
Chapter 766

Chapter 766
Wanyan Huonu looked at the one-eyed dragon in front of her and wished she could rush up and slap him a few times. She had sworn at the beginning that it would be no problem to hold Hedong City for two months, but she lost it in just one day.

It is said that the army came out of the city to fight the Song army attacking the pier, but was attacked by the Song army and captured Hedong city. Is this a mistake made by an experienced veteran?This bastard deliberately lost Hedong City because he was dissatisfied because of his arrival.

Wanyan Huonu was full of anger, but she couldn't get it out, so she could only say bitterly: "Marshal Zuo sent me because the Song army captured Pingyang Mansion. Marshal Zuo and the prime minister were worried that the Song army would enter Jiangzhou from Cizhou and cut off the river It is not the intention to replace the general as the general, but General Han lost the Hezhong mansion so quickly, making the whole situation extremely passive. Tell me!"

Now that Wanyan Huonu refused to admit that she was the main general, he didn't want to bear the responsibility for Han Chang's defeat.

Han Chang had already had an excuse, and he explained calmly: "At that time, the two sides were in a stalemate, and they both went all out. If I invested another [-] people, I would win. It is impossible for me to keep [-] people in the city. Besides, if the soldiers The five thousand men would not be able to defend the city of Hedong, and if they were replaced by a living woman, Mrs. Wan would make the same choice as me. The reason why I was defeated was not because I did not guard the pier. On the contrary, my pier was extremely well-defended. There is no chance at all, but because Xiezhou did not defend, more than [-] Song soldiers came from Xiezhou, pierced my back, and made me suffer from the enemy, which led to the defeat. "

"I see. I will tell Deputy Marshal Zuo the truth. Since Wang Wuliang, the military envoy of Xiezhou, was killed in the melee, it is not easy to hold him accountable. Let's move on!"

Wanyan Huonu also knew that Han Chang could not be punished, so she could only put the overall situation first and held back her anger.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Wan, the living lady, what should we do next?"

Wanyan Huo Nu pondered for a while and said: "Now I only have [-] troops in my hands, and with the [-] troops in the general's hands, it is only [-] troops. If the situation is not good for us, I plan to continue to retreat to the Jinzhou, join Jinzhou's [-] troops, and then transfer the [-] troops stationed in Zezhou and Longde Mansion, our total strength will reach more than [-] people, and we can definitely compete with the Song army!"

Wanyan Huonu's idea was completely in line with Han Chang's idea. He hurriedly said: "Master Wan is right. Instead of letting the Song army defeat each other, it is better to join forces and concentrate their forces to deal with it. Moreover, the grain and grass in Linfen County are also relatively large. There's plenty here."

The two tacitly reached a consensus to abandon Jiangzhou and retreat to Jinzhou.

Gushe Mountain is located in the south of the Luliang Mountains, which is actually a part of the Luliang Mountains. It extends from the northeast to the southwest by the Yellow River, and is divided into two states, Cizhou in the north and Jiangzhou in the south.

At this time, an army of [-] men, carrying [-] camels for supplies, happened to pass through a deep valley.

Gushe Mountain is ancient and broken. In ancient times, countless rivers passed through the mountain. Now, these rivers have disappeared without a trace, leaving only a dozen valleys, some large and small, some spacious and flat, and some more hidden.

The [-] Song troops walked through a relatively hidden valley, and a special guide led them through the valley.

There are cliffs and cliffs on both sides of the valley, covered by vines, which sometimes cover the sun, making it look gloomy, but fortunately, there are not many gravels on the ground, and the road is relatively easy to walk, and the horses and camels are effortless.

Liu Cui rode on the horse, looked into the distance, and asked the guide, "How far is it to get out of the valley?"

The guide pointed to a big tree more than ten miles away and said with a smile: "General, please look at that big tree, it is at the mouth of the valley."

Liu Cui immediately ordered: "Add more scouts to investigate the situation outside the mouth of the valley!"

Two groups of [-] scouts had already been dispatched, and Song Jun immediately added another [-] scouts to rush towards Taniguchi
In fact, Liu Cui was not worried that the enemy would ambush him. Yang Zaixing's army had already marched north. If the main force of the enemy came to ambush him, then their lair would be taken away by the Song army.

And it's useless to send fewer troops. There are so many valley trails, and the enemy doesn't know which valley trail they will come out from.

Soon, the [-] troops left the valley and passed through Gushe Mountain. The outside was not a large plain, but countless low and rolling hills, scattered with villages and large wheat fields.

The Song army's target was Zhengping County, which was [-] miles away. The army assembled and rested overnight. Early the next morning, [-] troops marched towards Zhengping County in a mighty manner.

At the same time that Liu Cui led the army to Zhengping County, another Song army of [-] people was also marching northward quickly. This army was Niu Gao's team. They passed through Wenxi County and entered Jiangzhou. Across the entire Jiangzhou, there are also many mountains in this area, such as Huoshan, Wuling, Jiaoshan, Wangwushan and so on.

Their goal is Jicheng County, Jinzhou, which is an important county on the banks of the Qinshui River, and Qinshui is the only way for Zezhou Jinbing to come out.

The marching speed of the Song army was very fast, and it was a high-intensity march. Each person brought six days of dry food. They needed to wipe out the enemy army in Zezhou before continuing northward to wipe out another army from Longde Mansion.

The next afternoon, [-] troops arrived in Ji County. Instead of entering the county seat, they found a forest to rest three miles east of the county seat.

At this time, Li Ling, the commander who had been here for nearly two days, came to see Niu Gao, "Qi is in charge of the capital, and no trace of the enemy has been found yet."

Niu Gao nodded, this is normal, the terrain in this area is complicated, and the enemy troops usually appear suddenly, so they must be fully prepared.

"The ambush place I asked you to look for, have you found it?"

Li Ling nodded, "Ten miles east from here, there is a valley over there, which is very suitable for ambushes, and we will soon reach the county town, so the vigilance of the enemy soldiers will be lowered."

Niu Gao said decisively: "Let's go to the ambush to rest!"

Soon, they arrived at the ambush site, Niu Gao told the soldiers to continue to rest, and he personally checked the situation in the valley.

This kind of valley is very common. It is the junction of two big mountains. The big mountains on both sides are slopes, covered with woods, and the official road is at the bottom. It can be said that this is the terrain along the way, but it is very suitable for ambushes. Because its length is just right, the enemy's tail has entered the valley, but the head has not yet left the valley, which just blocks the enemy in the valley.

Another important detail is that the enemy army will usually send spies to explore the road ahead. This is a normal march. The spies or pioneers walk in front, and if they find something abnormal, go back and report it.

So they had to deploy after the spies had passed by, and the large forest on the hillside was just for them to hide.

In the middle of the night, Niu Gao, who was resting, was woken up by the soldiers, "Du Tong, we found the enemy's trace!"

Niu Gao's spirit lifted, he immediately came to his senses, and asked, "How far is it, and how many enemy troops are there?"

"Twenty miles to the east of us, there are about ten thousand people."

Only twenty miles away, it will come soon, Niu Gao immediately said: "Go and inform the brothers on the opposite mountain, the whole army will wake up immediately and prepare to fight!"

Not long after, the vanguard of the enemy army came, there were about [-] people, riding slowly, sending people into the woods to check the situation from time to time.

Of course, this is a standard way of marching. It is not suspected that there is an enemy army ambushing.

Judging from the current situation, the training level of the Association Army is still higher than that of the Puppet Qi Army. Generally, the Puppet Qi Army basically does not have spies to explore the way ahead, even Li Cheng's army is no exception.

However, although the Alliance Army is well-trained, it is far behind the Western Army. Their wayfinding is just a formality, and they just go to the edge of the forest to have a look and ignore it.

If it is the Western Army, they must go deep into the woods within a hundred steps, and shoot a few shocking gunpowder arrows, making a huge cracking sound in the woods. If there are no startled birds flying up, it means something is wrong.

From these details, we can see the degree of training of an army.

Three hundred vanguard troops walked through the valley, and the Western Army quickly began to enter the position. After a while, ten thousand enemy troops began to march into the valley in mighty fashion.

(End of this chapter)

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