officer thinks it makes sense."


"He said that being captured and surrendering are two different things. Being humble means being captured, and you never surrendered to the other side."


Wanyan Nianhan was not happy to interrupt him, "I know it in my heart, and he also made it very clear in his letter, don't say too much, just back down!"

Ba Lisu wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't speak, so he had to back down sadly.

When he was released, he was taken to see the Song army's defense, and he knew that he could not break out of the encirclement, but the marshal would definitely not want to hear such words.

Wanyan Nianhan took Chen Qing's letter and paced back and forth in the big tent. Although Chen Qing said nicely that he would be captured without a fight, he actually surrendered. He Wanyan Nianhan has been in the world for thirty years. When did he surrender to the enemy? ?

If he chose to surrender in the end, how could he be worthy of the [-] soldiers who died in battle?

He must never surrender, even if he is the last one killed in battle, he must never surrender.

Rather than surrendering and going back to be humiliated by the emperor, it would be better to die in battle.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The drums on the battlefield were like thunder, and with a dull bang, the gate of Xichuan County, Pingyang Prefecture was smashed open by a battering ram, and tens of thousands of Song troops outside the city rushed into the city.

Xichuan County, Pingyang Prefecture is Wanyan Nianhan's old nest, but there are only [-] defenders in the city. Facing the surging attack of [-] Song troops, the city was breached within less than half a day.

Commander Wanyan Qing led hundreds of soldiers to run wildly on the street. He was Wanyan Nianhan's family general. He was originally a Khitan, and he had devotedly protected Wanyan Nianhan's family for twenty years.

At this time, a few Jurchen soldiers rushed towards them in panic, Wan Yanqing asked loudly: "Did you see the second young master?"

A soldier pointed back and said loudly: "General Xiebao is surrounded by hundreds of Song troops."

Wan Yanqing turned pale with shock, urged his horse to run towards the soldiers' pointing direction, within less than a hundred paces, countless soldiers of the Song army suddenly appeared in front of and on both sides of the street, thousands of them, all holding bows and crossbows, came towards their room together.

Wan Yanqing and hundreds of Jurchen soldiers had no way to dodge, and were shot to death by thousands of crossbow arrows, none of them survived.

At this time, Wanyan Nianhan's mansion was breached by the Song army, and Wanyan Nianhan's old mother, wife Pucha and several daughters were escorted out.

A group of wives and concubines were also escorted out, and one of them, a tall woman in a gorgeous dress, was brought before the general Gao Ding by soldiers of the Song Army.

Although the woman is wearing Jurchen costumes, she has a delicate appearance and is a typical Han woman.

Her face was pale, with timidity and bewilderment in her eyes.

Gao Ding glanced at her complicatedly, opened the car door and said, "Please come in! Your sister is waiting at Jingzhao."

This woman is Zhao Yingluo, Emperor Ji of Shunde, and Chen Qing specially told Gao Ding that if he meets her, he should take her back to Jingzhao and give her to the second wife.

When Zhao Yingluo heard the word 'sister', she thought of the legend that her younger sister Qiaoyun married Chen Qing, the fear in her eyes disappeared, she looked back at Pucha, and asked: "Will they die? "

Gao Ding shook his head, "The county king does not kill women and children!"

Zhao Yingluo tore off her beard from her head, threw it on the ground, and resolutely boarded the carriage, followed by a personal maid.

The carriage, escorted by hundreds of cavalry from the Song Army, drove towards the camp outside the city.

At this time, a group of Song soldiers pushed up Wanyan Xiebao, who was covered in blood.

Wanyan Xiebao shouted: "I will never surrender, kill me if I dare!"

Gao Ding stepped forward and drew his sword against his neck, and said coldly: "If the king of the county hadn't ordered you to catch him alive, your head should be tied under my horse now. If you want to save the lives of your mother and grandmother, you should Shut up for me, you will return to Shangjing with your father."

Wanyan Xiebao looked back at his mother and grandmother, then lowered his head and remained silent.

Gao Ding waved his hand, "Take them all away!"

(End of this chapter)

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