
Chapter 792

Chapter 792

"The lowly position does not disturb Xiangguo's rest, so I will leave first!" Seeing that Qin Hui was lost in thought, Wang Hao got up to leave.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Qin Hui asked when Wang Hao hesitated to speak.

Wang Hao said with a smile: "I heard a statement in Shangluo County, and I found it ridiculous. There is no need to add troubles to Xiangguo."

Qin Hui glanced at him, and said displeasedly: "Talk about everything, even the rumors, don't just say half of it, it makes me uncomfortable."

Wang Hao quickly bowed and said: "I heard from the humble official that Chen Qing wants to use Wan Yan Nianhan in exchange for the late emperor!"


Qin Hui stood up abruptly, and said sharply, "Say it again!"

Wang Hao was so frightened that he trembled all over, "This is just."

"Say it again!"

"Humble job. Listen. I heard that Chen Qing wants to exchange Wan Yan Nianhan for the late emperor."

Qin Hui's eyes widened, "Is this true?"

"Xiaozhi. You just said it. It's just a rumor. How can ordinary people know such a secret."

Qin Hui sat down slowly, and what Wang Hao said made sense. If this kind of thing is true, it is at the top secret level. I am afraid that only the prime minister can know it. How could it be leaked casually? It is spread on the street, and the news must be untrue.

"You go! You will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver and have a good rest for a few days."

"Retire from humble position!"

When Wang Hao left, Qin Hui was upset for a while. He also knew that there would be no waves without wind. The Song army arrested Wanyan Nianhan, but he refused to agree to send him to Lin'an. Heard one of the scariest rumors today.

If the late emperor came back, it would be shocking news for the emperor, but it would be bad news for him, Qin Hui. How many lies he had made up, wouldn't they all be exposed when the late emperor came back?
Qin Hui didn't know how long he had been sitting there, when the door opened and his wife Wang came in with a cup of tea.

"How long has Wang Hao been gone, but the master doesn't show up, doesn't eat, doesn't drink tea, what did he say to the master? Are you so out of your mind?"

Qin Hui was afraid of his wife, so he didn't dare to ignore his wife's question, so he could only sigh and said, "It's just a rumor, but it may be true, saying that Chen Qing might exchange Yan Nianhan for the late emperor."

Wang Shi was also startled, she shook her head and said, "Impossible! If it's true, the Queen Mother should tell me."

Qin Hui knew that the Empress Dowager had some correspondence with Wanyan Zongxian of Bianjing. If the news was true, then the Empress Dowager would definitely know about it. Since she didn't mention it, it meant that it was just a rumor.

Thinking of this, Qin Hui put down his heart and took a sip from the teacup. At this moment, the housekeeper reported at the door, "The envoy of Pucha is here. I have something important to see Xiangguo."


The teacup in Qin Hui's hand fell to the ground and shattered.

The envoy of Pucha mentioned by the steward was Pucha Ubalu, the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin to the Great Song Dynasty. He was Wanyanchang's son-in-law. Chang recommended to serve as the envoy of Jin Guochang to the Song Dynasty.

Puchafur Balu received an urgent letter from his father-in-law Wan Yanchang this afternoon, and came to see Qin Hui in the evening.

In the study, Qin Hui asked sullenly, "Why did you agree to negotiate with Chen Qing? Don't you feel that you are degrading yourself?"

Puchaful Baru said helplessly: "My father-in-law advocated negotiating with the Song court, but the military led by Zong Jun and Zong Qian forced the emperor to negotiate with Chen Qing. Qin Xianggong also knew that the Jin Kingdom was founded by the army. The emperor has to consider the pressure from the military, especially since Zong Jun is the emperor's biological father."

Qin Hui waved his hand impatiently, and interrupted Puchafur Baru's words, "I don't care about the internal conflicts in your Kingdom of Jin. I just want to know who your envoys are and have you set off yet?"

Pucha Falcon Baru is a junior, facing the powerful Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, his momentum is still a little bit weaker.

Qin Hui's attitude made him a little unhappy, but he could only hold back his breath and said: "The negotiating envoy is Zuo Xiangguo Xiyin, who has already set off, and I am afraid that he has already arrived in Jingzhao."


Qin Hui was extremely angry, slapped the table and scolded angrily: "Why didn't you notify me until now? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Puchafur Baru was also annoyed, he said coldly: "Please, Qin Xiangguo, don't talk to me in such a tone, how to negotiate is the internal affairs of the Jin Kingdom, I informed Qin Xiangguo that it is only my father-in-law's personal friendship, besides, my father-in-law has been In Hebei, he just found out about it, so he immediately sent me a quick letter to inform me."

Qin Hui could also hear the dissatisfaction in the other party's tone, so he could only endure his anxiety and asked again: "Then what is your country's attitude towards negotiations?"

Pucha Falcon Baru snorted and said, "Mr. Qin, don't think that the Kingdom of Jin is a barbaric land and doesn't understand etiquette. We know very well that negotiating with Chen Qing is a self-defeating status, but since the court is willing to compromise its status and send someone to Jingzhao, it means that the emperor has roughly agreed to Chen Qing's exchange request, the so-called negotiation is just to improve some details."

Qin Hui was speechless, and Puchafur Balu immediately left, walked to the door and said: "Also, let me tell Mr. Qin one more thing, the Kingdom of Jin has decided to abolish the Puppet State of Qi and ban Liu Yu from the throne, at the latest before the end of the year. Get this thing done."

As soon as Puchafulbaru left, Mrs. Wang rushed into the guest room like a gust of wind, and asked anxiously, "Is that the matter?"

Qin Hui nodded, "The Kingdom of Jin has decided to exchange Wanyan Nianhan and Yinshuke with the late emperor."

Wang stood there for a while, and immediately said: "Master must enter the palace immediately and report this matter to the officials!"

"I know, but the emperor asked me the solution, how should I answer?"

A hint of sinisterness flashed in Wang's eyes: "Why don't you know how to answer, the first emperor is just the elder brother of the official family, not Lao Tzu, can he still be the Supreme Emperor? Besides, he was tortured in Jin Kingdom and his body has collapsed. Wasn't it normal that he fell ill soon after returning and died soon after?"

Qin Hui understood what his wife meant, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I'll enter the palace right away."

"Bang!" A Jun porcelain teacup hit the ground hard and shattered, and the emperor Zhao Gou roared like thunder, "He is so brave, he dares to interfere with the royal affairs, is he impatient? "

The court ladies and eunuchs around have never seen such a big anger from the emperor, it was simply the anger of thunder, which reminded them of the death of the young crown prince. trembling.

Even Qin Hui was a little bit frightened, he never thought that the emperor's reaction would be so intense that he was as silent as a cicada and didn't dare to speak.

Zhao Gou was pacing back and forth in the room, when he suddenly stopped, gritted his teeth and said, "I have ordered that Chen Qing, as a subject, harbors rebellion in his heart. He is a villain who brings disaster to the country, and everyone in the world can punish him. Now he is dismissed from all official positions." , deprive him of all titles, demote him to lowly slaves, and decapitate his head, make him king of the county, and reward ten thousand households."

Qin Hui was horrified, and quickly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty must not, if you issue this decree, Chen Qing will definitely proclaim himself emperor and reform the system, and the Great Song Dynasty will not be long!"

Although Qin Hui wished that the officials would dismiss Chen Qing every day, he had to make a decision when the emperor was clear-headed, and he would be able to clear up his responsibilities. When the Son of Heaven came to his senses, Chen Qing's responsibility for rebelling and proclaiming himself emperor would definitely fall on his own head. Qin Hui knew very well that Chen Qing's responsibility for rebelling and proclaiming himself emperor would not even be able to bear the responsibility of killing him.

The words 'proclaiming the emperor and reforming the system' poured cold water on Zhao Gou's head from head to toe. He suddenly came to his senses. , Xu Aiqing back down!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

Xu Yun took a deep look at Qin Hui, bowed and stepped back.

Zhao Gou sat down slumped, and after a long time, he asked in a low voice: "He wants to pick up Brother Huang, what should I do?"

The first emperor Chen Qing wants to exchange is of course the historical Song Qinzong Zhao Huan, Zhao Gou's elder brother, the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji died the year before last, that is, the fifth year of Shaoxing, and his temple name is Huizong.

Qin Hui said in a low voice: "I know that the late emperor has been tortured by the Jin people, and his body has already collapsed. I am afraid that he will die soon. I think it is a good thing that the late emperor can die in his homeland when he comes back."

Zhao Gou's eyes lit up, he understood what Qin Hui meant.

(End of this chapter)

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