
Chapter 777 Scheme

Chapter 777 Scheme
By daybreak, more than [-] of Ma Bo's old subordinates had also been killed. These soldiers were all involved in the massacre of civilians in Ping'en County eleven years ago. They made meritorious deeds to atone for their crimes, but they still could not escape death.

At dawn, a ray of morning glow shrouded Jiexiu county town, coating the military city with a layer of brilliant golden light.

Standing on the top of the city, looking at the Queshu Valley in the distance, the majestic Luliang Mountains to the west and the majestic Taiyue Mountains to the east, the two mountains seem to be about to collide and stop in an instant. For hundreds of millions of years, at the foot of the two great mountains, the surging Fen River flowed southward, feeding hundreds of millions of creatures in the land of Sanjin.

Tang Qian said from the side: "In addition to Queshu Valley, I heard that there is a small road that can go north, parallel to Queshu Valley."

Chen Qing nodded and said with a smile: "I've heard of this small road, but this small road is not important to us anymore, maybe it is more important for the Concorde Army in the south to go north."

Tang Qian immediately clasped his fists and said, "Humble job, please order me to control this path!"

Chen Qing glanced at him, and said calmly: "The purpose of blocking this path is to capture prisoners of war. It has no meaning to the scout army. General Tang should lead the scout army to Taiyuan Mansion!"

Tang Qian's face was hot, and his view of the overall situation was still a little weak. He quickly said: "I understand, let's go to Taiyuan Mansion."

Chen Qing then said to Li Muqing: "There is no news about Yang Dutong so far. I guess the Yangliang South Pass has not been captured yet. You immediately led an army of [-] to attack Yangliang South Pass from behind. No, you can use the Thunderbolt, you carry a Thunderbolt down."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Not long after, Li Muqing led an army of [-] to leave Jiexiu Military City, and rushed south along the Queshu Valley Road.

Liu Qiong walked to Chen Qing's side and said, "I've always had a doubt about it. We've been tossing around in the south and middle of Hedong Road, but Taiyuan Mansion is actually very quiet."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "There's some movement from them! Didn't they send [-] Donghu cavalry south to support them?"

"It's better not to send the [-] troops. They are only sent to train our soldiers."

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "Actually, you also know where the problem with Wanyan Yinshu is?"

"The king of the county means that they are short of troops?"

Chen Qing nodded, "Wanyan Yinshu suffered a disastrous defeat in northern Shaanxi, and his army strength was only a little over [-]. Although his brother Ba Lisu increased his troops by [-], the [-] troops have been stationed in Datong Mansion, Taiyuan The actual strength of the government is only [-] people."

"Didn't you say [-] before?"

"Did you forget to support Wanyan Nianhan's [-] Xie Congjun army?"

Liu Qiong suddenly realized that Wanyan Nianhan was an army of [-] Xie supported by Hedong Road. Wouldn't Taiyuan Mansion become an army of [-]?
He suddenly realized something was wrong, hesitantly said: "If the ten thousand Donghu troops are removed, wouldn't Taiyuan Mansion only have twenty thousand troops now?"

Chen Qing laughed, "Now that you understand Wanyan Yinshu, why is there no movement? It's not that they don't want to move, but because they don't have the strength to trouble them."

"They may force conscription in Taiyuan Mansion."

Chen Qing still shook his head, "Their conscription now will only speed up the fall of Taiyuan. Yinshu will not do such a stupid thing. I think it should be Wan Yanchang who promised him more troops, and he is waiting for reinforcements."

Liu Qiong said urgently: "Then we should go north immediately to prevent the Jurchen reinforcements from entering Taiyuan City."

Chen Qing said lightly: "Don't worry, it doesn't matter whether you take Taiyuan or not. I value the vitality of the Jurchens more. Population is the real weakness of the Jurchens. Once the Jurchens' strength drops, they will lose control in many places. .”

"Humble job understands!"

The fierce battle in Linfen City has lasted for three days. Hundreds of thousands of Song troops surrounded Linfen City. The Song Army's five consecutive small-scale attacks were repelled by the defenders. After three days, the Song Army had a total of nearly [-] casualties.

This morning, Yang Zaixing sent someone to invite Liu Cui, Gao Ding, and Niu Gao to come to his tent to discuss military affairs.

The three-day attack failed, and almost all of them were defeated by the fire oil counterattack of the defenders, which really made everyone feel aggrieved.

"I just received a message from the king of Feiying. The king of the county has taken Fenzhou, the northern part of Queshu Valley has been cleared, and the north gate of Taiyuan Mansion has also been opened."

Gao Ding couldn't help but said: "But the South Gate of Queshu Valley has not been captured yet."

Gao Ding was clearly criticizing Huyantong for his ineffective attack, but Huyantong was Liu Cui's general, Liu Cui glared at Gao Ding in dissatisfaction and said, "Yangliang South Pass is the most difficult pass in Queshu Valley, and the pass was built on a high place , the height difference is as high as seven feet, how can the brothers attack? If it is easy to capture, shouldn’t the northern city of Linfen County be captured earlier?”

Gao Ding was in charge of attacking Beicheng of Linfen County. He also lost all three battles. Gao Ding blushed suddenly and was speechless for a while.

Seeing the two quarreling, Yang Zaixing quickly changed the subject, "I invite you all to come here, because I want you to discuss how to capture Linfen County. Let's discuss together to find a more suitable plan."

At this time, Niu Gao said: "I'm thinking about the reasons for the failure these days. I think there are two aspects. One is that our fire attack failed, and the other is that the opponent's fire oil is used well and is very targeted. Siege ladders are no longer realistic."

The failure of the fire attack is the main reason. Han Chang found a way to deal with the fire attack of the Song army, that is, to use wet bedding and sand. The ball covered it, put out the flames, and then covered it with sand and swept it under the wall.

No one knew how Han Chang came up with this method, but Han Chang's method was indeed simple and effective, successfully suppressing the biggest siege weapon of the Song army, the kerosene attack.

Moreover, there are more than [-] barrels of kerosene in Linfen City, which are very effective against the Song Army's siege ladders, which makes the Song Army's three-day offensive very passive and all end in failure.

Everyone agreed with Niu Gao's point of view that the siege ladder could no longer be used, it would only increase casualties, and it would be impossible to capture the city.

"What method do you think is the most effective and reliable?"

Niu Gao said slowly: "I think the battering ram is more suitable."

The largest battering ram of the Song Army is in Jingzhao. It is too big to transport. If you cut down a big tree on the spot to make a battering ram, everyone feels that it is not reliable. Liu Cui was silent for a moment: "If the other party uses kerosene Burning is as ineffective as a battering ram."

Niu Gao smiled slightly and said: "If the battering ram doesn't work, you can also consider using a big ship to attack the city and implementing nest cart tactics!"

Everyone's eyes lit up. This method is good. Linfen's moat is very close to the city wall. It is indeed possible to use large ships to attack the city and directly board the city. Moreover, they all have experience. Fire attacking ladders is very effective, but fire attacking large ships is not effective. No, even if all the big ships were set on fire, the soldiers could still attack the city. Niu Gao's suggestion made everyone agree.

Gao Ding said with a smile: "While attacking the top of the city with a big ship, we also attacked the gate of the water city by the way, what do you think?"

Liu Cui agreed with a gloomy face: "You can use a gunpowder barrel to blow open the water gate fence."

Everyone said something, I said something, and with the accumulation of various experiences, a complete plan to seize the city was gradually formed.

At this moment, a soldier reported outside the big tent, "Emergency eagle message from the king of the county!"

The eagle letter was sent to Pujin Pass, and then sent by Kuaima.

"Bring it in!"

A soldier came into the account and handed over a tube of eagle letters. Yang Zaixing opened it, glanced at it, and said to the crowd with a wry smile: "The king of the county asked us to carry out the heart attack plan!"

"What about the ship attack?" Liu Cui asked.

Yang Zaixing said calmly: "It will take two more days for the big ship to be transferred, so let's use these two days to implement the plan of attacking the mind, and treat it as our courtesy first and then soldiers!"

Han Chang repelled the Song army's attack for three consecutive days. Although he also suffered thousands of casualties, he still had the upper hand compared to the more than [-] casualties of the Song army. More importantly, they found a way to deal with fire oil. Method.

This is also the method they have concluded in more than a dozen actual combat kerosene drills. Wet quilts are used to put out fires by learning from the Song Army, and they thought of cleaning kerosene with sand. At first, they used soil, but the soil was very sticky and stuck to the surface The ground couldn't be cleaned up, so I finally thought of sand.

But in any case, they cracked the sharpest fire oil siege of the Song army, and at the same time used fire oil to counterattack, successfully defending the city.

This made Han Chang very proud. He immediately reported to Marshal Zuo Wanyan Yinshu with an eagle letter. Just when he was expecting to receive the award from Marshal Zuo, Wanyan Yinshu wrote back to tell him the sad news. The woman died in battle, and Fenzhou has been captured by the Song army.

In the reply letter, Wanyan Yinshu had the idea of ​​abandoning Taiyuan Mansion and concentrating troops to protect Datong Mansion.

This news was like a blow to the head, making Han Chang's joy disappear without a trace, and he began to feel anxious. If Yinshu really gave up Taiyuan and withdrew to Datong, what's the point of him sticking to Linfen?
If the Song army broke through Linfen, what should he do?

(End of this chapter)

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