
Chapter 771 Military City

Chapter 771 Military City
Although Zhao Hou wanted to attack the north city gate with a battering ram, Hu Yantong was the chief general after all, and in the end he still carried out Hu Yantong's plan. Hu Yanqing personally led an army of [-] to cover the northern city road in an ambush.

Zhao Hou was in charge of a feigned attack on the southern city. In the morning of the next day, as the war drums rang rumblingly, [-] Song Army archers rushed forward and suppressed the soldiers at the top of the city with dense arrows. There are more than one hundred wooden rafts, which can be used to climb the city with wooden blocks nailed to them.

Putting on a posture of preparing for a large-scale attack, the soldiers on the top of the city were frightened. At this time, a thousand throwers, under the cover of crossbowmen, rushed forward and threw small burning thin-skinned clay pots onto the city. This kind of small earthen jar contains three catties of kerosene, which has been ignited after being coated with a layer of kerosene, and is thrown to the top of the city by the throwers.

One by one fire pots were thrown on the top of the city, and then shattered and cracked, the kerosene overflowed, and was ignited by the flames on the fragments. Immediately, a thousand fire spots appeared on the top of the city, and the fire oil cans were thrown on the top of the city one after another. The scattered fire points gradually connected together, black smoke billowed from the top of the city, and the flames raged.

Huyantong is using common sense to judge the enemy's intentions. If the enemy attaches great importance to Huoyi County and wants to defend Huoyi County, then it will definitely expand Huoyi, build a strong city, and then place a large number of troops to station. In this case, the city more important than the military.

On the contrary, if the county seat is dilapidated and small, and they are unwilling to spend money and energy to rebuild it, and there are not many garrisons, this is a typical situation where the army is more important than the city.

Huo Yi belonged to the latter, and their army was more important than the city, because there were more important Yangliang Nanguan and Queshu Valley behind them, which needed more troops to guard.

The soldiers withdrew from Nancheng one after another. Thinking of the Song army's siege ladder, the defenders in the city realized that the head of Nancheng had fallen, and the county town could not be kept. The chief general Wang Pei immediately ordered to retreat north.

The north city gate was opened, and five thousand troops quickly withdrew to the north, but within ten miles, only a sound of drums was heard, and twelve thousand Song troops rushed out from both sides of the official road, scattering the enemy troops to pieces. , Song Jun shouted in unison, "If the Han people don't kill the Han people, those who surrender will not die!"

At this time, the soldiers of the Xie Congjun Army had no intention of fighting. Seeing that the Song Army was so powerful, they were ambushed again, and they were so frightened that they trembled. When they heard the Song Army shouting, they knelt down and surrendered.

The chief general Wang Pei rode his horse and ran, but met Hu Yantong head-on. Hu Yantong grabbed an enemy horse, turned on the horse, and stabbed Wang Pei with his gun.

Although Hu Yantong's martial arts is a family tradition, but he is not qualified enough, and his martial arts is only second-rate, but his opponent Wang Pei's martial arts is third-rate, and when the second-rate meets the third-rate, he looks extraordinarily brave. The steel whip was whipped hard to the back, with a crisp sound of 'pop', the leaves of the iron armor scattered, Wang Pei spat out a mouthful of blood, swayed, and fell headfirst from the horse.

Soldiers from both sides rushed forward, knocked Wang Pei down and tied him up.

The main general was arrested, and some soldiers who still wanted to break out of the encirclement were finally desperate, and they followed the Song army and surrendered. Five thousand allied troops, more than [-] people were killed, more than [-] surrendered, and a small number of people fled.

Wang Hou led his troops into the city, quickly took control of the whole city, and began to implement martial law. The next step is to capture the Yangliang South Pass, so that they can completely control the south entrance of Queshu Valley.

After five days of hard marching, Chen Qing's [-] troops were finally about to walk out of the valley, but they encountered a small trouble here. A military city was built at the final exit of the Jurchens, blocking the exit.

Of course, the Jurchen army only cut off the official road, and they can still go out through the mountain from the side road, but the horses and luggage cannot go. More than half of the Song army's [-] soldiers are cavalry, and there are [-] camels, so they must take the official road to go out. .

For Chen Qing, this military city is just a small problem. The military city is not big, with a circumference of only ten miles, and a maximum of several thousand people can be stationed there. is a fortified castle,

But these castles built on the mountain have a common defect, that is, there are higher places than them, but the mountains on both sides of the military city in front of us are relatively gentle, although there are high places, they are far away from the city. You can't attack the military city from a high place.

Since the existing geographical environment cannot be used, Chen Qing has to create conditions by himself.

As soon as the night fell, thick black ruled the sky. The clouds were quite thick tonight. Although there was a moon, the moon was covered by clouds most of the time.

At this time, several black shadows were slowly descending along the southern hillside. They were all dressed in black. In the dark night, the defenders on the top of the city could not see the few black shadows on the hillside at all, but the few black shadows were still there. I am trying to use shrubs and boulders to cover my figure.

The five black shadows were three soldiers of the Song Army and two craftsmen. They were ordered to investigate the structure of the city wall. After a while, the five came to the junction of the foot of the mountain and the city wall.

"It's made of old city bricks!" A craftsman stroked the city wall for a while and whispered.

The task of the two craftsmen was to evaluate the structure of the city wall and find the best place to place the gunpowder. The two immediately found the corner of the city wall. They looked at each other, and their eyes lit up at the same time. Long cracks are penetrating cracks.

Sure enough, as they expected, this is the biggest problem with the old turned walls. Cracks are easy to appear at the corners. This is a big problem, which means that the strength and hardness of the bricks are not up to standard. Simply put, the internal structure has become It is relatively crisp, and there is no problem on the newly built normal wall, but cracks and other problems will appear after a few years.

But the corners of the city wall are different. The old bricks here bear greater tension and pressure, and are more prone to problems.

One soldier went back to report, and the other two soldiers worked with the craftsman to unload a brick first, which had been crushed and could be easily pulled out bit by bit.

Take out one piece first, and the rest will be easier. Two soldiers quickly pried off more than [-] bricks with sharp iron crowbars. After half an hour, two large black holes appeared in front of them, and they were filled with bricks. The sediment.

At this time, more than a dozen soldiers slowly dragged down two huge wooden barrels. This was a huge wooden barrel filled with gunpowder. The gunpowder weighed five hundred catties, and the explosive power was astonishing.

This kind of powerful explosive firearm was produced during the Jingkang period, but there was not such a large amount of gunpowder, and the quantity was very scarce. The same is true for the Western Army. A total of only [-] pieces were made, and they are generally not used lightly.

This time, Chen Qing brought only two pieces in total for his eastward expedition, but they were all used in this military city.

In the distance, Chen Qing stood on a high place, staring at the dark shadow of the city wall. Tonight's night is indeed very cooperative, and he has not been discovered until now. Maybe there will be no such opportunity tomorrow.

Liu Qiong beside him said with a smile: "There should not be many defenders on the side, and the target is a corner, where the least defenders are. Otherwise, no matter how dark the night is, they will be aware of it. I have a personal experience of this."

Chen Qing shook his head, and said lightly: "You can't use your ability to demand ordinary soldiers. You have trained your eyesight and hearing hard since childhood, and your eyesight, hearing and acuity are far superior to ordinary soldiers. Even if you can't see someone on the other side, you can still feel But ordinary soldiers can't do it, the city head is three hundred steps away from the hillside, so far away, they certainly can't see it."

Just as he was talking, a red light burst out in the distance, followed by two earth-shattering explosions, "Boom!", three miles away, he felt his heart was about to be shattered, and the surrounding Song soldiers squatted down covering their ears.

The entire military city was filled with black smoke, calmed down a little, Chen Qingzhan waved his sword, "Attack!"


The low-pitched horn blew, and the [-] Song soldiers shouted, rushing towards the military city like a tide
In Xihe County, tens of miles away, Wanyan Huonu looked westward with complicated eyes. Fifty miles away, he also heard a dull explosion.

Wanyan Huonu knew that Chen Qing's army must be attacking Juncheng.

Thinking of the enemy who had been waiting for many years to finally meet, he felt an indescribable anticipation in his heart, but also an indescribable nervousness.

(End of this chapter)

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