
Chapter 774 Rebellion

Chapter 774 Rebellion
Tang Qian didn't even take a sip of water at the end, left the camp, and rushed to Pingyao County with his men.

The guard of Pingyao is called Sun Liangji, a commander. Hu Yanlei’s subordinates have already contacted him. The reason why he is said to be easy to instigate rebellion is because he is from Gaoling County, Jingzhao Prefecture. His parents, wife and children are all in his hometown, but In his resume in Jin Guo, his parents, wife and children were all dead, that is to say, he lied to Jin Guo, his father died at the beginning of the year, and his mother, wife and children were still alive.

Hu Yanlei's subordinates have talked to him several times, and his only concern is that he still has a concubine and daughter in Taiyuan City, and he is afraid that his surrender will affect them.

However, his mentality has changed a little in the past two days. The reason is that Chen Qing personally led an army of [-] into Fenzhou. He immediately realized that this might be his last chance.

In the morning, Sun Liangji was dealing with military affairs in the big tent of the military camp, when a soldier reported at the door, "General, Sun Proprietor of Hongji Restaurant said he wanted to see you."

Sun Hong, the proprietor of Hongji Restaurant, was the head of the Fenzhou Intelligence Department. He happened to have the same surname as Sun and was from Jingzhao. Everyone thought he and Sun Liangji were relatives.

Sun Liangji was also thinking about going to find Sun Hong at noon, but he didn't expect him to come on his own initiative. Sun Liangji quickly ordered the soldiers to invite him in.

Not long after, the short and fat Sun Hong walked into the big tent, followed by a tall and strong man in his thirties.

Sun Liangji's heart skipped a beat. Out of instinct, he felt the powerful murderous aura of the man behind him. He was also a soldier.

"Welcome the proprietor, please sit down! Please sit down!"

Sun Hong sat down with a smile on his face, he glanced to both sides, Sun Liangji understood, went to the door of the tent, and ordered the soldiers not to allow anyone to enter the tent.

Only then did Sun Hong introduce the man next to him, "This is Tang Tongzhi, the scout battalion of the Western Army!"

Sun Liangji was taken aback. Isn't the commander of the scout battalion the top general of the scout battalion?

He hastily saluted and said, "So it's Tang Tongzhi, I'm disrespectful."

Tang Qian saluted slightly, took out a letter and handed it to him, "This is a personal letter from the king of the county to General Sun!"

Sun Liangji was immediately flattered that the majestic king of the county wrote a personal letter to a small person like himself. He quickly accepted the letter respectfully, opened it and read it carefully. In the great cause of Jiangshan, he promised him to continue to serve as the commander, and at the same time promised to let him return to his hometown.

The words "returning home in splendid clothes" made Sun Liangji feel excited. For so many years, he dared not go back to his hometown because his father did not allow him to enter the house. Even when his father passed away at the beginning of the year, he could not go home to see his father on his last journey. The elders all scolded him as a traitor, so that his mother, wife and children couldn't lift their heads. If he could return home in good clothes, then he would also be able to put a handful of soil on his father's grave.

Sun Liangji's eyes became a little wet, and he nodded, "Please tell General Tang to tell the county king that he will let me be reborn, and I, Sun Liangji, would like to do my best for him."

Sun Hong next to him smiled and said, "General Sun, don't worry about the family members in Taiyuan. Our people have brought their mother and daughter out of the city, and they are currently hiding in the suburbs of Taiyuan. Jinbing can't find them."

Sun Liangji was completely relieved now, and he quickly said: "I will order to change the flag and flag, and the whole army will return to the Song Dynasty."

Tang Qian waved his hand and said, "The king of the county wants Jiexiu. It is estimated that Lord Jiexiu will transfer you to Jiexiu today or tomorrow. I will lead an army to join your team and go to Jiexiu together."

Only then did Sun Liangji understand the intention of the king of the county. He thought for a while and said, "I'm not afraid of things. I'm worried that the general will be in danger. There are too many people, at most [-] people. If there are too many people, other subordinates will find out."

"Then two hundred people!"

Tang Qian immediately went out of the city and brought a group of [-] elite men into Sun Liangji's army.

Chen Qing's judgment was indeed correct. At noon, Sun Liangji received an emergency order from the chief general of Jiexiu County, Wanyan Tumi, ordering him to lead his army to Jiexiu County immediately.

Without any hesitation, Sun Liangji assembled an army of [-] soldiers and rushed towards Jiexiu City.
At one o'clock, Sun Liangji's army arrived in Jiexiu County.

Jiexiu County is divided into an old city and a new city. The old city is a civilian city, located in the basin, surrounded by flat terrain, and tends to be agricultural, while the new city is a military city, which took two full years to build, all of which are made of granite from the Taiyue Mountains. Shi Jiancheng, as high as three feet, is very strong and solid, with a circumference of about fifteen miles. Of course, what Chen Qing is concerned about is also the military city. Its location is very tricky. Above, there are Baizhang cliffs to the west, Fenshui below, and cliffs and mountains to the east, and even climbing to the top of the mountain, it is impossible to attack downwards, because the distance is too far.

Jiexiu County is the last pass city entering Taiyuan Basin from the southeast of the River East, and Jin Bing spent a lot of money to build it.

The main general is called Wanyan Tumi, he is actually a commander of ten thousand commanders, but he indulged his soldiers in plundering the market in Taiyuan Prefecture, and was severely punished by Wanyan Yinshu. , sent him to defend the Jiexiu military city, and became the deputy general of Wanyan Huonu.

At present, there are [-] troops in Jiexiu Army City, of which [-] Jurchen troops are subordinates of Wanyan Tumi, brought from Taiyuan Mansion, and another [-] troops from the Xiexie Army. Siege is enough, and it is barely enough to deal with a medium-scale siege of [-] to [-] people.

But now Jiexiu County has to face a [-] army, or Chen Qing personally leads, [-] people are absolutely not enough, it is too late to ask for help from Taiyuan Prefecture, let the Qizhou army come to assist him, Wanyan Tumi does not have that qualification , The military rank is not enough, and the army in Qi County simply ignores him.

In desperation, Wanyan Tumi had no choice but to urgently dispatch [-] troops from Pingyao, bringing the number of troops in his city to [-], which calmed his anxiety slightly.

"General Sun, is there any news about Commander Wan?" Wanyan Tumi stepped forward and asked.

Sun Liangji shook his head, "I still want to ask General Wanyan?"

Wanyan Tumi said worriedly: "I can't get in touch with him either. There is news that he has been defeated, but I can't be sure."

"Has General Wanyan sent spies there?"

"It was dispatched, but there was no news. I wondered if the spies were also killed by Song Jun, but something must have happened."

Sun Liangji hesitated for a moment and said, "Maybe Mr. Wan is eager to take revenge!"

Wanyan Tumi slapped his thigh, "It must be so, Marshal Zuo is afraid that he will take revenge impulsively and ruin the event,"

Sun Liangji sighed and said, "Anyway, let's ask the Marshal for more troops! We only have [-] troops, and the other side has [-] troops, so we won't last for a few days!"

Sun Liangji paused for a while and said again: "In addition, the Song Army is good at night battles, so I suggest strengthening night defense."

All of Sun Liangji's suggestions touched Wanyan Tumi's heart, which made him greatly appreciate. Wanyan Tumi patted Sun Liangji's shoulder and said with a smile: "In the future, the defense of Jiexiu City will depend on the general!"

Just three days after Sun Liangji's army entered Jiexiu County, the defenders of Jiexiu County finally got the definite news that the defenders of Xihe County had been wiped out. Swing to kill.

Wanyan Tumi was shocked by this news, and hurriedly asked two of his subordinates to discuss countermeasures.

The two generals are both commanders, one is Sun Liangji, and the other is Ma Bo, who is gloomy. He has always looked down on Sun Liangji, so he said coldly: "Didn't General Sun always boast that he can do it? Now it's you who can display your talents." It's time."

Sun Liangji also said politely: "What's the matter? When the soldiers come, they will be taken care of, and the water will cover them with soil. If we really can't hold them, we can still retreat to the south."

Wanyan Tumi vetoed it, "We must not retreat. Marshal Zuo has repeatedly ordered that we must stick to Jiexiu County, and we are not allowed to retreat!"

Ma Bo nodded, "In this case, why not divide the work, my army is in charge of daytime security, and General Sun's army is in charge of nighttime security. Do you agree with General Tumi?"

Although Wanyan Tumi knew that Ma Bo was bullying Sun Liangji as a coward, he didn't want to be troublesome, so he glanced at Sun Liangji, "What does General Sun think?"

Sun Liangji was secretly happy in his heart, but he sighed helplessly on his face, "We should work harder, I have no objection!"

"Well, it's a deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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