
Chapter 788

Chapter 788
Thirty miles northwest of Taiyuan City, there is a village called Luojiabao. The village is not big, with only about fifty families, most of whom are named Luo.

That night, more than [-] men in black appeared in the woods outside the village. These men in black were the elite scouts of the Song Army.

This time, Zou Hong is responsible for collecting Zhang Tie's evidence and arresting Zhang Tie, so he also relies on them.

A man was the guide of the man in black. He pointed to a dilapidated small courtyard at the east end of the village and said, "The person you are looking for lives in that small courtyard."

"You can't make a mistake!"

"It's not wrong. I want to earn money, so why would I guide the way indiscriminately? That small courtyard also belongs to Luo Yuanwai's family. The man wants to go out conveniently, so he lives in this small courtyard. I saw him before dark."

The leader of the man in black took an ingot of five taels of silver and gave it to the guide. With a wave of his hand, he led more than twenty men to surround him.

Naturally, they came to arrest Zhang Tie's confidant, Ge Wu. After Zhang Tie's death, several of their most powerful men also hid. character, it is very important to catch him.

They first found the village where Ge Wu's old home was located, and found that his old house had already collapsed. Later, someone told them that Ge Wu's parents died, and he was raised by his uncle since he was a child, and he lived in Luojiabao ten miles away.

The group rushed to Luojiabao, the village where Uncle Ge Wu lived, and under a heavy reward, an insider betrayed Ge Wu who was hiding in the village.

More than [-] people quickly surrounded the small courtyard, leaving half of the people guarding outside, and the rest jumped into the courtyard. There was only one hut in the courtyard. The leader of the man in black kicked open the door, and everyone rushed in. A man who was sound asleep was knocked down. The man was as strong as a bull, roaring, struggling desperately, and finally was severely stunned by the handle of the knife, and was then tied up behind his back.

A man in black ignited a torch, and leaned closer. In front of him was a man with an extremely vicious appearance. Half of his left ear was cut off, which was Ge Wu's physical characteristics.

"take away!"

Ge Wu was gagged, put on a black bag, and quickly carried away.

In the morning of the next day, Zou Hong came to report to Chen Qing periodically. He reported on the case of Sanyuan Restaurant and the process of arresting Ge Wu, and finally said: "Ge Wu has already confessed, Zhang Tie ordered him to kidnap Yan Changli's son, and beheaded, his and Yan Changli's testimony is sufficient to prove the fact that Zhang Tie kidnapped and murdered."

Chen Qing nodded, "Where is Zhang Tie hiding now? Is he dead?"

"Reporting to the county king, Zhang Tie is definitely not dead."

“How come you see?”

"On the second day after we captured Taiyuan City, the restaurant was opened. Zhang Tie also brought a group of men to drink in the restaurant. The shopkeeper and the guys of the restaurant can prove it. The Zhang family said that he was shot and killed by the arrows when he was fighting against the Jin soldiers. Contradictory."

"Where is he hiding? Can he be caught?"

Zou Hong hesitated for a moment and said, "Ge Wu revealed a method, which may be feasible."

"any solution?"

"This Zhang Tie especially likes to abuse some older women. He has to toss almost every night. He used to attack women from good families. He should not dare now, but he will look for them in brothels. Even if he hides, he will change If he doesn’t have this habit of eating shit, he will definitely look for it in the brothel run by his family, it’s safer, there are five brothels in total, as long as we keep an eye on it, if we’re lucky, we can catch Zhang Tie tonight.”

Chen Qing said happily: "How can I help you?"

"Reporting to the county king, I need five hundred soldiers to surround the target's mansion and prevent him from escaping."

"Okay, I'll give you a thousand soldiers."

When it was dark, Wang Jian hurried back to Taiyuan from Wenshui County. Early this morning, he received an apology letter from Yan Changli, expressing that he could not come back soon. Enmity, we can't share the sky."

Wang Jian suddenly realized that the shopkeeper Zou of the Sanyuan restaurant must be an official of the Song Army. No wonder all his subordinates are like soldiers, and they can resist fatigue and run all day and night without sleep.

When Wang Jian returned to the mansion, he saw his father in the study. Wang Jian asked directly: "Father, I heard that Zhang Tie is dead?"

Wang Lianqing was startled, "Why do you ask this?"

"Father, the matter is very important, please tell the child."

Wang Lianqing sneered, "How could his son die? He has committed too many crimes. He just faked his death. We all know it. It's just an act of filial piety."

"Father, Chen Qing may be investigating Zhang Tie's case."

Wang Jianjian told what happened in Wenshui County, and then handed Yan Changli's letter to his father.

"Father, Yan Changli is less courageous than a chicken. If Chen Qing hadn't supported him behind his back, how dare he seek revenge on Zhang Tie."

Wang Lianqing's face became very serious, and he nodded, "Your analysis should be correct. The Sanyuan Restaurant is the Song Army's intelligence point. On the night when Jin Bing fled, someone saw the bright lights in the Sanyuan Restaurant and Song Army soldiers at the door. Standing guard, there are generals of the Song army coming in and out."

"Father, is this a sign that Chen Qing is going to clean up his publicity?" Wang Jian finally came to a conclusion.

Wang Lianqing lowered his head and pondered for a while, then finally nodded, "It should be. The collective boycott of the government has offended Chen Qing. He wants to make an example, but the person he chose is Zhang Yang, and the choice is really accurate. I'm afraid the entire Zhang family will be ruined." .”

"Father, will this incident implicate us?"

Wang Lianqing was upset for a while, he waved his hands and said, "You go outside, let me think about it alone."

Wang Jian retreated outside, and Wang Lianqing paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. Fortunately, his son reacted quickly, so he realized that Chen Qing had already launched a murderous plan and was going to attack the Zhang family, but would the Wang family be implicated?Zhang Wang's family has been married for several generations!On the issue of supporting Jin Bing, the Wang family is not clean. If we really get to the bottom of it, the Wang family may not escape.

Forget about it, in order to protect himself and the reputation of the family for hundreds of years, he had no choice but to go all out.

Wang Lianqing finally made up his mind. He took out the wooden box from the big box, hugged it in his arms and went out, saying to his son, "Accompany me to the military camp outside the city. I'm going to see Chen Qing!"

As soon as night fell, Pei Xiangjun came to Daying, put a white jade Guanyin statue on the table and said with a smile: "Zhang Ming gave this to the humble official, and he said he bought it from a second-hand stall for a few pennies."

Chen Qing chuckled, "There is such a good thing, why can't I buy it?"

Pei Xiangjun smiled and said: "If the king wants to pick up a bargain, I will set up a stall immediately, and I promise that the king can buy a white jade Guanyin for two pennies."

Chen Qing laughed loudly, "It's very interesting! From now on, there will be people setting up second-hand goods stalls in front of senior officials' homes."

He asked again: "How much is this white jade normally worth?"

Pei Xiangjun said: "This is the white jade that Khotan brought to the Central Plains. It is very expensive. This white jade weighs at least five catties and is worth more than five thousand guan."

"He knew you needed this?"

"Yes! Our old grandmother of the Pei family will soon celebrate her [-]th birthday. It is a major event for the Pei family. The old grandmother believes in Buddhism, so the Zhang family will do what they like. They want me to speak well for the Zhang family. Zhang Ming will continue to serve as Taiyuan Judgment."

Chen Qing glanced at the list on the table. It was the official recommendation letter sent by Zhang Yang and Wang Lianqing yesterday morning. Zhang Ming was the first to recommend him to continue serving as the Taiyuan General Judge.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "You still accept this white jade Guanyin, but it has nothing to do with the Zhang family. Just treat it as a birthday gift from me to the old lady Pei. I will write a birthday poem later."

Pei Xiangjun was overjoyed, and hurriedly bowed and said, "Thank you, Prince Jun, for your great love for the Pei family!"

"The Pei family has contributed to the capture of Jie County, and should be rewarded!"

Meritorious service is just an excuse, and more importantly, the Pei family is crucial to stabilizing the south of the East River Road in the future, so he must do these things well.

At this time, the personal soldiers walked into the big tent quickly, bowed and said: "The head of the Wang family, Wang Lianqing, asked to see him outside the camp gate, saying that he has something very important to report to the county king."

(End of this chapter)

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