
Chapter 776

Chapter 776
The [-] troops arrived at Jiexiu Army City. The terrain outside Jiexiu Army City was too narrow to camp, so the Song Army had to camp ten miles away. This time, the Song Army did not take it lightly. The defense is tight, and the enemy is not given any chance to attack.

On the top of the city, Wanyan Tumi looked at the huge enemy camp in the distance, his face was very ugly, and Sun Liangji next to him said: "General, the Song army camped like this, it is obvious that they are not prepared to fight quickly. Use our military city as bait."

"What do you mean?"

"Humble job means that the Song army wants to besiege the city and fight for aid."

Wanyan Tumi immediately remembered that their siege of Taiyuan back then was a typical siege of a city and reinforcements. After besieging Taiyuan for nearly a year, they attracted and wiped out all the Song troops on Hedong Road.

Wanyan Tumi felt at ease, if this was the case, the Song Army would not attack Jiexiu County for a while, and dare not say that they would attract reinforcements from Taiyuan, but at least they would attract the [-] cavalry from Qi County to destroy them.

"Be alert!"

Wanyan Tumi turned back to Sun Liangji and Ma Bo and said, "Whether it is day or night, we must be fully vigilant, and we must not relax in the slightest!"

"Follow the order!" The two bowed and answered together.

In fact, Jin Bing didn't fully trust the Han people's auxiliary army. Although Wanyan Tumi asked Sun Liangji to be in charge of night security, he still sent [-] Jurchen soldiers to participate in night security, led by a centurion.

At dusk, Sun Liangji came to Tang Qian's camp. Tang Qian is now serving as the commander, commanding [-] soldiers, of which [-] are his elite scouts, and the other [-] are Sun Liangji's confidant soldiers, handed over to Tang Qian to command .

At this time, Tang Qian happened to be chatting with the three Dutou, and the three Dutou were all fellow villagers of Sun Liangji, from Gaoling County, Jingzhao Prefecture. In fact, all three of them guessed Tang Qian's identity, and he and the two hundred subordinates knew that they were different Ordinary, everyone didn't tell the truth, and they were willing to obey Tang Qian's command.

When Sun Liangji walked into the big tent, several people stood up, and all three said goodbye knowingly.

Sun Liangji looked at the backs of the three of them when they disappeared, and said with a smile: "They are all from my hometown, they have followed me for many years, and they are absolutely trustworthy."

Tang Qian nodded, "I can also feel that they have guessed my identity."

"That's why I let the three of them follow you. I don't feel relieved if it's someone else."

Sun Liangji asked Tang Qian to sit down, sighed and said, "Just now Wanyan Tumi came to me, and at night there will be a centurion leading [-] Jurchen soldiers to guard with us, and they are responsible for guarding the north city gate. Things are a bit tricky. !"

Tang Qian thought for a while and said, "What's Ma Bo's attitude, can you win him over?"

"He was originally a guard general in Hebei Province. He first surrendered to the Jin soldiers, and then the Jin soldiers let him guard the city. The Jin soldiers continued to go south, and he led [-] men to slaughter the entire county. Most of the young and strong men were killed, and all the women were killed. He has been humiliated all over the place, and it is said that even a seven-year-old lady will not be spared, unless the county king can forgive his evil deeds, otherwise this kind of person will never surrender to the Song army."

Tang Qian was furious, "Is it his army?"

"Some are, some are new recruits."

Tang Qian walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and asked, "What do the Jurchens in the city like?"

"Women and wine, they used to go to Jiexiu old town, but now it's impossible."

Sun Liangji hesitated and said: "General, if you need wine, I still have some here. We specially brought Pingyao Shaojiu, a special product from Pingyao County."

Tang Qian nodded, it would be easy if he had wine.

At two o'clock, three hundred Jurchen soldiers gathered in the city to have a quick drink. The wine was sent by Sun Liangji, a total of thirty altars. He originally gave it to his subordinates, but all of them were intercepted by the Jurchen army.

The soldiers of the Jurchen army all knew Pingyao shochu, and they liked the strength of that kind of wine, so when they found out that the thirty altars of wine were actually Pingyao shochu, the Jin soldiers couldn't bear it anymore, regardless of military discipline, you drank bowl after bowl stand up.

In less than half an hour, the thirty jars of wine were all drunk, and all the wine jars were thrown down the city wall, and there was no way to check the next day.

Thirty jars of wine were tampered with, and after a while, all the soldiers were drunk and fell asleep.

When Sun Liangji got the news, he immediately transferred [-] soldiers to the south gate for defense, leaving Tang Qian and his [-] men to guard the north gate.

Tang Qian sent soldiers to invite all three of them to the top of the city, and said frankly to the three of them: "I'll just say it straight, I am the scout of the Song Army to control Tang Qian, the county king will lead the army into the city tonight, if the three brothers don't want to Cooperation, I do not force it, but I hope it does not undermine my actions."

All three looked at each other, bowed together and said: "We are willing to act together with the general!"

A Dutou said: "Actually, we have known for a long time that General Tang must be a general of the Western Army."

Another Dutou also said: "Gold soldiers drink tonight, we know the general is going to act."

Tang Qian nodded and said with a smile: "Okay then, the three of you gather the soldiers and go to guard the south gate. No matter what, you are not allowed to open the south gate. I'll give you some kerosene."

Three hundred soldiers gathered on both sides of the northern city head. Tang Qian and two hundred of his men were in charge of the main city gate in the middle. Tang Qian ordered to light three torches.

Immediately the drawbridge was lowered, and the city gate creaked open.

The Song army had already ambushed [-] troops one mile outside the city, waiting for the signal from the top of the city. Liu Qiong stared at the dark top of the city in the distance, and suddenly three fire spots appeared on the top of the city, shaking crosswise. Here comes the signal.

Liu Qiong immediately ordered: "Attack!"

A gunpowder arrow flew into the sky, sending out bright red flames. This was the order to attack. Liu Qiong led a thousand troops to attack quickly, followed closely by [-] troops, one square formation after another, each square formation was about two Thousands of people, this is also the narrow mountain road, which cannot accommodate [-] people attacking at the same time.

The army rushed towards the gate of the city like a flooding river.
On the top of the city, three hundred Jurchen soldiers who were sleeping had their throats cut,
Sun Liangji also saw the gunpowder arrows of the Song army. He immediately called all the generals under his command and said to them: "The main force of the Song army has already entered the city. If you don't want to die, quickly ask the soldiers to tie a white cloth strip around their necks."

All the generals looked at each other, and Sun Liangji roared, "Hurry up!"

Only then did the crowd rush to inform the soldiers in a panic. At this time, the Song army had already entered the city, first entering the Jurchen's camp, followed by Ma Bo's Xi camp.

The Jurchens had no chance to escape, and together with the main general Wanyan Tumi, the entire Song army was killed. "

A large number of soldiers from the Confederate Army gathered at the south city gate. They shouted to open the city gate, but the city gate was closed tightly. Hundreds of people tried to rush to the top of the city. Unexpectedly, the upper city corridors on both sides were ablaze. Drive these soldiers back in a panic.

As more and more troops rushed into the city, Jiexiu's military city was over. The soldiers began to surrender in batches. The soldiers dressed up by the general Ma Bo were also exposed, captured and tied up by soldiers of the Song Army.

At this time, the [-] army had completely controlled Jiexiu Military City. At this time, Chen Qing also entered the Military City under the escort of thousands of cavalry.

Tang Qian introduced Sun Liangji to Chen Qing, and Sun Liangji knelt down on one knee and saluted: "See the county king for the humble job!"

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "This time General Sun not only turned to the dark, but also made great contributions. You will continue to serve as the commander and join the Fourth Army."

According to regulations, surrendered generals have to study in a military academy for one year, and then they will be assigned. Generally, all military positions will be demoted, and only surrendered generals who have made great achievements will keep their original positions.

Sun Liangji was overjoyed, "Thank you, the king of the county, for your consideration!"

He got up and bowed to Liu Qiong again. It was Liu Qiong who was in charge of the Fourth Army, and Sun Liangji would be Liu Qiong's subordinate in the future.

At this time, a soldier pushed Ma Bo up, and Ma Bo was pushed to kneel on the ground. Chen Qing waved his hand, "Push him down, behead him!"

Ma Bo shouted anxiously: "I was originally a general of the Song Dynasty, but the Jin army is strong. Hundreds of thousands of Song troops have surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin. The court is incompetent. What does it have to do with us little people?"

Chen Qing said coldly: "It's nothing to surrender to the Kingdom of Jin. Many of my generals and civil servants have served for the Kingdom of Jin. I killed you not because you surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin, but because you led the army to slaughter In the matter of destroying Ping'en County in Mingzhou, tens of thousands of people died under your butcher's knives, not only you will die, but none of your subordinates who participated in the massacre will die."

(End of this chapter)

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