
Chapter 783 Earth Qi

Chapter 783 Earth Qi
The warehouse looks ordinary from the outside, but after entering, it feels that the space is very large and the utilization rate is high. Various large wooden shelves are almost touching the roof.

Various supplies were placed on the wooden shelves. This was the armor warehouse, which stored a total of [-] sets of armor, including [-] sets of heavy armor that Chen Qingxin was thinking about.

"I heard that these [-] sets of heavy armor were obtained from the Liao Kingdom. It is the same armor as the Iron Buddha Tu. Wan Yanchang wanted to build an Iron Buddha Cavalry in Hedong, but for some reason, he didn't start to form it. .”

This reason is more reliable. The strategic resources of the Liao Kingdom are divided among several factions. It is impossible to give all of them to one faction. It is also reasonable for the faction on Wanyanchang's side to get some heavy armor.

As for why the heavy armored cavalry was not established for a long time, Chen Qing knew the reason. The key was the horses. Chen Qing also captured some kidnapped horses in Xixia. The main horse was Tiefutu, and the heavy armored horse carried a heavy armored cavalry. This kind of war horse is required to be quite handsome, able to carry a weight of more than [-] catties and run.

Passing by the stables just now, Chen Qing saw that there were some good war horses in the stables, but there were very few of them. Cao Changchun, the yellow-headed Uighur, agreed to support Chen Qing with two thousand horses that could serve as heavy cavalry.

The war horses will be available soon, and now the only thing missing is the armor. Chen Qing is still thinking about how to build heavy armor, but he didn't expect to get it in the end without wasting effort.

At this time, the warehouse steward brought Chen Qing to the corner, where there were thousands of large long wooden boxes densely piled up.

"That's them."

The steward pointed to the big wooden box and said, "A wooden box is a set of heavy armor, including the soldier's full suit and the horse's vest, which weighs fifty or sixty catties."

Knowing the weight, Chen Qing stepped forward to open a mouthful of the box, and immediately narrowed his eyes. It was indeed a full iron armor, exactly the same as the Iron Buddha armor he seized in Xixia, and even the color had not changed.

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Immediately send these [-] sets of armor to my camp by boat!"

"I obey the order!" Hu Yanyun hastily went to make arrangements.

At this time, a soldier ran over and whispered to Chen Qing: "Jun Wang, they are all here."

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Go to the Marshal's Mansion!"

Chen Qing walked to the gate of the warehouse, then turned around and asked, "How much grain and salt are there in the warehouse?"

The steward quickly bowed and said, "Reporting to the county king, there are [-] shi of grain, which cannot be put here. Together with forage and black beans, they are all transferred to the official warehouse. There are about [-] shi of salt."

Chen Qing nodded, turned and left.

When Chen Qing entered Taiyuan City today, besides inspecting the heavy armor, he also had to meet two important people, Wang Lianqing, the head of the Wang family of Taiyuan, and Xue Yang, the head of the Xue family.

Not long after, Chen Qing came to the Marshal's Mansion, which was originally the official office of the Xuanfu envoy on Hedong Road, but was changed to the Marshal's Mansion by Jin Bing.

Entering the inner hall, Chen Qing's staff member Pei Xiangjun and the two old men stood up, and the three of them bowed together, "His Royal Highness Joining the Army!"

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands, "I kept you two waiting for a long time."

A very tall old man stepped forward and said: "Xiaomin Wang Lianqing, I have heard of the great reputation of the county king for a long time, and I am lucky to meet you today."

The Wang family has always been a big family in Hedong. Among the five surnames and seven surnames in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Taiyuan Wang family was one of them. The Wang family produced a large number of talents, such as the prime minister Wang Jin, the poet Wang Wei, the powerful minister Wang Gong, etc., even the Li Tang royal family had to be with them Marriage, Tang Gaozong Li Zhi's first queen was born in the Taiyuan Wang family, the one who was killed by Wu Zetian.

But the current Wang family is no longer the five surnames and seven Wangs in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It can be regarded as a local prominent family at most, and it still has a little influence in Taiyuan Mansion.

As soon as Chen Qing came, he exempted all the officials in Taiyuan Mansion. Didn't he say that he could evaluate himself?Nothing!How could the Wang family not stamp their feet in a hurry.

Seeing that he was about to kneel down in respect, Chen Qing smiled and said, "You are welcome, Mr. Wang, please sit down, Mr. Zhang is also welcome!"

Zhang Yang is no ordinary official. He was the general judge of the Taiyuan Prefecture. After the Jin soldiers captured Taiyuan, he became the magistrate again. Within two years, he resigned under the pretext of being ill.

In fact, Chen Qing guessed Wang Lianqing's intention of coming, he dismissed all the officials in Taiyuan Mansion, and directly poked the waist of Wang's family, can he not jump to find him?
This kind of situation where local officials are controlled by wealthy families is more common. There are Shaanxi Road, and there are more Xihe Roads. Although Chen Qing does not like this kind of local political situation controlled by noble families, at least at the current stage, he still accepts it. Simple, as long as he has the support of the local nobles, he has the full support of the local officialdom.

In the contest with the imperial court, this point is very important. Simply put, it is to be down-to-earth.

There are dozens of officials in the entire Taiyuan Prefecture, including eight counties and one Taiyuan Prefecture. Chen Qing only appointed the core prefects of Taiyuan Prefecture and Yangqu County. Yangqu County is Taiyuan City, and he appointed all the officials of Taiyuan Prefecture To be dismissed is to let a wealthy family like the Wang family come to ask for oneself, and to ask him to express his support clearly, which is equivalent to beating the Wang family and the Zhang family hard.

Chen Qing said indifferently: "I understand Wang Yuanwai's feelings very well, because Hedong Road is not Sichuan-Shanxi, the imperial court must want to intervene, and the imperial court must want to control Hedong Road by appointing officials. This is how the Sichuan Road imperial court negotiated with me. And the reason of the imperial court is very good. These officials on the East Road were all appointed by Jin Guo. They betrayed the Song Dynasty and were rebels. Thousands of soldiers, worked so hard to seize the East Road, and the court took it away without paying a penny, Wang Yuanwai, Zhang Yuanwai, do you think I can accept it?"

Wang Lianqing and Zhang Yang looked at each other, and they also felt fear in their hearts. They all supported the gold soldiers, money and food, and the soldiers of the Xie Congjun also had their mobilization. If the imperial court intervenes in the East Road, it will be their doomsday. Not only will their power be completely wiped out, Their own lives are also in danger.

The two shook their heads together and said, "Of course I can't accept it!"

Chen Qing sighed: "Yes! It's human nature not to accept it, but there are too few officials under my command, and I had some reserves. After Xixia was destroyed, they were all sent to support Lingzhou and Xiazhou. Therefore, after discussing with the five cabinet members, I decided to adopt a two-way evaluation method. First, let the officials of Hedong Road evaluate by themselves, and then the Supervision Department and the Department of Officials will send people to evaluate. If you pass both evaluations, you can continue to serve as an official. , I just changed the object of allegiance, I don't care whether they have served the Kingdom of Jin, as long as they don't help the evildoers and harm the people, that's the most important thing."

Zhang Yang gave a thumbs up and praised: "Everyone is praising the county king for his tolerance, but now I really realize the county king's heart!"

"Be pragmatic!"

Wang Lianqing interjected from the side: "Everyone hates these officials why they surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin and cursed them why they didn't die? In fact, the officials also have difficulties! They have parents, wives and children, and when they die, what will happen to their parents, wives and children? Of course, they can also flee to the south with their parents, wives and children, but if they run away, what will the people do? They are the parents of the people, how can parents leave their children and escape by themselves?"

Chen Qing said coldly: "Wang Yuanwai's words are shocking! Officials don't want to work for the Kingdom of Jin. Abandoning an official and leaving is a national integrity. Surrendering to the Kingdom of Jin should be held accountable, but I don't hold them accountable, it's just that I am open-minded Just that, it doesn't mean I support them."

Wang Lianqing blushed and said, "The king is right! It's my narrow vision."

Chen Qing said again: "Except for the magistrate and the magistrate of Quyang County, other county officials and magistrates in Taiyuan Prefecture, I need honest and capable officials. I hope that the Taiyuan gentry can recommend some good officials. You can write a joint letter Let’s go! I will listen to ordinary people’s views on them, and if there are no problems, then I can officially take office.”

Wang Lianqing and Zhang Yang were overjoyed, they got up and saluted, "Thank you, the king of the county, for giving us this opportunity!"

Chen Qing smiled again, and said meaningfully; "Our interests are the same in the fight against the imperial court's interference in the East Road, don't you two?"

(End of this chapter)

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