
Chapter 765

Chapter 765

Although the soldiers of the Song Army held up their shields to meet the enemy, the arrows were too dense. The soldiers of the Song Army were hit by many arrows and suffered heavy casualties. Before they had rushed fifty steps, nearly two thousand soldiers fell to the ground with arrows, and a hundred trebuchets retreated. Going to a high place, throwing fire oil balls down continuously, thick smoke billows on the shore, and the fire burns.

Yang Zaixing's intention was also very clear. He used [-] soldiers to attack the opposite bank to create conditions for the laying of floating bridges behind. Small boats of [-] stone were chained together and covered with wooden boards. Hundreds of craftsmen started at the same time. fast.

General Han Chang stood on a high place and watched the changes on the battlefield. He saw the intention of the Song army, which was to build a pontoon bridge. The enemy retreats!"


A low-pitched horn sounded on the shore, and a group of cavalrymen from the Consortium outflanked and killed them from the northeast. They rushed straight to the pier like a torrent breaking the embankment, and then turned south, sprinting along the pier, aiming at the pontoon bridge that was about to be completed. Shooting away, dozens of craftsmen couldn't dodge in time, and they fell into the water one after another.

The cavalry sprayed kerosene, and then ignited the pontoon bridge, and the rest of the craftsmen retreated in fright.

Hundreds of soldiers of the Song army rushed forward, holding their shields high to resist the opponent's arrows. While dismantling the burning pontoon bridge, the craftsmen continued to assemble it. Although the pontoon bridge did not stop advancing, the speed slowed down significantly.

The [-] Xie cavalry were divided into two. Two thousand soldiers continued to stop the progress of the Song army's pontoon bridge, and the other [-] cavalry rushed to the back of the attacking Song army.
At this time, there were still [-] soldiers of the Song Army who attacked the shore. Li Ling, the leader, saw that the Song Army was caught in the crisis of being attacked by east and west. He shouted: "Fight the enemy to the end, and never surrender!"

Three thousand soldiers of the Song army roared, raising their short spears and shields to fight the enemy to the death. The two sides fought fiercely together, but the bows and arrows and kerosene were unable to play a role. up
Three thousand Song troops were flanked by eight thousand enemy troops, and casualties gradually increased.

At this time, Yang Zaixing saw that the construction of the pontoon bridge was blocked, so he immediately made a decision and sent a second wave of [-] ferries to the east bank of the Yellow River.

Not long after, forty ferries docked, and six thousand soldiers of the Song army rushed ashore and began to attack the two thousand cavalry of the Congregation Army. Building, without the trouble of the enemy, the construction of the pontoon bridge was accelerated again, and forty ferries were also used to build the pontoon bridge, which greatly accelerated the progress.

At this time, the pontoon bridge was full of Song troops, extending all the way to the shore. There were [-] troops, and they were waiting for the moment when the pontoon bridge was opened.

Han Chang saw that the Song Army's pontoon bridge was about to be completed, and he ordered anxiously: "Another [-] troops will come to the dock."

The garrison of Hezhong Prefecture totaled [-] troops, of which [-] were stationed in Hedong City, and the other [-] were stationed in Wanquan County in the north of Hezhong Prefecture.

There are also [-] troops stationed in Wenxi County, but Wenxi County belongs to Xiezhou, but it is also under the jurisdiction of Han Chang.

The controlling Wang Feng said anxiously: "Master Wan, I suggest that you should keep [-] people to guard the city? The city is empty. If the Song army divides an army to seize the city, Hedong City will be finished."

Han Chang had no expression on his face, and said coldly: "All the troops are dispatched to fight, and anyone who dares to oppose it will be killed!"

All the generals felt the dissatisfaction in the general's tone, and they didn't dare to say anything. After a short while, all [-] troops were transferred out of the city to join the battle, and Hedong City almost became a defenseless city.

The Song Army's pontoon bridge was built, and Yang Zaixing personally led an army of [-] to the east bank. Together with the soldiers of the Song Army who had been invested before, the Song Army successively invested [-] troops to attack the Hedong Wharf.

In order to keep the strategically important wharf and prevent the Song army from landing on Hedong, Han Chang also invested all [-] troops.

The two sides fought until noon, with heavy casualties. At this moment, a soldier rushed to report, "Master Wan, something is wrong. A Song army has entered Hedong City, and Hedong City has fallen!"

Hedong City is almost an empty city, with only a few hundred soldiers guarding the city gate, unexpectedly it was attacked unexpectedly.

Han Chang was taken aback, and asked anxiously, "How many Song troops are there?"

"About five or six thousand people."

Han Chang was stunned, where did Song Jun come from?

At this moment, a clear horn sounded behind him, "Woo——"

A Song army of [-] people came from behind, and the leading general was Niu Gao. Niu Gao rushed to Hedong City on the appointed day, and appeared at the most intense time of the battle. He ordered Li Hongwu to lead [-] people to take the opportunity to occupy the emptiness of troops. He personally led an army of [-] to attack the back of the Xie Cong army.

Niu Gao's army participated in the battle and dealt a fatal blow to the Xie Cong army. The [-] crossbowmen of the Xie Cong army were killed and fled in all directions. In the northeast corner, two thousand spear soldiers broke away from the front line and fled, showing signs of the collapse of the entire front line.

Han Chang's situation was not good, and he shouted: "Withdraw! Withdraw!"

"Woo—————" The horn of the withdrawal sounded, and Han Chang took the lead to leave the battlefield, leading hundreds of soldiers to retreat to the north.

The Xie Cong army was defeated, and more than [-] people threw away their helmets and armor, and fled desperately. Those who surrendered on their knees and were killed were countless. The Song army chased and killed more than [-] miles before retreating to celebrate the victory.

In this battle, the Song army killed about [-] people, while the enemy army killed more than [-] people, and nearly [-] people surrendered. Many defeated soldiers fled directly home.

Han Chang joined the garrison of [-] troops in Wanquan County, and transferred the garrison of [-] troops in Wenxi County. The army was restored to [-]. He estimated that he could not resist the Song army, so he led the army to withdraw in the direction of Jiangzhou. Join forces with Wanyan Huonu's army.

The food materials hoarded by the Xie Cong Army in Hedong City are extremely rich. The food alone exceeds [-] shi, black beans [-] shi, forage [-] dan, as well as kerosene, gunpowder, armor, tents, camp fences, trebuchets, etc. And other military supplies.

Wanyan Yinshu originally expected that Hedong City would be able to defend it for a year and a half, but he did not expect it to be lost so soon, and he did not even defend it for a day.

Of course, there is also Han Chang's personal grievances in it. It is clear that Han Chang is the chief general in the south of the River East Road. As the chief general of the south, let him serve as the deputy general, completely disregarding Han Chang's feelings, of course Han Chang was dissatisfied.

All of Yang Zaixing's army crossed the Yellow River, together with Niu Gao's [-] troops, a total of [-] troops.

On the one hand, Yang Zaixing let the soldiers rest, and on the other hand, he sent someone to deliver a letter to the commander Chen Qing. They had already crossed the Yellow River, captured Hedong City, and joined forces with Niu Gao's army, asking for instructions on the next battle strategy.

Unexpectedly, before the messenger soldiers left the city, Chen Qing sent someone to deliver the letter to Pujin Pass, and from Pujin Pass to Hedong City.

Niu Gao quickly came to the top of the city, and saluted Yang Zaixing, "I heard that the county king has a letter?"

Yang Zaixing is the highest-ranking general under Chen Qing. He is in command of the upper army, while Liu Cui and Zheng Ping are in command of the capital. Niu Gao, like Gao Ding and Liu Qiong, is in command of the deputy capital. There are four levels, deputy marshal, marshal, marshal of the upper army, and finally marshal Du. Currently, Chen Qing is Marshal Du.

Once Yang Zaixing is promoted to the rank of marshal, Chen Qing will leave the rank of marshal and take up a military position specially tailored for him, General Tiance of the Western Army.

Tiance General was Li Shimin's military post in the Tang Dynasty, but it was not impossible for the Song Army to set up a Tiance General as the Song inherited the Tang system.

Yang Zaixing handed a letter to Niu Gao and said with a smile: "Niu Gao can read it for himself!"

Niu Gao looked at the letter and asked puzzledly, "Why do we have our army stationed in Wenxi County?"

Yang Zaixing smiled slightly and said, "Just now the sender said that Liu Cui will lead an army from Cizhou to Jiangzhou through Gushe Mountain. I understand what the king of the county means."

Niu Gao also immediately understood that Wanyan Huonu stationed [-] troops in Zhengping, Jiangzhou. If Liu Cui's army broke out from Cizhou, it would happen to be in the northwest of Zhengping County, and Wenxi County would be in the southwest of Zhengping County. Zhi Dajun formed a north-south pincer attack on Zhengping County.

He thought for a while and said, "Once Wanyan Huonu finds out that we are stationed in the army, Wenxi, she will guess our intentions. I think he will most likely retreat northward to Jinzhou, join the [-] troops in Linfen County, Jinzhou, and send The troops from Zezhou and Longde Mansion have been transferred, and their strength will reach [-], and they can fight us decisively."

Yang Zaixing nodded, "You and I want to go together. I suggest that we divide our troops into two groups, one part of the army will be stationed in Wenxi County, and the other part will continue to go north to ambush the enemy troops in Zezhou and Longqing Mansion."

Niu Gao agreed to Yang Zaixing's plan, and he transferred another [-] troops from Shanzhou, and sent the prisoners of war from Jie County and Hedong County to Tongzhou.

The army of the two men amounted to [-] people, and [-] people were left to guard Hedong City. Yang Zaixing led [-] main forces to go north to Wenxi County according to the agreement, and Niu Gao led [-] troops to Zezhou, preparing to ambush the Zezhou army.

(End of this chapter)

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