
Chapter 772

Chapter 772
The Song army captured Juncheng that night. Hundreds of soldiers were killed in the bombing, and the remaining more than [-] soldiers fled in fright. A terrified military prostitute, and the rest of the soldiers ran away clean.

At dawn the next day, the army began to set off to pass through the military city, and everyone was shocked by the appearance of the military city.

Half of the originally square city had collapsed, and the entire southwest corner was gone. Half of the west and south walls had collapsed, and the remaining walls were covered with cobwebs. Fist, looks very scary.

Chen Qing looked at the military city, shook his head secretly, turned his head to Hu Yanyun, the logistics chief, and said, "Destroy it all! Don't hurt people."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Hu Yanyun went down to arrange staff.

Out of the valley, a large piece of wilderness appeared in front of the eyes, which made people's eyes suddenly clear. Although there were still mountains in the distance, within tens of miles as far as the eye could see, they were all flat basins. It was just that the wheat had just been harvested, and the land had been regenerated. Plowed and sprinkled with seeds.

But Chen Qing also found that there were no trees, and all the trees had been cut clean. To cut trees, he had to go to the mountains hundreds of miles away, or return to Xiangyanggou to look for pine forests.

Not only were there no trees, but the village was also gone. There should be a village not far from them, but it was razed to the ground.

It seems that Wan Yan Huo Nu's strong wall and clear field have done a good job.

Chen Qing immediately ordered, "The army camps on the spot and rests for two days!"

The soldiers began to set up the big tent in a hurry, rammed the sentry tower, and dug the trench. Chen Qing ordered his own soldiers to find Tang Qian. After a while, Tang Qian hurried to the big tent.

Tang Qian knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See the county king for a humble position!"

Chen Qing asked, "Have the scouts over there in Xihe County been arranged?"

"Reporting to the county king, I have already arranged five groups of one hundred brothers, and I plan to deploy scouts from Jiexiu County, Wenshui County, Qi County, Xiaoyi County and Pingyao County."

Chen Qing nodded and said: "From the fact that the enemy army built the Guancheng, the enemy army is very clear that we want Fenzhou, and they will definitely deploy against us, so complete and accurate information is what makes us invincible basis, General Tang, do you understand what I mean?"

Sweat dripped down Tang Qian's forehead, "The king of the county is obviously dissatisfied with his information, and it's no wonder that they found a military city standing at the mouth of the valley when they were about to leave the mouth of the valley. This scout failed too much."

"The humble job has been re-deployed in an all-round way, with additional manpower, and the humble job has personally dispatched."

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Before General Tang personally dispatches, it is best to communicate with General Huyanlei. I remember that the Taiyuan intelligence point has a branch in Fenzhou. It is best to ask, and the intelligence inside and outside the city can be combined. Get up, and you won't be easily fooled."

"Humble job understands, so go ask!"

Tang Qian saluted and hurried away.

At this time, Liu Qiong came in, clasped his fists and said, "Why doesn't the king let the soldiers go back to Xiangyanggou to cut down trees and build a barracks?"

Before Liu Qiong sent someone to tell Hu Yanyun to cut down as many trees as possible from Xiangyanggou to make camp fences, but when he met Huyanyun just now, he knew that Huyanyun didn't cut down a single tree, it was the order of the county king. It is not allowed to bring a piece of wood back.

This made Liu Qiong really puzzled, why not allow the tree to be cut down?It is too dangerous to protect the camp with only one trench.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said, "Does Liu Dutong think that the Wanyan living girl will sneak attack us at night?"

Liu Qiong was startled, and said for a while: "If there is no barracks, it is indeed possible!"

Chen Qing said with a half-smile: "But we should not have a barracks. The surrounding area is cleared by solid walls. Where did we get the trees?"

Liu Qiong suddenly slapped her forehead, she was too stupid, the king of the county just wanted to lure Wanyan live girl to attack.

"Humble job understands!"

Chen Qing smiled lightly, "Tell me the reason why the other party wants to attack us?"

Liu Qiong thought for a while and said, "First of all, he has enough kerosene. Of the [-] barrels of kerosene that we were robbed by Wanyan Nianhan, he gave Wanyan Yinshuke [-] barrels in exchange for food. Yan Huo Nu has fire oil in her hand, and secondly, because of the strong walls and clear fields, we have no barracks, which makes it easier to sneak attack, and "

"There are also Wanyan girls who will be dazzled by hatred!" Chen Qing reminded.

"Yes! In Luoshui Road, he has already made similar mistakes, but he will definitely do it again. He will definitely use fire oil to deal with us, most likely by sneak attacking our camp tonight."

"I am looking forward too!"

Chen Qing said slowly: "In the past, we were the ones who attacked others, but now they are attacking us. I was thinking, if Wanyan Huo Nu failed to attack us and went back to find that Xihe County is gone, how would he feel?"

"The king of the county means to counter the sneak attack?"

Chen Qing said coldly: "Not only do we need to counter the sneak attack, but we also need to counter the ambush. As long as he leads the army out of Xihe City, he will completely lose this time."

In the end, Wanyan Huonu couldn't restrain her desire to sneak attack. When he got the report from the spies that Chen Qing didn't even use the barracks, he knew his chance had come.

Of course, Chen Qing's army would not have a barracks. All the trees had been cut down by himself. Without the protection of the barracks, his camp was open to himself.

"Master Wan, it's hot now. The big tents of the Song army must be made of cloth tents, which are very easy to ignite. Let's do it!"

"Captain Wan, we have trebuchets and large fire oil balls, which can be thrown from miles away and head straight for the enemy's camp. This is God's will, let's do it!"

"Let's do it! This is an opportunity given to us by God. Burn Chen Qing's [-] army camp. This is Red Cliff in Hedong. Don't hesitate anymore, Commander Wan!"

The soldiers under his command were impassioned, and the fire of hatred began to burn in Wanyan Huonu's heart. He gave up inheriting his father's business and his bright future just to avenge his father by beheading Chen Qing. He had waited eight years for this moment. When should he wait?

Wanyan's last sliver of reason was finally swallowed up by the flames of hatred, he gritted his teeth and said, "Send the order, immediately assemble the army!"

Half an hour later, the [-] troops left the west city gate and rushed along a small road to the camp of the Song Army.

There are a total of [-] Xie Congjun troops in the city, [-] troops plus the [-] troops withdrawn from the military city, and now only [-] people are left to guard the west city, and the remaining [-] people are killed to the Song Army camp.

The distance from Xihe County to the camp of the Song Army is about [-] miles. The [-] Xie Congjun army led by Wanyan Huonu set off at noon and arrived at about midnight. As soon as Wanyan Huonu's army came out of the city, they were spotted by the Song Army scouts The Song army scouts hurried back to the camp to report.

When Wanyan Huonu's army was still [-] miles away from the Song Army's camp, a [-] Song Army led by the commander Li Muqing also set off.

The two armies crossed in the middle of the night, only five miles apart. Interestingly, both armies did not light torches, and both marched quietly, rushing to their respective targets.

Five miles away from the goal, Wanyan Huonu's army walked out of the path, and their vision became wider. They also saw the Song army camp. It was the middle of the night, and there were only a few scattered lanterns in the camp.

Prepare trebuchets and move two miles away. The Congregation Army also carried five medium-sized trebuchets, each of which weighed a thousand catties. It was up to the soldiers to carry them on the march. It can be shot a hundred steps away, but this kind of fire oil ball is made of tightly wound fire cloth, which has excellent elasticity.

As long as the power is enough, it can be ejected several miles away and rush into the camp of the Song army with a raging fire, thus igniting the entire camp. It is indeed a wonderful imagination. If the Song army does not have any defenses, or just defends around the camp, then Wanyan The living girl is really about to make her dream come true.

Ten thousand soldiers ran to a group of highlands two miles away. The highlands were located directly south of the camp, about three miles away from the Song Army camp.

A thousand soldiers rushed to the front carrying five catapults. When they were about a hundred steps away from the high ground, thousands of Song soldiers suddenly appeared from the trenches on the ground, and they raised their crossbows and shot at the soldiers of the Xie Cong army.

The storm came suddenly at the most unexpected moment.

(End of this chapter)

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