
Chapter 767 Goal

Chapter 767 Goal
This army is the Xie Congjun army stationed in Zezhou. The [-] troops in Zezhou and Longde Mansion are responsible for the security of the southeast of the East Road, that is, the Shangdang area.

The premise is that the Jin soldiers must defend Hezhong Mansion and Jiangzhou. Once these two places are lost, the garrison in the southeast will be relatively isolated. This situation is very dangerous. Go to Hebei or the Central Plains.

So when both Wanyan Huonu and Han Chang decided to retreat northward to Jinju, they immediately sent people to notify the two troops stationed in the southeast to withdraw to Jinju as soon as possible.

It's just that Jin Bing didn't expect that the Song army had implemented Chen Qing's strategy of besieging the city and fighting for aid, and would attack the two peripheral troops first.

The [-] troops marched quickly in the valley. The chief general was Wang Yande, a commander. The surrounding environment made him a little uneasy, but this uneasiness was only due to a general's instinct. This valley is very suitable for ambushes.

Wang Yande didn't take it to heart either. After all, the Song army was still in Jiangzhou, hundreds of miles away from here. This is how it is to lead troops to fight. It is impossible to be in a state of tension or vigilance all the time. It is necessary to enter the possible You will be vigilant only when you are within the range of being attacked by the enemy.

Now Wang Yande just wants to go to Jicheng to have a good meal, and then find two prostitutes to accompany him for the night.

"Speed ​​up!" With more than ten miles away from the county seat, Wang Yande urged the soldiers to march. In fact, both he and the soldiers were exhausted.

At this time, the soldiers in front suddenly became rioted, and some soldiers came to report, "Qizhi control, the road ahead is blocked by hundreds of big logs."

Wang Yande changed his mind, and immediately yelled, "No, there are enemies!"

The reason is simple, the vanguard team has passed, why is there no big tree blocking the way?

Just as he was aware of the ambush, the sound of clappers rang in the woods on both sides, "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of the clapper was very rapid, and then ten thousand arrows were fired, and twenty thousand crossbow arrows were shot at the enemy army on the official road at the same time. Although many soldiers carried shields on their backs, it took time to get the shields. You had to remove the dry food bags and water bottles first. As well as the blanket, it was too late, and the smartest way was to fall directly to the ground.

The worst was the coach Wang Yande, who was shot like a hedgehog by hundreds of arrows and died tragically immediately.

At this time, the big wood blocking the road in front burned, and the wood blocking the road behind also burned.

The Xie Congjun was caught off guard, and nearly [-] people were shot to death. The soldiers all reacted and lay on the ground with their heads in their arms, protecting their vitals with the shields on their backs.

After shooting three rounds of arrows in a row, there is no one standing on the official road in the valley.


The low-pitched horn sounded, and [-] soldiers of the Song Army rushed out of the valley shouting.

"Don't kill those who surrender! Don't kill those who surrender!" Song soldiers shouted in the valley.

Chen Qing's targeted strategy is still relatively obvious. He almost killed the Xixia Army and the Jin Bing, trying to eliminate the vital forces of the foreign race.

The puppet Qi army and the Xie Cong army were mainly surrendered. After the war, these soldiers were needed to return to their hometowns to grow food. In fact, many of his troops were converted from the puppet Qi army.

Although lying on the ground can avoid arrows, it is also easy to destroy the fighting spirit. If lying on the ground can survive, few people will stand up and fight hard.

The overwhelming Song army rushed down, and the soldiers of the Allied Army who were lying on the ground were terrified and raised their hands to surrender.

Only more than [-] of Wang Yande's personal soldiers wanted to avenge the general and killed the soldiers of the Song Army, but they were undoubtedly swallowed up by the soldiers of the Song Army who rushed to kill them.

Niu Gao ordered all the soldiers of the Union Army to lay down their weapons and walk out of the valley in a line. There were more than [-] soldiers in total, and there were [-] soldiers who were injured and survived, and they were also bandaged in time to stop the bleeding.

"Listen, all brethren!"

Niu Gao stood on a few big logs, looking at the crowd of prisoners of war, his voice was loud and powerful.

"I am Niu Gao, the commander of the Western Army. I am a general under the command of the King of Lingwu County. This time, the King of Lingwu County led an army of [-] to take back the East Road. Remember! It is to take back the East Road, and we were taken by the Jurchen. The homeland of the Jurchens, drive the Jurchens out of Hedong, you have gone the wrong way, but it doesn't matter, the county king will forgive you, all prisoners of war will be released home, and reunited with their families, but if you also want to expel the Tartars, then Join us, please raise your hand!"

After a moment of silence, prisoners of war began to raise their hands one after another. More and more people raised their hands. Nearly [-]% of the soldiers raised their hands. Only some soldiers were old and they were eager to go home.

Niu Gao was overjoyed, he rushed to ambush the army of Longde mansion, but he couldn't divide the troops to escort the prisoners back to Hezhong mansion, so he had to deal with the prisoners on the spot.

Niu Gao gathered about [-] generals above the commander and above among the prisoners of war, and told them that according to the rules of the Western Army, the generals above the commander and above who surrendered would be sent to Jingzhao Yanwu Hall to study for a year before rejoining the Song Dynasty. military.

The generals all expressed their willingness to obey the arrangement, and Niu Gao immediately gave each of them Wuguan money and a certificate, asking them to report to the Jingzhao Yanwu Hall by themselves. Of course, if they want to go home, they can go home, and they are not forced.

At the same time, the soldiers who want to go home will be distributed travel expenses, so that they can go home separately.

The remaining more than [-] soldiers quickly reorganized and joined the battalions and ministries. After a busy day, Niu Gao led an army of [-] to continue northward to ambush another auxiliary army.

Since the annihilation of Wanyan Nianhan's army, Chen Qing has once again massively increased the number of troops in Pingyang Prefecture. In just half a month, the Western Army in Pingyang Prefecture has increased to about [-] troops. Grain and grass are also being continuously reinforced. The pontoon bridges on the Yellow River all use hundreds of thousand-stone cargo ships as the base, making the pontoon bridge wide and stable, and the camel team transporting food and grass supplies can pass through the pontoon bridge smoothly.

At the same time Liu Cui led [-] troops from Cizhou to Jiangzhou, Chen Qing also personally led [-] troops and [-] camels to march towards Fenzhou. There are three important passages through Luliang Mountain. The Shilan road to Lanzhou, that road basically walks on the top of Luliang Mountain, has a wide view, but it does not conform to Chen Qing's strategic arrangement.

Now Chen Qing's strategic goal is still concentrated in the south of the East Road, seizing the south of the East Road, and controlling the Shuque Valley passage is Chen Qing's first phase of the task.

The capture of the southern part of Hedong Road was the battle between the [-] troops of Yang Zaixing, Liu Cui, and Niu Gao against the [-] troops of Wanyanhuonu and Han Chang, and the battle to control the Shuque Valley was fought by Chen Qing himself.

In order to control Shuque Valley, Chen Qing chose the middle line of Luliang Mountain, the famous Fenli Ancient Road, an ancient road from Lishi County to Fenzhou, which is about two hundred miles long. After a hundred miles, turn the road and walk eastward for [-] miles to Peach Blossom Valley, and then enter the Xiangyang Gorge Ancient Road.

Although this road is relatively long, it can be used by camel teams and heavy vehicles, so it has become the most important passage through Luliang Mountain. Wanyan Nianhan's logistics army passed through Luliang Mountain through this road.

The first juncture that Chen Qing's [-] troops encountered was Huanglu Pass, which was a dangerous pass built on the mountainside, followed by hundreds of stone buildings and walls along the mountain. Five hundred Congjun troops are stationed here.

Chen Qing squinted his eyes and looked at the pass in the distance. The pass city was very high, and the city walls were made of huge stones, which were very strong. The horns sounded constantly on the pass city, and soldiers stood densely on both sides of the city wall.

Chen Qing was annoyed, the arrival of a hundred thousand troops, do they still want to resist?
An old guide next to him said: "Your Majesty, the general of Guancheng is a Jurchen centurion, and I'm afraid he won't surrender."

Seeing that it was getting late, Chen Qing said, "Order the army to rest on the spot and pass through the border early tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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