
Chapter 782 Taiyuan

Chapter 782 Taiyuan
There was no Song army outside the northern city, and it looked like an opening for the Jurchen army to escape. The [-] Jurchen army rushed out of the North City Gate for less than ten miles, and they were surrounded by the main cavalry of the Song army. Fifty thousand Song army cavalry came from all directions. The Jurchen army came to kill.

Being slaughtered in the street fighting inside the city is actually the same thing as being slaughtered in the wilderness outside the city. Chen Qing never planned to let the Jurchen army in Taiyuan escape from the very beginning.

However, there were still many opportunities before. Chen Qing was still waiting for the end of the battle in the south. The [-] Jurchen cavalry in the city could escape to Datong Mansion, but they didn't seize the opportunity. Now, they don't have any chance.

Wanyan Yinshu was in despair. He was sitting in a carriage, watching the cavalry of the Song army coming from a distance like a landslide. A piece of grayish yellow.

"Assemble the team and fight Song Jun!"

Wanyan Yinshu knew that it was impossible for them to escape the pursuit of the Song Army cavalry, and they had no other choice but to fight to the death.

In the wilderness, the drums sounded like thunder, and the Song Army cavalry rushed into the Jurchen army. Suddenly, their limbs flew horizontally, their heads rolled, their flesh and blood were trampled into mud, and their bones were trampled into powder. Teams of Song Army cavalry opened a bloody path. , Divided the Jurchen soldiers into countless small pieces, and launched a suppressive massacre.

When Wanyan Yinshuke's carriage was breaking through, a horse was shot and killed by the Song army's arrows, the carriage overturned, and hundreds of Song army cavalry immediately surrounded the carriage.

This is an order from Chen Qing to capture the enemy commander in the carriage alive.

When Wanyan Yinshu woke up, he found himself lying in a large tent, and a Song army sergeant was bandaging him. He was about to get up, but the sergeant held him down, "I'm a military doctor, don't move!"

Hearing that the other party was a military doctor, Wanyan Yinshu closed his eyes again. He thought he was dead, but it turned out that he was not dead yet, and he fell asleep again. His dream was full of horrific massacres, bloody and dazzling... Red, the Jurchen soldiers cried and begged for mercy, but were finally beheaded mercilessly by the Song army.

After an unknown amount of time, he woke up again, and a little girl fed him porridge, "Little Huniang, why is it you?"

Wanyan Yinshu recognized the little maid, who was one of the four Jurchen maidens who took care of his daily life. After Wanyan Yinshu was paralyzed, he was very cautious. The four Jurchen youths carried him to walk, and the four Jurchen youths took care of him. The name Jurchen Xiaoniang, he doesn't trust the Han people.

"They said the master needed someone to take care of him, so they brought me here."

"Where am I?" Wanyan Yinshu struggled to sit up, Xiao Huniang quickly helped him to sit up, and put two big cushions behind him.

"Master is in the barracks!"

"Song army barracks?" Xiao Huniang nodded.

At this time, the military doctor came in and said, "My county king is here, so please avoid me, little lady."

Little Huniang was so scared that she went out with a bowl. After a while, Chen Qing and several generals walked in. Chen Qing said calmly, "Marshal Yinshu Ke, we meet again."

Wanyan Yinshu said coldly: "Your Majesty Chen, you are indeed very powerful!"

"I'm so proud of you. In fact, it's not me who's the best, but the thousands of soldiers under my command. It's them who wiped out your army."

"There are no survivors in our army?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "The two armies fought until noon. Your [-] troops were all killed, and my men also suffered tens of thousands of casualties."

"If my men don't lose their horses."

"No ifs!"

Chen Qing interrupted him unceremoniously, "I, Chen Qing, am not Song Xianggong, so I have to consider fairness and benevolence. I'd better poison your wine and food. I will kill both of you without harming a single soldier." Killing all the ten thousand troops, this is the result I most hope for."

Wanyan Yinshu was speechless for a while, and asked: "What does the county king plan to do with me?"

"You are the same as Wanyan Nianhan. Your role is my negotiating capital. Let's recuperate well! You can die in your hometown."

Chen Qing turned around and left with his generals. Wanyan Yinshu let out a long sigh. He was both grateful and fearful at the same time. Fortunately, he was able to survive because of his political value, but he was afraid that they would have such a Calm down powerful opponents.

Chen Qing did not enter Taiyuan City until the afternoon of the third day, and Taiyuan City had returned to normal. Wanyan Yinshu's resolute refusal to recruit Han people into the army also greatly reduced the trouble for the Song Army to take over Taiyuan City. Some Jurchen soldiers hid in the houses.

After cleaning the battlefield in the city, the temporary martial law was lifted, the gates of the city were opened, and various shops were opened one after another. People walked out of their homes, talking and laughing loudly. The horror was torn to pieces at this moment.

On the street, the neat patrolling soldiers of the Song Army greeted the cheers of the common people from time to time. Many people had tears in their eyes. Ten years after the occupation of Taiyuan City, they once again saw the figure of the Song Army on the street.

Chen Qing didn't want to cause too much impact, so he entered Taiyuan City in a carriage. The two sides of the city gate were very lively, crowded with farmers and vendors who came to sell vegetables, and the people in the city also came to buy vegetables, bargaining One after another.

On the contrary, grain stores, salt stores, cloth stores, etc. are all in front of the gates. Everyone knows that the price will be reduced soon, and no one will come to buy high-priced salt and high-priced grain at this time.

Taiyuan City is different from other prefectures and counties that have just been recovered. In other prefectures and counties, the original officials will continue to maintain order temporarily. Once the county king's mansion is officially taken over, the original officials will be evaluated. If he can continue to serve, if the reputation is bad, he will be dismissed immediately, but if the reputation is bad, then he will be arrested and severely punished.

After the Song Army defeated the Jin Bing and regained the prefectures and counties, these officials generally conducted a self-evaluation. If they felt that they had a good reputation and wanted to continue to contribute to their fathers and fellow villagers, they would stay and work harder.

On the contrary, officials who have committed many crimes and are full of crimes will escape immediately. As for whether they can escape the arrest warrant, that is another matter.

However, this kind of situation where officials continue to serve after self-evaluation is not suitable for a central city like Taiyuan. After the Song army occupied Taiyuan, they removed all officials in Taiyuan Prefecture and implemented military control. The new magistrate and county magistrate were appointed by Chen Qing himself. .

Chen Qing didn't go to Marshal Jin Bing's mansion, but came directly to the warehouse. Taiyuan City, like other big cities, has two warehouses, one is the official warehouse and the other is the military warehouse, but the official warehouse is empty. They were all transferred to the military warehouse, even many civilian supplies, such as salt, sugar, oil, tea, koji, cloth, etc., were all transferred to the military warehouse. In fact, the Jurchen army controlled everything.

Juncang is a warehouse city, located in the northwest corner of the city, next to the war horse circle. In order to build the barracks, war horse circle and warehouse city, [-]% of the people in the city, about thousands of households, were forcibly relocated to the counties of Taiyuan Prefecture by the Jurchen army, and the space was vacated. A large piece of land,.

There are currently [-] Song troops stationed in the barracks, and the horse enclosure has been filled with horses again. All the horses have been retrieved by soldiers from all over the city. Chen Qing's carriage passed by the horse enclosure and drove directly into Cangcheng. .

Hu Yanyun, who was in charge of logistics, came to greet him with several civilian officers.

"Take me to see the warehouse where the heavy armor is stored!"

Hu Yanyun nodded, "Jun Wang please follow me!"

Chen Qing was not very interested in the grain and other supplies in the warehouse, but he heard that there were [-] sets of cavalry heavy armor in the army warehouse, which immediately made Chen Qing overjoyed, and he hurried over to check.

In Xixia's warehouse, he got hundreds of sets of iron kite army heavy armor, and Chen Qing had the idea of ​​building a heavy armored cavalry. Nianhan's black armored cavalry are all heavy armored, especially when he saw with his own eyes that the armor of the black armored cavalry can withstand the arrows of the god arm crossbow, his intention to build heavy armor is even stronger.

He finally captured [-] sets of black armored cavalry, but this kind of armor is limited to soldiers, regardless of horses, it can only be regarded as half of the heavy armored cavalry, but this time the Taiyuan warehouse has a full set.

The warehouse door opened with a bang, and Chen Qing quickly walked into the warehouse accompanied by everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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