
Chapter 787

Chapter 787
Zou Hong put away the records, stood up and said to Yan Changli, "You'd better come back to Taiyuan with me now."

Yan Changli nodded, "I'll clean up."

Yan Changli turned and walked out, Zou Hong said again, "Don't reveal my identity!"

"I know!"

Yan Changli and Zou Hong came to the lobby quickly, only to see Wang Jian, the magistrate, with several yamen servants, questioning Zou Hong's subordinates.

Yan Changli hurried up to meet him, "Why is the county lord here?"

"Passing by here, let's take a look at Yan Dongzhu."

Wang Jian chuckled, his eyes fell on Zou Hong, and he asked with a smile, "Dongzhu Yan, who is this?"

"He is Zou Da, the shopkeeper of Taiyuan Sanyuan Restaurant, and he asked me to talk about the transfer of the signboard."

"So that's how it is. I have something to do if Master Yan can go to the county government office at noon."

Yan Changli was a little confused: "I'm not going to lie to the county lord, I'm going to Taiyuan with shopkeeper Zou Da soon, can I go to the county lord when I come back?"

Wang Jian was really annoyed. If he had sent a word like usual, Yan Changli would immediately run to the county government office. If he hadn't supported him, would his new restaurant be able to open?
Now that he is not the county magistrate, he immediately ignores himself?

After all, Wang Jian is almost forty years old, and his self-cultivation is already good. He was annoyed in his heart, but still smiled gently on his face: "If that's the case, then you go!"

Wang Jian led his men out of the restaurant and walked to the street. He suddenly realized, no, Yan Changli probably didn't know that he was no longer the county magistrate, and that big shopkeeper had to go on the road again after running all night without even taking a day off. , is this a normal businessman?
Those few of his subordinates answered the questions without any leaks, and they were all mature and capable, which made people suspicious.

But doubts are doubts, Wang Jian still didn't think too much, he also understood Yan Changli's desire for the signboard, in order to get back the signboard, he would rather offend himself, which is actually reasonable.

Half an hour later, Yan Changli followed Zou Hong and left Wenshui County and returned to Taiyuan City.

Zhang Yang was very efficient. Early the next morning, he handed over to Chen Qing the list of officials drafted by him and Wang Lianqing, signed and supported by dozens of Taiyuan gentry.

Chen Qing was very polite, and only said that after a little checking, it would be promulgated, which left Zhang Yang speechless. The check list was normal, so how could they just say what they said?
But then Zhang Yang got the news that the government office in Taiyuan had been sealed off, and dozens of civil servants who were about to return to the government office could not enter the government office at all. This news made Zhang Yang a little nervous.

Obviously, Chen Qing was angered by the boycott of the government office. If Chen Qing had already been angered, how true was his politeness to himself and Wang Lianqing when he received the list in the morning?
Zhang Yang has three sons. The eldest son, Zhang Ming, is about [-] years old. nor personally

The second son, Zhang Jun, is in charge of the family business. The various shops, brothels, gambling houses, teahouses, docks, warehouses, fleets, etc. of the Zhang family are basically controlled by Zhang Jun. Of course, he also has evil deeds. Xing is to use all means to plot against other competing businessmen. He joined forces with his third brother Zhang Tie, and every businessman he targeted lost his family and his wife and children.

Yan Changli's Sanyuan Restaurant was targeted by him, and his third brother Zhang Tie took it away.

The third child, Zhang Tie, is the thug of the Zhang family. In Zhang Yang's words, if he can't be admired, then he will be frightened. They need someone who can do black things.

Zhang Tie is obviously the reincarnation of a demon, born specifically to do evil things for the Zhang family. He was born of a concubine. He was arrogant and arrogant since he was a child. When he was beaten to death with a stick, Zhang Yang not only didn't get angry, but thought that this son was courageous and dared to do great things, so he began to ask martial artists to train him.

At the age of seventeen, he learned martial arts, bullied men and women, and committed all kinds of crimes. He especially liked to bully women from good families for pleasure.

It’s just that the general Wanyan Yinshu at that time was the same as now, he didn’t like to use Han people as soldiers, and Xiangyong had to be disbanded, but Zhang Tie still kept [-] people and became his confidants. The minions of the people.

Zhang Tie is now twenty-nine years old. In the past ten years, at least hundreds of innocent people have died at his hands. As for the women who have been abused by him, there are countless.

In the lobby, Zhang Yang told his three sons: "This Chen Qing is not someone we can offend. During this time, the second and third sons have to restrain themselves a bit. Needless to say, Da Lang, I still recommend you as Taiyuan's son." As the general judge of the government, Chen Qing needs to use local people and people who are familiar with the officialdom. You are the most suitable, so if there is no accident, you will continue to serve as the general judge, but you should keep a low profile these few days and help Pei Xiangjun when you have time. Take him to understand the situation in Taiyuan City, open up his joints, and he will speak good words for you."

Zhang Ming nodded and agreed, "My child understands, do you want to give Pei Xiangjun some money?"

Zhang Yang waved his hand, "Giving money is too obvious. He might not dare to accept it. He is from Wenxi Pei's family. Mrs. Pei's [-]th birthday is next month. As a junior, he must show something. Mrs. Pei believes in Buddhism, so you can give it to me." Pei Xiangjun has a white jade Bodhisattva, and he said that he bought it from a second-hand stall for tens of pennies, and he will accept it."

"My child remembers!"

"The second child continues to do business, and the price of salt and oil are all adjusted to the government price."

"But the salt is only sold for forty Wen per catty, and the profit is too little."


Zhang Yang stared, "At this time, if you should pretend to be a grandson, you have to pretend to be a grandson. When he returns to Jingzhao and the officials of the imperial court control Taiyuan Mansion, then we can make a comeback, understand?"

"The child understands."

At this time, Zhang Yang's eyes turned to the third son, Zhang Tie. This is his most powerful son, but also the son he worries about the most. He has too many enemies, what should he do if he is sued?He thought for a long time, the only way is to die, the dead cannot be held accountable.

"Third son, you go to Lanzhou to avoid the limelight, and Taiyuan will make a false impression and say that you are dead."

Zhang Tie was tall and burly, with a fleshy face, and there was always a fierce look in his eyes, but in front of his father, the fierce look in his eyes subsided, and he muttered: "It's okay to play dead, but I'm not going anywhere."

Zhang Yang slammed the table and said angrily, "How dare you disobey me?"

Zhang Tie lowered his head and didn't dare to say anything. The eldest son Zhang Ming persuaded, "Father, it's better for the third child to stay in Taiyuan. After all, our power is in Taiyuan. If we go to Lanzhou, we won't be able to take care of him."

It was right for Zhang Yang to think about it, so the eldest son and the second son said: "Then find a house outside and let the third child hide and not show up. Invalid is dead, hold a funeral for him, and find someone who looks like him to pretend to be."

The three sons bowed together and said, "Follow my father's order!"

The death of Zhang Tie, the third son of Zhang Yang, became a sensation among the people of Taiyuan. Hearing the news, the people of Taiyuan all clapped their hands and cheered. Zhang Tie was full of evil and finally got his retribution.

However, there are still many people who don't believe it, just because the Zhang family said that Zhang Tie was killed because of fighting against the Jurchen army, how could it be possible?The Zhang family colluded with the Kingdom of Jin, and everyone in Taiyuan didn't know who didn't know, and they actually fought against the Jin army, which is almost the same as fighting the Song army.

But no matter what, Zhang Tie's coffin was put out, and the gentry in the city came to offer incense one after another, and the Zhang family also invited a group of monks to perform salvation for Zhang Tie, which looked decent.

A carriage drove past the gate of the Zhang family. Next to the gate was the coffin shed, covered with streamers. Inside the carriage, Zou Hong looked at the coffin shed and smiled at Yan Changli next to him, "Do you think Zhang Tie is dead?"

Yan Changli shook his head, "Zhang Tie will never do bad things. The Zhang family came up with this method because they were afraid of revenge. If they want the golden cicada to escape, Zhang Tie must be hiding somewhere."

Speaking of this, Yan Changli said to Zou Hong: "The key is to catch Ge Wu, he will definitely know something about Zhang Tie's background."

Zou Hong smiled slightly: "Someone has already arrested him in his hometown, and he can't escape."

(End of this chapter)

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