
Chapter 762 Conditions

Chapter 762 Conditions
Although the battle in Luoshui Road was fierce and Pingyang Mansion was also captured by the Song army, Taiyuan Mansion, which was separated from the Luliang Mountains, was very quiet and there was no atmosphere of war at all.

This morning, a caravan entered Taiyuan City. The steward of the caravan was surnamed Wang. He was over sixty years old and was a businessman who had traveled between Guanzhong and Hedong for many years.

Steward Wang asked the caravan to go to the inn to rest, and he came to the Marshal's Mansion alone.

When the soldiers heard that he was here to deliver a letter to the prime minister, the soldiers dared not ignore it, so they hurried in to report. After a while, a Han literati came out. He was Wan Yanchang's aide, Liu Chao.

"Who are you? For whom?"

Guanshi Wang clasped his fists and said, "The little old man is a businessman. He came from Jingzhao. Someone asked me to deliver a letter to Wanyan Xiangguo."


Liu Chao scolded angrily, "Wanyan Xiangguo can accept anyone's letter?"

"I dare not talk nonsense, you will know after reading the letter."

Wang Guanshi handed over a letter, and Liu Chao snatched the letter, only to see that it was written: "General Zhen Guo, King Lingwu County of Song Dynasty, Xuanfu Envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and Marshal of the Western Army Chen Qing to Jin Guoyou Xiangguo Wan Yanchang. '

Liu Chao's face changed greatly in shock, and he trembled when he spoke, "You wait here, I'll report it!"

he turned and ran away
It's also a coincidence that Wan Yanchang just came back from Hebei yesterday, bringing back [-] Hezha Meng'an troops, and appointed veteran Puluhun as Hebei Xuanfu envoy, commanding [-] Xie Congjun troops in Hebei to maintain law and order.

Wan Yanchang was going to lead his army back to Beijing tomorrow, and at this moment, Chen Qing entrusted someone to send him a letter.

Hearing that it was Chen Qing's handwritten letter, Wan Yanchang was greatly surprised, quickly took the letter, and asked, "Who sent it?"

"An old merchant."

"You bring him, I have something to ask him!"

Liu Chao turned around and left in a hurry. Wan Yanchang opened the letter for a closer look. His face turned red and then pale. , Chen Qing's suggestion in the letter shocked him too much, and made him unable to calm down for a long time. He never dreamed that Chen Qing had such a deep understanding of Jin Guodou.

At this time, Liu Chao, the staff member, led Wang Guanshi to the back hall, and Wang Guanshi knelt down to salute, "Xiaomin Wang Shun will see Xiangguo!"

"Are you really a businessman?" Wan Yanchang asked suspiciously.

"The little old man is really a businessman. He has traveled between Hedong and Guanzhong for decades. Most of the innkeepers in Taiyuan know me."

Wan Yanchang nodded, he should be a businessman, ordinary spies would not want to hide it from his eyes.

"Where is your county king now?"

"I don't know, the villain. The person who wrote me the letter was not the king himself, but the king's staff. However, it is said that the king is not in Jingzhao."

Wan Yanchang snorted and asked again: "When you came here, there was no war in Guanzhong?"


Guanshi Wang shook his head like a rattle, "It took so much for Guanzhong to settle down, and there can be no more wars."

"When did you leave Guanzhong and come to Hedong?" Wan Yanchang asked.

"Six days ago, the villain Pujin crossed the Yellow River and came directly to Taiyuan without delaying elsewhere."

Wan Yanchang simply wrote a reply letter and handed it to Guanshi Wang, "Whoever wrote you a letter, you should give it to him. Don't delay in Taiyuan, go back immediately!"

"The villain understands, let's go back."

Wan Yanchang asked Liu Chao to give Guanshi Wang a road sign, so that he would not be afraid of being robbed by the army on the road.

Steward Wang thanked him again and again.

Only then did Liu Chao whisper: "Prime Minister, something is wrong! Where is Marshal Du now?"

Wan Yanchang snorted, "If my predictions are correct, he would repeat the same mistakes in silver techniques and be trapped in the Luoshui Road. In the northern part of Shaanxi, the roads are dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will be trapped to death. When Yan Loushi went south from northern Shaanxi, Wushu's army must meet him in the south, otherwise he would not dare to leave. Nianhan has a bad temper, impulsive personality, and is proud of himself. Chen Qing's thinking is too simple, and I knew he would lose In Chen Qing's hands."

"What can I do, are you going to rescue?"

Wan Yanchang stared, and said in a stern tone: "What are you talking about? Who is going to rescue, are you going to rescue?"

Liu Chao was so frightened that he lowered his head and dared not make a sound.

At this moment, a soldier reported from the hall, "The living lady, Mrs. Wan, has something urgent to see you!"

"Let him in!"

"Not long after, Wanyan Huonu hurried into the hall, knelt down on one knee and said:" Qi Xiang said, about [-] Song troops have crossed the Yellow River and captured Pingyang Mansion! "

Wan Yanchang sighed for a while and said, "Chen Qing is really watertight."

He stood up and said, "I'm going back to Shangjing today. Don't act rashly at Pingyang Mansion. They won't cross Luliang Mountain for the time being. But we need to strengthen the southern defense."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Wan Yanchang told Wanyan Huo Nu a few more words, and Wan Yan Huo Nu left.

That night, Wan Yanchang left Taiyuan Mansion and returned to Shangjing.

In the back hall of the Marshal's Mansion, Wanyan Yinshu crossed his legs and stared at the map on the small table. He hadn't recovered from the annoyance that the Song Army had brought to Pingyang Mansion.

Nianhan led his army to the west. They obviously had a lot of opportunities to occupy Pingyang Mansion, which was empty of troops, but Talan and Nianhan reached an agreement that their army would not take the opportunity to attack Pingyang Mansion.

So much so that they finally watched Song Jun seize Pingyang Mansion. In fact, not only Pingyang Mansion, but also Shizhou in the north, Jizhou and Cizhou in the south.

One prefecture and three prefectures are equivalent to [-]% of the land on Hedong Road!

Now he is not only annoyed, but also worried about Cizhou. The distance between Cizhou and Jiangzhou is blocked by Gushe Mountain. It looks more estimated from the map, but Yinshu knows that there are many roads between Cizhou and Jiangzhou. The valley road is connected.

Once the Song army passed through Gushe Mountain and entered Jiangzhou, it would cut off the retreat of the Hezhong Mansion garrison. If Hezhong Mansion and Jiangzhou were lost, the south of Hedong Road would be extremely dangerous.

At this moment, Wanyan Huo Nu rushed over, clasped her fists and said, "The humble post sent the Prime Minister away!"

"I really don't understand, why is he in such a hurry to go back?"

Wanyan Huonu hesitated for a moment and said, "I got a piece of news that the prime minister received a letter from Chen Qing this afternoon."

Yinshu was taken aback, "Are you sure?"

Wanyan Huonu nodded, "Should be sure!"

Yin Shu Ke stared at the map in a daze, then he was stunned, and murmured: "No wonder!"

Wan Yan Huo Nu asked puzzledly: "I also found out that the prime minister was very nervous and hurried back to Shangjing. Why?"

Yinshu Ke let out a long sigh, "This means that Nianhan failed and fell into Chen Qing's hands. He wants to exchange benefits with the Kingdom of Jin, so Talan rushed back in such a hurry."

A look of shock appeared on Wanyan Huonu's face. Nianhan was hailed as the God of War in the Kingdom of Jin, alongside his father, and known as the number one hero of the Kingdom of Jin. He was actually captured. What a serious matter.

He said angrily, "Since we know there is such a possibility, why did the imperial court ask Marshal Du to attack Shaanxi Road?"

Yinshu Ke sneered and said, "Perhaps this is the result the emperor expected."

"The humble job doesn't understand!"

Yin Shuke waved his hand, "You and I don't want to get involved in this kind of political matter. Now there is a more serious problem. The Song army occupied Pingyang Mansion, and they will inevitably enter Cizhou. I am worried that they will enter Jiangzhou from Cizhou and cut off The retreat route of the Hezhong Prefecture garrison."

Wanyan Huonu nodded, "The Prime Minister also said before leaving, let me pay attention to the danger in the south."

"It seems that he has also realized that, Huo Nu, you are leading an army of [-] to Jiangzhou. You must sit in Jiangzhou and command the overall situation in the south of Hedong Road."

Wanyan Huo Nu bowed and saluted, "I will obey the order and leave tomorrow morning!"

The siege on Luoshui Road has entered its twenty-fifth day. Five days ago, Wanfu Changsha Luyi led four thousand people to go south to try to break through the siege by using the spear bridge tied with spears, but the results were mixed. Although the spear bridge was successful, the The [-] Jurchen soldiers lost their spears, and when they broke out, they were besieged and killed by tens of thousands of Song troops. The [-] soldiers were wiped out, including the chief general Shalui, who was also shot to death by random arrows.

But at this time, Jin Bing had a cold and diarrhea, and more and more soldiers fell down. It was not a serious illness at first, but it was caused by drinking raw water, eating half-baked horse meat, and sleeping in the open. Jin Bing They thought it was a plague and panicked, so they carried away the sick soldiers and threw them away. There was no medical treatment, no food, and the golden soldiers couldn't stand the high fever and dehydration, and they began to die in batches. In just ten days, the number of golden soldiers died There are thousands of people, and this number is still expanding. I am afraid that within a month, all the golden soldiers will die of illness.

At this moment, a Jurchen prisoner of war was sent by the Song Army. This soldier was captured in Pingyang Mansion and was a personal soldier protecting Wanyan Nianhan's family.

In front of the big tent, Wanyan Nianhan looked at the soldier kneeling in front of him with a livid face, his anger was about to explode in his chest, he suddenly pulled out his sword and pierced the soldier's chest fiercely, kicked over the corpse, Turned around and entered the big tent.

Hundreds of soldiers looked at each other, wondering why Marshal Du was so furious. At this moment, a soldier ran to Ba Lisu and whispered, "Marshal Du, please come over."

Ba Lisu was really uneasy. Since he came back, he had never seen Marshal Du again. Thinking of the soldier being stabbed to death with a sword just now, he felt even more uneasy.

In the big tent, Wanyan Nianhan stood in front of the weapon rack, with his back turned to himself, Ba Lisu quickly stepped forward to salute, "See Marshal Du!"

Wanyan Nianhan said slowly: "There are [-] people left in our army, and they are still getting sick and falling down. I can only watch them die. I don't want to get sick myself, and die for them. I can't go for them. How selfish to die, but still care about your own reputation."

Ba Lisu didn't dare to interrupt, and listened quietly, Wanyan Nianhan said again: "Take a few brothers and carry a sick soldier to Song Jun. If Song Jun can cure him within three days, I can become a Song army prisoners of war, but not surrender, just prisoners of war."

Ba Lisu suddenly understood that what overwhelmed Marshal Du's last trace of dignity was actually not the sick soldier, but his family.

He clasped his fists and said in a low voice, "I obey the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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