
Chapter 775

Chapter 775
Chen Qing's army walked very slowly, only [-] miles a day. The army walked for two days before reaching the Taigu River.

The soldiers were building the big camp, Liu Qiong hurried to Chen Qing's side, and whispered: "They are coming!"

What Liu Qiong was talking about, of course, was referring to the [-] Eastern Hu cavalry soldiers who came out of Qi County. On the second day after the Wanyanhuo female army was wiped out, the Song Army scouts found their traces in the south of Qi County.

Chen Qing nodded and said: "They will either sneak attack the camp tonight, or attack halfway tomorrow, according to the established plan, treat them well!"

"The humble staff understands that they will definitely treat them well with a sumptuous banquet!"

The Donghu cavalry of [-] people was [-] to [-] miles north of the main force of the Song army at this time. Like a large group of hyenas on the grassland, they had been staring at the main force of the Song army from a distance, patiently looking for opportunities.

Their task is not to defend Qixian County, but to participate in the battle of Fenzhou, to help friendly troops or attack the Song army.

The general who commanded the ten thousand troops was Wanyan Ahulan, Wanyan Yinshuke's right-hand man. He had already received the news that Wanyan's living daughter had been beheaded, which immediately brought him tremendous pressure.

Wanyan Huonu is the eldest son of Wanyan Lou's family. Their family has a high status in the Kingdom of Jin. The killing of Wanyan Huonu will shock the court. Even Marshal Zuo Wanyan Yinshu cannot bear this responsibility.

At the most critical moment, Wanyan Ahu was lazy and dereliction of duty. He failed to rush to support Wanyan Huonv in time, resulting in Wanyan Huonu's defeat and killing, and Marshal Zuo was unable to explain to the court.He himself could not explain to Marshal Zuo.

Wanyan Ahu was lazy. The only thing he could do now was to find an opportunity to sneak attack the main force of the Song army. Even if the sneak attack was unsuccessful, he could give Marshal Zuo an explanation.

There is another reason that is not easy to talk about. The [-] cavalry led by Wanyan Ahulan are not the Jurchens, but the Eastern Hu Army, which is the army of the Khitan, Xiren, Bohai, Goryeo and other conquered nations. They are The servant army of the Kingdom of Jin.

Although the status of the servant army is much higher than that of the Han Chinese Congregation Army, it is still far from being comparable to the Jurchens. At least the Jurchen commanders don't take their lives seriously.

Of course, if there were [-] Jurchen cavalry, Wanyan Ahulan would never dare to take such a risk.

Wanyan Ahulan got the news that the Song army stationed on the west bank of Taigu River.

There is a large plain on the west bank of Taigu River, which is very beneficial for cavalry to fight. He also immediately ordered: "The whole army rests, get up at the second watch!"

At nightfall, at the time of the second watch, [-] Donghu cavalry set off. They went south along the west bank of Taigu River, all the way to the plains, with large tracts of farmland and woods, and villages can be seen in the distance.

Donghu cavalry wrapped the horseshoes with thick sackcloth, which was to silence the noise and protect the horseshoes. There were a lot of wheat straw that had not been cleaned in the farmland, which were very sharp and would step on them if they were not careful.

The army was marching in the soft ground, the sound was very low, it was silent from a distance, even in the village two miles away there was no dog barking, this noise reduction effect made Wanyan Ahulan quite satisfied.

The team walked quickly, and at the fourth watch, they were only ten miles away from the Song Army's camp.

At this time, a spy came to report that the Song army's patrols were three miles away from the camp, and they were arranged very tightly. If you kill them like this, you will definitely be discovered.

Wanyan Ahulan silently counted the time, and rushed from three miles to the camp. It only took about one cup of tea time. The soldiers of the Song Army might have just put on their armor and came out of the big tent, but they hadn't had time to assemble, especially At night, if he ignites the opponent's big tent by himself, the [-] Song army will definitely fall into great chaos.

Wanyan Ahulan has a lot of combat experience, and he is not wrong at all. If the Song Army was not prepared, it must be the result, but if the Song Army was prepared, it would be another matter.

Night raids are generally based on gambling, because spies cannot penetrate the opponent's outer patrol, and it is impossible to know whether the enemy is prepared. Therefore, in the history of sneak attacks, many people succeeded, but many people failed.

Wanyan Ahulan also knew that he only had a [-]% chance of winning, but he could only bet on this one time. He waved his hand and shouted: "Go ahead, launch an offensive at Sanli!"

Ten thousand Donghu cavalry continued to go south. When they were three miles away from the Song Army camp, dozens of alarm gunpowder arrows flew into the sky, emitting bright red flames. They were discovered by the Song Army patrol, and the alarm bell sounded faintly .

The Donghu cavalry also sounded the attack antlers at the same time.


Amidst the sound of the low-pitched horn, ten thousand Donghu cavalry suddenly mobilized, and the speed became faster and faster, rushing towards the Song army camp like a galloping tide
But there is a detail that the Donghu cavalry did not notice. All the Song army scouting cavalry did not run back, but ran to the sides, or even to the Taigu water.

Of course, it’s useless even if you find out. Once ten thousand cavalry gallops, there is no way to stop. Even if there is a forest of fire pits and guns ahead, they must rush forward, or even slow down a little bit. The cavalry in front is easy. He was ruthlessly knocked over by the cavalry behind him, and his body was trampled like mud by the horse.

But just when Donghu's army ran for a mile, a dense array of spears appeared two hundred steps ahead, and all the spears were deeply inserted into the soil. The tip of the spear pointed upwards at a forty-five-degree angle, and [-] spears formed a barrier of spears that was ten miles long.

In the night, this large array of spears looks like a long mound of dirt from a distance, which is very deceptive.

Fifty steps away from the back of the spear formation, there are [-] Song soldiers holding god-armed crossbows. They don't need to use bed crossbows. Body shot through.

Instead, a few miles to the west, Liu Qiong led [-] cavalry who had been waiting for a long time, and Li Muqing, who led [-] cavalry to kill the fleeing enemy troops outside.

Chen Qing had already issued the order to kill without amnesty, which meant that the Eastern Hu cavalry would be doomed.

The [-] galloping cavalry were still [-] steps away from the spear array. The commander Wang Duo gave an order, and the crossbowmen in the front row fired all the arrows at the same time. It shot to a high place, fell in a parabola, and shot towards the head of the Donghu cavalry who were rushing like a sea tide.

Donghu cavalry raised their shields one after another to meet them, but their leather shields couldn't stop the dense rain of arrows, not to mention the extremely lethal crossbow arrows of the god arm.

There was a sudden scream from the crowd, the crossbow arrows shot through the shield and into the body of the soldier, even if a person hid under the belly of the horse, it was useless, the horse couldn't stop the powerful crossbow arrow, and the galloping cavalry fell one by one. If you fall, you will fall on your back.

Immediately afterwards, the second batch of [-] crossbow arrows rose into the sky again, forming a new cloud of arrows, and fired densely at the chaotic enemy cavalry. Once again, a large number of soldiers were hit by arrows and fell off their horses.

With only [-] crossbow arrows, [-] Donghu cavalry had casualties of more than [-] people. The momentum of the galloping blood had been weakened. The running Donghu cavalry began to hesitate a little. Passion and confidence disappeared from their faces, but the running The momentum still hasn't stopped.

As long as the general does not blow the horn to retreat, the remaining [-] cavalry will have to run forward without hesitation.
At this moment, the Donghu cavalry in front let out a scream. In the night, they finally saw the long black strip in front of them clearly. It was not the earthworks piled up in their imagination, but a gleaming, murderous spear. Great array.

But they couldn't stop. Amidst the screams, thousands of cavalry rushed into the spear array, and countless sharp spears pierced their bodies instantly, blood spurted out, and countless lives disappeared on the spot.

This is just the beginning. Fifty steps away, [-] crossbowmen shot arrows at the Donghu cavalry again. This time, they shot flat. There was the sound of dense crossbows piercing the air everywhere. All the living cavalry became the merciless hunting of the Song army's crossbows Target.

"Woo! Woo!"

A low trumpet sounded from the west, echoing in the night sky of the wilderness,
Liu Qiong led [-] cavalry to outflank and kill, [-] horses were galloping, [-] cavalry were shouting, galloping densely in the wilderness, the boundless murderous aura enveloped the whole world.

Wanyan Ahulan didn't say a word, and led a thousand Jurchen cavalry to turn around and flee. They beat their horses desperately, trying to escape before the Song army surrounded them.

They did escape from the siege of [-] Song cavalry, but unfortunately, they were surrounded by [-] cavalry led by Li Muqing.

The two sides fought in the dark, Wanyan Ahulan led more than [-] cavalrymen to kill a bloody road, and fled to the northwest. The cavalry were all killed.

This was a powerful battle of annihilation. The Western Army led by Chen Qing had an absolute superiority in strength, elite advanced weapons, and the deployment of anticipating the enemy first. It wiped out [-] Eastern Hu cavalry in an incomparably domineering manner.

This battle also meant that the powerful cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin encountered an equally powerful opponent. Ten years after the Jingkang Rebellion, a Han army from Sichuan and Shaanxi rose strongly, and they no longer fell behind the Jurchens militarily. downwind.

(End of this chapter)

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