
Chapter 790 Public Trial

Chapter 790 Public Trial
Zhang Yang was arrested in a deep sleep. He had old arms and legs, and the soldiers were useless to him, but when the gleaming knife rested on his neck, Zhang Yang couldn't help shouting: "Just kill the gentry as soon as you take Taiyuan!" , does your county king still want to stand firmly on the east side of the river?"

Tang Qian said coldly: "Back then, in the defense of Taiyuan, the soldiers and civilians fought to the death, but you secretly sent a letter to Wanyan Nianhan, willing to be an internal response. Based on this, you will not be guilty of death!"

Zhang Yang's face turned pale, and he trembled all over. How could Chen Qing know about such a secret?
He suddenly thought of one person, Wang Lianqing, that's right, he was the only one who knew the secret, he must have betrayed himself.

He immediately cursed: "Wang Lianqing, you have broken your promise, you will die! Wang Lianqing, you are not clean!"

"Gag him and take him away!"

As soon as Tang Qian gave an order, several soldiers rushed forward, blocked Zhang Yang with rags, and carried him away like a chicken.

The eldest son, Zhang Ming, and the second son, Zhang Jun, were not treated so well. They were tied up and taken out with their heads covered. Zhang Yang's five grandsons, except for two minors, were also taken away.

At dawn the next day, the county government posted a notice stating that Zhang Tie had feigned death by evading crime and had been arrested by the army. day.

This news was even more explosive than Zhang Tie's fraudulent death. It spread all over the city in a short time, causing a sensation all over the city. Everyone in the city was talking about it. The discussion became more heated, and almost everyone knew that the Zhang family was really doomed this time.

A large iron box was erected in front of the county government office, which was actually a mailbox. People kept coming to submit letters and complaints, and some even came with the whole family.

Standing behind the mailbox was an official, Wang Jian. He was about to go to Wenshui County in the morning, but he was stopped by soldiers sent by Chen Qing, asking him to assist Pei Xiangjun in dealing with Taiyuan government affairs.

The reason is very simple, Pei Xiangjun doesn't know the situation in Taiyuan, and needs a local official who knows the situation, but the Wang family and his son understand in their hearts that they have submitted their nomination certificates in return.

At this time, Zou Hong came over and asked with a smile, "How many complaint letters are there?"

"There are more than [-] copies, and it is estimated that there will be more in the afternoon. After all, it takes time to write pleadings."

Seeing Zou Hong's haggard look, Wang Jian said with concern: "Brother Zou hasn't slept for several nights, go to sleep for a while!"

Zou Hong yawned and said, "I was so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyelids, but I just couldn't fall asleep. It might be because I was too excited. After so many days of investigation, I finally caught the main culprit."

"I heard that the Zhang family is going to arrange for Zhang Tie to go to Lanzhou, but he refuses to go. If he goes to Lanzhou, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch him."

Zou Hong shook his head, "It doesn't matter where he fled, even if he fled to Shangjing, he will be captured and exchanged with golden soldiers, Jin Guo will definitely agree."

"It's true, I don't know how Yan Changli's situation is?"

Zou Hong smiled faintly, "The Sanyuan Restaurant has been returned to him, and the county king has already stated his position. After the Zhang family is liquidated this time, all the store land occupied by the Zhang family will be returned to the sufferer, and those who hurt him will also be compensated."

Wang Jian sighed: "The benevolence of the county king is so convincing this time!"

At this time, a large group of people came, which seemed to be a family, and a young woman in front of her was holding a big word of injustice.

Everyone came to the iron box, knelt down together, and wept bitterly, Wang Jian quickly said: "If you have any grievances, you can go to the county government to file a complaint."

An old man wiped his tears and said: "The villain Zhang Tie took [-] acres of good land from my Xie family, killed my two sons, and insulted my eldest daughter-in-law to the point that the eldest daughter-in-law committed suicide by jumping into a well. Years, we have finally waited for this day."

Wang Jian nodded, "Is there a complaint letter?"

The old man took out a thick stack of pleadings and held them high above his head. Wang Jian put the pleadings in an envelope, put them into an iron box, and said to everyone: "Everyone go back and wait patiently. Zhang Tie is full of crimes, and death is inevitable. Three days later, the villain Zhang Tie will be publicly executed."

Everyone knelt down and cried bitterly again, and then helped each other to leave.

Three days later, the military posted a notice of execution, accusing Zhang Yang of colluding with the Kingdom of Jin and betraying Taiyuan ten years ago, causing the city of Taiyuan to be destroyed. The golden soldiers slaughtered.

Another proclamation accused the Zhang family of oppressing goodness, killing people and taking money for ten years. They committed numerous crimes and committed unforgivable crimes. All thirteen men in his family were beheaded, all their property was confiscated, and all the shops, houses and land they seized were returned. original owner.

Amid the deafening cheers of hundreds of thousands of people, all thirteen members of the Zhang family, including Zhang Tie, were publicly executed.

Although Zhang Yang's two underage grandsons escaped the government's execution, they did not escape the revenge of the enemy family. One year later, both grandsons were killed and their heads disappeared. The Zhang family's blood was cut off from then on.

After Zhang Yang was executed, Chen Qing re-opened the magistrate's office, appointed Pei Xiangjun as the magistrate of Taiyuan, appointed Wang Jian as the magistrate of Taiyuan, and appointed Zou Hong as the magistrate of Yangqu County. All were ruled out, and county officials were reappointed.

Thirteen kinds of government-controlled materials such as grain, salt, wine, cloth, and camellia began to be listed in large quantities. Prices in various places in Hedong fell, taxes were abolished, and Sichuan and Shaanxi were integrated. In just one month, the Song Army stood firm on Hedong Road. up the heel.

At this time, Chen Qing got the news that the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin sent Zuo Xiangguo Wanyan Xiyin as a representative to go to Jingzhao to negotiate and exchange matters with Chen Qing. Just one Wanyan Nianhan was enough for the Kingdom of Jin, and now there is another one of the same kind. The important thing about Wanyan silver technique is that several major factions of the Kingdom of Jin put pressure on the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin at the same time. The emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Quan, had to endure the anger of the occupation of the East Road and the beheading of the living girl of Wanyan, and chose to negotiate. .

Chen Qing also temporarily stopped attacking Datong Mansion and returned to Jingzhao.

In the blink of an eye, it entered September, and it had been almost a month since Chen Qing returned to Jingzhao. At this time, Chen Qing finally got the definite news that Wanyan Xiyin, who had been away for more than a month, had arrived at Pujin Pass. Arrive at Jingzhao.

In the morning, Chen Qing was discussing with the five counselors of the Internal Affairs Hall about resettling refugees from Shangzhou and Shanzhou.

This was the first trouble that Chen Qing encountered after returning to Jingzhao. More than [-] hungry people from Jianghuai passed through Xiangyang Mansion, entered Shangzhou along Shangluo Road, and went to Sichuan and Shaanxi to seek asylum. At first, there were only tens of thousands of people. , It soared to more than [-] in just one month, and there are signs of continuous increase in the future.

This is the problem of refugees in Shangzhou, and the same problem also appeared in Shanzhou. The Song army captured Shanzhou and opened up the channel for refugees to go west. They came from Henan Prefecture, Kaifeng Prefecture, Zhengzhou, Junzhou, Ruzhou, and Yingzhou. Refugees from other places entered Shanzhou in mighty numbers, and the number increased to [-] in just over a month, which was a bit beyond Chen Qing's expectations.

Zhou Kuan and Zhang Miao had just returned from Shanzhou and Shangzhou and reported the situation to Chen Qinghe's Internal Affairs Hall.

Zhou Kuan said to the crowd: "The reason why the refugees from Shanzhou came so fiercely has a lot to do with the indulgence of the Puppet Qi State. It is said that the Jin State has decided to abolish Liu Yu and the Puppet Qi State, so Liu Yu issued an order, Removal of blocking checkpoints in various places used to prevent refugees from coming because of the blocking.

Another reason is that this year's severe drought in the Central Plains reduced summer grain production by [-]%, but the puppet state of Qi refused to lower taxes. Shu is now in Beijing and has not interfered. I estimate that the westward tide will intensify after the autumn harvest, and the population will definitely exceed one million by the end of the year. "

Chen Qing said to Zhang Miao again: "Counselor Zhang also talked about the situation in Shangzhou."

Zhang Miao said with a smile: "The situation in Shangzhou is a bit unexpected, there shouldn't be hungry people coming here."

(End of this chapter)

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