
Chapter 773 Beheading

Chapter 773 Beheading
Eight thousand crossbow arrows shot at the soldiers of the Union Army running towards them like a storm. The rain of arrows came so suddenly that the soldiers of the Union Army had no defense at all. , the five trebuchets also rolled on the ground.

The Allied Army behind turned around and fled. Eight thousand cavalry suddenly appeared on the heights, and a low-pitched horn blew, "Woo——"

The arrow-shooting soldiers hid in the ditch, and eight thousand cavalry suddenly mobilized, rushing down from the high ground like a flash flood, and killing the soldiers of the Allied Army. The soldiers of the Allied Army panicked and ran wildly.

Wanyan Huonu cursed in her heart, but she couldn't call out to the soldiers, so he had to gallop on his horse and lead a group of cavalry guards along the official road towards Xihe County.
At this time, Li Muqing had led an army of [-] troops to the city of Xihe County, and ordered the defenders to surrender in Kaesong. The commander in chief was Xiong Zhenyuan, a native of Jiexiu County. He discussed with several commanders, and everyone agreed to surrender in Kaesong .

The city gate opened, and Xiong Zhenyuan led several generals and two thousand soldiers out of the city with a white flag to surrender. Li Muqing appeased the crowd and let the city gate remain as it was. But thousands of soldiers crouched under the battlements.

Not only that, there were thousands of soldiers ambushing on both sides of the city, and more than a thousand people were ambushing on the official road to Taiyuan Mansion outside the city.

The heaven and earth nets have been deployed, and it is just waiting for Wanyan Huo Nu to throw herself into the net.

At dawn, Wanyan Huonu fled back in a panic with two hundred Jurchen cavalrymen. These two hundred Jurchen cavalrymen were all his own soldiers and had followed him for many years. Yan Huonv didn't take it to heart.

Now he is anxious to report to the coach Wanyan Yinshuke and ask for more troops, otherwise they won't be able to defend Queshu Valley.

Wanyan Huonu ran to the base of the city and shouted, "Kaicheng!"

Xiong Zhenyuan looked at it with his head, and quickly shouted: "It's Mr. Wan who is back, open the city gate!"

The suspension bridge creaked down, the city gate opened, Wanyan Huo Nu rushed into the city gate like a gust of wind, just after she ran out of the city gate, a large net fell from above her head, just covering Wan Yan Huo Nu, and the Song troops on both sides pulled hard, Wanyan Huo Nu was dragged to the bottom with her horse and her body.

At this time, more than a thousand soldiers shot arrows at the soldiers of Wanyan Huonu. Everything happened so suddenly that the soldiers were caught off guard and fell off their horses one after another. The arrows were fired together, shooting more than a hundred cavalry like hedgehogs.

In the blink of an eye, except for Wanyan Huonu, the other two hundred cavalry guards were all shot dead.

Just as Wanyan Huonu was about to struggle to get up, a spear was coldly pressed against his neck, Li Muqing said coldly: "Move, I'll kill you!"

At this moment, Wanyan Huonu felt that all thoughts were lost, all thoughts of revenge were in vain.

In the afternoon, an army of [-] arrived in Xihe County. The army set up a large camp outside the city, and selected more than [-] trees from the felled trees accumulated in the city to make a barracks.

As soon as the Chinese army's big tent was set up, Li Muqing escorted Wanyan's living girl to the front of the big tent. Wanyan's living girl was tied up and knelt on the ground, staring at Chen Qing with wide eyes.

"Living lady Wanfu, we finally meet!"

Chen Qing sneered and said, "Seven years ago, your Linyou County shot me with an arrow, and it still affects my body. I have been waiting for today."


Wanyan Huonu said viciously: "I can't share the hatred of killing my father. I only regret that I didn't shoot you to death with an arrow seven years ago. Waiting for the next life, I will take the life of you, a thief!"

Chen Qing pointed behind Wanyan Huo Nu, "Look behind you!"

Wanyan Huonu turned her head to look, and saw more than a hundred middle and low-level generals standing not far behind, all of them clenched their fists tightly, and their eyes were spitting fire.

"They are all your enemies. You killed their wives, children, and parents, and you also have a sworn hatred against you."

Wanyan Huo Nu looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "I, Wan Yan Huo Nu, killed people like crazy, how can I remember who I killed?"

"You must remember that they are all from Zhongnan County. When you massacred more than [-] old and weak women and children in the entire county on the Zhongnan Line, you will forget it!"

"That's right! It's in Zhongnan County. I ordered the massacre of the whole city, leaving no one behind. So what?"

"So today is your time to go to hell!"

Chen Qing didn't want to talk to him anymore, so he waved his hand, "Push it over and behead him, and show his head to the public!"

More than a dozen soldiers dragged him over. Wanyan Huo Nu's face was pale and trembling. He suddenly thought of the hundreds of thousands of people he killed. Will they spare him in hell?
"Chen Qing, you kill people like hemp, and you will die!"

"Chen Qing, I can return to the Song Dynasty clan!"

Wanyan Huo Nu yelled desperately, but Chen Qing no longer gave him a chance. Amidst the roar of the generals from Zhongnan County, Wan Yan Huo Nu was grabbed by the hair, and a sergeant held up the beheading knife, He slashed down fiercely, "Crack!" The head fell to the ground, and blood spurted out of the neck cavity.

The wicked Wanyan living girl finally died in the Song army camp. Chen Qing ordered that the head of Wanyan living girl be sent back to Jingzhao immediately, and Jingzhao officials were ordered to sacrifice the heads of the hundreds of thousands of Wanyan living girls who had been massacred by Wanyan living girl. People on Shaanxi Road.

In the evening, Tang Qian rushed forward with a scouting team. He quickly came to the tent of the Chinese army, and was soon led into the tent by his own soldiers. He saw Chen Qing standing in front of a sand table, with Liu Qiong, Li Muqing and his staff member Pei Xiangjun.

Tang Qian bowed and saluted, "See the county king!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "General Tang, we are waiting for your news!"

Liu Qiong handed him the wooden pole and said with a smile: "Let's talk first! We'll drink tea and rest later."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Tang Qian took the wooden pole, pointed to the surrounding counties and said, "It's easier to collect information this time. Thanks to the brothers of the Intelligence Department, they have a branch in Jiexiu County, and they have found a lot of important information. We learned that, Jin Bing deployed a total of [-] people in Fenzhou. In addition to Xihe County and Tanikou Military City, there are also [-] people deployed in Jiexiu County, [-] people in Pingyao County, and [-] Donghu cavalry in Qi County. Support at any time Fenzhou."

"And then?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Then the defenders of Pingyao County don't have to worry. The defenders can instigate rebellion. The trouble is the defenders of Jiexiu County. The chief general is a Jurchen commander. Jiexiu is very difficult to attack, and the guards are so tight that outsiders can't get in. I want to send It’s impossible for people to get in.”

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said, "Can we use Wanyan Huonu's command arrow to call out the Jiexiu county guard?"

Tang Qian shook his head, "The people Wanyanhuo Nu sent to deliver orders are all his own soldiers, all Jurchens. This is his characteristic, and it is difficult to fake."

At this time, the staff member Pei Xiangjun smiled and said: "It's better to start with the general of Pingyao County."

Pei Xiangjun is also recommended by Guan Shigu to Chen Qing's staff, Wen Xi, a son of Pei's family, Jinshi during the Xuanhe period, once served as the magistrate of Xie County, Guan Shigu had contact with him, this person is quite quick-witted, and his thinking is very clear, the key is to understand The officialdom in Hedong was very familiar with it, so Guan Shigu recommended Pei Xiangjun to Chen Qing.

Chen Qing nodded. It was a good idea. He asked, "What's the name of the Pingyao county guard, and why is he easier to instigate rebellion?"

(End of this chapter)

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