
Chapter 781 Ship Attack

Chapter 781 Ship Attack
The moat of Taiyuan City originated from Fenshui, and a two-mile-long Cao River led Fenshui into the moat, and then entered the city from the water gate of the moat, forming a complete defense and water transportation system.

At four o'clock, thirty siege ships sailed slowly along the Cao River towards the moat, followed by [-] troops. This was the first wave of attacking troops. Wan Dajun and [-] cavalry are deployed on the periphery.

As soon as the fleet entered the Caohe River, they were immediately discovered by the Jurchen soldiers on the top of the city, and a rapid alarm bell sounded from the top of Xicheng, "Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

When the alarm bell rang, the whole city was startled, and countless Jurchen soldiers woke up from their sleep. They all slept with their armor on, put on their shoes, grabbed their weapons and ran towards the city.

The ships had already sailed into the moat, and immediately divided into two groups, heading north and south, sailing along the edge of the moat. There were a hundred soldiers on each big ship. They hid behind the sides and cabins and shot arrows at the top of the city. Arrows were also raining down on his head, shooting at the sudden big boat.

At this time, Wanyan Yinshu was also carried to the city. He watched the big ships passing by from behind the tower. Most of the defenders on the top of the city were at a loss. They didn't know what Song Jun wanted to do?
Wanyan Yinshu suddenly saw a ladder on a big ship, he thought about it, suddenly understood, and shouted: "It's a ship attacking the city, don't allow the ship to approach the city wall, burn it with kerosene!"

When the order was passed down, the soldiers on the top of the city were in a hurry, throwing pottery pots of kerosene at the opponent's big ship, but the Song army had already prepared for it, and thick burlap blankets were spread on the deck. As soon as it flowed out, soldiers rushed up, rolled up the blanket and kerosene, and threw them overboard.

However, more than a dozen ships were still ignited by the kerosene. At this time, thirty large ships were already in place, and battlements were built on bridges across the city. It can defend against arrows and prevent people from falling into the water from the overpass.

There are iron hooks at the front of the overpass, which are firmly hooked on the battlements like a siege ladder. Dozens of soldiers of the Song Army, holding shields and short spears, rushed up the overpass and rushed towards the top of the city. Ladders were all hung up, and soldiers of the Song Army quickly made a pontoon bridge with leather rafts. There were nearly a thousand soldiers behind each big ship.

This kind of siege ship is actually a kind of siege platform, which is similar to a nest car. The nest car has always been called a siege killer, but the weakness of the nest car is also obvious. Its outlet is too small, and it is easy to be destroyed by kerosene and gunpowder. The barrel destroys the internal structure, and the siege ship does not have the weakness of the nest car. It has two bridges across the city, which can attack from multiple points, and there is no way to take it with kerosene and gunpowder for the time being.

The only way to deal with it is to focus on the enemy. Soldiers at the head of the city will kill the big ship first, seize the big ship, and turn the big ship into an extension of the city's defense. This is the safest way. There are also some small skills, such as preparing a large number Wheat straw and wood are thrown onto the boats to ignite, or gunpowder barrels are used to blow up the overpass across the city, but this kind of fighter is fleeting and difficult to seize unless fully prepared in advance.

But at least for Taiyuan City, these opportunities are gone. The Song army began to rush to the top of the city and fought with the defenders on the top of the city. The battle between the two sides was extremely cruel and bloody. probably none of them.

There is a large open space in the north of Taiyuan City. This is the horse pen of Jin Bing, where [-] war horses are kept. More than [-] sheds are built inside, and each shed houses [-] war horses. In charge of two soldiers.

But two soldiers alone cannot raise so many war horses. Jin Bing also hired hundreds of Han grooms, who were responsible for cutting grass, cooking beans, fetching water, washing mangers, etc., and [-] Jurchen soldiers were only responsible for guarding these Han grooms.

In the evening, all the Han grooms had to leave, and they were not allowed to spend the night in the stables. Two hundred soldiers were responsible for patrolling and keeping watch at night, and every two people were responsible for a large shed.

At this time, the fierce battle on the top of the city was in full swing, and all the grooms were in their positions. The coach Wanyan Yinshu had already arranged the retreat steps. If they could not hold the city, they would retreat immediately, and all the soldiers ran to the horses Riding horses in the circle, the [-] horses are ready to retreat at any time.

Twenty or so black shadows entered the stables. They directly cut off the railing outside and overturned all the railings. At this time, the war horses could run out of the stables, but they still stayed in the stables quietly. Inside, the Song army scouts still need to create some momentum.

The Song Army scouts ran through one stable after another, killing nearly a hundred Jurchen guards in a row. They directly lit the horse feed, and dozens of greenhouses began to burn blazingly. The fiery horses were frightened and began to run outside.

"Fire! Put out the fire!"

The remaining Jurchen soldiers shouted in shock, but they couldn't stop the horses. Many people were directly knocked to the ground by the horses. At this moment, 'Boom!boom!boom! 'More than a dozen gunpowder barrels exploded in the stables in a row. The violent explosion made the rest of the horses terrified. The horses screamed and rushed out of the city desperately. Twenty-five soldiers rode on the horses. , followed the large group of war horses to rush to the stables, and ran towards the streets and alleys in the city.

After an hour of fierce fighting, all the [-] Song troops attacked the city. Both sides suffered heavy casualties. The southern city was the focus of the Song army's attack. The army was three times the number of the enemy's defenders.

Immediately afterwards, the gate of the south city was opened, and the suspension bridge was lowered. The [-] Song soldiers rushed to the outside of the south city, and the mighty army rushed directly into the city of Taiyuan.

At this moment, Wanyan Yinshu was still supervising the battle at Xichengtou, where the Jurchen army completely gained the upper hand, killing thousands of Song troops and retreating steadily.

But after several news came, Wanyan Yinshu was completely heartbroken.

"The head of the southern city has been captured by the Song army, and all the guards were killed. The Song army opened the gate of the southern city, and tens of thousands of Song troops entered the city."

"Thousands of soldiers of the Song Army are coming from the direction of Nancheng, brothers can't resist!"

Wanyan Yinshu let out a long sigh, "The south city has been lost, so what if we defend the west city? Order the whole army to retreat to the north gate!"


The low-pitched shofars sounded continuously, which was a pre-arranged order. Once such a sound of the horn was heard, the whole army gathered towards the north city gate and rode their horses to break through the encirclement outside the north city.

The more than [-] Jurchen soldiers in the west city quickly retreated, and the army in the east city also retreated. After nearly an hour of fierce fighting, more than [-] Jurchen soldiers were killed in battle, and almost [-] soldiers from the Song army were killed.

There were still [-] people left in the Jurchen army, and they were retreating rapidly towards Beicheng. As soon as they arrived near Beicheng, a commander rushed to report.

"Marshal, something is wrong, our horses are no longer in the stables!"


Wanyan Yinshu, who had been keeping calm all this time, finally became furious, whipped away fiercely, and shouted: "What's going on?"

"I don't know. It seems that the guardrail was pushed down and a fire broke out inside. The horses were frightened and ran away. I only found more than [-] horses."

Wanyan Ahu lazily persuaded: "Marshal, when a war broke out, the Song army set fire to the horse enclosure. It's normal for the horses to be frightened. The horses should all be in the city, and they can't escape!"

Wanyan Yinshu was so angry that he was about to faint. He had thought about everything, but he didn't think about the issue of the horses. The horses were all in the city, but they didn't have time.

At this time, there was a shout of killing from behind, Wanyan Yinshu looked back, and saw a wave of Song soldiers coming towards them, less than one mile away from them, and Song soldiers were also coming from the top of the city, coming from three directions surrounded.

All the soldiers turned pale immediately, and only then did they realize that it was unrealistic to find the horses again, and they had no chance.

Wanyan Yinshu is even more aware that once a street fight breaks out, their numbers are too small, and the entire army will soon be wiped out.

He gritted his teeth and ordered: "Don't care about the horses, the whole army will leave the city."

Of the [-] people, only [-] found their horses, and the other Jurchen soldiers had no choice but to run out of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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