
Chapter 768

Chapter 768
Hundreds of thousands of troops rest at the foot of Huangluling Mountain. Several small streams pass through the camp of the troops. Soldiers cook with briquettes and boil water for soup. They are very busy.

The night gradually fell, and the fire at the foot of the mountain was a little bit, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

The chief general of Huangluguan is called Cipulu, a Jurchen centurion commander, and he served as the commander of the auxiliary army. This is also the characteristic of Wanyan Nianhan's army. Their auxiliary army does not use Han people as generals. The commanders and above are all Jurchens .

The advantage of this is that the Confederate Army will not surrender easily. Of course, there are many disadvantages. Most of the Jurchens are fierce and hot-tempered. their brothers.

Beating, scolding and corporal punishment are commonplace, and rape of soldiers' wives and daughters is even more common. Even though Jurchen generals can rely on authoritarian control of the army, once a defeat occurs, the soldiers will be alienated.

This is the current situation in Huangluguan. The chief assassin, Lu, cursed in broken Chinese and kept threatening the surrounding soldiers. Everyone understood what he meant. Anyone who dared to surrender would cut off his head and kick him down the valley.

In the night, a hundred soldiers were patrolling and guarding the pass. Wu Ju, the captain on duty, sent someone to find Yang Huang, the other captain. The two had been in the army together for more than ten years, and they were fellow villagers in Fenzhou, so they had a very deep friendship.

Not long after, Dutou Yang Huang rushed over, and behind him were two other Dutou, one named Wang Hong and the other named Zhang Mao.

"Why are you here?" Wu Ju asked in surprise.

Wang Hong chuckled, "We also came to discuss things with you! We just met."

"Yes! We're going to be in trouble soon."

Wu Ju sighed, and turned his gaze to the foot of the mountain, where there were dots of fire, and there were at least a hundred thousand troops.

"The county king Chen Qing is also among them!"

Yang Huang said in a low voice, "Marshal Du was actually shot to death with one arrow."

A businessman crossed the border a few days ago and brought them a lot of shocking news. The [-] Jurchen army has been wiped out. Marshal Du Wanyan Nianhan was shot dead by the Western Army commander Chen Qing. The Song Army has occupied Pingyang Mansion. and many more.

The four of them looked at each other, and everyone had already agreed, Wu Ju gritted his teeth and said, "Go ahead! Kill that bastard and surrender!"

"Do it now!"

The four of them discussed for a while, and unanimously decided to take [-] confidantes to take action, meet at the top of the city after a quarter of an hour, and then use the Zhou Shun incident that just happened yesterday to intensify the conflict.

It was not so easy to kill Pu Lu, the key point was that he also had thirty Jurchen soldiers under him to form a powerful combat group that could fight against more than a hundred Han soldiers.

Of course, the Xie Cong soldiers could give up the pass and run away, and the remaining [-] Jurchen soldiers could not hold the pass. The key is that the four capitals all want to make some contributions, join the Song Army, and earn a future for themselves.

One hundred and twenty soldiers, led by several chiefs, ran along the city wall to ambush around the compound where the Jurchen lived.

At this time, Wu Ju came to the soldier barracks. He had a high prestige in the army. Standing on the stone mill in the courtyard, Wu Ju said loudly to the hundreds of soldiers who came to the courtyard: "Everyone is concerned about Zhou Shun's return." Why did he suddenly jump off the cliff to commit suicide? The facts are the same as the rumors. Zhou Shun’s wife was captured and abused by them last night. Zhou Shun ran to save his wife and was beaten to death by them. Assassin Lu did not allow me to tell everyone about being humiliated to death by them, but Zhou Shun is our brother, how could I not tell everyone? Brothers, go ask me for an explanation, Zhou Shun will die like this!"

The truth angered hundreds of soldiers, and the anger that had been pent up in their hearts for a long time finally broke out. They raised their arms and shouted angrily, "We can't just let it go!"

"Brother, go get the knife, if they mess around, we'll fight them."

"Fight them!"

The soldiers ran back to the barracks to get their sabers, and followed Wu Ju to the compound where the Jurchens lived.

There were two Han soldiers in the barracks who were responsible for secretly monitoring the defenders. Seeing that the situation was not good, they ran to the Jurchen compound first to report.

Assassin Lu was furious, and immediately ordered [-] Jurchen soldiers to assemble to prepare for the troubles caused by the Han soldiers. He knew very well that as long as these Han soldiers killed a few who took the lead in making trouble, the others would calm down.

Thirty Jurchen soldiers had just assembled when they suddenly rained crossbow arrows from the surrounding walls. The thirty Jurchen soldiers were caught off guard and fell to the ground one after another.

This is a good way for the four of Wu Ju to discuss. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for [-] Jurchen soldiers to gather together, so they encouraged the soldiers to make trouble.

The soldiers immediately threw more than a dozen ropes from all around. More than a hundred soldiers climbed the ropes and slid down, brandishing their spears to kill the Jurchen soldiers. Injured, it is impossible to fight against them. In just a moment, all thirty Jurchen soldiers were killed, and even the two Han soldiers who came to report the news were found and killed by them.

At this time, hundreds of soldiers came in mighty force. At this time, the gate of the courtyard was opened wide, and Yang Huang and his men came out with their spears to pick up the Jurchen's head and shouted: "Here is the head of the stabbing servant Lu. All the Jurchens were killed!"

The soldiers raised their arms and cheered, Wu Ju immediately ordered to open the gate of the city, and led five hundred soldiers, holding the head of the Jurchen, to surrender in a mighty way down the mountain.

A bonfire was burning vigorously, and the soldiers brought the four heads to Chen Qing, and the four heads knelt down on one knee to salute, "See the king of the county!"

Chen Qing really hoped that the Han soldiers in the pass would wake up. There was a rebellion at night, but he did not expect it to happen, which made Chen Qing feel relieved. Chen Qing asked about the process of the four people's rebellion, and highly appreciated Wu Ju's strategy of luring snakes out of the cave. .

Of course, he appointed Wu Ju as the commander, and the other three were the deputy commanders, who organized the surrendered soldiers into the Song army and followed Liu Qiong.

In the middle of the night, one hundred thousand troops and thirty thousand camels got up, marched through Huanglu Pass, and headed southeast and west along Huanglu Ridge.

The [-] Jin soldiers retreated to Linfen County, Jinzhou, and joined the [-] troops stationed here, bringing the total number of Jin soldiers to [-]. However, the [-] troops in Zezhou and Longde Prefecture were delayed. The fact that they didn't come in time cast a shadow over the hearts of Wanyan Huonv and Han Chang.

At this time, Wanyan Huonu received an urgent order from Marshal Yin Shuke, ordering him to rush to Fenzhou to command the [-] garrison troops and guard the Shuquegu Passage.

Yinshuke deployed a lot of spies in Pingyang Mansion. When Chen Qing led an army of [-] to Lishi County, Yinshuke immediately realized that Chen Qing probably led the army to leave Fen Ancient Road and enter Fenzhou. , Chen Qing's goal is either to go north and enter Taiyuan Mansion, or to capture Shuque Valley and cut off the retreat of the southern Jin soldiers.

At present, there are also [-] garrisons in Fenzhou, mainly deployed in Xihe County, Jiexiu County and Lingshi County. They were previously led by Wanyan Huonu.Now that the situation was urgent, Yin Keshu transferred Wanyan Huonu back again and ordered Han Chang to continue to serve as the southern commander. Of course, this also meant to appease Han Chang.

Wanyan's live girl is in the south, and Han Chang's military rank and status are relatively low. He can only be the deputy general in the south. Han Chang will definitely have internal conflicts. Wanyan Yinshu absolutely does not want internal conflicts to arise at this critical moment.

At the same time, Wanyan Yinshu ordered Pu Chaguiren, the chief ten thousand, to lead [-] Donghu cavalry to station in Qi County. Qi County is located in the southernmost part of Taiyuan Prefecture, close to Fenzhou. State defense plays a big supporting role.

(End of this chapter)

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