
Chapter 763 Captured

Chapter 763 Captured
In the northwest corner of the Song Army camp, three large tents were temporarily erected. The ground next to the tents was covered with thick quicklime, exuding a pungent smell, and surrounded by two-foot-high fences. There were dozens of soldiers standing guard around them. Several Jurchen soldiers, including Ba Lisu, lived in these large tents. The sick Jurchen soldiers were also among them. Two Song army doctors were in charge of treating the soldier. cure.

In the morning, Chen Qing arrived at the temporary small tent under the escort of hundreds of soldiers, and a military doctor rushed out to greet him.

"If so, is it an epidemic?" Chen Qing asked anxiously.

He also didn't want it to be an epidemic. There were several bloody battles between the two sides. If it was an epidemic, it would also infect the Song army. Once tens of thousands of Song troops were infected, the consequences would be disastrous.

The military doctor clasped his fists and said with a smile, "It has nothing to do with the epidemic!"

Chen Qing dropped his heart, and asked again: "But he has diarrhea and fever at the same time, what's the problem?"

"Diarrhea is caused by them eating half-raw horse meat and drinking raw river water. The fever is caused by their weak body and cold at night. They are not infected, but everyone eats and drinks the same. The camping is the same, and the weaker the body will appear the same. Symptoms, it looks like an infection."

"But... more than a thousand of them have died."

The military doctor smiled wryly and shook his head, "Although it's not an infectious disease, it doesn't mean it's not serious. If you don't get medical treatment in time, you will die of dehydration soon."

"what about now?"

Chen Qing glanced at the medical account and asked, "How is the situation?"

"Drinking a few doses of medicinal soup, the diarrhea has stopped, and the body temperature has returned to normal. After drinking two bowls of white porridge, I will recover after a few days of rest."

"What medicine is so effective?" Chen Qing asked in surprise.

"It's just the usual Huoxiang Zhengqi Decoction, with some honeysuckle, coptis, etc., and the dosage is increased, and the effect is very good."

"It's that simple?"

"In fact, it's that simple. The key is to see if you have any medicine."

At this time, Ba Lisu walked over quickly, and the soldiers stood in front of Chen Qing one after another. Chen Qing stopped the soldiers with a smile, and Ba Lisu stepped forward to bow and salute, "Thank the king for curing my men, I'll go back and report to Marshal Du immediately, and discuss a decent way."

"The decent way is very simple. All the generals above the centurion will come out, including Marshal Du. I will prepare a carriage and send you to Jingzhao. I will arrange treatment for the soldiers and send them to the prison camp after they recover. abuse them."

"Will the soldiers let them go home?"

Chen Qing laughed, "In fact, I still have [-] Jurchen prisoners of war in my hands, all of whom are working in the mines. Of course they can go home and redeem them according to the rules."

"I understand, I'll go back and report to Marshal Du."

Ba Li quickly left one of his men to take care of the sick soldier, and he hurried back with a soldier. In fact, the two armies were only a few miles apart, but it seemed that they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.

Soon, the two returned to the Jinbing tent area. In just two days, more than a thousand people fell ill. This time, Wanyan Nianhan didn't rush them to fend for themselves. He also realized that maybe it wasn't The disease, if it is a disease, it will not take so long to pull out the speed.

In the big tent, Wanyan Nianhan said coldly: "I don't want to listen to their explanation, I just ask you, is it an epidemic or not?"

Ba Lisu sighed and said, "I have never seen a plague before, but if that subordinate got the plague, then the plague is not terrible at all. Drinking a few bowls of medicine and eating a bowl of porridge will cure it. This is obviously not in line with common sense. So I can only believe what the military doctor said, it’s not an epidemic, it’s just the diarrhea caused by drinking raw water and eating half-raw horse meat, and then the body is weak and catches cold and fever, so as long as the medicine is prescribed according to the symptoms, it will be fine soon.”

Wanyan Nianhan was silent for a moment and then said: "How can he guarantee my face?"

"Chen Qing personally agreed that he did not surrender, but was unable to resist the Song army's attack and was captured. Then the centurion and above generals were sent to Jingzhao in a carriage, and Marshal Du also went with him. The soldiers stayed behind for treatment. camp, we can let them go home through redemption.”

Wanyan Nianhan shook his head and said, "I want Chen Qing to write a personal letter, in which he promises his promise. I don't believe his verbal promise."

Helpless, Ba Lisu went back to contact him again, and about an hour later, Ba Lisu came back with Chen Qing's personal letter.

Wanyan Nianhan nodded, "Tonight around Haishi, ask Song Jun to park a carriage at the entrance of the valley, and I will get on the carriage and leave. After the general and the soldiers go out, the general also needs treatment. I will give you the gold order." , lead by you."

Ba Lisu smiled wryly in his heart, and after talking for a long time, Marshal Du only wanted to save his own face, and he didn't really care about other generals.

Around Haishi, a large black carriage parked at the entrance of Luoshui Road. This kind of carriage is actually a large iron cage, but it is decorated more comfortably, and it looks gorgeous on the outside. It is generally used to transport important things. prisoner.

At this time, a tall man in black came out from the Luoshui Road. Guan Shigu and a dozen soldiers of the Song Army stopped him. The soldiers searched him. The tall man in black was Wanyan Nianhan. He glanced at Guan Shigu complicatedly, pointed to the saber in his hand and said: "There is no other weapon, only this saber, Guan Dutong should know its origin."

Guan Shigu nodded, "When Marshal Du returns, he will return the original and we will keep it temporarily."

Wanyan Nianhan handed the sword to the soldier, glanced at the soldier holding the document, "What is this?"

"This is required for handwriting inspection to prevent impersonation. The document has no other meaning, so don't worry about it, Marshal!"

Wanyan Nianhan had no choice but to pick up a pen and sign the document. Guan Shigu moved out of the way, Wanyan Nianhan quickly stepped into the carriage, and the cavalry locked the iron gate from the outside. At this time, Chen Qing was standing not far away. He watched the man in black get into the carriage.

Guan Shigu stepped forward and said, "It's him, there's nothing wrong with him!"

At this time, the carriage passed by Chen Qing, and the black curtain was pulled open, Chen Qing saw a pair of sharp eyes staring at him, Chen Qing smiled lightly, waved and said: "Marshal Du, have a good journey!"

The carriage curtain was closed, and more than a thousand cavalry escorted Wanyan Nianhan to Fuzheng County to rest for a few days, and then went south to Jingzhao Mansion from Luoshui Road.

"The king of the county, that humble post has also gone."

Guan Shigu was in charge of escorting Wanyan Nianhan back to Jingzhao, Chen Qing nodded, "You can give him face, but there is no need to be polite to him, he is our prisoner of war, not a distinguished guest."


Guan Shigu clasped his fists in salute, and led a dozen of his men on horseback to chase after the cart team.

At this time, Chen Qing's eyes turned to Luoshui Road, "The next thing is that all the golden soldiers will be disarmed and captured!"


With the sound of dull drums, tens of thousands of soldiers of the Song Army held torches and surrounded the mountain pass. Thousands of crossbow arrows confronted the mountain pass. Whoever dares to resist at this time has only a dead end.

The Jurchen generals came out first, and all the Jurchen generals took off their armor, put their armor and weapons on the ground, and were taken away by the sergeants to isolate them with their hands raised.

Then the soldiers surrendered, led by Ba Lisu, a total of [-] soldiers, many sick soldiers came out with their backs on their backs, and once it was determined that it was not an epidemic, these soldiers were pulled back from before the gate of hell.

The process is the same, put down all weapons and armor, must be barefoot, and then be taken by soldiers to makeshift prisoner-of-war camps and hospital camps.

This time, Ba Lisu came to Chen Qing's side and said: "All the soldiers have come out, only camps and horses are left on the pass, let's end here!"

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "I hope we will have a chance to meet on the battlefield!"

"hope so!"

Ba Lisu replied dejectedly, turned around and left silently, this battle really made him disheartened, he had never missed his hometown like today.

Even though Wanyan Nianhan kept saying that they were captured, Ba Lisu felt in his heart that he was surrendering. Not only him, but all the Jurchen soldiers felt the same way. It was a blessing to be able to surrender without dying. How could they have any morale? Fight again?
Five thousand Song soldiers immediately entered the Luoshui Road, sprayed lime water to disinfect, packed up their belongings and war horses, cleaned up the dirt, burned the corpses for deep burial, and built a wooden bridge. It took three full days to restore the Luoshui Road to its original state.

But the Song army did not return to Jingzhao. Chen Qing led an army of tens of thousands to Pingyang Mansion. When Wan Dajun entered Yanzhou, the Hedong War had already begun.

It's just that neither Wanyan Chang nor Wanyan Yinshu realized this.

Thirty thousand camels set off from Fuzheng County loaded with food and supplies, and marched towards the Yellow River with the army in a grand manner.

At the same time, Yang Zaixing returned to Pujin Pass with an army of [-], preparing to attack Hezhong Mansion. Chen Qing also sent an order to Niu Gao who was stationed in the south of Zhongtiao Mountain to attack Xie County.

(End of this chapter)

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