
Chapter 791 Ballads

Chapter 791 Ballads
Everyone laughed, "What's the accident? Mr. Zhang, don't play charades, let's solve the riddles quickly!"

Zhang Miao then said: "In order to solve the survival problem of the people in the Jianghuai area, the imperial court ordered the people in the Jianghuai area to go to Jinghu two roads for food. The Xuanfu envoy Yue Fei on the Jinghu North road gave the refugees food and medicine, and prepared to resettle the refugees. Unexpectedly, a large number of refugees received supplies. Afterwards, he did not stop at Jinghu North Road, but continued northward, and entered Wuguan along Shangluo Road, and now gathered in Shangluo County. There are currently more than [-] refugees. It is said that there will be a large number of refugees coming later. And Beizhi is worried that a large number of refugees going to Jinghu South Road will also enter Sichuan along the Three Gorges Road.”

Zhou Kuan added: "There is a ballad among the refugees, I don't know who made it up, it is called "Song of Shaanxi", 'A family has a hundred acres of land, and they eat salt for three or five dollars. Taxes are collected, no money is required to cross the road, the ashes of the barbarians are wiped out, and the children and grandchildren of the people are safe.' It has a great influence, and all the children among the refugees can sing it."


Zhang Miao also said with a smile: "The Jianghuai refugees also have this ballad. Many refugees said that it is because of this ballad that they don't want to stay in Xiangyang."

Chen Qing frowned, "Did we make up this ballad?"

"Absolutely not, it's very strange, suddenly many people can sing, obviously someone is spreading it on purpose!"

"Forget it, let's ignore the matter of the ballad for now!"

Chen Qing waved his hand, then asked Jiang Yanxian, "How many people can be accommodated in northern Shaanxi?"

Jiang Yan thought for a while and said, "There is no problem in resettling a million people in the northern Shaanxi prefectures. In fact, there are many resettlement places. Bashu, Hanzhong, Northern Shaanxi, Hedong Road, and even Guanzhong can resettle hundreds of thousands of people. The problem now is that it came too suddenly. , Insufficient manpower, insufficient supplies, food and grass.”

Chen Qing nodded and said: "Population is very important to us, and it is also a big test for us. All government offices must be mobilized, and all available materials and transportation tools must be mobilized. To mobilize officials and students, each office must allocate at least [-]% All the officials and Tai students were dispatched, and next year’s imperial examination will be postponed to May.”

After a pause, Chen Qing said again: "I will send another [-] troops to assist in the resettlement. Counselor Zhou and Counselor Zhang are still fully responsible for the two places."

The resolution of the Internal Affairs Hall only set the tone, and then Zhou Kuan took the lead to formulate a detailed plan overnight, and Chen Qing began to implement it after approval.

Accompanied by Jiang Yanxian, Chen Qing went to Cangcheng for inspection.

In the large carriage, the two chatted about business while eating lunch.

"Have all the investigation reports of the officials on Hedong Road come out?" Chen Qing asked.

"Several prefectures in the west and south have come out. Pingyang Prefecture, Xizhou, Cizhou, Jiangzhou, Jiezhou, Zezhou, and Longqing Prefecture have come out, and the others have not yet come out."

"How's the situation?" Chen Qing raised his wine glass and asked.

"Most of them are okay, whether they are mediocre or capable, basically there is no public anger, and those who have public anger have run away, but there are some discussions on our side."

Chen Qing stopped his wine glass and asked, "What discussion?"

Jiang Yanxian smiled wryly and said, "How can there be any arguments, that is, those officials from Hedong have surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin, and the county king using them is unfair to the officials who refuse to surrender."

Chen Qing nodded, "This is indeed a problem. I also considered it when I was in Taiyuan. We should reward those officials who insist on national integrity and do not want to serve the Jin Kingdom, and take care of them in life. For example, the official residence should be better equipped, and living subsidies A little more, these are no problem.

But we also have to face the reality. Most of the officials who don’t want to be loyal to the Kingdom of Jin have gone to Lin’an. There are not many of us here, and we have basically used everything that can be used. So after we take the East Road, we can’t When using students or new recruits, I must use experienced officials who know the place.

More importantly, these officials represent the interests of the local gentry. If we want to gain a firm foothold on Hedong Road, we must use them. I will not follow the old path of Sichuan and negotiate with the court, so I want to block the court from meddling in Hedong Road. possible. "

"Actually, I understand, everyone understands, the county king should not take it to heart, but Wanyan Xiyin will arrive in Jingzhao the day after tomorrow. Is there anything to add to the content of the county king's negotiations?"

Chen Qing thought for a while and said: "I heard that the Kingdom of Jin is going to abolish Liu Yu and Puppet Qi. In my opinion, this news is not surprising. Under Liu Yu's rule, the people are full of resentment, the people are in dire straits, and they have suffered repeated defeats. It's unbearable. If it is not abolished, the entire Central Plains will collapse. If the news is true, I want some pseudo-Qi officials. It turns out that Taiyuan prefect Zhang Xiaochun, Shangguan Wu, Zhang Jian, Zheng Yinian, Song Ru, etc., these officials can Exchange with Commander-in-Chief and Commander-in-Chief, there is no need for a ransom from the Kingdom of Jin."

Jiang Yanxian nodded and smiled, "If that's the case, Jin Guo is probably willing."

After a pause, Jiang Yanxian asked again: "The king of the county can use sticky and silver techniques to exchange for the late emperor. Has the court informed you?"

Chen Qing smiled lightly, "If they find out, they will be in big trouble, so tell them after the uncooked rice is cooked, I believe the emperor will cry with joy!"

"Pfft!" Jiang Yanxian spat out a mouthful of wine.

In the evening, Prime Minister Qin Hui's carriage returned to the Xiangguo Mansion. During this period, Qin Hui suffered repeated setbacks in the court, which made him depressed. Obliterate Zhang Jun's credit.

Originally, after Zhang Jun was dismissed as prime minister, the imperial court had decided to abandon Jianghuai. Unexpectedly, Yue Fei resisted the imperial order and sent troops to occupy the front line of Huaixi, making it impossible for the puppet Qi army to go south. At the same time, Wanyan Wushu withdrew his troops and went north. , actually kept it.

Under the persuasion of Zhao Ding and Li Guang, the emperor also regretted giving up Jianghuai, and never mentioned the matter of giving up Jianghuai again, which undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Qin Hui.

Then there is the issue of resettlement of Jianghuai refugees. Qin Hui once again lost to Zhao Ding and Li Guang. Yue Fei proposed to resettle Jianghuai refugees in Jinghu Road. Qin Hui was no doubt given another severe slap in the face.

Qin Hui was defeated in the two major events involving the Jianghuai River. Not only did Qin Hui lose face, but more importantly, these two events reduced the trust of the emperor in him, making Qin Hui feel a strong crisis.

He must use all means to reverse the passivity he faces.

Qin Hui had just sat down in the study when the butler came to report that his confidant and staff member Wang Hao had returned.

Wang Hao is also the younger brother of Qin Hui's wife, the Wang family. Although his status in the family is relatively low, he is very flexible and capable.

Even Mrs. Wang appreciated him very much and recommended him to her husband.

Sure enough, Wang Hao did not disappoint Qin Hui. He did a few things very well, which made Qin Hui look at him with admiration.

Qin Hui nodded, "Tell him to meet me in the study!"

Not long after, Wang Hao walked into the study room quickly. He was in his early thirties, tall and thin, and looked very shrewd and capable.

Wang Hao bowed his head and saluted, "Please refer to your husband for a humble job!"

"It's been a long journey, how is the situation?"

Wang Hao gave a thumbs up and praised: "Xiangguo deserves to be in the middle of strategizing, and the decisive victory is thousands of miles away. The effect is very good. People in Jianghuai are spreading the ballad compiled by Xiangguo, and they swarmed to Shangluo, and this ballad has also spread to the Central Plains. .”

Qin Hui waved his hand, "I don't care about the Central Plains, I only care about how many Jianghuai people went to Shaanxi Road?"

"As far as I know, it's almost [-] people!"

"it is good!"

Qin Hui slapped the table and became excited. The first batch of refugees who went to Jinghu North Road totaled only [-] people. In the end, more than half of them went to Shaanxi Road. He wanted to see how Zhao Ding and Li Guang would explain to the emperor?
Qin Hui was right to deal with Zhao Ding and Li Guang, so he composed a "Shaanxi Song" himself: "The family has a hundred acres of land, three or five yuan for salt, after autumn, the barn is full of grain, and the house is full of cloth and silk. If you don't need money, the Hulu will be wiped out, and the children and grandchildren of the people will be all. '

This is a plan that kills two birds with one stone. First of all, it is to slap Zhao Ding and Li Guang in the face, so that the emperor thinks that their Jianghuai resettlement method is a stupid approach, thus proving how prescient Qin Hui is.

At the same time, Chen Qing was framed, making the emperor believe that Chen Qing was going to compete with the emperor for the people of the country, and thus became more hostile to Chen Qing.

Of course, although this ballad will also complete Chen Qing's reputation, which is something Qin Hui hates extremely, but Qin Hui can't take care of it for the time being when it comes to immediate interests.

(End of this chapter)

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