
Chapter 789

Chapter 789

Pei Xiangjun took his leave first and left. Not long after, the soldiers brought Wang's father and son into the big tent. The father and son saluted and saw them. Chen Qing smiled and said, "Didn't Wangzhi County return to Wenshui County? Why did he return to Taiyuan?"

As soon as Chen Qing said this, Wang Jian immediately confirmed that shopkeeper Zou must be an official of the Song Army. Chen Qing knew his situation from him, and he quickly bowed and said, "Father asked me to come back to discuss important matters. Will return to Wenshui County."

In fact, Wang Jian guessed wrong. Chen Qing knew that his return to Wenshui County had nothing to do with Zou Hong, but he sent dozens of spies to find out about the situation of local officials in various counties.

Wang Lianqing stepped forward to put the wooden box on the table, sighed and said, "The Zhang family is my mother's natal family, Zhang Yang is my cousin, and Zhang Ming was my son-in-law, so the relationship is very close, but thinking about what the Zhang family has done these years Because of this, I am ashamed of such a relative, I don't know what to do, until the dog repeatedly persuaded me to put righteousness first, I finally decided to kill relatives righteously, and handed this box to the county king."

"What's in here?" Chen Qing asked curiously.

"This is all evidence that Zhang Yang and his son have colluded with Jin Guo and exploited the people over the past ten years, including agreements, wills, suggestions, etc., with the signatures of Jin Guo and Zhang Yang."

Chen Qing was overjoyed, he just needed this thing, he didn't expect it to come at the right time, Wang Lianqing is really a caring person!Actually collected all these evidences.

Now that Wang Lianqing had already done it, he decided to go all out, and he said again: "As early as the day the Song army captured Fenzhou, Zhang Yang sent someone to Lin'an to deliver the letter. He has a backer in the imperial court."

"Who is Zhang Yang's backstage at the court?" Chen Qing asked.

"He refused to say, but I can guess it. If I'm not wrong, it should be Qin Hui."

Chen Qing was taken aback, "Zhang Yang knows Qin Hui very well?"

Wang Lianqing nodded, "It was the second year of Jianyan. Wanyanchang stayed in Taiyuan Mansion for more than half a year. Qin Hui was Wanyanchang's staff at that time, and also participated in Taiyuan's government affairs. He had a very close relationship with Zhang Yang. The relationship between the two The friendship should have been formed at that time, Tong Guan, the backstage of the Zhang family, used to boast about it every day, but now they keep it secret, completely opposite to the previous attitude, which shows that this friendship is a bit shameful."

"I see. I am grateful to Wang Yuanwai for his righteous killing of relatives, and also thank Wang Yuanwai for telling us in time."

"Then don't bother the county king. If the county king needs me to come forward, just ask, I am happy to serve the county king!"

Chen Qing felt Wang Lianqing's sincerity, he personally sent the Wang family father and son out of the camp, watched them go away in a carriage, and then returned to the account to study the various evidence materials Wang Lianqing gave him.

Inside the carriage, Wang Lianqing's back was covered in cold sweat. At the same time, he was very grateful that Chen Qing personally sent him out of the barracks, which meant that he had made the right bet.

"Father, Chen Qing really wants to attack the Zhang family?"

Wang Lianqing nodded, "If he was a benevolent master, he wouldn't be here today, and he's just as cruel, otherwise he wouldn't be called a monster in the first place."

"The boy feels that he values ​​his father very much."

Wang Lianqing said proudly: "This is a bet at a critical moment. Zhang Yang bets on the court, and I bet on Sichuan and Shaanxi. How can Chen Qing not know that he wants to gain a firm foothold on Hedong Road, and he needs to rely on Pei in the south?" In the central part, he needs to rely on the Wang family, and it is very likely that this time is another rise of my Wang family, Dalang, we must seize this opportunity."

Wang Jian smiled slightly and said, "If father really wants to completely bet on Chen Qing, Hai'er advises father to change his name a little and change the word Qing."

"You're talking about taboo, don't you!"

"Father, this is actually an attitude, a very important attitude, expressing our Wang family's attitude of betting on the future, Chen Qing will understand."

Wang Lianqing thought for a while and smiled: "When I was born, your great-grandfather named me Wang Lianhe, because your great-grandfather was called Wang He. Later, your grandfather thought that congratulation and calamity sounded the same, so he changed his name to Wang Lianqing when he was fourteen. It can be changed back."

The largest brothel in Taiyuan City is called Xiancailou, which is also the property of the Zhang family. At the first watch, it is the best time for brothel business, and there is constant laughter in the building.

At this time, on a small building next to the back door, several men in black were crawling, and there were also two men in black on the opposite side.

According to Ge Wu's account, Zhang Tie liked two prostitutes in Xiancailou very much, one named Zhou Qiniang and the other named Sun Shiniang. The two women basically didn't pick up customers, just waiting for Zhang Tie's favor.

Everyone knows Zhang Tie's special taste, which is related to his mother who was beaten to death.

It was this important information given by Ge Wu that made Zou Hong focus on Xiancailou.

At this time, a carriage came quickly, followed by a black knight wearing a silver belt on both sides. The black knight wearing a silver belt was the silver belt warrior of the Zhang family. Everyone in Taiyuan City Know.

The carriage stopped in front of the back door, and a samurai knocked on the door. After a while, the back door opened. The samurai flashed a sign, said a few words, and the gatekeeper rushed in immediately.

Soon, the procuress of the brothel came out with two gorgeous women, and the two women got into the carriage. The procuress waved a handkerchief, "Come back early!"

The carriage started and left, and the old bustard muttered again, "A dog can't change its nature of eating shit, and it won't stop even if it dies!"

The carriage was speeding along the empty and quiet street. The two silver-belt warriors were very vigilant and kept looking around, but they never dreamed that there was a thin black figure clinging to the bottom of the carriage, clinging tightly to the bottom of the carriage like a spider.

The carriage made seven turns and eight turns on the streets, and finally stopped in front of the gate of a mansion. Someone opened the gate of the small courtyard, and two young men led the two women in the carriage inside with lanterns.

"Is anyone following you?"

"Certainly not. We are very careful, and we will never hide any troubles from our eyes."

The steward lowered his head and scanned under the carriage again, it was empty and there was nothing there.

"Old Qian, you don't trust us so much?"

"Hmph! How dare you go out wearing a silver belt suit, why don't you get out!"

The two black-clothed and silver-belted warriors didn't dare to say anything, they hurried into the gate, the gate slammed shut, and the carriage went around to the side entrance to enter the mansion.

A few dozen steps away, a thin figure flashed out from the corner, made a mark on the wall, and then slipped to the street.

Not long after, more than [-] elite scouts of the Song Army in black came to the gate of the mansion, and the short and fat Zou Hong also rushed over. He looked at the house, nodded and said: "This is also Zhang's His house should be here."

"Boss Zou, what should we do next?"

Zou Hong took out a command arrow and handed it to the two soldiers: "Go to the barracks, there are a thousand soldiers assembled there, you can call them here with this command arrow, and another [-] scouts will also come."

The two soldiers rushed away, and Zou Hong said again: "Go and monitor the surrounding area, don't let them run away."

The house was very close to the barracks, and fifteen minutes later, a thousand soldiers in armor marched forward, and quickly surrounded the house. Tang Qian personally led [-] elite scouts to come.

Zou Hong hastily stepped forward to salute, "Join the Tang system!"

Tang Qian nodded and said: "The king of the county said that Zhang Tie's subordinates are extremely vicious, and you will suffer casualties. Let me assist you. Twenty-five of you are responsible for arresting Zhang Tie, and we will deal with the rest."

With a wave of Tang Qian, two soldiers climbed over the wall and entered, and opened the small door in a moment. Three hundred elite scouts rushed in holding crossbow arrows and shields, and twenty-five of Zou Hong's men also rushed in. Can martial arts, can only wait outside.

Not long after, there were screams and cries for help in the mansion, and it was quiet for a while. After a while, several warriors rushed out carrying a naked man. The man was tall, his hands were tied behind his back, his mouth was gagged, and his eyes were covered with black cloth. Despite the cover, Zou Hong recognized Zhang Tie at a glance.

He said happily: "Take it away, take it to the barracks!"

Zhang Tie was pushed into the carriage. At this moment, Tang Qian also came out with his men, and said coldly, "Kill all of them and leave no one behind. Let's go to the next stop immediately."

Zou Hong was stunned for a moment, "General Tang still has missions?"

Tang Qian nodded, "I just received the warrant from the county king. As long as Zhang Tie is caught tonight, all Zhang's father and son, brothers, nephews and nephews will be arrested immediately!"

Zou Hong opened his mouth wide in shock. He really didn't expect the county king to be so decisive, arrest Zhang Tie, and then arrest the whole family.

It was right to think about it, Zhang Tie was arrested, the Zhang family would definitely get the news after dawn, and they would escape.

Arrest them first to avoid future troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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