
Chapter 793 Negotiations

Chapter 793 Negotiations
The left prime minister of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanyan Xiyin, came to Jingzhao for the second time. He was expelled from Jingzhao City less than a day after he came to Jingzhao last time. This time, he refused to enter the city because he was not used to life. .

Chen Qing didn't force him, and ordered Wang Qiu from the Department of Knowledge and Customers to set up camp for Jin Guo's negotiating envoys in Changlepo, outside the east city.

Wanyan Xiyin is quite satisfied with the camp. He used to camp and hunt here, and he likes the lakes and forests here. The large grassland also gives them a wide view.

Five hundred Jurchen guard cavalry set up dozens of large tents here, and they also brought thousands of sheep, which they killed and grilled by themselves.

This time Wanyan Xiyin came to Jingzhao to negotiate, and there was Wanyanchong, the deputy envoy. Wanyanchong was the eldest son of Taifu Wanyan Zongqian, who was named Wanhu. Although he was only twenty years old, he was the representative of the military. parties to participate in negotiations.

Long before Wanyan Xiyin set off, the emperor Wanyan Quan reached a compromise with the military. Under the principle of guaranteeing the bottom line, he could agree to all reasonable demands of the Song army and exchange Wanyan Nianhan and Wanyan Yinshu back as soon as possible. Go to Beijing.

There are four bottom lines. First, do not accept Chen Qing's etiquette that lowers the status of the Kingdom of Jin; Do not accept huge extortion, which is mainly for the redemption of Jurchen soldiers.

In the afternoon of the same day, Wanyan Chong went down to visit Wanyan Nianhan and Wanyan Yinshuke who were under house arrest under the leadership of Song Jun. Wanyan Qi is the same, each served by two Jurchen women.

Wanyan Nianhan was a little depressed, especially when he heard that Hedong had been captured by the Song army, he let out a long sigh, then closed his eyes and said nothing more.

But Wanyan Yinshu was in good spirits, and talked with Wanyanchong enthusiastically for more than half an hour before letting him go.

After confirming the authenticity of the replacement person, the next step is specific negotiations.

Early the next morning, Jiang Yanxian, as Chen Qing's plenipotentiary representative, came to the negotiation site with several officials under the escort of three hundred cavalry.

The negotiation site was also in Changlepo, only one mile away from the Jurchen delegation's residence, and it also consisted of dozens of large tents, with [-] Song troops stationed nearby.

However, at the very beginning of the negotiation, there was a small twist. Wanyan Xiyin believed that the status of the two parties was not equal. He was the left prime minister of the Song Dynasty, and the other party did not even have an official position in the Song Dynasty. At best, he was Chen Qing's staff. Ask Chen Qing to negotiate with them in person.

Jiang Yanxian was really unhappy, and said coldly: "I have a gold medal from the king of the county, and I can represent him with full authority. If you don't want your envoy to learn the lesson from last time, then there is no need to negotiate."

The original words reached Wanyan Xiyin's ears, even though he was very upset, but this time he had to put aside his arrogance and obediently come to the camp to negotiate.

Interestingly, when they met, they all forgot the unhappiness just now, and they all piled up smiling faces, exchanged greetings and salutes, and then both of them walked into the big tent.

Wanyan Chong remained expressionless, did not say hello, followed behind Wanyan Xiyin without saying a word.

The two parties sat down on both sides of a long table, and a sergeant served them tea.

Jiang Yan first took out a letter, handed it to Wanyan Xiyin and said: "This is a copy of the letter from our county king to the emperor of your country. The original is with you. It is clearly written in the letter. Wanyan Nianhan was used to exchange the late emperor, and later Add a letter, willing to exchange the old prince Zhao Chen after using up the Yan Yin technique. These are two major principles. If you can agree, then we will sit down and discuss the details. Now that you are here, it means that you have agreed to the two major principles. ,Right!"

Just as Wanyan Xiyin was about to speak, Wanyanchong coughed lightly, with some kind of hint.

Wan Yanchong's task is to monitor the negotiation process on behalf of the military, requiring Wanyan Xiyin to negotiate in accordance with the consensus reached by the emperor and the military, and not to cause extra problems.

So what Wanyan Chong coughed lightly meant to remind Wanyan Xiyin to pay attention to his own existence.

Wanyan Xiyin's face changed slightly, and then returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, and continued: "Our emperor has agreed to the two principles proposed by your side. I am here to negotiate, that is, to negotiate the details. There are two details that we need to continue to discuss. First, the method and location of the exchange; second, how to deal with the other captured generals; third, how to deal with the other Jurchen soldiers; "

At noon, Chen Qing invited the three cabinet officials to have a drink at the Anxi Restaurant diagonally opposite the Prince's Mansion. The Anxi Restaurant was actually Chen Qing's property, and it was mainly a place for officials to have a lunch break.

The restaurant covers an area of ​​five acres. In addition to the two-story main building, there are small courtyard rooms at the back, which are very quiet and suitable for conversation.

Chen Qing ordered more than a dozen side dishes and heated several pots of sake. Everyone drank slowly while listening to Jiang Yanxian's report.

"Today's negotiation went smoothly. Both sides accepted the two main principles. Then the details are easy to discuss. It's just a matter of how much you will lose. There are seven ten thousand chiefs in total. , the commander is five for one, the centurion is for one, men and women are irrelevant, but what we mean is that men and women are separated, one commander is replaced by a prince, and one commander is replaced by a princess, and the other party only takes Out of the list of thirty-eight people, eighteen of them are the concubines of the two late emperors, and there are only twenty people in the real clan, mainly the children of the late emperor, and they are unwilling to release any of the children of the Supreme Emperor."

Chen Qing smiled lightly and said: "It doesn't really matter, I just want to exchange the former emperor and the crown prince. The others just want them to suffer less. Thirty-eight people will be thirty-eight people. If they are not enough, they will be replaced by hundreds of people." Make up the numbers, what do the other soldiers say?"

"Just now I forgot to say something about the humble position. Wanyan Xiyin said that the clansmen, relatives, and officials who were taken captive back then were not used to the bitter cold of the Kingdom of Jin. They passed away one after another in the past ten years, but the ordinary people survived. The meaning of the country is to exchange these ordinary people for Jurchen soldiers, one for one, regardless of men and women."

Zhao Kaidao, who was silent all the time, said, "What if the other party exchanges people from Hebei?"

This is also what Chen Qing was worried about. He looked at Jiang Yanxian, who nodded and said, "I also raised this question. What Wanyan Xiyin meant was that the tens of thousands of people are just slaves, not very valuable. Crowd, there is no need to pretend to be people from Hebei, and this is the meaning of their emperor, their emperor promises a thousand gold, since he promised, he will not do such a low-level thing, in fact, the humble official also thinks what they say makes sense."

Guan Shigu also said: "Those foreign relatives and officials who were taken away, although they passed away, their wives and children are still there!"

"These people count as ordinary people."

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "Actually, I still have one worry. How can I tell the truth between the former emperor and the crown prince?"

Guan Shigu said: "I have met the first emperor many times, I know him, but the crown prince is twenty years old this year! I guess there are not many people who know him."

Chen Qing clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Xu Ning is the judge of Fengxiang Mansion. He was the instructor of the golden spear class at that time and the prince's master. He is very familiar with the prince and transferred him here."

Guan Shigu said with a smile: "One Zhou Tong and one Xu Ning were both well-known martial arts masters back then!"

At this time, Jiang Yanxian said again: "There are also more than [-] officials of Qi State, I also mentioned it to Wanyan Xiyin."

Chen Qing cheered up and asked with a smile, "What did he say?"

"He said that if we are willing to follow their plan, these twenty or so people will be given to us as extras."

Chen Qing smiled slightly, and picked up Jin Guo's plan on the table for a closer look. The exchange place was placed at Chitang Pass, which is the northernmost part of Taiyuan Mansion. This meant that he could not attack Datong Mansion in the north until the exchange was completed. March next year.

Chen Qing nodded and said: "Just follow their plan. What we must insist on is that everyone's parents, wives and children must be sent together. I don't want a human tragedy. This detail must be knocked out, and whether the prince is married or not. If there are any children, they must be sent back together, and the coffin of the Supreme Emperor is also expected to be sent back together as an additional condition."

Jiang Yanxian quickly bowed and said: "I understand, I will definitely handle it properly."

(End of this chapter)

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